Business Podcasts | Why Do Nearly ALL Super Successful People Proactively Manage One Calendar & One To-Do List? + Why Addiction to “NEW IDEAS” Keeps Many Entrepreneurs from Implementing the Core Repeatable Actionable Processes

Show Notes

Business Podcasts | Why Do Nearly ALL Super Successful People Proactively Manage One Calendar & One To-Do List? + Why Addiction to “NEW IDEAS” Keeps Many Entrepreneurs from Implementing the Core Repeatable Actionable Processes

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Audio Transcription

Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show. But this show does. In a world filled with endless opportunities, why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses altruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use? Because they believe in you. And they have a lot of time on their hands. They started from the bottom, now they’re here. It’s the Thrive Time Show starring the former U.S. Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist’s body, Dr. Robert Zunich. Eight kids co-created by two different women. Thirteen multi-million dollar businesses. Get ready to enter the Thrive Time Show. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re on the top. Teaching you the systems to get what we got. Cullen Dixon’s on the hooks, I’m going to introduce you to yet another I’m going to introduce you to yet another success story, an entrepreneur that is absolutely dominating and doing well. But before I introduce you to that super success story, I want to ask you this question. Why is it that virtually every single successful person I’ve ever met, that they all do the following three things? Well, I’ve interviewed thousands, thousands of super successful entrepreneurs, and all successful entrepreneurs, they all have a to-do list. They all have a calendar. And they all get up early enough or stay up late enough to stay on top of proactively managing their to-do list and their calendar. Think about it. I’ve interviewed Wolfgang Puck, John Maxwell, the founder of FUBU, so many successful people, and they all have a to-do list and a calendar, and they all either stay up late enough or get up early enough to proactively stay on top of their calendar. So if you were to ask these people, what are you doing today? They would know. If you said, what are you doing tomorrow? They would know as well. If you said, what are you doing in five minutes? They would know. Why? Because they have a to-do list and a calendar. And why is it that the vast majority of people don’t have a to-do list and a calendar? Here to talk about is David Frazier, the founder of David Frazier, welcome to the Thrived Time Show. How are you, sir? I’m fantastic. Thanks so much for having me. Now, sir, let’s talk about First off, for people that are not familiar with the brand, what is it that you sell? What is the core product that you sell? So we make small log cabin kits that can be easily built in a weekend without needing any power tools or second mortgage. And ultimately we help families create extra space for more meaningful connection. They’re little log cabin kits that anybody can build. So why do you have a to-do list and why do you have a calendar and why do most people not have a to-do list or a calendar? Well, I can’t speak for everybody, but I know I need a calendar. Otherwise, my day will just collapse into chaos, complete and total chaos. So I need to know where to be. If, you know, for example, if I didn’t have this on my calendar, I would have absolutely forgot. Even with my calendar, I almost forgot. And so I need to have a to-do list so that I know what’s the things I gotta tackle when I have some downtime that isn’t chewed up on my calendar and then I need to have a calendar so I know where to be and when to be so that when we’re having meetings, when we’re having scheduled time to get something done, that it actually happens. And I just feel like there’s a lot of people that will come to me at conferences and they’ll go, man, you always have a clipboard. Every time I see you, you have a clipboard. Wow, you always have a calendar out. Why do you, and they’ll ask me that. And I’ll say, I’ve never met anybody who’s super successful that doesn’t maintain a calendar or a to-do list. And so last night, as an example, my son was playing drums. He plays in a praise and worship band and his performance was set to take place at 6.30, which meant I had to leave my office at 6 in order to be there on time. And if I had not put it in the calendar, I would not have made it there. And it wouldn’t be because I didn’t care, but the act of not caring enough to put it into the calendar would have been the problem. So we look at my list for yesterday, this is my calendar. And so right there, I cut off my day at six, it’s done, boom, and I immediately go to his event. And I just, my wife and I, we have this agreement, you know, I cut off my calendar at a certain time every day and that’s when I go do family stuff, you know? But with my schedule, this was my day yesterday, the stuff in red, those were interviews I did, the stuff in green, those are client interactions. And I find a lot of people have two calendars. I find a lot of people have two calendars. They actually run around with two calendars, one for their family, one for their work, and then they forget and they double book themselves. Can you maybe, have you ever dealt with that? Have you ever seen this phenomenon? Yeah, and that’s easy to do because if you have in two places, you’re not gonna be able to sync it up, there’s gonna be conflicts. If you just have one, you can have different layers to the calendar and different colors. In your case, you’ve got the different colors that tell you what you’re doing. But I think having two calendars is a bad idea. It’s just a recipe for confusion and double booking. Now, when people go to and they buy something, let’s pretend for a second that you did not have a written to-do list or a project list. With all the orders coming into, what would happen over time if you tried to keep it in your brain exclusively? Well, it would be a disaster. So, yeah, the reality is as soon as you get, like you can really only hold three things in your brain at any one time, probably less in my case because I’m a bit of an idiot. So I’d say you need to have everything that’s not absolutely necessary written down. So, you know, you’ll probably remember to breathe, you’ll probably remember to eat on your own, but other than that, it should be in the calendar. It’s kind of a funny story. Yesterday, I gave a team member a task to do, and it was written down. I need you to go do A, B, and C. And it involved driving from A to B, and then when you arrive at location B, it involved doing task A, B, and C. Person returned at the end of the day. This is a low level, entry level employee and who has big aspirations and they showed up and they said, hey, I got thing A done. I didn’t get thing B done because I forgot. And what was the other thing? And it’s a huge gap between that person, their level of production and all of our consultants and coaches that are very high functioning, people that don’t forget things because they don’t try to remember them. They write it down. They have a calendar and a to-do list. I’d love to get your thoughts on that idea because this person was well-intentioned and her reaction was, oh, I just tried to remember. I watched them and they didn’t write it down. They didn’t take the to-do list with them. And I almost feel like in our culture, people think it is an intelligence test if they can hold as many things in their memory as possible and as almost as though they’re doing a good job by not writing stuff down. Yeah, those waiters that come to the table and they’re going to remember all your stuff, they always stress me out. I like to see a pad, I like to see a paper when you’re taking my multi-family order going on. You know, it’s not the stone age. We have paper, we have pens, we even have digital things you can type out and you can have it do this on your phone, it doesn’t have to be a pad of paper, but just why are we living in the stone age? We have this technology, let’s use it. I think there’s something going on now, I think it’s a deep thing. I think there’s a thing, and we’re going to talk about it on part two of today’s show, checklists and to-do lists and the importance of implementing those systems. There’s been an entire book written called Checklist Manifesto that talks about how doctors have dramatically more errors that result in death when they don’t use a checklist. That’s, but the pilots of small planes crash a lot when they don’t use checklists and to-do lists. People that are building buildings that refuse to use checklists and to-do lists have endless errors. And you talk to these people, these private pilots that aren’t using a checklist and these independent doctors that won’t use a checklist, and you ask them why, and a lot of times they say, well, I just feel like as a professional, I shouldn’t need to have a to-do list or a checklist or a… What is it that keeps people from using that technology called the to-do list and the calendar? It’s got to be pride. But yeah, maybe there’s some type of deep psychological issue. But at the end of the day, I don’t really want to be a therapist. I just want to be a guy that employs people that use checklists. So if you can’t get with the checklist program, it’s probably not going to work out. Right. That’s it. Okay, so let’s talk about some things that are on your checklist right now as you’re growing You’re gathering endless objective reviews from happy customers, and you’re reaching out proactively to new territories and new locations that might be a good fit. Talk to me about some of the repeatable, the ongoing daily tasks that you’re having to do out there to grow Bunky Life. Because I believe that a lot of entrepreneurs are guilty of hopping from one new idea to the next new idea, because they don’t want to implement the core repeatable actionable processes that will actually produce results. Yeah, so for me, my part of the business, it’s reaching out to a hundred, roughly a hundred or more. We’re doing a YouTube influencer type thing right now, so we’re reaching out to a hundred kind of people on our partnership list every single day is the goal. And then getting Google reviews, like you said, getting video reviews. So people that are communicating via video are so much more effective at communicating what we do, because we have visual products, so getting video reviews every week. And then, you know, just measuring everything, so every week I’ll measure what happened last week. That’s super key for me. So that’s the main thing. I think a lot of entrepreneurs, though, love the new idea. They love having the new idea every week, a new idea, a new plan, new strategy, new marketing system, new idea, new concept, new, new, new, as opposed to mastering the things that produce results. Again, I know you don’t want to be a therapist, but I’m asking you because this is stuff I see on a daily basis. Why do entrepreneurs, we talked about this, a lot of them refuse to use a to-do list, refuse to use a calendar. And that third area I want to tackle, a lot of entrepreneurs refuse to do the core repeatable, actionable process. They always are looking for a new idea. What is that all about? Well, I think it is, there’s a bit of a wisdom to it when you start, because you don’t know what works. You have nothing that’s working, so you have to throw a lot of things at the wall. And some of them are gonna stick and some of them aren’t. But once you find something that sticks, it’s way a better strategy to triple down on that thing than try to find another magical shiny thing. Because it’s unlikely that there’s gonna be more than really three or four things that your business does that generate sales. There’s going to be probably at the most two or three things that does that make sure the customer experience is good. So if you can just do those things really well and just get better and better and better at those things, that’s the, go deeper with what’s working rather than shallower and wider with things that might work and probably won’t. Now,, right now you guys have some great products available. I mean, you’re always expanding the inventory, always tweaking it. What’s the most popular product? And if our listeners out there today want to learn more about purchasing a Bunkeylife, what’s the best way for them to take that action today? Okay, so two things to check out. So we’ve got our kind of two main different kinds of bunkeys. One is bunkeys with a loft. So in our area, you can build a bunkie with a loft up to basically the maximum size there. But in like, for example, Oklahoma, you can build a larger structure, 200 square feet we’re finding out, but it has to be a single story. So check out the Haven Ultra Bunkie with a loft, which is the one that Clay’s got on the screen right now. And check out the Rockwood. Those are two really popular models in both categories. And again, if people want to purchase a Bunky Life, all you’ve got to do, folks, is go to We just purchased a Bunky Life ourself that’s being constructed inside the mall. I hope to have footage here in the next week or so because we’re setting up a demonstration model inside the mall, Woodland Hills Mall in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and so I should have footage of that soon. Sir, I’ll give you the final word for people out there that are taking notes. What’s the final word you wanna share with all the entrepreneurs out there, sir? Okay, if you’re an artist type personality, you’re a free spirit, you just wanna drift in the wind, I get it, I was there, I was a musician myself, but even the successful musician, artist type personas still have a checklist, they still have a calendar, they still got things to do every day. And that form and function is going to add structure to your creative efforts and will actually give you a lot more success. So even the most creative people still have to do this, they still have calendars, and they still get things done. Amen and amen. That’s David Frazier with, David Frazier, thank you so much for joining us today. We’ll talk to you next week. Appreciate your time, Clay. Thanks so much. Bye-bye. Attend the world’s best business workshop led by America’s number one business coach for free by subscribing on iTunes and leaving us an objective review. Claim your tickets by emailing us proof that you did it and your contact information to info at thrive timeshow dot com. Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio. And today we’re talking about a very serious subject in the game of business that very few people think about at all. It’s like a super serious, game-changing, probably business-destroying concept, if you don’t adhere to this idea, this proven system, is if you don’t have a checklist for everything, everything falls apart. I’m going to give you an example. There is a book, I want to make sure we put this on the show notes here, it is called the Checklist Manifesto. I want to make sure we put this on the show notes. We’ll put a link to the Checklist Manifesto so you can buy it on Amazon if you would like to. If you haven’t read the book, you absolutely, I think that when you read probably half of Absolutely. I think that when you read probably half of the book, even a third of the book, you would say to yourself, oh my gosh, I cannot believe I’ve been trying to run a business without checklists. What happens is, the Checklist Manifesto was a book written by an author by the name of Atul Gawande. He’s an American surgeon over at Harvard University. Harvard. He’s sort of a big deal. And he decided, I’m going to do, I’m going to travel around the world to hospitals and I’m going to find out what percentage of the deaths that are occurring. The deaths that are occurring are happening as a result of somebody not using a checklist. That’s what I’m going to do. And so as he went from hospital to hospital, he found, Chup, that in certain hospitals, one third, Chup, one third of the people that died, died as a result of somebody not using a basic checklist. Now, do you want to hear the big three reasons why people died? I don’t, but I will listen, because it freaks me out. Okay, one is that the doctor did not read your chart and gave you a pain medication. Like if they have to knock you out, if you have to go to sleep when they have the surgery. Anesthesiologist, is that what it’s called? Right. If they give you the wrong medication that you’re allergic to, you will die. That’s one. That’s real. That is real. That is real. That is real right there. The second is they forgot to wash their own hands. So they as a doctor had an infection that they put into your body because they opened up your flesh. Okay, homie. You don’t want to wash while you’re eating. That’s up to you, but you’ve got to wash your… I think it’s the whole thing, scrubbing in, right? Right. How do they forget that? A third is they forgot to wash the patient’s skin. So what he said is he wrote down his findings, and I would like for you, Chuck, to read his findings, but read his findings, read his first notable quote. Read it nice and slow so we can soak in, because this is, we’re talking about deaths that are occurring in hospitals, planes that are crashing in the world of small business, small aircraft, personal, people are dying as a result of their small aircraft crashing as a result of not doing ongoing maintenance. We’re talking about small business owners dropping the ball and ruining the foundation on homes because they forgot to follow a checklist. We’re talking about companies going bankrupt because they forgot to invoice somebody. We’re talking about people getting in trouble with the Unemployment Commission for forgetting to withhold taxes. Chuck, there’s got to be something really going on when people are refusing to use a checklist. There’s got to be something deep going on. What does Atul Gawande have to say about that? Atul has to say, we don’t like checklists. They can be painstaking. They’re not much fun. But I don’t think the issue here is mere laziness. I think it is, but let’s let Atul continue. There’s something deeper, more visceral going on when people walk away not only from saving lives but from making money. It somehow feels beneath us to use a checklist, an embarrassment. It runs counter to deeply held beliefs about how the truly great among us, those we aspire to be, handle situations of high stakes and complexity. The truly great are daring, they improvise, they do not have protocols and checklists. Maybe our idea of heroism needs updating. I would just say this, that if you are refusing to use a checklist, in the Bible it reads God blesses the hands of the diligent right Proverbs 10 for I want to put that on the show notes there chaps or we can see Proverbs 10 for because a lot of people don’t you know they don’t they’re not there maybe they’re a Christian but they haven’t really delved into the book of Proverbs but I’m gonna read you Proverbs 10 for the King the King James Version and Chuck would like to put the King James Version on there because I feel like this one is it resonates very it always motivates me to use a checklist I I whenever I feel the need to not use the the checklist I decide to read Proverbs 10 for the King James Version and it always Motivates me it says resonators and says he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand. But the hand of the diligent maketh rich.” Again, he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand. But the hand of the diligent maketh rich. What it’s saying is, if you refuse to use a checklist, you deserve to be poor. This is the job. If you refuse to use a checklist, you deserve to lose. What is going to happen no matter what? Okay, I see this a lot. I saw this in my own family with the concrete company that we had. My dad intrinsically knew everything and would not forget anything ever because he did it every day for 35 years. Well, guess what happens when he’s not in charge of every crew that we have going out anymore because we’ve grown beyond that capacity. The guys that have been doing these jobs for 15, 20 years forget key essential pieces of equipment like a rod board that you use to strike off the concrete when you’re pouring it. And therefore we lose 5, 10, 15 thousand dollars worth of concrete and productivity because of one simple thing of not using a checklist to make sure you have all of the equipment. Now first Timothy 5, 8, which was also in that controversial book called the Bible. This this verse is pretty terrible for people that are slackers. And I actually text this to a guy the other day. You know why I did it? Because he was like absolutely criticizing. He was criticizing a client of ours. It was hilarious. This guy was criticizing a client of ours for being so intense. Come on. He’s like all you care about is getting stuff done. So the client’s telling me, the client says, I have a vendor that’s criticizing me for wanting tight deadlines. And he was criticizing me saying, it’s not all about the money. It’s not about the money, okay? There’s more to life than just the money. You need to calm down. And I said, send him this text message. And if you send him this text message, I promise you won’t get a response. Or if you do, it’ll be kind of over. Chump, can you read 1 Timothy 5.8? “…anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” So I want you to think about this. In the Bible, it says that if you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, you get to go to heaven. Correct? Correct. And so it says that if you don’t, then God will judge you and you basically get to go to hell if God judges that you should go to hell, right? So it’s saying here that you’re worse! Like this means that you go to a hell that’s extra high— It’s the basement of hell. —if you choose not to provide for your family. He says, 1 Timothy 5, 8—I’m not paraphrasing, I’m reading it word for word—anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever So I would just encourage you I I honestly do not use checklists because I’m motivated to it’s because I Don’t want to literally go to hell. I Literally do not want to go to hell. It seems like you have some insecurity problems. Absolutely I don’t want to not provide for my family and screw up. So I use checklists. If you don’t want to use a checklist, there’s something psychologically wrong with you. You’ve got to use checklists. Stay tuned. Welcome to the Thrivetime Show on Talk Radio 1170. It’s the Thrivetime Show on the radio. Yes it is. It’s all about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you. All about you, all about you, all about you, all about you, all about you, yeah. Say we bring the boom. All right, Thrive Nation, what we’re talking about today is the importance of creating a checklist for everything in your life, everything, and in your business. I’ve got a lot of notable quotables to read to you, and a lot of facts, a lot of data, but I have one thing I would encourage all of our listeners to buy the book Checklist Manifesto and read the first half of the book at least and just see after reading the first half of the book if there’s any way possible that you are not going to use checklists moving forward because this is what happens is Atul Gawande, he is a he’s very well-known American surgeon. He’s a guy who works with Harvard. They’re professor of surgery at Harvard University. He was noticing, Chuck, that a lot of people were dying in hospitals. He thought, I’m sure it’s a result of people dying. There’s some things you can’t solve. There’s surgeries that just don’t go well. You just can’t win all the time. That’s part of the game. So he thought, you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to go in there and I’m going to investigate thousands of people at some of the biggest hospitals in the world, thousands of doctors, and I’m going to just study the causes of death. And they found that one third of all of the deaths that were occurring were happening as a result of a doctor, a surgeon, choosing not to use a checklist. And you know what the three things they were missing were? One, they didn’t read your chart ahead of time. So they actually removed, like, the wrong part of the body? They amputated the wrong leg, had surgery on the wrong knee. That’s what happened to me. Really? Yep, they almost, I tore my left ACL in high school and I went in to have surgery at 15 years old and they’re giving me the anesthesia and I look down and they’re shaving my right leg. No! And I’m going, no! No! And they look at the chart, switch over. So they took out a sharpie and put a big X on my right knee to say, this is not the one. Geez! Isn’t that crazy? Yeah. I know many people in my life, I have one person in my family who they gave them the wrong anesthesia, almost killed him. It can easily happen. I know that my grandfather died as a result of them skipping the checklist at the VA hospital. He was in perfect health, he went in for desurgery, and they forgot to give him something and he died. And they apologized. Well, yeah, thanks. We got an American flag because he served in the military. They said, hey, we’re sorry, you know, they said hey We would you know, we did our best. I mean, I remember you didn’t so again now now maybe that’s not motivating enough So, please read the notable quotable again at the top of the show notes from atul gawande So he says we don’t like checklists. They can be painstaking. They’re not much fun, but I don’t think the Who the hell cares? When have we decided to have fun or not? This is absolutely ridiculous. You know what else isn’t fun? A lot of things at work. I think it’s so ridiculous. I see so many business owners that are absolutely putting their life in the crapper as a result of not using a freaking checklist. Use a checklist. Continue. Okay. Oh, passion. You scared me there for a start looking the other way look so i’ll get back but i think it is a but i don’t think the issue here is merely this claim i disagree there’s uh… something deeper more visceral going on when people walk away not only from saving lives but from making money it’s called you being an ass or back to you right uh… it somehow feels beneath us to use a checklist an embarrassment it runs counter to because you’re an idiot continue it runs counter to deeply held beliefs about how the truly great among us, those who we aspire to be, handle situations of high stakes and complexity. The truly great are daring, they improvise, they do not have protocols and checklists. But he says, maybe our idea of heroism needs updating. You know, and the Bible piles on though. The Bible, Proverbs 10, verse 4 says, he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand, but the hand of the diligent maketh rich. Slack, meaning a slacker, meaning you’re choosing to slack. You’re choosing to not do what you’re supposed to do. You see, the word diligence means the consistent application of effort. And if you refuse to follow a checklist after you know the importance of doing it, there is a problem with you. And the cool deal, here’s the deal. This is so cool. This is so cool. This party is so cool. Let’s get the other side of the pillow, my baby. No, this is cool. Because what happens is, if I’m competing with you and you’re not using a checklist and I am, you see, I get to take all the money. Because you see, you get to be poor. It’s actually a universal law that God created. No checklist equals checkmate. It’s over, baby. You don’t sow the seeds, but I do. I get a harvest and you don’t, you know, 1 Timothy 5.8 reads, Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever. Is that from the Bible? What verse was that again? 1 Timothy 5.8. Why are you saying it so slow? Because I want you to look it up. 1 Timothy 5.8. Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, especially for their household, has denied the faith and is worse than unbeliever. Chuck, we have another notable quotable from Atul Gawande. Please read on. All right, he says, there are good checklists and bad, Borman explained. Bad checklists are vague and imprecise. They are too long, they’re hard to use, and they’re impractical. They are made by desk jockeys with no awareness of the situations in which they are to be deployed. They treat the people using the tools as dumb and try to spell out every single step. They turn people’s brains off rather than turn them on. Now he says on the other hand, a good checklist are precise. They are efficient to the point and easy to use even in the most difficult situations. They do not try to spell out everything. A checklist cannot fly a plane. I’m going to repeat that. A checklist cannot fly a plane. Instead they provide reminders of only the most critical and important steps. The ones that even the highly skilled professionals using them could miss. Good checklists are, above all, practical. This is the thing. This is the thing. A lot of people say, you know, my line of work, though, baby, it is so complex. There’s so much stuff. That I can’t possibly use a checklist. I’m a genius, man. I went to school for so long. But Atul Gawande chimes in. What does he say here? He says, it is common to misconceive how checklists function in complex lines of work. They are not comprehensive how-to guides, whether for building a skyscraper or getting a plane out of trouble. They are quick and simple tools aimed to buttress the skills of expert professionals, to buttress the skills of expert professionals. And by remaining swift and usable and resolutely modest, they are saving thousands upon thousands of lives. So these are the checklists that you need to make with your business coach. You need to create the daily opening the business checklist. A checklist for opening your business. These are the things that need to happen every day to open the business. Unlock the door. Turn on the lights. Now here are the checklists for closing the day of business. Lock the door. Turn off the lights. These are all. But you have to do it because if not, people will forget a step. Yes, every time. And then you have to create move number three. Remember, move number one, create a daily checklist for opening the business. Move number two, create the daily checklist for closing the business. Move number three, create the daily checklist for marketing activities. Create the daily marketing activities checklist. Chep, why do you have to create a checklist for your marketing activities? So you don’t forget to do it. Like putting out the signs in front of the store. Call the leads, maybe. Call the running audience. You know, Chep, what’s the next action item we all need to take? Create the weekly team training agenda checklist. And then the final checklist. Create the checklist for when and what you need to do for your accounting. Create the checklist for when and what you need to do your accounting. So you’ve got to do that. Now if you do that, my babies, you’re going to have a lot of success. I’m telling you, if you do that, my babies, we’re all going to have some success. We’re all going to be blessed. We’re all going to make a lot of money. We’re all going to be great. As long as you know what to do, but you choose not to do it, there’s a bigger problem there. Right. And one thing I’ve seen a lot is the previous quote that we read, the one right before, was that on the business owners a lot of time, if you’re not training your team up enough to understand the protocols and the processes, writing out some crazy 27-page checklist is not going to help them. It’s going to put them off even more. So you’ve gotta take time, schedule time to create the checklist and get 2% better, always, always, always making them better. If you refuse to embrace the power of a checklist, you’re just going to lose. True. If you’re somebody who is secular in nature and you don’t like Bible quotes that would yell at you or, uh, I feel like I have to be the mouthpiece of the Bible today. Then you just read the checklist manifesto and you can read about all the people dying all around the world, planes crashing, things messing up as a result of bridges collapsing, bridges collapsing as a result of people not using checklists. Or if you prefer to go to the Bible as your source of wisdom, Proverbs 10, four says, says he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand and refuses refusing to use the checklist s no it says he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent maketh rich also the Bible chimes on to say chimes in to say first Timothy 5 8 anyone who does not provide for the relatives and especially for their own household has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever thrive nation we want to help you but we can’t help you unless we get a chance to know you. Go to today and there you’re going to find all of the archive podcasts, a place where you can book your tickets to the next in-person Thrive Time Show workshop. You find the one-on-one business coaching and a video library with thousands and thousands of video versions of these podcasts and other trainings with celebrities and millionaire mentors so you can learn from mentors and not mistakes. And now if I need further adieu, we like to end the show with a three and a two and a one. Here we go. Three, two, one, boom! My name is Joe Lye and I’m with Kirkpatrick & Lye Orthodontics. At Kirkpatrick & Lye Orthodontics, we create beautiful smiles by straightening kids teeth and adults teeth. The services that Clay and his team provide would be something like how to get more customers into my business and get the message out that I’m the best orthodontist in Tulsa. He does that by social media. We get the word out through videos and pictures. Being just top-line awareness as he would always say. Also how to reach out and create that bond with my referring doctors. He helped me kind of get somebody in-house to go out and meet doctors and help me kind of continue building that relationship while I do the work. Website, the website is so majorly important. We get several patients through our website and what he’s doing is he’s there’s a certain way that you want your website to look, certain content, because you want call to action items in your website and we didn’t have that before so now we get seven or eight new patients just through the website alone. Clay and his team are, I would just say they’re over the top. I mean nothing is too big, nothing’s too grand for Clay and his staff and his team. I mean he says boom he really means it. I mean they over over deliver really to be honest with you and they come up with ideas that that are just top-notch and if you don’t like something great move on he’ll figure out something that works for your style and your identity but I would just say the biggest thing for Clay and his team is they over deliver. Clay and his team help kind of create that culture also for your business that hey we got to get things done in a timely manner. Holds me accountable to do the certain tasks so that we can create things in a timely manner. So there is a sense of urgency that he creates and a lot of it is just through his enthusiasm. He’s always on the go, so it kind of puts you on that same mindset of, hey, let’s get this done, let’s work hard, but let’s also have fun with it. When I went to orthodontic school, we got zero training on marketing. Actually, when we got out of school, when I got out of school 18 years ago, it was kind of taboo to actually do any marketing. The most you could do is put your name in the AOL pages. And so now it’s pretty common knowledge and pretty mainstream to go ahead and get your name out there, tell everybody your story, who you are, what you’re about. If you don’t do that, it’s a leg of your business that you’re lagging behind. Because you could be the best or that honest or the best whatever but if people don’t know that Then you’re gonna be you won’t get the customers coming in. I meet with clay and his team on every Friday about 11 o’clock and To be honest with you at the beginning I wasn’t that thrilled with it coming in every week Just kind of seemed like a lot, but for me, I find the marketing aspect interesting. I enjoy it. I love working with Clay. I think it’s the main reason why. I’ve kind of built a relationship with him. I think it got to a level now where we’re pretty good friends. And so, to me, it’s enjoyable. I really enjoy the creativity and how when you put the energy into it and the work into it, how everything kind of comes back and it works. I’ve worked with Clay and his team for about, I think it’s about three years. And every year, she’s gotten better and things have grown more every year. I’ve been trying to get my wife and her pediatric dentist office and our partners on board with Clay for a while, I just saw that they were kind of getting stagnant in their practice and times were kind of getting slow for them and they needed more referrals and I knew that Clay could definitely help them out by even just one thing which would be change your website. And just by doing that, you’re gonna get patients very easily. But another thing too is that they needed to change their culture and their mindset of how to bring in patients and creating a brand as well for them and giving them more of an identity so the whole staff can kind of rally around them. For anybody that’s coming out of school or just starting new with a business of any sort, be it medical or anything of that nature, I would highly recommend Clay helping you create that business model. We’re trained to do what we’re trained to do, but we’re not trained to do the business aspect or the marketing or how to deal with patient or our staff. So Clay can pretty much do all that but what I like the most about Clay and his staff is that everything’s in-house. I don’t have to go to one place to do my website. I don’t have to go somewhere to do my videos. I don’t have to go another place to shoot photographs. Somewhere else to do web content or team coaching or entrepreneurship. Clay pretty much is the total package. He’s really a great mentor. So if you’re new and starting a business and you want to avoid all the pitfalls, I would definitely hook up with Clay and his team. Someone’s not using Clay and his team to help build their business, they’re missing out on a lot. There’s so many details and so many aspects of creating a business that Clay really makes it simple, makes it fun, and you learn so much in a short amount of time that I think he’s the best entrepreneur, business coach, marketer, you name it. The guy’s, and his team’s got it all going on. Hello, my name is Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. Today I want to tell you a little bit about Clay Clark and how I know Clay Clark. Clay Clark has been my business coach since 2017. He’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations. We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise. And Clay’s done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with like running the business, building the systems, the checklists, the workflows, the audits, how to navigate lease agreements, how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy is just amazing. This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with like Lee Crockrell, head of Disney with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with like Mike Lindell. He does Reawaken America tours where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours. On the day-to-day he does anywhere from about 160 companies. He’s at the top. He has a team of business coaches, videographers, and graphic designers and web developers. They run 160 companies every single week. Think of this guy with a team of business coaches running 160 companies. In the weekly, he’s running 160 companies. Every 6-8 weeks, he’s doing Reawaken America tours. Every 6-8 weeks, he’s also doing business conferences where 200 people show up and he teaches people a 13-step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires, helping them grow their companies. I’ve seen guys from startups go from startup to being multi-millionaires, teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system of critical thinking, document creation, organizing everything in their head to building into a franchisable, scalable business. One of his businesses has like 500 franchises. That’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with. Amazing guy, Elon Musk, kind of like smart guy. He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward but he’s so brilliant and he’s taught me so much. When I say that like Clay is like he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go and that’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time. A coach is actually helping you get to the best you and Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that we became friends. I was really most impressed with him is when I was shadowing him one time. We went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listen to it. When we walked out I knew that he could make millions on the deal and they were super excited about working with him. He told me, he’s like, I’m not going to touch it. I’m going to turn it down because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run. The guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right and anyways, just an amazing man. So anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped navigate any time I’ve gotten nervous or worried about how to run the company or navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember, we got closed down for three months. He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lockdowns, because our clubs were all closed for three months, and you have $350,000 of bills you’ve got to pay, and we have no accounts receivable. He helped us navigate that, and of course, we were conservative enough that we could afford to take that on for a period of time. But he was a great man. I’m very impressed with him. So Clay, thank you for everything you’re doing and I encourage you if you haven’t ever worked with Clay, work with Clay. He’s going to help magnify you and there’s nobody I have ever met that has the ability to work as hard as he does. He probably sleeps for maybe six hours a day and literally the rest of time he’s working and he can outwork everybody in the room every single day and and he loves it. So anyways this is Charles Kola with Kola Fitness. Thank You Clay and anybody out there that’s wanting to work with Clay. It’s a great great opportunity to ever work with him. So you guys have a blessed one. This is Charles Kola. We’ll see you guys. Bye Bye. Hi I’m Aaron Antis with Shaw Homes. I first heard about Clay through a mortgage lender here in town who had told me what a great job he had been doing for them and I actually noticed he was driving a Lamborghini all of a sudden so I was willing to listen. In my career I’ve sold a little over 800 million dollars in real estate. So honestly I thought I kind of knew everything about marketing and Holmes, and then I met Clay, and my perception of what I knew and what I could do definitely changed. After doing $800 million in sales over a 15-year career, I really thought I knew what I was doing. I’ve been managing a large team of salespeople for the last 10 years here with Shaw Homes, and I mean, we’ve been a company that’s been in business for 35 years. We’ve become one of the largest builders in the Tulsa area and that was without Clay. So when I came to know Clay, I really thought, man there’s not much more I need to know but I’m willing to listen. The interesting thing is our internet leads from our website has actually in a four-month period of time has gone from somewhere around 10 to 15 leads in a month to a hundred and eighty internet leads in a month just from the few things that he’s shown us how to implement that I honestly probably never would have come up with on my own. So I got a lot of good things to say about the system that Clay put in place with us and it’s just been an incredible experience. I am very glad that we met and had the opportunity to work with Clay. So the interaction with the team and with Clay on a weekly basis is honestly very enlightening. One of the things that I love about Clay’s perspective on things is that he doesn’t come from my industry. He’s not somebody who’s in the home building industry. I’ve listened to all the experts in my field. Our company has paid for me to go to seminars, international builder shows, all kinds of places where I’ve had the opportunity to learn from the experts in my industry. But the thing that I’ve found working with Clay is that he comes from such a broad spectrum of working with so many different types of businesses that he has a perspective that’s difficult for me to gain because I get so entrenched in what I do I’m not paying attention to what other leading industry experts are doing and Clay really brings that perspective for me. It is very valuable time every week when I get that hour with him. From my perspective the reason that any business owner who’s thinking about hooking up with Thrive needs to definitely consider it is because the results that we’ve gotten in a very short period of time are honestly monumental. It has really exceeded my wildest expectation of what he might be able to do. I came in skeptical because I’m very pragmatic and as I’ve gone through the process over just a few months, I’ve realized it’s probably one of the best moves we’ve ever made. I think a lot of people probably feel like they don’t need a business or marketing consultant because they maybe are a little bit prideful and like to think they know everything. I know that’s how I felt coming in. I mean, we’re a big company that’s definitely one of the largest in town. And so we kind of felt like we knew what we were doing and I think for a lot of people they let their ego get in the way of Listening to somebody that might have a better or different perspective than theirs I would just really encourage you if you’re thinking about working with clay I mean the thing is it’s month to month go give it a try and see what happens I think in the 35 year history of Shaw Homes, this is probably the best thing that’s happened to us. And I know if you give them a shot, I think you’ll feel the same way. I know for me, the thing I would have missed out on if I didn’t work with Clay is I would have missed out on literally an 1800% increase in our internet leads. Going from 10 a month to 180 a month, that would have been a huge financial decision to just decide not to give it a shot. I would absolutely recommend Clay Clark to anybody who’s thinking about working with somebody in marketing. I would skip over anybody else you were thinking about and I would go straight to Clay and his team. I guarantee you’re not going to regret it because we sure haven’t. My name is Danielle Sprick and I am the founder of D Sprick Realty Group here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After being a stay at home mom for 12 years and my three kids started school and they were in school full time, I was at a crossroads and trying to decide what, what do I want to do? My degree and my background is in education, but after being a mom and staying home and all of that, I just didn’t have a passion for it like I once did. My husband suggested real estate. He’s a home builder, so real estate and home building go hand in hand, and we just rolled with it. I love people. I love working with people. I love the building relationships, but one thing that was really difficult for me was the business side of things. The processes and the advertising and marketing, I knew that I did not have what I needed to make that what it should be. So I reached out to Clay at that time, and he and his team have been extremely instrumental instrumental in helping us build our brand, help market our business, our agents, the homes that we represent. Everything that we do is a direct line from Clay and his team and all that they’ve done for us. We launched our brokerage, our real estate brokerage, eight months ago and in that time we’ve gone from myself and one other agent to just this week we signed on our 16th agent. We have been blessed with the fact that we right now have just over 10 million in pending transactions. Three years ago I never would have even imagined that I would be in this role that I’m in today building a business, having 16 agents, but I have to give credit where credit’s due. And Clay and his team and the business coaching that they’ve offered us has been huge. It’s been instrumental in what we’re doing. Don’t ever limit your vision. When you dream big, big things happen. I started a business because I couldn’t work for anyone else. I do things my way. I do what I think is in the best interest of the patient. I don’t answer to insurance companies. I don’t answer to large corporate organizations. I answer to my patient, and that’s it. My thought when I opened my clinic was, I can do this all myself. I don’t need additional outside help in many ways. I mean, I went to medical school. I can figure this out. But it was a very, very steep learning curve. Within the first six months of opening my clinic, I had a $63,000 embezzlement. I lost multiple employees. Clay helped us weather the storm of some of the things that are just a lot of people experience, especially in the medical world. He was instrumental in helping with the specific written business plan. He’s been instrumental in hiring good quality employees, using the processes that he outlines for getting in good talent, which is extremely difficult. He helped me in securing the business loans. He helped me with web development and search engine optimization. We’ve been able to really keep a steady stream of clients coming in because they found us on the web. With everything that I encountered, everything that I experienced, I quickly learned it is worth every penny to have someone in your team that can walk you through and even avoid some of the pitfalls that are almost invariable in starting your own business. I’m Dr. Chad Edwards and I own Revolution Health and Wellness Clinic. The Thrivetime Show, two-day interactive business workshops are the highest and most reviewed business workshops on the planet. You can learn the proven 13 point business systems that Dr. Zellner and I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. We get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website. We’re gonna teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re gonna teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two day, 15 hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems so now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re going to leave energized, motivated, but you’re also going to leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur, I always wish that I had this. And because there wasn’t anything like this, I would go to these motivational seminars, no money down, real estate, Ponzi scheme, get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big get-rich-quick, walk-on-hot-coals product. It’s literally we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, and I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same system that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s going to be the best business workshop ever. And we’ll even give you your money back if you don’t love it. We’ve built this facility for you and we’re excited to see it.


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