Dr. Q | Why the COVID-19 Tests Are Designed to Create False Positive Test Results

Show Notes

Dr. Q shares why the COVID-19 tests are designed to create false-positive test results, why flu deaths have nearly completely disappeared in 2020, and why the COVID-19 scam is being used to justify the “Great Reset.”

Twitter – DIGWarrior4Kids
Buy the Book – Dr. Q, Eyes Wide Open: We are only as blind as we want to be

  1. 1975 – 1 in every 5,000 kids has autism
  2. 1982 – 1 in every 2,500 kids has autism
  3. 1994 – 1 in every 500 kids has autism
  4. 2000 – 1 in every 660 kids has autism
  5. 2004 – 1 in every 150 kids has autism
  6. 2009 – 1 in every 110 kids has autism
  7. 2013 – 1 in every 45 kids has autism

Excess Deaths – Tweet – Rudy Giuliani – https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1322272324108886018?s=20 

  1. Yes, yes, yes and yes! Thrivetime Nation on today’s show we are interviewing Dr. Q who is a double board-certified physician who has had enough of the lies perpetrated by the CDC and FDA and has ended a beloved 17-year career to become a warrior for truth!!! Dr. Q, welcome onto the Thrivetime Show, how are you sir?! 
  2. I know that you’ve had a ton of success at this point in your career, but I would love to start off at the bottom and the very beginning of your career. What was your life like growing up and where did you grow up?
  3. Dr. Q, when did it first occur to you that the Center for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administrations both were filled with corruption?
  4. What is the Center for Disease Control?
  5. Dr. Robert Ray Redfield Jr. is an American virologist, who is the current Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…should America be trusting him?
  6. Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci is an American physician and immunologist who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984…should America be trusting him?
  7. Dr. Q, what first inspired you to write your new book, Eyes Wide Open: We are only as blind as we want to be?!
  8. Dr. Q at its core, what is your book, Eyes Wide Open: We are only as blind as we want to be?! All about?
  9. Dr. Q, your book illustrates WHY these revered doctors think they are saving your life with medications and vaccines, and how they have fallen into a cycle of falsities?…I would love for you to break this down for us?
  10. Dr. Q, let’s get into vaccines…are medical doctors actually pressured to push vaccines on patients?
  11. What happens to medical doctors that simply refuse to push vaccines on patients?
  12. How big is BIG PHARMA’s influence on the medical community?
  13. Dr. Q, in your book you share about the travesties that perpetuate decades of false training of physicians…could you break a few of these down for us?
  14. Dr. Q, in your book, conspiracy theories are proven to be fact? Could you share for an example of a few of the medical conspiracy theories that have now been proven to be fact?
  15. Dr. Q, in your book, Chapter 1 is titled, Born to Cabal…what does this mean?
  16. How much are you hammered into believing that the CDC is 100% factually correct during medical school?
  17. How much are you hammered into believing that the Federal Drug Administration is 100% factually correct during medical school?
  18. NOTE: Reading this will leave you full of hope, and full of knowledge of the amazing cures and technological advances that are close on the horizon. You will begin to understand how we as a human race are on the brink of unity. Where we go one, we go all.
  19. Who are a few voices in the medical community that our listeners can actually trust?

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelations 13:17-18

  1. What message or principle that you wish you could teach everyone?
  2. You’ve got the mic, what is one thing that you want to share with the Thrive Nation before you drop the mic?
  3. What do all of our listeners need to do right now as a result of the information found within your book?


  1. Neil Ferguson is the former director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute and he is the man that created the Imperial model that predicted 2.2 million Americans would die from COVID-19 and that 500,000 Brits would die and it turns out that he was wrong and that his models were wrong by 25X.
  2. Stanford’s Doctor Scott Atlas, Medical Doctor recently said during a White House press conference, “THE DEADLINESS OF THE CORONAVIRUS IS LESS THAN THAT OF THE SEASONAL FLU FOR CHILDREN,” and Doctor and Senator Rand Paul recently stated, “If you look at under age 18, the mortality rate is about one in a million, if you look at age 18-45, the mortality rate is about 10 in 100,000. Above that it increases, but interestingly, it is still pretty small, and the vast majority – even people up to 65 years of age, it may well be between 95 and 99 percent have a very mild case of this. So I’m not saying it’s a benign disease, people do get sick and die from this. But your chances are good.  We shouldn’t live in fear forever.” There continues to be talks about mandating vaccines…I would love to hear your thoughts on the MODERNA and other COVID-19 vaccines being discussed?
  3. Doctor and Senator Rand Paul recently stated, “If you look at under age 18, the mortality rate is about one in a million, if you look at age 18-45, the mortality rate is about 10 in 100,000. Above that it increases, but interestingly, it is still pretty small, and the vast majority – even people up to 65 years of age, it may well be between 95 and 99 percent have a very mild case of this. So I’m not saying it’s a benign disease, people do get sick and die from this. But your chances are good.  We shouldn’t live in fear forever.  We should take normal precautions, we should assess the risks.  People who are older should take more precautions, but we shouldn’t, you know, cover the faces of our children and say you’re gonna have to live your whole life with your mask on. We shouldn’t do that, and the government definitely shouldn’t mandate it.” Is he correct? I would love to hear your thoughts on this?
  4. Dr. Richard Bartlett who was a medical advisor to Governor Rick Perry of Texas for 7 consecutive years and he stated that for $237 a person can use a nebulizer and the FDA approved pulmicort / budesonide to successfully treat COVID-19 patients? Why do you believe that proven treatments are being rejected and Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci seem to be obsessed about getting every human in the world to take their vaccines?
  5. The MIT, Duke, and Medical University of South Carolina graduate Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD, states that the COVID-19 tests being done are producing false positive test results over half of the time…we know that the Neil Ferguson models that originally predicted 2.2 million deaths were wrong…we know that virus is easily treatable with Budesonide / Pulmicort and a Z-pack…what is really on? Why are governments around the world calling for stricter quarantines, and curfews?
  6. Dr. Dan Erickson has stated “You have a 0.02 [percent] chance of dying from COVID in the state of California,” Erickson says in a recent video. “Does that necessitate sheltering in place? Does that necessitate shutting down medical systems? Does that necessitate people being out of work?” I would love for you to share more about this?
  7. Dr James Meehan, MD has stated that wearing a mask for prolonged periods of time is actually not healthy for the wearer of the mask…I would love to get your take on this?
  8. Dr. Dan, FOXNews reported that you said, “When someone dies in this country right now, they’re not talking about the high blood pressure, the diabetes, the stroke. They’re saying ‘Did they die from COVID?’” Erickson says in another video. “We’ve been to hundreds of autopsies. You don’t talk about one thing, you talk about comorbidities. ER doctors now [say] ‘It’s interesting when I’m writing about my death report, I’m being pressured to add COVID. Why is that?…I would love for you to share more about this?
  9. Dr. Scott Jensen from Minnesota has said that he received an email from the Minnesota Department of Health coaching him how to fill out death certificates related to COVID-19 and that he has never previously been coached on how to fill out death certificates. How is COVID-19 being treated differently than other viruses by health officials?

Point 1 – However, the Only Thing Worse Than the Election Fraud is the MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC FRAUD of 2020

  1. If COVID is in fact a deadly virus, what should we ALSO see when we see an MASSIVE increase in cases? That’s right. AN INCREASE IN DEATHS!!!
  2. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – Elon Musk just Tweeted out – “Something extremely bogus is going on. Was tested for covid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse.
    1. The PCR tests have an 80% false positive rate because the tests are factory set with a Cycle Threshold setting of over 33 or above – https://thehighwire.com/videos/covid-testing-fraud-uncovered/ 
    2. Erykah Badu dumbfounded after testing positive for coronavirus in left nostril, negative in the right – https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/erykah-badu-testing-positive-coronavirus-left-nostril-negative-right 
  3. Nefarious Neil Ferguson, who was the former Director of the Amazon-Funded Abdul Latif Jameel Institute Created Fear and Panic by Predicting That 2.2 Million Americans Would Die from COVID-19 if Lock Everything Down
    1. His models were off by 25X
    2. Over 99.98% of those under that age of 50 make a full and quick recovery
  4. GET THE FACTS: https://timetofreeamerica.com/#Inflation-section 


  1. I have a  “ESTHER Nation-Saving Message” for President Trump and Elon Musk that WILL end the pandemic in 10 minutes – please call me directly on my PERSONAL CELL PHONE at 918-851-6920 or email me at [email protected] 
    1. ACTION ITEM #1 – www.BudesonideWorks.com – Make it available via Executive Order (over the counter)
    2. ACTION ITEM #2 – Stop using PCR tests – Del Bigtree – https://thehighwire.com/videos/covid-testing-fraud-uncovered/  
  2. We must pray for the one man standing in the way Communist China Funded Luciferian Left
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