Business Podcasts | How to Break Down Your Big Goals Into Actionable Tasks

Show Notes

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“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is living fully and just existing.” ― Gerber Michael E., The E-myth Revisited
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Audio Transcription

Okay, everybody, we’re back. We’re going to gather here for our final two sprints of the day. We’ll be wrapping up today around 2.30ish. 2.30ish today. And I want to make sure we have a chance to give away a TV before that. And again, ways that you can be entered in for a chance to win a TV is if you do a Google search for Make Your Life Epic Tulsa. That is the LLC that puts on the Thrive Time show. If you leave a review, you search for Make Your Life Epic Tulsa, you’re entered in for a chance to win the TV. Also, if you leave a review for glue and nails, you’re entered in for a chance to win. Those are the two ways to win a TV. We’ll be giving that away here in just a minute. Let’s all turn now to page 227. Any questions about compensation? Anybody for questions about compensation? Yes, sir I’m gonna walk you through I’m gonna rip I’m gonna take myself to the woodshed, then I’ll answer your question, okay? My wife and I got married young. She was 20, I was 20. We had our first kid about four years later, five years later. We had five kids before we were 30. My oldest daughter’s 19, I’m 42, and we just kind of started early. And the great thing about me and the bad thing about I’m very clear of who I am and I’m very clear of who I’m not and so that’s how I could be friends with the late great dr. Rasha batar who’s a Muslim and it didn’t bother either one of us but he would start talking to me about you know Allah or something I would say I rebuke you I love you and we can baptize you tonight but what was your question and I just I don’t really I’m not open to discussing it because I have very clear beliefs. And so somebody told me, Clay, you should go to home fellowship. You and your wife would love home fellowship, fellowship with other couples. I thought, I don’t think I would, but I’ll try. But I didn’t think I wanted to. Saying I’ll try is kind of insincere, okay? And I’ll tell you what I don’t like about home fellowship, besides all of it, is that you’re supposed to meet at 7 o’clock on a Tuesday for a Bible study, but no one brings their Bible, or at least half the people don’t. And then we’re supposed to start at seven, but we start at eight because no one’s serious about it. So the guy who was organizing could tell I was pissed and he saw a young man who was pissed and he’s like, Clay, what, what is bothering you? I go, no one’s, we’re not reading the Bible. No one gets there on time and it’s a waste of my time. So if we’re going to study the Bible, I think it’d be great if we brought the Bible. I think if we’re going to start at seven, we should probably start at 7. And if we have a hard time figuring out who’s gonna bring the food, I’ll just pay for it every time. But this whole jackassery of dysfunction has to stop. And so he was like, OK, well, so I brought all the crap, showed up at the house right at 7. And still people show up at 720, you know, and I’m like, hard pass. I’m out of here. Done. Been to Bible studies, you know. And so I recognized quickly I don’t do well around dysfunction at all. Like dysfunctional people make me crazy. So if I like hop in your car and there’s like a science project growing in your car, it irritates me. You know, it’s like I have my own bathroom in my house, my own bathroom, because I don’t want to share anything with anybody else in my bathroom. I want my own. I want to always have extra razors, extra shampoo. The towels have to be folded. I can’t cohabitate in the bathroom. I can do the living room but the bathroom no. And I recognize there are certain things about me that are not flexible. So then another couple said, you guys would love ballroom dancing. I know. I don’t like dancing at all. I don’t like ballrooms but I’ll try. And I went about four minutes into it, hard pass, I’m out. Tried downhill skiing, got on the ski lift, recognized I don’t want to be on it, walked down the hill, that was it. Water skiing, recognize I don’t like water, going fast on it, not a big fan of that I’ve tried watching movies my wife will go you should watch Yeah, hit play. I try to watch it about three seconds into it. I’m like I’m out hard pass done So I I don’t I’ll say I used to say the first five years of our marriage I’ll try but now I’m like I’d rather die. It’s more honest So now my wife and I we have like a lane of things that we do that we actually enjoy doing. It’s like, we like going on walks together, we like going shopping once a week together, we like watching historical, historically true movies together. Like if it’s a historically true thing, documentary, whatever. But we used to, when we first got married, it was like, I’ll try, you know? And then she would say stuff like, hey, I’d say, do you wanna come with me to my DJ show? And she would say, yeah, I’ll try. And then she didn’t really wanna be there, and it was just that weird deal So a lot of people who work for you will say stuff like I’ll try but they don’t actually want to try Does that make sense? So you want to just be clear about those expectations and I’ve seen Steve do it a couple times and I’ve done it many times Where you’ll promote somebody beyond? Their level of capability and you promote them to a level that’s a beyond their mental capacity right now. You know what I mean? You almost promote them. So I’m not asking you for the name of the person, but when you’re working with them, could you kind of pick up pretty quickly that they don’t actually want to get better, they just say they want to get better? It’s pretty dumb, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, and I mean, there’s one lady, I think I ran her off, but she told me, I really want to write a book someday. And so like every day I followed up with her, every single day she worked here for years and then she finally got the book written and then she quit because she was so pissed that I cared about her book more than her. It’s just a statement that people make like what do you want to do when you you know I want to write a book okay and every day I’m like did you write the book yet did you write paragraph one and every day she said fine I wrote paragraph one last night stop asking me. I’m just like a follow up it’s a big thing but just don’t create an insincere situation. I’ve seen people who, for Steve, who’ve said, I would really love to run the company, and then they don’t even wake up before seven. Yeah. Well, I think you give the opportunity to anybody and everybody, and then see who steps up to it. But don’t be upset or surprised when they don’t, because most people just don’t. You want for them more than they do. Like, you see the potential maybe in them, or you see an opportunity, and gosh, I wish when I was 20 I had somebody like me to teach you.” You think they’re inspired by that. I’ve got a 21-year-old daughter that I thought that was the case, and it turns out she doesn’t care. So you can’t put a lot of stock in the fact that just because you want it for them, they may not want to. But you don’t punish future relationships based on what other ones do, so just give the opportunity to people as they come in, and some people will step up and some people won’t. Now any other questions about compensation? Anybody else about paying people to work with you on the planet earth? Anybody? No? Bueller? Okay, that’s good. So now we’re moving on to page 209. 209. Okay, 209. And I update this book about every 12 months. So if you come to multiple conferences, you’ll notice that every time there’s a few updates and changes and that sort of thing. But let’s read this quote from Ben Horowitz. And Greg, you specialize in long-form public reading. Oh, go ahead. Go for it. Bring it, Greg. Everyone has noticed by now how good I am at this. I’ll be back here laughing. Every time I read a management or self-help book, I find myself saying, I don’t do microphones. You’re doing great. You’re killing it. I find myself saying, that’s fine, but that wasn’t really the hard thing about the situation. The hard thing isn’t setting a big, hairy, audacious goal. The hard thing is letting people off when you miss the goal. The hard thing isn’t hiring great people. The hard thing is when those great people develop a sense of entitlement and start demanding unreasonable things. The hard thing is getting people to communicate within the organization that you just designed. The hard thing isn’t dreaming big. The hard thing is waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when the dream turns into a nightmare. Pause. Marty, Marty, hey Marty, Marty, Marty, hey before you go I need you just real quick here. Can you go real quick here? So Marty again has this thing called loudmouth ministries that he does and Marty a lot of business owners, I’m gonna give the mic just for a second, Greg, a lot of business owners, they say that they want to team up with a ministry and you make it pretty easy if they want to. How do you make it easy, Marty? Call me right now immediately at 918-269- No. So yeah, to partner up with a ministry, it’s really a good thing because the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and add no sorrow to it. So I would say to partner up with a ministry, find one that has, there’s one main goal of the Bible, it is reaching the precious fruit of the earth, it’s reaching souls. If you find a ministry that doesn’t do that, then you’re finding a ministry that’s not going to have the fullness of God’s blessing. So for someone to join up with us, if they wanted to join up with us, our call is to cover the nation with how to pray and we’re literally getting cancers healed in this room tomorrow. I mean next week I’m gonna have a woman by the name of Denise get up. I just got off the phone with her her staff. She’s gonna get up and share how she had a tumor in her brain. The doctors operated on her. When they were done they said Denise you will be dead in the next few months. There’s nothing we can do. And then she came to our healing revival the very last one. We prayed for her. We taught her. We loved on her. And then she went had an MRI and it’s gone. So it’s called God chemo. It’s God radiation. She never had any chemo or radiation. So find, find, this is the deal. I know Clay, that you have to find ministries that are loud and crazy and are pushing the norm, pushing this scared, wimpy, wussy, pastoring kind of mess where they’re not willing to stand up and be a strong voice and say that God, that’s part of the Red Sea, can rip out a tumor. You know what I’m saying? So let us… What do you want? I want to bring this up because, you know, Marty, certain business owners, they say, we talked about it yesterday, how OxyFresh donates every time you clean a carpet to and it drills wells in third world countries. Some of you have wanted to, you’ve approached me about teaming up with a ministry. Marty is available to do that. He does that. You know, every time you sell a job, maybe 1% goes back to Loudmouth Ministries or something. I just mentioned that before he goes because he likes to partner with people. So just make that connection if that’s something you want to do. Marty, I know you have to go, but… There it is. Thanks, Marty. Thank you very much. We love you, guys. Check him out. So again, the idea with Ben Horowitz’s communicating is that you have these great ideas, but then people don’t want to follow the systems. So if anybody out there, if you’re ever a client, you’re more than welcome to shadow me to watch this process. And a lot of times it’s not like deep stuff, it’s just kind of funny. It’s like, I think it’s funny. I think you’ll think it’s funny because it’s not you, it’s watching someone else, but there’s this really dumb things that I have to deal with all the time. So it’ll be the guy who is supposed to make calls but won’t make calls. And if you’re shadowing me, you’ll notice I’ll have to go up to the person and go, I need you to actually make calls. And you’re shadowing kind of a fly on the wall and you’re like, how is it possible that someone can work in this environment for this person, hear these things said, and then not do it? Or it’ll be the client. I’ll have a client meeting, and there’ll be, we have 160 clients, probably 158 of them are great to work with, but you’ll have a client that we have an assigned contract with, and they’re supposed to pay me a set percentage of the commission. You know, that happened. We had one guy shadowing me, it was pretty funny, and the client was like, I know it’s a little bit unique, but your commission check is, it’s an exact number. How is my commission exactly seven thousand dollars if I get two percent of an irregular number? Greg it’s not You know and so it’s just interesting because the guy who was shadowing me that day. He was like I Get my check and I and he goes that guy just write you a seven thousand dollar check even There’s no way how can he give you seven thousand if it’s an irregular number. There’s no way that it’s even to make sense. Like, how is it possible that 2% is exactly 7000 if that number is not to, you know? And he’s like, what do you do with that? I’m like, well, he’s lying to me. And I mentioned it to him and he lied to me again. And that’s just and you’ll see the Jackass re of it or you’ll see how like I’ll book an interview to have someone on my podcast and you’ll see some like cash Patel or Laura Trump or Eric Trump. They’re very functional. They say they’ll be on the call at two. They’re on the call at two. If somebody’s running late, they’re very respectful of you. You’ll see high-functioning people at their best. But you also see a person showing up at work at like 11 o’clock trying to play it off at 7 a.m. Have you ever seen this? They’re hustling to the front door. Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo. Here’s the deal. I have a flat tire. Yeah, for four hours. You’ll see that stuff We had a lady the other day This is months ago about a year ago, I guess and Stacy Purcell one of my clients she happened to be here and one of the employees had gone through the game of parking their car in the neighborhood by here Like about a block away and then tried to walk really fast and explain they’d walked here from like Midtown, which just you know, would be like 21 miles. They try to explain that’s why they were late. And Stacey was like, did this person I just saw this person on your team. I was driving here. They parked their car kind of in a neighborhood and then they just walked in. What was that? What? And I go, you got to watch this. And this person, Mr. Clark, I am so sorry. I had to walk here all the way from Midtown. You know, just profusely sweating. And they actually played that game. They had thought about this idea. Since I’m gonna be late, probably 30 minutes, and I’m going, you walked 22 miles? I did, I did, and I was busting it. I’m going, wow, think about the math. How fast, if you’re walking really fast, how long does it take per mile? 20 minutes? Wow, you’ve been walking like five consecutive hours. I just, you know, you see that. Imagine putting that kind of energy into working. Yeah. You know, we pay people for Google reviews. We had a guy shout out a couple of Mondays ago. And we had a young guy that said that he had gathered like 200 Google reviews that week. And what it’d be to stroke him a check for a thousand dollars. And then upon further review, it’s like, yeah, I got 20. You said you got 200? My bad, got the zero wrong. You see, the zero was an extra one. That happens a lot for me because I’m, you know, dyslexic. Interesting how you never put just two, like zero two. Yeah, it is interesting. I mean, you’re just that kind of crap, you know what I mean? And you’ll watch it and when you shadow people, you can kind of laugh at my life, but you’ll go, holy crap, that’s the stuff that gets it together. You have to just have that maniacal passion to make your business successful and just understand that very few other people care. I’m going to bring up Myron real quick. Myron’s got a great team now. Myron, can I bring up your Mr. White Glove? Can I bring up your Mr. White Glove? Let me see your Mr. White Glove. Yes, Mr. White Glove, there he is. He’s on his way. Now, you’ve got a great team that you’ve built now, so I’m going to give you a chance to brag on your team. I’m sure you’ve had to go through a little bit of jackassery to build a good team. Maybe you haven’t, but tell me the kind of folks you had to go through to build your great team because now you’re surrounded by wonderful people. Not all wonderful. I still have some jackassery. But yeah, I’ve gone through quite a bit of bad employees, just negative people who want to spread poison, I call it, around the business. It just brings other people down. That’s people I’ve dealt with a lot. And that’s really the majority of it. Have you ever had somebody, because you do auto wraps, have you ever had somebody that tried to auto wrap a vehicle not to the quality that you would want to deliver and then try to play it off like it’s no big deal? Yeah, absolutely. It’s more like we’re really strict on our quality. And some people get pissed whenever you point out that they did a bad job. Because I’ve noticed that the quality of the product that I’ve always received from you is always great, but I’m sure behind the scenes you’ve had to say, redo, do it again, fix it. Yeah, but we used to have a guy I worked with years ago who did auto wraps as well and he was unwilling to have the awkward conversation and I want to tell you a true story, it’ll blow your mind and it’s not a local guy but you’ll crack up, okay? A guy gets his car auto wrapped and the numbers are all backwards and the words are too. How is that possible? Extremely not paying attention. Like just that is… Now this is where it gets even crazier. A wonderful client like you was at a conference networking with the guy and the guy’s like, I would love to earn your business. And they said, what do you do? I’m not a rapper. Okay, so the client hires the guy that’s printed backwards. So my active client tells me, one of the people at your conference printed my auto wrap on my vehicle backwards and is trying to play it off like it’s supposed to be that way. So when you’re looking in the mirror, it’s easier to read. And I talked to the guy who was a conference attendee and he said, that happens a lot in our business. No, seriously. And I’m going, so you routinely print things backwards on cars? He said, well, it’s like once a month, and it’s always tough because it’s like really expensive. I’m going, so you don’t make it right? He said, well, I don’t want to upset my guys. I mean, it’s hard to find guys. So I just want to know, how do you handle situations like that in your world? Because you do a great job. Well, I mean, we just make it happen. I mean, for example, we wrapped a Lamborghini Murcielago a couple weeks ago. I go back there to check on it. They had the whole entire side wrapped already and I noticed it was slightly crooked, a little skewed. I was like, nope, I’m going to have to redo that entire side, rip it all off, reprint it. That’s just the way I deal with it. It’s either they do it or if they don’t, then it’s either a write up or I end up having to fire somebody. Page 199, it reads here, in the absence of processes that guide people, experienced people need to lead. But in the established companies where the guidance to employees is provided by processes and is less dependent upon managers with detailed hands-on experience, it makes sense to hire or promote someone who needs to learn from experience. What he’s saying is if you have great processes, it’s easier to teach people. As you’ve grown White Glove, is it easier to bring on new people? Absolutely. Why? Just because we learn so much from every person that we’ve brought on and fired. And it’s like every time we hire a new person, it’s like the bar gets raised every time. Now this will kind of blow your mind as you’re thinking about this for a second. I have had, how many of you know people, don’t put your hands up, but rhetorically, how many of you have ever known somebody that got married and they knew it wasn’t gonna work out before the wedding. So I was at a buddy of mine’s wedding, that’s when I quit going to weddings a while back, but it was my buddy’s wedding, it was the last wedding I showed up at, and he says, dude, it’s the big day, I’m getting married today, we’re backstage, it’s all the groomsmen talking, I go, you fired up? He goes, no. You not? He’s like, no, no, I just, I don’t wanna cancel because I’ve got the booking, the caterer, and everyone’s here. It’s awful. I go, awful? She thinks I’m like an alpha and wants me to calm down and all this stuff. I don’t like her. We’re fighting all the time. I’m like, bro, I think it’d be a better idea to punt and just to go hard pass than it would be to get married and then go down this path. Well, I bumped into the guy and it was like 20 years later. And he is so pissed, but almost violent pissed, you know? Because he’s like so mad about the life that he wanted to have versus what is. And it’s so crazy, because when you see them in public, they don’t like each other. Have you ever seen that where you can just sense it? Now, in businesses, I watch people that hire people like this. They don’t like the employee. The employee doesn’t like them, but they won’t fire them and they won’t hire someone else. And they get stuck in this weird doom loop. Have you ever seen this? Not in your business, but have you ever seen this before? I have seen this. Yes. I call it the Newman effect. Who’s seen Seinfeld? Who’s not seen Seinfeld? Oh, OK. We’ll go up Newman here, Sean. So Newman was a guy in Seinfeld that Jerry, the main character, he had a grievance with Newman. Who remembers Newman? And no one really knew why, but Jerry hated Newman and Newman hated Jerry. And there was always this tension. I call this the Newman effect, because if you have a Newman in your office, go to YouTube there, Sean. If you have a Newman in your office, it makes everything weird. Who’s ever had a Newman in the workplace that you were at? Where everybody knows there’s something weird going on? Okay, cue it up. Crank it up. Pause. In the whole relationship, they’re always fighting over things. They’re always stealing each other’s mail. They’re always mad at each other. And you just can’t have that tension in the business. So if you’ve got some jackassery, move on. Okay? We’re Page 189, page 189, page 189. Pricing, it’s really important that you know how much your competitors are charging for a similar service. Why is that important at White Glove? For you to have some grasp upon what other people charge. Well, I mean, you wanna make sure that you’re not way overpriced. Or under. Or underpriced, yeah. So it’s important, and how, well, we lost it again, Sean. Uh-oh. Testing. So it’s important and how we lost it again shot One chick to Okay, keep trying. All right. Katie, we’ll come back to the feed in just a second. Okay, here we go. And we’ll figure it out. Okay. Okay, we’ll go without it and then we’ll move on. Testing. We’re back. Nope, lost it. Test. Okay, so if you look at the pricing, it’s absolutely important that you know the pricing that you’re going to charge your customers and how that competes with your competition. You have to know the competitor’s price because if you don’t know their price, that’s going to put you in a bad spot. So, if you’re going to do a test, you’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the price of the product. You’re going to have to know the competitor’s price, because if you don’t know their price, that’s going to put you in a really rough spot, because you might be operating in a really bad position and not knowing. It’s really important. So as an example, there’s a doctor I worked with for years, and he didn’t know that other doctors were charging $8,000 for something he was charging $4,000 for. And it’s because he had gone to some seminar that taught him that real doctors only charge X amount for this particular cosmetic procedure and just by coming to a conference like this and talking to another doctor, the other doctors like bro I charge 8,000 all day and that kind of thing so it’s really important that you mystery shop your competition that’s page 189 it’s very important that you do that okay it’s very very important that you do that also on page 189 you want to ask yourself how much could you charge your customers without taking advantage of them? I like to operate at a 20% profit margin. So anybody who’s a coaching client, and by the way, if you want to schedule, Carter, there you are, Carter, that’s Carter. If you guys want to schedule a 13-point assessment, if you’re looking to become a one-on-one client, we take on 160 clients and you can see Carter and he can get you set up. But if you don’t want to, that’s fine too. But if you do, we make a 20% margin. I don’t apologize for that, but that’s what we do. There are consulting services that do similar things to what I do that charge $4,000 a month, and I know this because wonderful people like you have told me you hired these services. And I like to be value priced, where I feel like we offer the most value for the least price possible, and that’s how I wanna be. But there are brands that are more of a premium price where they have a big markup. So let’s talk about Lamborghinis again. What does a Lamborghini cost? Roughly around $300,000-$350,000. For a Lamborghini? For a Lamborghini. And why? Because they’re extremely high quality and just looks of them, the colors of them, So what makes a Lamborghini different than, let’s say, a Lexus? Like what makes it, instead of being a hundred thousand, three hundred thousand? Well, I mean, again that’s all the quality of materials, the amount of work that goes into it, the engineering, the, you know, just everything about it is just more expensive. What makes a Lamborghini more than a Ferrari? Well, it’s not more than a Ferrari. Is it less than a Ferrari? It’s less than a Ferrari. So what makes a Ferrari more than a Lamborghini? A Ferrari just likes to charge a lot. What about, let’s go with somebody who has a nice car, like a Porsche. What makes a Porsche different from a Lamborghini? That’s probably just branding. There’s not really too much difference there in quality. So if you thought about your business like the way he’s describing cars, that would be helpful. Because there are certain restaurants in town that I know of that charge an insane premium for their food, but that’s just how they’ve chosen to brand themselves. They want to be like the Lamborghini of food. So you got to be thinking about your business and how you want So now we go here to page one, it would be 153, 153, 153, okay. 153, and Sean, you were on it with resetting that speaker, that’s impressive. Okay, okay, 153. Ah, okay, so 153, page 153. It says, a culture of discipline is not a principle of business, it’s a principle of greatness. What I find is that the people that are the most successful are very consistent, diligent people. And I’m not saying that everybody who’s successful in business is a fitness fanatic. I’m not saying every fitness fanatic is good in business. I’m not saying, I’m just saying people that have their yes is their yes and their no is their no and that’s as deep as it is. So I find people that are really good at saying yes, and no those people do good in business People that struggle with that and they do a lot of maybes like I’ll try that doesn’t work You know and so you deal with subcontractors. How often do you have a sub that’ll say Greg? I will try to install the cabinets on Tuesday I Say I need a date. I need to know when you’re gonna be here. How often do they try to do that? every time And what does that mean if you if you accept the idea that they’re gonna try to install the cabinets on Tuesday? What’s gonna happen if you accept that as an answer? Then they won’t be there Yeah, so it’s that way too with birthday parties my kids know that if they want to have an epic birthday party They delegate said task list to me. Because I will call every parent and go, is your kid coming? No worries, but we’re going to do like the whole limo bus thing. We’re doing a limo bus. We’re going to go from my house to said restaurant, like Cheesecake Factory, and then from there, we’re going to go back to my house for a pool party, and I’m bringing in a donkey, and I’m bringing in a llama, and I’m bringing in a water slide, and I’m bringing in a snow cone stand and I’m bringing in a DJ and I’m bringing in a band and I’m doing it and I’m not I’m not gonna I’m not gonna not gonna do it not gonna wouldn’t be prudent not gonna do it that’s I know how many people are gonna be here so are you coming or not and the mom will say I’ll try I’ll pick your kid up I just want to know yes or no and I’ll go well no we’re out of town thank you bye next and I just call everybody because I’m not gonna mail an invitation and I’m not gonna plan a party based upon the potential number of kids Have you ever planned a party based on the potential number of kids and you had so much food that wasn’t eaten or vice-versa You have that so just you want to be a disciplined person and by discipline I mean your yes is your yes and your no is your no be very good at saying no I had a wonderful call today with a very a household name I think you were in the room and I was on the phone with this guy, very well known profit guy, very respected, and he had texted me yesterday and was like, hey, could you call me? And I texted back, I 100% will not call you today. I’m doing a conference but I will call you tomorrow. Because I’m not gonna say I’m gonna try because it’s not a sincere… does that make sense to you? And so just be a very clear person. In your industry, how often do you hear from a customer where they love white glove just because you actually do what you say You’re going to do I hear it all the time, especially in our video testimonials Everybody always loves that we actually communicate and do what we say we’re gonna do craziness page lost it again you’re drifting towards certain failure. If you have no major purpose, you’re drifting towards certain failure. So what does that mean? If you leave here and you have an idea that you wanna be successful, but you don’t have a specific goal, what that looks like, you definitely won’t get there. So if you guys come back to this conference next year or the year after it, I’m gonna still, there you go. I’m still gonna be here because I’m not leaving anytime soon because I don’t have any other place that I want to be. I’m very clear on that and so I’ll be here because that’s what I’m going to do. So certain people, it’s funny because every once in a while, somebody who’s pretty notable will just show up in our building because they know that I’ll always be here on Saturdays. They won’t set an appointment either, they just show up because they know they’re going to find me on a Saturday, every time, because they know I’ll be here. But I’m not drifting towards something. I know what I’m doing. I’m not saying it’s what you should be doing. I just know that I am always going to be here six days a week. And I’m not saying that’s great or bad, but it’s very clear. And because it’s very clear, or example, with our kids with music lessons, when we signed them up, I said, you guys will have music lessons every week. And like, if you don’t want to, then if you tell me, then you’ll have two lessons. Because every week, you know? And it’s not like a thing where I let my kids tell me how they feel because I don’t care how they feel. I just want them to get good at an instrument and then they can stop talking about it when they’re 18. But until that time, it’s like, dad, I don’t know if I want to play the drums anymore. Great, two lessons for you, okay. Because that’s how you get good at something, is it’s just the rigor of doing it. And now my son is like on the drums every night. He runs up here almost every night. When the office clears out, he comes up here to play because he’s getting really good now and he’s getting far better at it than other people. So now people are starting to notice and now it’s become something he wants to do. But that’s how building success is. You’re doing stuff you don’t want to do until it flips to where you do want to do it. Does that make sense? Okay, another way to look at it, and I tell people this phrase all the time, is inspiration is the reward. So the reward that you have is inspiration. Inspiration is not what you need to get started, it’s the reward you get after you do it. So in action, there’s a sign out there that says it, but in action, doing nothing, in action is the giant. Okay, so procrastination is the giant and then action is the sword, but inspiration is the reward That’s why I have a sign out front that says that because procrastination is the giant Action is the sword and a lot of people sit around waiting for inspiration I can tell you when my alarm went off today. I was not inspired to do to wake up I’ll tell you why because pastor Leon did a great job last night And then I got home around 9 and then at 9 I wanted to talk to my wife and kids about various things. And I went to bed, I think at like 10.02. I remember setting the alarm and I remember like, 10.02. And then at three, I’m like, what the, what? And I didn’t want to get up, you know? So my little power move is I sprint to the shower and I turn it on cold and go, I hate my life. And then I’m good, you know? But you got to find a way to get yourself going when you don’t want to. I’m serious. I hate my life. Anyway, do the cold shower move. That’ll get you pissed. Okay, that’s good. That’s what you need. Okay. Warm bed, cold shower. I’m up. Here we go. Okay. So move on to page 141. 141. 141. And then, John, while you’re thinking about it, will you make note that that speaker keeps popping or going out or whatever the heck it is? And that way we can talk. So I think it’s the mixer that’s clipping. Does that mixer clip red? Is it clipping red? Like when I speak right now, is it red? Is it peaking? Yeah, so can you write that down and then make sure you get it to me and then we’ll have Devin fix it on Monday. I think it’s peaking. Anyway, so we’re gonna go here to page 141. Page 141. You gotta create a list of all the players on your team. You have to know who’s on your team. And why do you have to evaluate the players on your team? Greg, why do you have to know who’s on your team and if they’re A players or not? Well, some of them don’t perform, some of them can be somewhat cancerous, and that can affect your whole team. So there’s certain people that I know in my life who are going to call in sick one out of every four days. I know these people. And you can see, you ever seen this kind of thing, Myron, where someone is really good at their job, but you just know they’re not going to be at work more than 75% of the time? Yes. Has anybody else ever dealt with this thing before? There was an interview back then. Who remembers when Bill Belichick was a defensive coordinator on the New York Giants? Do you remember Bill Belichick, I thought you were a strict, disciplined guy. Why did you let Lawrence Taylor do drugs while he was a linebacker on your team? And he’s like, Lawrence’s job was to tackle people on the field. So, you know. And then it was, coach, did you know he was on drugs? He’s like, well, I never really asked. Coach, I understand that he missed a lot of practices, and he’s like, yeah, but he can play in a game, and you can’t teach that. And so in every business, there’s like the moral high ground where you say, I’m not gonna put up with Jack Assery, but you have someone on your team who’s super talented and only they can do what they do. And you gotta find, if you’re gonna replace somebody, you better have that replacement before you get high and mighty with your standards. Does that make sense? So there’s some of that balance you gotta deal with. But you need to know who your A, B, and C players are. Also, you wanna block out time every week to train your team members. So every week, you need to block out time. If you don’t block out time to train your team, it gets weird. So we do it every single Monday, we have a weekly meeting, and then every Tuesday, we have a meeting as well, and Andrew leads that meeting. Okay, next, you gotta launch ads every single week for hiring. We talked about this earlier, but I’m just making sure you’re seeing this. Gotta launch those ads every single week. Next, you gotta replace the bottom 10%. And if somebody’s gossipy, I recommend you get them out as soon as possible. Because gossipy people will destroy a culture even if their performance is good. If someone’s late, that’s maybe not as cancerous, but a gossipy person will destroy a whole culture real fast. So that’s what I would get rid of here. Do you ever had a gossipy person in your office there? Yes, several. And do you have to move on? Yes, absolutely. Yeah, it’s a thing. Page 123, move on to page 123. 123, here we go, 123. Feeling the flow, working at 123. Does everybody feel like you have a marketing strategy leaving here today? Does everybody feel like you have that, you know that you have that? Does everybody know that you have a marketing strategy? Anybody have any questions about that? Yeah. Yeah. The Dream 100 is a system that Chet Holmes, the best-selling author of The Ultimate Sales Machine, he’s the first one I know of to call it that. But basically you make a list, so in Greg’s business, you make a list of all 100 100 accounts that you wanted to get. So in your case, you would, let’s say, make 100 homeowner’s associations that you would like to refer you. You want to be like the referred home remodeler of choice, and here’s 100 HOAs. Or in your case, you might make a list of the 100 corporate accounts that you want to get. Do you have any corporate accounts? Not really corporate accounts, but I did do a Dream 100, such as dealerships. I tried getting 100 dealerships on my list to call. That way I can try to get dealer accounts. Do you want corporate accounts or not so much? Not so much. Yeah, because some people don’t want that business. Some people do. So we’ve got a guy we work with who does wall wraps and auto wraps, and all he wants is corporate and some people don’t want corporate. The problem with corporate is you do the work and they pay you like in 60 days and it’s a lot more bureaucratic etc etc but you’re not going to get the business unless you reach out to the person. So you make a list, make a spreadsheet of the top 100 accounts you want to earn or the top 100 shows you want to be on or the top 100 guests you want to interview or the top 100 magazines you want to be featured in and then you just make a concerted effort to reach out to them consistently until they cry by or die and that’s the process. Is that helpful? Yeah? You feel good about that? Okay, next we’re going to page 122. Page 122. 122. Okay. 122. Does everyone feel good about branding? A lot of people leave here sometimes and they call me later and go hey I had a question about branding does everybody feel good about branding branding anybody okay branding okay the page 108 108 okay the ideal and likely buyer do we feel good about that You know how do people buy show of hands in here use duck duck go or something other than Google to search for things nice and high. Interesting. Okay. How many people use Google primarily? Okay. So, if the room were bigger, the more people we’d have in the room, the more Google users you would find, because most people use Google. People that are overall distrusting of said system tend to use DuckDuckGo. That’s how that works. And then people that are really next level, they’ve got like a VPN, virtual private network server. They’re using Brave. They’re using Brave. They’re wearing gloves while they’re typing. They put tape over the camera. They’ve wrapped their body in a Faraday bag. They grow their own vegetables and they won’t eat it. This is a copper-lined shirt. Seriously, whenever you say, hey, they wanted me to call, you’re like, oh yeah, who’s they? What do you mean? That’s, there’s a different level there. I get it. But most people are using Google. Make sense? Doesn’t mean you have to use Google for life, but most consumers are, so you should probably figure out how to optimize for it. Page 103. Oh, yeah. These are all the core documents you need to have in place. I think we’ve covered that. I think we should feel good about that. Is there anything on these systems here? Greg, we’ve worked with you for quite a while now, and we’re implementing everything now. So anything on this whiteboard that you maybe wish you would have brought up earlier or you think that most people have questions on or just on this whiteboard? I can say this, we are in the process of working on these and the sooner you do it the faster things will happen. So pay attention to him, do what he says. Yeah it’s just I mean it’s um it’ll work if you follow the system but again I’ve had other conferences that I’ve been a speaker at is really funny I got invited to be a speaker at an event a few years back and it was everyone in the room was a personal trainer Because it was a personal trainers conference, you know That’s what it was and the guy who hired me hired me To grow his business and he thought it’d be great to have me come speak to these guys and all these guys are like He’s not a personal trainer. What does he know about personal training? So, whenever you get advice from us or someone else, you really want to measure the results. And so, just like if you’re going to hire a personal trainer, you probably want to have a personal trainer that knows fitness. You probably want to have a business consultant that knows what they’re talking about. And I want to walk you through four skill sets you need to hire. You put it on page zero, and you need to have them in your life. You need to have an accountant you can trust. Myron, do you have an accountant that you work with at this point? Yes, I do. Okay, and you have to have an accountant you can trust. And if you don’t have one, you’re going to end up owing taxes. Now, I’m going to tell you something. I know we have some libertarians in here. I am one as well. You can argue with me about it when you go outside or inside. That’s fine. But I pay taxes and I never owe taxes, and therefore, I don’t worry about that. However, I know people who’ve had super aggressive accountants who’ve said, if you write this off, you write that off, you write this off, you pay very little taxes. But then the client, because I work with clients for years, my average client is with me for over six years, the client will go, hey, the guy who told me to write all that off just ran off. And now you’re the one dealing with the IRS. So I would just say, have an accountant that you can trust, that you feel confident with, whatever that means to you. The next is you wanna have an attorney that you can trust. For accounting, I have always used a company called CCK. I’m not saying that you should use them, I’m just saying that’s who I use, it’s called CCK. They’re in Tulsa, I’ve used them for over 10 years, and that’s who I use. And we have a monthly meeting with the accountant, so nothing drifts, a monthly meeting. For the law firm,, that’s who I use, that’s who I’ve always used. They do a fine job, And I would recommend that when it comes to legal documents that you have a lawyer that you can trust. I use, whoever you guys want to use, that’s fine, but that’s who I use, Third, you want to have a consultant or a coach in any area that you want to improve on. So take out business consulting. But if you’re out there today and you’re like, man, I went to that conference. We had a guy who came to our conference a few years back who lost 80 pounds in a year and he claims that our conference motivated him to do so. He never became a client, not a fitness, he’s not a business client of ours. He just came to the conference, came back the next year, lost 80 pounds. I’m going, bro, half of you is gone. What has happened? He’s like, that whole thing at the end where you said you need to have a mentor or a coach in any area you want to improve, I took that to heart and I focused on it and it’s incredible. So just whatever you want to focus, I recommend you have a coach in that area. So an accountant, I’d recommend you have an attorney. I’d recommend you have a coach. And the final thing, this is the only thing that’s important, I would highly recommend that everybody here buys investment properties from emotional people when possible. This is not a real estate seminar, but I’ve done really well with that. I know you will too. Whenever you have an emotional person that has a $300,000… I’ll give you an example. There was a guy I knew from Oral Roberts University, and John, look it up. It’s called Signal Hill. Signal Hill. That’s the neighborhood. It’s in Tulsa. Who knows where Signal Hill is in Tulsa? Okay. It’s like Yale 81st-ish, I think. Kind of the top of the hill and you can look it up on the map there Sean maybe find it and so the young man he was an ORU student he had just graduated college and he told me dude I heard this guy he’s getting divorced he has a beautiful house at Signal Hill look up Signal Hill neighborhood Tulsa so it’s Signal Hill Tulsa and he says this guy he’s getting a divorce he has a beautiful house in Signal Hill I think that’s what it’s called. You’ll find it. Maybe go to like 81st and Yale, Sean, try that. We’ll get there. And so he tells me this guy has a beautiful house and he and his wife are getting a divorce and they built it a long time ago and it’s worth about $500,000 and I don’t know what he wants for it, but I live in it. I’m a renter because he said, hey, we got divorced so you could rent our house from us. So if a guy built a house, just think about it. If a guy built a house 15 years ago and it’s in a nice neighborhood and he’s getting divorced and the house appraises for 500,000, Myron, what do you think you can get for it? Man, I have no clue, honestly. Sean, let’s go south, I think it is. So you’re gonna go down, yep, oh yeah, there you go. This is the neighborhood right here. Okay, there you go, that’s it right there to the right. And then go down a little more. There you go, and that house right there with the, there you go, they just kind of drop in the guy there, shown on the road somewhere. It’s a gated community, so you probably can’t get in, but you can get to the area and you can kind of turn around. So this is kind of the part of town, these nice houses. And so I thought, I’ll just meet with the owner, you know? See? So I asked the guy, you know, what’d you build 15 years before though? Inflation rate is how much? About 3% of the time. So now it’s a lot more, but then, you know, so I said, hey, what would you, what do you owe on it? And the guy said, well, I mean, you know, I think we owe a couple hundred thousand. I go, well, can I just buy it for 300,000? And he goes, yeah. So a group of us got the property and we moved in the property. We did some basic cleanup and some deferred maintenance and we sold it. And it was like a $200,000 deal split four ways, but it was really quick. And then there was a house at 51st, Sean, look up Kirkpatrick and Lye, Tulsa, that’s an orthodontist we work with. And I, look up Kirkpatrick, Lye, Tulsa. And my kids go there, it’s an orthodontist. And in front of his practice there’s a church. And there’s a church, next to the church there’s a parsonage. And the grass looked like it was like an Amazon. Like there was like monkeys in the grass kind of a thing. There’s like an anaconda up in that thing. It was like a National Geographic scene was being shot inside the practice. Okay, there you go. Shawn, and drop in the guy there, right there, where it says Woodland Acres. No, down, down, down, right there. Okay, and then go, nope, go, nope, turn around, nope, okay, keep going. And then we’re gonna go back behind that white van. Keep going, keep going, oh yeah, feeling the flow. Hang a right, hang a right, feeling the flow, work at it, go into the house, keep going, go. Turn around, right, yeah, right there, there. No, other way, other way, yeah, yep. So that’s the house. So I see this like monkey Amazon high grass. What am I thinking? Myron, your kids are getting orthodontist appointment. What are you doing? You’re driving around in circles looking for something. I’m not going to sit in the lobby. I don’t be in a lobby. You’re driving around. I’m looking. You see the anaconda. You see the high grass. What are you going to do, Greg? Try to find out what’s going on. Yeah. So I made some calls, got connected, find out, oh, the guy who used to live here had to leave, not favorable terms with said church. We booted him out. The building’s been around a long time. True story. This house appraised at the time for like $125,000, $130,000, and they owed $50,000 on it. And they were like, well, you can take it for $50,000. I’m like, all right. So what I did, this is my contribution to this property, I added the carport, I blew out the kitchen. There used to be a kitchen like this and there was a wall that separated the living room. So I knocked out the wall, opened it up, put in modern fixtures, you know, sub-zero, whatever, walls, painted up all the walls, new wall, you know, new paint, put in a ceramic tile that looked nice, cleaned up the backyard, they had a weird tree growing somewhere, made it look nice, and then we put it on the market and I think we moved it for like 140 or 150 and we were in maybe 20,000 of work. And I do that a lot. I’m not a home flipper, I’m not, but there is a book called Fix It, Flip It, look it up there, General Click on Amazon, called Fix It, Flip It by Corbyn, C-O-R-B-I-N. I’ve interviewed the guy multiple times. There he is. Fix it, flip it, make millions. And that’s a great book. And everybody in here should be a real estate buyer. With your business booms, you always wanna be, so I recommend the final expert you have in your life is a realtor, and you tell them, anytime that you see a property that’s devalued, call me and I might buy it. So you’re always ready to buy. And if you need, you really can do well. It’s amazing how if you have your mindset that everybody in here is a real estate investor. Have you ever seen people flip cars? Yeah, all the time. How does that work? Well, I mean, you just find somebody who just needs to sell a car because they got divorced or they’re emotional about it, so they need to get rid of the car, and then you buy it and you flip it. So you’ve seen this happen? Yes, all the time. It happens a lot? A lot. That’s the look inside the house that we redid. That’s how it looks inside. Sean, you’re tricky. You got inside it. There it is. We locked out the kitchen. We knocked out the wall. There’s a wall separating the kitchen from the living room. And we did it all. And it was pretty easy to do. But again, you just always need to be looking for those kinds of things. And then let’s answer some questions on the board. Byron, I’m going to have you read the questions on the board here. So it says, how do I? Let’s go to that first one. All right, how do I increase the value of my handyman business? I think we covered that one. You feel good about that? Okay, next one. Training on one sheet. Where in the book? As opposed to where in the book, I’ll give you three websites if you’re looking., that’s Cody right there. He’s got a wonderful one sheet and he has kind of a quasi one sheet on the website that lets you know how he compares with other pool installation companies. Okay, SierraPoolsAndSpas. And if you scroll down, you got a nice one sheet on the home page right there. Another one is And then I gave you a copy of our one sheet. You have a physical copy right there. So hopefully that’s helpful for you. Next question. Salary employee, parent of three, few resources, left by Friday, how to transition to self-employed? If you’re looking to transition to being self-employed, what you have to do is find a problem that you can solve for people at scale. And I think the fastest entry route I know of in the building is Ryan Wells with Flow Photos. Because it’s $10,000 to buy a Flow-ish of equipment. And it’s how long to train? Two days. So for $10,000 in two days, you’re in the business. And Billy, how many hours have you spent on personal training certifications? Dozens? So you have dozens of certifications. How many workshops have you gone for personal training? I just finished one a week ago. You think you’ve done more than two? Oh yeah. Have you spent more than two days learning physical fitness? More than two months. Okay, so his is the fastest to do. It’s the fastest. I would say, Greg, yours is probably the hardest because it’s learning to work with lumber. Well, yes, there’s a lot of expertise involved. Working with the wood. Yeah, it’s just a lot of… So that would probably be the slowest transition. If somebody was looking for a job and they wanted to work for you, what do they need to bring to the table? Oh, well, I mean, just need to be good with your hands. You need to make sure that you can be detailed. It’s going to take about six months worth of training to do what we do. Okay, and then like the case of our consultants who work here, you know, Sean started off making cold calls and a lot of times clients don’t want us to make like they don’t want to make cold calls so a client will outsource their cold calls to us so we’ll make their calls on their behalf and everyone in this office can do that and then search engine optimization everyone this office can do that and then everyone has to learn photography, video, web, then they have to learn how to do spreadsheets and accounting, then they have to learn marketing. So the path for someone to become a consultant for us is usually a six month to a two year path for somebody there. Hopefully that answers that question. And now what we’re going to do is we’re going to be giving away a TV. Sean, do you have some official TV giving away music? You want me to go there? OK. OK. And then did you make yourself a note to get to Devin about the? That’s great. OK, we’ll fix it. Okay. And Andrew, do you hear that? Some reason that mic pops out. I think the speaker is peaking or something. Some sort of deep state. I think it’s related to a church audio plug-in problem. It’s probably expensive, but we’ll fix it. Okay, or buy another one. Okay, Sean, you ready to go? Okay, so if you’ve registered, if you have left us a Google review on the Make Your Life Epic Tulsa map, you’re entered in for a chance to win. If you’ve left us a map on the Thrivetime Show map, you’re entered in for a chance to win. We’re going to take five minutes to give you a chance to leave a review. If you have not done it, you just look up Thrivetime Show and the word Tulsa or Make Your Life Epic and the word Tulsa. But then you need to sign in over here so you’re entered in for a chance to win the TV. So once you’ve left the review, just sign in over here. We’ll come back at 2 45 go back to 45. So again four minutes. We’ll be right back four minutes. Boom Okay, we’re gonna be giving away a TV and it just does some housekeeping notes pretty watching online Some things that I would encourage you to look up some resources. They’re they’re free and everybody here. They’re free as well if you go to thrive and everybody here, they’re free as well. If you go to forward slash free dash resources, forward slash free dash resources, you have access to, I’m not exaggerating, hundreds of thousands of dollars of legal documents and templates for virtually everything, forward slash free dash resources. The other resource that’s incredibly powerful is thrive time forward slash tower of power. And this is a big ask, but I’m telling it’s crazy. We’ve had not hundreds, but thousands of people who have told me they’ve gone through this course. It’s free and you just audio and you just go to the very bottom of it. You start at the foundation and you work your way up and it’s a podcast series of everything that Dr. Zellner and I do to build all of our multi-million dollar companies. So it’s a it’s a system from the ground up and it is so profoundly life-changing if you just take like 30 days and you listen to that and not like talk radio or not sports radio or something, because you’re going to start to hear how it all works. And I would consider that to be like immersion. I have a very good friend of mine that decided to want to learn Spanish. And he’s doing well in his life. He’s done well with his business. And he says, Clay, I want to learn Spanish. We helped him grow his business dramatically. And he’s one of those always learning people. And I said, well, what’s your plan? He’s like, I’m just going to go down to Mexico for the summer and Punta Mita is where he went to this little resort place, and I’m just gonna like go down there and just figure it out and It’s really crazy how quickly you can learn something when you immerse yourself Another friend of mine Eric Klein of mine He’s built a very successful company one to learn the guitar in his late 30s Which has never done it before and he just booked himself lessons five days a week and just through the immersion, you kind of learn it. So that’s a great way just to consciously and subconsciously build your business by listening to stuff. If you go to forward slash testimonials or you just go Thrivetimeshow and you click on testimonials, just a couple of years back, we passed 2,000 success stories. So meaning there’s 2,000 people that we’ve worked with that have gone on to build a multimillion dollar company. And I know this because every time we have a success story, we will save it and record it and enumerate it and there’s thousands of them. So sometimes it helps to go to page four of the list or page five and go, man, if they can do it, why can’t I do it? Sometimes that’s helpful. Also, we have a button called threat or a page called thrive forward slash does it work? So does dash it dash work. And this is crazy because it gets into the Dream 100. So Miss May, you’re wanting to know about the Dream 100? You can click on Dream 100 and then you’re gonna see like 50 people tell you how they use the Dream 100. The guy at the top of the list, knowing what I know now, I don’t know about this, but I do know, I do know this is a real thing. He was the world’s number one PR guy. He’s spoken at this building a couple times and Michael and I got to be friends but the first time I called Michael he was the world’s number one PR guy and I said I’d really like it if you could teach me public relations and Michael said no. I said fair. Now at the time just so you know Michael Levine was the PR consultant of choice at the peak of his career for Michael Jackson and Prince and Bill Clinton and George Bush at the same time. And so now that I know what I know, I’m like, Billy. But anyway, so he this is, you know, over a decade ago and I called him. I said, could you teach me? He goes, no. I said, so how much would it cost? He goes, if you can pay me $20,000, I’ll give you two hours. I was like, let’s do it. So I went out to LA and I interviewed him about how he did it. And his whole career was the Dream 100, his entire career. So what he did is he would call up Charlton Heston, that was one of his clients, George Carlin, the comedian, Wolfgang Puck, Prince, Michael Jackson, and he would say, I am God’s gift to PR and I would like to work for you for free, no charge. And then if you think I’m good at it, if you could leave me like a review or a testimonial, but I’m willing to do one year of work for you at no cost, just so you can see what I do. And he’s dyslexic. He can’t read. And he landed. Charlton Heston was his first one. And then he landed another one. Another one. If you look him up, Michael Levine, his Wikipedia profile is crazy, but he his whole career is the Dream 100. And so he cursed out a lot of people at the last conference that he was at. The last one he came to, he cursed out a lot of our attendees. So it was interesting how that went. But a lady was like, I just struggle with like, how do you stay motivated? He’s like, because you’re weak and pathetic and you don’t have what it takes, next question. And he just kept doing that. But no one knew that he was dyslexic and became the world’s top PR guy. And nobody knew that his dad was an alcoholic, and nobody knew that he came from complete poverty, and no one knows that he built his whole career by literally just cold calling people, and he’s sort of driven by that kind of rage, and he’s a good guy, but sometimes people don’t know his story, and then, but it’s a fascinating story. So sometimes you go on that page, there’s a lot of great stories on the Dream 100 there. Also, how the group interview works, you can watch, I don’t know, 50 people tell you how they do the group interview. If you need a refresher on search engine optimization, it’s all right there. Every week, we usually get one client testimonial that I add to the webpage. I’ve been doing this since 2005, so we have thousands and thousands and thousands of testimonials from actual clients, but then we get letters and emails from podcast listeners. And so it’s a really great resource for you. There’s no additional charge for that. Also, this conference here, we cap attendance at around 100. We had 104 people at this particular conference. But in December, that’s December, so the month of Christmas, that’s usually where I have 300 people. And it’s a whole different atmosphere. We bring in like a live band and we do a crazy Christmas party. And it’s just a different energy when there’s 300 people. I bring in some guest speakers that you might know. And, but we do them every two months, a conference, but everyone’s different. But the one in December’s wild, kind of the mark your calendar thing. So that’s in December, and that’ll be here. It’s the first week in December. And if there was one I would get to per year, that’s the one I would get to because it’s a different energy and it’s a lot of fun. So that’s coming up in December. And then as far as if you want to schedule a 13-point assessment with me, you can. If you don’t want to, that’s great. I never view any 13-point assessment as a waste of time because I think that everybody is a child of God. And although some of us are choosing to operate in the spirit of jackassery at any given time, God has not created anybody by accident. But I would just request that you not schedule a 13-point assessment unless you’re serious about having success. But some people like to book an assessment just to call me from a recorded line to ask me passive aggressive questions. And that happens like once a week, but that’s okay. So if you’re watching on your line, you want to schedule an appointment, I’ll do it. But some people just do gotcha questions because they want to get to the little sound clip and get famous for a week on TikTok, I get it. But I do free consultations and you can do that. You can schedule one today or you can do that online. And then the reason why we only take on 160 clients and why we’re selective about who we work with is that you’re kind of like a billboard for us. And so if you’re a client and you’re not successful and you’re downtrodden and dysfunctional and you don’t get anything done, that’s not a good look. Yeah, who led to your poverty? Well, the guy who taught me how to do that, I mean, he was phenomenal. That’s why I don’t want to work with dysfunctional people because I can’t fix that. I can teach business, but I don’t wanna be the key to your failure, okay? So now we’re gonna go and give away a TV. And so what I need now is I need Haley to come up here real quick. Haley and Sean needs some motivational music. There you go. Okay. So Haley, if you can bring the list of integrity, the people that have signed up to win. Okay. Now, what I’m going to have you do here real quick here. Jordan, can you come up here real quick? Jordan, this is Jordan. And you’re going to be working with Haley here now. It’s gonna work here. Okay is Jordan You’re gonna make sure that Haley puts her finger down on a name, okay? But you’re make sure she’s not looking at it, so she’s got it. You’re kind of okay. All right you ready and Okay go Okay who’d you go with Jordan Who’s Troy Troy Spurl Troy the doctor come on down here Troy you’re one of the finalists we’re narrowing it under our top five okay next one next one here we go same thing no cheating don’t pick favorites stop picking Troy again there we go who’s that Charlotte Davidson Charlotte is to come on down all right okay we need three more three more here we go here we go go to page two okay here we go we’re not sanctioned by the Oklahoma Gaming Commission. Here we go. Okay, here we go. And what do you got? Darcy Rowe. Darcy Rowe. Is Darcy here? Okay, we got three. We got three. She runs the She Shed, a great business at the Riverwalk, by the way. That’s Darcy Rowe. Okay, I got two more. We need to get two more. Here we go. Two more. Two more. Feel the flow. What do you got? Nestor Zarkov. Yes, come on down here. And one more. And one more. Here we go. Here we go. And… Michelle Rose. Come on down, Michelle. Okay, so we got our five. Now, what we’re going to do here is we’re going to be doing paper rock scissors. Now, Jordan, I’m going to have you officiate, okay? And the way it’s going to work is, Sean, switch up the music. We need to switch it up. Switch it up. You change the energy change the energy Sean what I’m looking for now as I’m looking for good paper rock scissors music The game of areas Okay, here we go. It’s a game of strategy a game of wit a game of determination and discipline our first two contestants come on down first two contestants and Let’s use this podium as sort of the the place where they throw down. Okay. And now you lay out the rules, Jordan, so that way, it’s not weird. Without the rules, don’t make it weird. Here we go. So you’re saying 123 go. He didn’t say one to go. He said 123 go. It’s a whole different game. Got it real quick. You get best of three. Here we go. Jordan, ready? Here we go. Shake it off. Shake it off here we go oh here we go that’s the three oh did he did she win sorry sorry man she’s all hopped up on dopamine morphine and whatever it takes okay and our next contestant, come on down. Now, ma’am, you move into the winner’s circle. Sean, we want to switch it up now. Now, I want to switch. Now, Sean, what I’m feeling right now, Sean, is I want Rick Astley, Sean. I want Rick Astley. That’s what I want. Okay, so our next two contestants, you’re in the winner’s circle. You’re hanging out here. You have a buy. You have a buy. Okay, here we go. Okay, head-to-head. Rick Astley, thank you. Crank it up a little bit, Sean. Come on now. Come on, show some respect for Rick The Rick roll hey oh here we go Sean crank it up Oh, yeah, oh One two one is it tied? Oh, here we go. ♪ You wouldn’t get this from any other guy. I just want to tell you how I’m feeling. Gotta make you understand that I’m gonna kick you out. A lot of confusion. Gotta rise above it. Got a lot of confusion. Gotta rise above it. Feeling the flow. Feeling the flow. Working it. Working it. Here we go. Here we go. Okay. We have a winner? She’s the winner. Okay, ma’am, you’re moving on here. Women are winning. Okay, women are winning. Okay, here we go. Thank you, sir. Okay. So, ma’am, you are now, you’ve kind of through just, through luck, through sheer will, you’re now in the finals already. Okay. So, you’re in the semifinals, so you’re gonna go versus her the semi-finals. Now, Sean, if you can change it up here. What I want, I want to get the Star Wars, the Imperial March theme, because that’s what we need right now. Okay, so now I’m gonna officiate the finals here, because I spent hours thinking about this. Okay, all right, now we’re at best of seven. Best of seven, okay? Here we go. One, two, three, shoot. One, two, three, shoot. Oh, okay, now you have one point. One, two, three, shoot. Oh, two points. One, two, three, shoot. Oh, here we go. One, two, three, shoot. Oh, here we go. One, two, three, shoot. Oh! Three to one, here we go. One, two, three, shoot. Wow! One, two, three, shoot. Oh! One, two, three, shoot. Oh! Four, you win. You win, babe. You’re moving on to the finals. Okay, here we go. Okay, now this is the final. Now, here’s the deal. We have some people in this room who have been here for two days, focused on their business, who are degenerate gamblers. And you were like, this is the longest I’ve gone without gambling. So if you want to place your bets or whatever that is, you need to call your bookie if that’s what you do, whatever that is. I just want to relate it. Kind of let’s kind of put our hands together. Let’s put our hands together. Let’s kind of clap for these folks here. Let’s get ourselves excited. OK, this is the best of three. It’s the best of three. That’s the best of three. OK, best of three. That’s one, two, three, shoot. Here we go. Ready? One, two, three, shoot. Here we go. One, two, three, shoot. Oof. Here we go. One, two, three, shoot. One, two, three, shoot. Alright, real quick now. Time out. Pause. Kill the music. One thing I’m doing, I just started trying to help her. This is something that I’ve just, it’s a move I’ve used that helps people win. three shoot oh that’s a win it worked okay here we go one two three shoot one two three shoot oh three okay maybe I need more no no no no no no no no no no shoot. One, two, three, shoot. Oh, it worked. This never worked. Okay. Here we go one more time. Okay, here we go. Here we go. That’s home court advantage. She’s home court. She’s home court. She’s located at the Riverwalk. She’s home court advantage. Here we go. Here we go. Three, two, one, go. Oh, she won. It worked. All right. The first time it’s ever. Sorry you didn’t win, ma’am, but I’m so glad you won as well. Okay, so the TV is yours. We’ll make sure you leave with it. Great job, ladies. Great job. Awesome. Okay, so I’m going to stick around for a little bit if you have any questions or concerns or grievances or you need something. But if not, thank you guys for being here. You don’t owe us anything. I’m not trying to sell you anything. If you want to schedule a consultation, great. If you don’t, great. I appreciate you. Hopefully you guys leave feeling enriched. But make sure you take your book with you so you can take those ideas and act upon them because knowledge without application is meaningless. I want you to go out there and crush it and have a great year, be super successful. And then when people ask you why you’re successful, tell them about Jesus. OK, so we’re going to end with a boom. All right. Here we go. Three, two, one. Boom. See you next time. All right. All right. All right. All right. The number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% over last year. We are Jared and Jennifer Johnson. We own Platinum Pest and Lawn and are located in Owasso, Oklahoma. And we have been working with Thrive for business coaching for almost a year now. Yeah, so what we wanna do is we wanna share some wins with you guys that we’ve had by working with Thrive. First of all, we’re on the top page of Google now, okay? I just wanna let you know what type of accomplishment this is. Our competition, Orkin, Terminex, they’re both $1.3 billion companies. They both have 2,000 to 3,000 pages of content attached to their website. So to basically go from virtually nonexistent on Google to up on the top page is really saying something. But it’s come by being diligent to the systems that Thrive has, by being consistent and diligent on doing podcasts and staying on top of those podcasts to really help with getting up on what they’re listing and ranking there with Google. And also, we’ve been trying to get Google reviews, asking our customers for reviews. And now we’re the highest rated and most reviewed Pestamon company in the Tulsa area. And that’s really helped with our conversion rate. And the number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% over last year. Wait, say that again. How much are we up? 411%. So 411% we’re up with our new customers. Amazing. Right. So not only do we have more customers calling in, we’re able to close those deals at a much higher rate than we were before. Right now our closing rate is about 85% and that’s largely due to first of all like our Google reviews that we’ve gotten people really see that our customers are happy but also we have a script that we follow and so when customers call in they get all the information that they need. That script has been refined time and time again. It wasn’t a one-and-done deal. It was a system that we that we followed with Thrive and in the refining process. And that has obviously, the 411% shows that that system works. Yeah, so here’s a big one for you. So last week alone, our booking percentage was 91%. We actually booked more deals and more new customers last year than we did the first five months, or I’m sorry, we booked more deals last week than we did the first five months of last year from before we worked with Thrive. So again, we booked more deals last week than the first five months of last year. It’s incredible, but the reason why we have that success is by implementing the systems that Thrive has taught us and helped us out with. Some of those systems that we’ve implemented are group interviews. That way we’ve really been able to come up with a really great team. We’ve created and implemented checklists. Everything gets done and it gets done right, it creates accountability. We’re able to make sure that everything gets done properly, both out in the field and also in our office. And also doing the podcast, like Jared had mentioned, that has really, really contributed to our success. But that, like I said, the diligence and consistency in doing those in that system has really, really been a big blessing in our lives. And also, you know, it’s really shown that we’ve gotten the success from following those systems. So before working with Thrive, we were basically stuck. Really no new growth with our business. And we were in a rut, and we didn’t know. The last three years, our customer base had pretty much stayed the same. We weren’t shrinking, but we weren’t really growing either. Yeah, and so we didn’t really know where to go, what to do, how to get out of this rut that we’re in. But Thrive helped us with that. You know, they implemented those systems, and they taught us those systems, they taught us the knowledge that we needed in order to succeed. Now it’s been a grind, absolutely it’s been a grind this last year, but we’re getting those fruits from that hard work and the diligent effort that we’re able to put into it. So again, we were in a rut, Thrive helped us get out of that rut, and if you’re thinking about working with Thrive, quit thinking about it and just do it. Do the action and you’ll get the results. It will take hard work and discipline, but that’s what it’s going to take in order to really succeed. So, we just want to give a big shout out to Thrive, a big thank you out there to Thrive. We wouldn’t be where we’re at now without their help. Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Moore. I’m a pediatrician. Through our new digital marketing plan, we have seen a marked increase in the number of new patients that we’re seeing every month, year over year. One month, for example, we went from 110 new patients the previous year to over 180 new patients in the same month. And overall, our average is running about 40 to 42 percent increase, month over month, year over year. The group of people required to implement our new digital marketing plan is immense, starting with a business coach, videographers, photographers, web designers. Back when I graduated dental school in 1985, nobody advertised. The only marketing that was ethically allowed in everybody’s eyes was mouth-to-mouth marketing. By choosing to use the services, you’re choosing to use a proof and turnkey marketing and coaching system That will grow your practice and get you the results that you are looking for. I went to the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry Graduated in 1983 and then I did my pediatric dental residency at Baylor College of Dentistry from 1983 to 1985 Hello, my name is Charles Kola with Kola Fitness today I want to tell you a little bit about clay Clark and how I know clay Clark clay Clark has been my business coach Since 2017 he’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise and clay has done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with like running the business building the systems the checklist the workflows the audits how to how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy is just amazing. This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with Lee Crocker, or Head of Disney with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with Mike Lindell. He does Reawaken America tours, where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours. On the day-to-day he does anywhere from uh… about a hundred and sixty companies he’s at the top he has a team of uh… business coaches videographers and graphic designers and web developers and they run a hundred and sixty companies every single week so think of this guy with a team of business coaches running a hundred and sixty companies so in the weekly he’s running a hundred and sixty companies uh… every six to eight weeks he’s doing reawaken America tours. Every 6-8 weeks he’s also doing business conferences where 200 people show up and he teaches people a 13 step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires helping them grow their companies. I’ve seen guys from start ups go from start ups to being multi millionaires. Teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system. Critical thinking, document creation, organizing everything in their head to building it into a franchisable, scalable business. One of his businesses has like 500 franchises. That’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with. Amazing guy, Elon Musk, kind of like smart guy. He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward, but he’s so brilliant and he’s taught me so much. When I say that, Clay is like he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go. And that’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time. A coach is actually helping you get to the best you. And Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that we became friends. My most impressed with him is when I was shadowing him one time. We went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listen to it. When we walked out, I knew that he could make millions on the deal. They were super excited about working with him. He told me, he’s like, I’m not going to touch it. I’m going to turn it down. Because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run. The guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right. And anyways, just an amazing man. So anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped navigate. Anytime I’ve gotten nervous or worried about how to run the company or navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember we got closed down for three months. He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lockdowns, because our clubs are all closed for. I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9, and we just want to give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey, guys. I’m Ryan with Tip Top K9. Just want to say a big thank you to Thrive 15. Thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys. We appreciate you and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. This is our old house. This is where we used to live a few years ago. This is our old neighborhood. See? It’s nice, right? So this is my old van and our old school marketing. And this is our old team. And by team I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new van with our new marketing and this is our new team. We went from 4 to 14 and I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past and they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome, but Ryan is a really great salesman, so we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems, into manuals and scripts and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to 10 locations in only a year. In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd. We’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you, time’s up. The Thrive Time Show, two-day interactive business workshops are the highest and most reviewed business workshops on the planet. You can learn the proven 13 point business systems that Dr. Zellner and I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. When we get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website. We’re going to teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re going to teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two day, 15 hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems, so now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re gonna leave energized, motivated, but you’re also gonna leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur, I always wish that I had this, and because there wasn’t anything like this I would go to these Motivational seminars no money down real estate Ponzi scheme get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything It was like you went there, and you paid for the big chocolate Easter Bunny, but inside of it. It was a hollow Nothingness, and I wanted the knowledge They’re like oh But we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big get rich quick, walk on hot coals product. It’s literally we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, and I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses? Or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same system that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s going to be the best business workshop ever and we’re going to give you your money back if you don’t love it. We built this facility for you, and we’re excited to see it. Hey, I’m Ryan Wimpey with Tip Top K9, and I’m the founder. I’m Rachel Wimpey, and I am a co-founder. So we’ve been running Tip Top for about the last 14 years, franchising for the last three, four years. So someone that’d be a good fit for Tip Top loves dogs, they’re high-energy, they want to be able to own their own job but they don’t want to worry about you know that high failure rate. They want to do that like bowling with bumper lanes. So you give us a call, reach out to us, we’ll call you, and then we’ll send you an FDD, look over that, read it, falsely prove it’s very boring, and then we’ll book a discovery day and you come and spend a day or two with us, make sure that you actually like it, make sure you’re putting it out to something that you want to do. So an FDD is a franchise disclosure document. It’s a federally regulated document that goes into all the nitty gritty details of what the franchise agreement entails. So who would be a good fit to buy a Tip Top K9 would be somebody who loves dogs, who wants to work with dogs all day as their profession. You’ll make a lot of money, you’ll have a lot of fun, it’s very rewarding. And who would not be a good fit is a cat person. So the up front cost for a Tip Top is $43,000. And a lot of people say they’re generating doctor money, but on our disclosure, the numbers are anywhere from over a million dollars a year in dog training, what our Oklahoma City location did last year, to 25, 35 grand a month. To train and get trained by us for Tip Top Canine to run your own Tip Top Canine, you would be with us for six weeks here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’ve been married for seven years. Eight years. Eight years. So if you’re watching this video, you’re like, hey, maybe I want to be a dog trainer. Hey, that sounds super amazing. Go to our website,, click on the yellow franchising tab, fill out the form, and Rachel and I will give you a call. Our Oklahoma City location last year, they did over a million dollars. He’s been running that shop for three years before he was a youth pastor, with zero sales experience, zero dog training experience before he ever met with us. So just call us, come spend a day with us, spend a couple days with us, make sure you like training dogs and own your own business. Well the biggest reason to buy a Tip Top K9 is so you own your own job and you own your own future and you don’t hate your life. You get an enjoyable job that brings a lot of income but is really rewarding. My name is Seth Flint and I had originally heard about Tip Top K9 through my old pastors who I worked for. They trained their great Pyrenees with Ryan and Tip Top K9. They did a phenomenal job and became really good friends with Ryan and Rachel. I was working at a local church and it was a great experience. I ended up leaving there and working with Ryan and Tip Top K9. The biggest thing that I really, really enjoy about being self-employed is that I can create my own schedule. I have the ability to spend more time with my family, my wife and my daughter. So my very favorite thing about training dogs with Tip Top K9 is that I get to work with the people. Obviously I love working with dogs but it’s just so rewarding to be able to train a dog that had serious issues whether it’s behavioral or you know whatever and transformation, taking that dog home and mom and dad are literally in tears because of how happy they are with the training. If somebody is interested I’d say don’t hesitate, make sure you like dogs, make sure that you enjoy working with people because we’re not just dog trainers, we are customer service people that help dogs and and so definitely definitely don’t hesitate just just come in and ask questions ask all the questions you have


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