Show Notes
Sandy Spataro, PhD shares specific moves that you can use to continually inspire your team on a daily basis that learned after researching 100 + successful executives, when you should pivot or push forward and why WeWork’s $47 billion valuation was always a fiction.
FUN FACTS – WeWork’s $47 billion valuation was always a fiction created by SoftBank –
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- Yes, yes, yes and yes! Thrivetime Nation on today’s show we are interviewing an incredible woman who holds a PhD in Organizational Behavior, Industry Relations from the School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. Sandy, welcome onto The Thrivetime Show and how are you?!
- Dr. Sandy, for the listeners out there who are not super familiar with your background, let’s start at the bottom or the very beginning. Where did you grow up and when did you first decide what you wanted to do professionally?
- I took my undergraduate and mastery in Organizational Behavior, Industry Relations. I really didn’t know what I wanted to do so I went out and worked.
- The people stuff about business, the stuff you can’t put on a spreadsheet is what I really was interested in.
- I grew up in the San Francisco California Area
- When do you feel that you first began to gain traction with your career?
- Oracle
- It was exciting and thrilling
- I did my first work all-nighter at Oracle not at college
- Full House
- I’ve never watched the show
- Bucks
- I’ve never been there
- I have been a Raider fan since birth
- San Francisco, CA
- My understanding is that you are the co-CEO and co-founder of InspireCorps, an all-women led professional strategy firm, and an Associate Professor of Management at Northern Kentucky University….what exactly do you do for a living and what kinds of problems do you solve for individuals and organizations?
- We maintain that inspiration is the difference maker in our work
- We wrote a book called “Dare to Inspire” to help people thrive through inspiration
- Each of us have an individual inspiration fingerprint
- You have to look inside yourself to see what fires you up
- You have to bring inspiration to yourself. It won’t come to you.
- Mine is “Connection to purpose” and my purpose is to help people to become their best self
- The California Redwoods is my church. It is where I find peace and excitement.
- I have big posters of the Redwoods in my office
- I have the California flag in my office
- Movement is very important to me. I have to be active. I have to take 10 minutes to reset.
- How can I inspire individuals on my team?
- You have to identify their strengths and talk to them about how they can use their strengths more.
- You can talk about what’s important to them in regards to their values.
- Dr. Sandra, you’ve done alot of research into the question about how to know when it’s time to pivot or push forward…why are you interested in this topic?
- We interviewed many people and high-level CEO’s and the data told us that there are 18 different inspiration engines.
- Inspiration is a muscle. You have to exercise it.
- We interviewed someone on Friday:
- The director of diversity and inclusion
- It was good reinforcement for our ideas
- She is living her values and working her values
- She has got a big job and she does her work outside of her work because it truly inspires her
- What is your opinion on WeWork
- They were only focusing results as opposed to aligning their goals and visionary thinking that may have helped them succeed. They had a tunnel vision that got them off course.
- Where do most business people get it wrong when it comes down to deciding whether they should pivot or push forward?
- Change is hard and painful. We need to go into situations knowing that we have to push ourselves to action even when it’s not comfortable.
- You’ve written that “Intentional resetting can act as a barrier against external influence that lead to the wrong decision.” What do you mean by that?
- Intentional resetting can act as a barrier against external influence that lead to the wrong decision, says Dr. Sandra Spataro, co-CEO and co-founder of InspireCorps, an all-women led professional strategy firm, and an Associate Professor of Management at Northern Kentucky University. Sandy has studied the science of inspiration in hundreds of individuals and found that intentional resetting can transform workplace performance.
- NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” – Napoleon Hill (The best-selling self-help author of Think and Grow Rich)
- Sandy, what first inspired you to write your new book, Dare to Inspire: Sustain the Fire of Inspiration in Work and Life?
- Where do most organizations get it wrong when it comes to sustainably inspiring their people?
- What was your process like for researching and writing Dare to Inspire: Sustain the Fire of Inspiration in Work and Life?
- You’ve written about how leaders can respond to challenging situations by taking time to “reset”…what are the three types of resets that you write about and why should our listeners know about them?
- Pregame – and how each can be applied to common workplace scenarios like tense boardroom meeting
- Let’s talk about WeWork and where you feel this organization went wrong and what they could have learned from your book?
- Somebody is thinking about buying Dare to Inspire: Sustain the Fire of Inspiration in Work and Life…why should everybody pick up a copy of this book?
- You’ve got the mic, what is one thing that you want to share with the Thrive Nation before you drop the mic?