Entrepreneurship Podcast | Learn How to Write An Effective Sales Script + Hear A Best-Practice In Action

Show Notes

Entrepreneurship Podcast | Learn How to Write An Effective Sales Script + Hear A Best-Practice In Action

Download A Millionaire’s Guide to Become Sustainably Rich: A Step-by-Step Guide to Become a Successful Money-Generating and Time-Freedom Creating Business HERE:
Show Audio: https://rumble.com/v23mywc-business-podcast-dr.-zoellner-and-clay-clark-teach-how-to-build-a-successfu.html

Learn More About Steve Currington and the Mortgage Services That He Provides Today At: www.SteveCurrington.com

Entrepreneurship 101:
Step 1 – Find Problems That World Wants to Solve
Step 2 – Solve the Problems That the World Wants to Solve
Step 3 – Sell the Solution
Step 4 – Nail It and Scale It

How to Decrease Your Business’ Reliance Upon You?
Step 1 – Improve Your Branding
Step 2 – Create a Turn-Key Marketing System
Pre-Written Emails
Dream 100 Marketing System
Pre-Written Script
Step 3 – Create a Turn-Key Sales System and Workflow
Step 4 – Weekly Optimize the Business to Prevent Drifting
Step 5 – Install a Tracking Sheet

Clay Clark Testimonials | “Clay Clark Has Helped Us to Grow from 2 Locations to Now 6 Locations. Clay Has Done a Great Job Helping Us to Navigate Anything That Has to Do with Running the Business, Building the System, the Workflows, to Buy Property.” – Charles Colaw (Learn More Charles Colaw and Colaw Fitness Today HERE: www.ColawFitness.com)
See the Thousands of Success Stories and Millionaires That Clay Clark Has Helped to Produce HERE: https://www.thrivetimeshow.com/testimonials/

Learn More About Attending the Highest Rated and Most Reviewed Business Workshops On the Planet Hosted by Clay Clark In Tulsa, Oklahoma HERE:

Download A Millionaire’s Guide to Become Sustainably Rich: A Step-by-Step Guide to Become a Successful Money-Generating and Time-Freedom Creating Business HERE:

See Thousands of Actual Client Success Stories from Real Clay Clark Clients Today HERE: https://www.thrivetimeshow.com/testimonials/

See Thousands of Case Studies Today HERE: https://www.thrivetimeshow.com/does-it-work/

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

  • Awkward business moment number 17 the sales cold call

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    Hi, yes, this is Toby from vacuums and more. I was wondering if I Come on this is Toby from vacuums and more I’m sorry, sir. Okay, our phones down or something. No one’s answering the phone. Oh, I got a down nine Okay Answer the phone! Hi there, this is Toby.

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    Hi, I’m so sorry to interrupt dinner.

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    No, no, no, no, this is not a sales pitch.

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    This is more than that, actually. Well, okay, it’s a sales pitch, but… Hi, this is Toby from Vacuums and More. I was calling for Mr. Gene Banks. Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize he had passed. Um… Uh, well, who do I have on the line here? Uh, hello? Hello?

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    Don’t let this happen to you.

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    Do you need help growing your business?

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    Take the challenge. The Thrive Time Business Coach program will beat any marketing firm’s prices by 50%. Schedule your free consultation today at thrivetimeshow.com. Need a marketing firm? Our Business Coach program offers better and faster results for half the cost of any other marketing firm. Learn more at Thrivetimeshow.com.

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    You know, when you hear that we can beat the cost of any marketing firm by 50%, it seems like a large number. It seems like also a number, like an unbelievable number, like you can’t believe it. And I’ll tell you how we do it. The marketing firm, the team that we have here at Thrivetimeshow.com, is not a team we’ve assembled just for you, the customer. It’s the same team that we use for my businesses, for Dr. Z’s businesses. And so, they already work for us full time. So, we haven’t hired people uniquely just for you that’s our team. So, you get to kind of use our team of videographers, photographers, web developers, copywriters.

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    Graphic designers.

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    Graphic designers. You know, they’re all there for you, all those different disciplines. And one of the things that we do at our own businesses is we answer phones. We have a call center because the call center is kind of like the nerve center for some of our businesses. And so for coaching clients, we a lot of times will partition out a few hours to prove the scripts for other people, to test the scripts of other clients. And so you might have a script that you’ve written that you feel really really good about, but you don’t have the emotional fortitude needed to test it. What? I mean you might not have the emotional fortitude to test your own script. What? I mean the very thought of getting rejection and rejected repeatedly from people. For some entrepreneurs, there’s just too much to handle. So they don’t want to actually write a script and then make outbound calls using it. So we’ll actually test it for you. We do this for a lot of clients, but before we can test the script and actually have our team make calls on your behalf, we have to write a script. So Chip, we’re going to go through the eight steps to making an effective call script.

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    This is, I’m excited about this because we have a lot of mentors that have expertise in all types of business fields, Clay. And what I’ve learned from you and what I’ve watched you do as far as sales goes, this is like, this is so valuable and it’s just free. It’s a free podcast you can listen to. So buckle up everybody.

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    Okay, so here we go. Here is the first, the first step. You got to write down five rapport building questions. I’m not talking about ideas, concepts, or principles. You have to write down five specific rapport building questions. So when the person immediately makes contact, by the way, sales is a contact sport, once you do make contact with the other party, you have to know specifically what to say. And if you go to the Thrive Time Show workshops, we play you actual audio clips so you can hear real scripts in action. But Chuck, when you script out five rapport building questions, if it’s an inbound script, okay, as an example, probably 95% of the time if you answer the phone for any kind of company at all, the first question you’re going to get, or one of the first few questions you’re going to get from the person calling you is, how much do you charge? So what you do is you say, thank you for calling the Hub Gym, this is the amazing Clay Clark, how can I make your day great? And the caller says, well how much do you guys charge? And then you would say, you know that’s a great question, let me ask you, how did you first hear about us? And they would tell you. Boom, that’s question number one. Second question you’d say, well we have a lot of different packages and so I make sure I find the right package for you. If all gyms did charge the same price, what are you really looking for out of a gym?” And you’re like, well, if they don’t charge the same price, I’d probably look for… I like to be clean. Do you guys have a sauna? Yeah, sauna. Do you guys have a clean facility? Is it open 24-7? You know, stuff like that. Right. And then you’d say, okay, okay. And then let me ask you this here. Do you work out? I mean, is it like a daily thing or is it maybe three times a week? I mean, tell me your current fitness routine They tell you then you’d say tell me a little bit about your goals this year and you have to have five Rapport building question building rapport you’re having conversation. You’re letting the other person talk So the other person at the end of your rapport building questions, there are two Goals that you want to have there are two goals of your rapport Building questions again two goals of the rapport building questions goal number one is for the person to like you. You want the other person on the other end of the phone to like you because they realize that you’re listening, which means that they need to be talking 70% of the time and you only get to talk 30% of the time because the law of conversational generosity states that you cannot talk more than 30% of the time. I don’t like that role. Okay, fine. If you want to machine gun people, thank you for calling the Hub Gym. This is Clay. How can I help you? charge well clay we offer this we offer that we offer this we offer that but it is it and then you’re like are you still there did it click so they must like you and they must trust you and that can only happen as a result of you asking them thought-provoking questions and observing the conversational the rule of conversational generosity where the other party talks 70% of the time now the second part is you have to establish their needs Now for the needs you want to script out at least five questions and because we have Luke Owens with the hub gym on the show today as a special guest Luke What are the kinds of needs people have when they are looking for a gym some may seem obvious some may seem Revolutionary, but what are the what are some typical needs that people have when they’re looking for a new gym?

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    Do you offer personal training? Are you open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Those sorts of questions. Do you have treadmills? Do you have a swimming pool? Those types of things.

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    And why is it important that you as the Hub Gym are asking people these questions over the phone before you quote a price.

  • 11


    Well, because you need to identify what their needs are to see if you’re a good fit for them. And, yeah, so you don’t waste your time.

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    It’s a win-win. You want to look for a win-win. We want to be a good fit for you. You want to be a good fit for us. And one thing to do to find these needs, the point of these questions, is the person is telling you exactly what they want without them realizing that they’re telling you that.

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    Now, if you don’t script your calls, you can’t scale. Because if you are the business owner, and you’re like, well it’s easy and every conversation is different because in my industry every call is different. That’s cool.

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    But the goal is the same.

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    Well what you’d want to do if that’s your belief system is that every call is different. What you’re going to want to do is work like every hour of the day and make sure that you answer every freaking phone call. And what you want to do is you want to find somebody who’s willing to shadow you for like three or four years and to completely suck at their job while they learn through osmosis because you are correct. If that’s if you choose to believe the mindset that you’re the only freaking one in the history of the planet that’s ever going to learn your system, then that’s the hill you’re going to die on. It’s powerful. So where it’s too hard for me to go to the system. Well, when you do hard things, life gets easier, homeskillet.

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    I hear you say this. I hear you say this. There’s not bad students, there’s bad teachers. Not bad questions, bad teachers. And so if you can’t teach somebody your systems, maybe it’s not all the other people.

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    Lee Cockerell, the former Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World Resorts, who once managed 40,000 employees and 1 million customers a week, he once said, he once said, this is what he said. He said, when you do hard things, life gets easier. You’ve got to sit down and write a script. When you write a script, it’s going to take you a long time. Oh, look what has just come inside the studio. Marshall Morris, 6’8″, the business coach, author extraordinaire. 6’8″, pinstripe, flip-flip. See if you can adjust his microphone height so we can get Marshall on this segment. I mean, because right now… Do they make a reverse ladder? Do they make something that makes you shorter? You could smoke. You could smoke. If you take up smoking, doesn’t smoking stunt your growth at some point there? I don’t know if that’s a thing, but we’ll go ahead and make Marshall’s mic nice and tall so he can hop on with us. Now the third step is you want to be able to script out the benefits. You’ve got to make sure that all of your benefits are supported by facts. Now again, going back to needs, the goal of the needs-based questions is to find a gap between where the prospect is and where they want to be. Chuck, you’ve got to find with the needs, you have to find the problems that the ideal and likely buyers have, and you have to be able to show them how you can solve them. Again, the goal of rapport is to make the other person like you and to make the other person trust you. The goal of the needs, though, is to find a gap between where the prospect is and where they want to be. If you’re not getting this, you’re not doing this right. You’ve got to find the problems that you can solve. And Chip, I want to put that on the show note. The goal of the needs is you have to find the problems that the ideal and likely buyer has that you can solve. You’ve got to find the problems that you can solve. You’ve got to find a gap between where they are and where they want to be. If you just quote prices, you’re going to lose. Marshall, needs. You help clients build scripts all the time for establishing needs. Walk us through where a lot of coaching clients get this wrong. People only buy for two reasons. They either buy to alleviate a pain or to achieve a gain. Yes! Those are the only two reasons. Oh come on, repeat it again! They, to alleviate a pain or to achieve a gain. And so you have to identify that for them because they’re not maybe articulating that to you immediately once you get onto that call. So you gotta ask them the questions to identify that for them. So Marshall, like what if I’m just looking at a blank sheet of paper and I’m like, I just, I don’t even like know where to start. And I’m just like, it’s just like, I’m so, it’s just hard to start. Like, what, would you turn the paper upside down or how do you start? So this is what you got to do. You got to ask a question. On a scale of one to ten, how happy are you with your current provider? Are you with your current lawn? Are you with your current overall look? Your current gym? So you’re on the record of endorsing. You have to ask a question. On a scale of one to ten, how happy are you currently with whatever? With ten being the highest, one being the least. Whatever. Whatever. With 10 being the highest, 1 being the least, how happy are you with your current fitness level on a scale of 1 to 10? How happy are you with your current insurance provider on a scale of 1 to 10? How happy are you with something? Your current hair cutter. Your current hair cutter on a scale of 1 to 10. Now we move on to benefits. So benefits, you have to supply 3 benefits supported by a fact. Marshall, what is a benefit? There’s a very distinguished book called Soft Selling in a Hard World. Tell me again. It’s Soft Selling in a Hard World by Jerry Vass. Say it one more time, sir. I’m writing this down. It’s Soft Selling in a Hard World by Jerry Vass. Oh, God, I’m just writing it down right now. The difference between a benefit and a feature is a feature will describe your product or service. Oh, come on. It’s descriptive. I’ll do it again.

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    Here we go.

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    A benefit and a feature. A feature describes whatever it is that you’re doing. So this car goes this fast or this widget spins at this speed. Let me try. Let me see if I can do it. Eric Chubb’s body is beautiful. Is beautiful. So here is what a benefit is. That’s a benefit. No, that was a feature. That’s a feature. That’s a feature. Okay. I described it. It’s a statement of fact. Okay. A benefit describes the value that the customer receives for having used your service. If you use Eric Chup’s body in front of your store, sex sells and people will start to show up in large amounts because they want his body. That’s also a benefit of my body. That’s a benefit and a fact. That’s one of those five line words.

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    I feel like you’re making fun of my body right now.

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    So you have to show the customer how is it that you’re bridging the gap. How are you helping them solve the need? How are you helping them achieve the gain, alleviate the pain? What is the benefit to the customer? Because they don’t care. The customer doesn’t care that it spins at this speed, but they do care about getting from point A to point C faster. you’re solving a problem for your ideal and likely buyer, supported by a fact. Yeah, you’ve got to use the law of credibility. Now a lot of people, where do they get that wrong? They will cite a source like Bill’s blog, okay? And Bill’s blog isn’t that credible, okay? It’s my Uncle Bill, and he doesn’t have a credible background in fitness or selling cars. I tell you, when we come back, what I’m going to do is I’m going to script out the benefits for somebody out there that has like a siding company, let’s say. So if somebody’s out there listening, we have a lot of people in different markets all around the world who have reached out to us. They have a siding company. They install siding for homes, and maybe you’re one of those people, and you’re just trying to say, hey, how do I write benefits for my business? Or maybe you own a gym like Luke, or maybe you’re a cosmetic surgeon. We come back, we’re going to break down how to specifically write benefits for a siting company. Writing a sales script is absolutely critical if you want to scale your business. If you want to stay small, and you want to work all the time, and you never want to have time freedom, then you really don’t even need to listen, because all we’re talking about is how to build a scalable sales system when we return.

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    down by the river, come by and see us at our Riverwalk offices and we’ll be able to make

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    your dreams come true. The people go wild when they know they can live in a van down by the river, Chup, if they want to. Beats poverty, my man. It is. We’re right there in beautiful Jinx, America. Sometimes waterfront.

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    I know that most of the people listening to our podcast, they have never been to Jinx,

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    Oklahoma, and there’s a great reason for that. One, it’s in Oklahoma. Two, we’re the sod farm capital of the world. Three, there’s really not a lot that you would travel to Oklahoma for, except for our in-person workshop. So let me tell you on the things there are to do when you get to Tulsa. When you do get to Tulsa, we have an outdoor three-story golf facility called the Flying Tee within a walking distance of our building. It’s essentially like what a half a block away. It’s right next door to our building. Then we have the Riverwalk Dining. There’s nice restaurants right there. Then if you Uber across the river or you drive across the river, it takes like a mile or two miles away. There’s the largest casino in the region right there. There’s a great concert hall right there. And there’s sod farms within 10 miles, and that’s what we have for you. As far as the eye can see. And so Thrive Nation, now we move on back into our conversation about how do I make a sales script? How do I do it? Well, if you’re just now tuning back in, step one, you want to script out five questions, five rapport-building questions. And if you’d like an example of a script that works, we would be happy to send one to you. But I think most people learn more effectively when they come to our actual in-person workshops and we role-play with you there. So if you would like to receive such a script, just email us to info at ThriveTimeShow.com and we’ll send it to you. Then you want to script out five needs-based questions. Third, you want to script out three benefits. Now benefits are basically, it’s a solution. It’s how you solve a problem. Chip, I want to put this on the show notes. It’s how you solve problems for your ideal and likely buyers supported by a fact. That’s what a benefit is. It’s how you solve problems for your ideal and likely buyers supported by a fact. How you solve problems for your ideal and likely buyers supported by a fact. So I’m gonna give you three benefits if you own a gym and you’re listening. So if you the hub gym is in downtown Broken Air right there Luke? That’s correct. And I’m spitballing because I’m not gonna, I don’t have this written down in front of me but I’m gonna go and give you an example there of what a benefit portion of a script would look like if I was writing a script for the hub. And I would document this and write it down, but here we go. I’d say, well, based upon what you’ve told me, see, that’s the transition from the needs questions into the benefits. I’d say, based upon what you told me, I believe the hub would be a great fit. And there’s three reasons why. One, we have the best pricing in Broken Arrow. In fact, our first month is just how much Luke?

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    Only one dollar.

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    And then after that each month is?

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    Only twenty nine dollars.

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    And you can cancel at?

  • 11


    With a thirty day cancellation notice.

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    Bam! See that’s a fact. Second, at the Hub Gym we will get you the results you’re looking for. In fact, we have tons of before and after photos on our website. Are you in front of a computer? Yeah. If you want to go to what.com?

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    If you go to TheHubGym.com and you click on the testimonials button, you can see before and after photos of great people just like you. Third, we offer cutting edge workout equipment and technology, which is why we schedule a free tour and your first month is only $1. So I’d like to go ahead and schedule a one-on-one consultation tour with you, and then you go into the close. That’s it. Everything I said was supported by a fact. Marshall, let’s do the same thing for the Thrive Time Show Business Coach Program.

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    Here we go. I’m in. Well, based upon what you told me, I believe that the Thrive Time Show Business Coach Program can help you in five ways. So you’ll go with the benefit supported with a fact. Chuck will do a benefit supported by a fact. They’ll go to me, we’ll go around the horn. Here we go. Let’s go with you, Marshall Morris, first. What’s a benefit supported by a fact? We use the edutainment approach. So it is going to be entertaining and educational. So the Journal of American Psychology said that the cognitive load theory says that humans can’t engage with a piece of content. They can’t learn unless you’re enjoying it while you’re actually learning and so we make it fun and practical at the same time. So instead of having like a boring college experience you can actually learn how to grow a business and have fun along the way and you won’t want to take a nail gun to your head at the same time. Because you’ll be remembering it, enjoying it, experiencing it because we teach differently. Chup, what is a benefit of the Thrive Time Show business coaching program supported by FACT.

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    So one of the things that a lot of the other business coaches or programs out there do is they don’t support anything that they’re actually doing. And what we show you is there’s a proven system, and it goes across industry, right? It doesn’t matter from an auto auction to a coaching program to a thoroughbred horse ranch to a durable medical goods. We use the same hiring system, for example, at every single business. And when you come down for a conference, you can actually see these systems in process.

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    Let me just fire off a blasty blast of benefits. So here’s a benefit for you. One, for less money than it would cost you to hire even one employee for $8.25 per hour, we give you graphic designers, photographers, videographers, search engine optimizers, copywriters, branders, everything you could possibly need to grow your business. In fact, if you paid someone $8.25 per hour for 40 hours a week times 4.3 weeks, that would come out to $1,419 if you didn’t pay taxes. Hence, to keep you out of jail, I would encourage you to pay taxes. Thus, if you did pay taxes, you would take on top of that, typically $1.3, you’d come out to $1,844.70. And our program costs less than that. Now, the next benefit we have is that we meet with you every week so you only have to take one hour out of your business to work on your business and the rest of the week you can work in your business. So you only take one hour a week out of your business to work on your business. In fact, our program works so well it’s the program that’s been used by the Tulsa Oilers and Barbie Cookies and Total Ending Concepts and Hewlett-Packard and Maytag and O’Reilly’s and UPS and if you go to Thrivetimeshow.com and click on testimonials you can see David Drucker, the head of UPS Canada, talking about our system. Or you can see videos online of Maytag University. Or you can read about us in Forbes. Another example of what we do at the Thrive Time Show program, we offer the world’s best business workshop. People love it, they have a good time. And it’s included with the one-on-one business coaching. In fact, we are the highest reviewed business coaching program on the planet. We have over 550 reviews on iTunes. I think it’s 540 today, 540-ish. We have over 340 reviews on Google, and we have over 500 reviews on YouTube. YouTube videos, Marshall, it’s hard to fake YouTube reviews. Yeah, it’s really hard to fake all of them up there, optimized with real people, with real businesses, with real websites. And now the next, the final steps of making an effective call script. You have to go ahead and script out the five closing questions. And we’ll give you an example if you just email us to info at ThriveTimeShow.com. You want to script out what to say to call to action to set the appointment. Then step five, you want to script out all the objections that people ask, because you’re going to get asked the same questions over and over and over. Then after you’ve done that, you want to create a final script format where it’s formalized, it’s done, it’s like, this is the system, this is how it works, it’s going to work, this is what we use every single time, this is not a rough draft here, this is what we use. And then you want to create recorded best practice videos, like where you can show people doing the process, or audio recordings of over the phone sales. And that is how you make a sales script.

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    Get ready to enter the Thrive Time Show.

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    3, 2, 1, boom!

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    Thrive Nation, we are going to be teaching you a super skill that will help you to pay

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    the bill.

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    Do you have a business where your phone rings inbound? Ever? Where people are calling you? You’re not always calling them, where you’re getting leads that are coming into your phone, where you’re getting constant customer service calls into your offices. If that is you, you definitely want to take notes because Chuck we’re talking about what we are gonna be breaking down how to create

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    an inbound script

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    We’re going to be teaching you how to make an inbound script. Hey, man. Hey, man. Yeah, man, man That’s gonna be awesome man So your person is a good man will talk like Clay’s talking right now if you do not have an inbound script I say this because I had an employee back in the day with DJ connection who? You can bake brownies and in the brownies put in marijuana. In certain states you can do that. And when you do that, you’ve been around… Charles, have you been around people that smoke a lot of pot? You’ve been around these people?

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    Not a lot.

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  • 2


    I’ve been… Earlier in my life I was around a few.

  • 1


    Well, with my DJ connection, I mean, that’s the guys.

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    That’s kind of it.

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    All of them. Yeah, and so this is how they would… This is how the guy would talk. The phone would ring, and someone would call. And the way people who smoke pot say this is what they experience they experience a they call it a lessening of anxiety I would call this it’s a lessening of standards or Ambition so you basically become cool with anything yeah, man mixed with slight paranoia Because you’re not really sharp at that point. And you also start to see connections between things where there are no connections. And so you begin to… That’s why a lot of people smoke a lot of pot when they write a lot of music. They’re seeing connections and there’s a lot of artists that… But I’m telling you, when you have people who answer your phone, in my case, DJ Connection, I discovered that a lot of the guys I would hire were just high as a kite sometimes. And when you’re paying people $8 to $9 an hour, you understand you’re not dealing with the cream of the crop. I mean, because everybody needs an entry-level job. But over time, if you do a good job, I mean, just by attrition, I kept getting promoted at Target. Like just by showing up every day, they’re like, well, based upon the fact that you’re here every day, you should be promoted. But this is how the phone calls would go before I had the scripts. The phone would ring and the guy would say, uh, yeah, uh, thanks for calling DJ connection. Uh, yeah. And it was like, it sounded like, is he high? Is he coughing? Does he have a larynx issue? What’s going on? Is he sleeping? So I pull him aside and say, Hey G, G Money, I need you to answer the phone with more enthusiasm. And he would say, all right, uh, DJ connection. Um, yeah. I’m like, why did you just giggle? He’s like, Oh man, is this awesome? Cause like they didn’t say anything and I was like knowing it and I was waiting for it. Right. Or he would say, or I’d say, okay, let’s do it. Let’s have some role playing. You got to sound professional. All right. DJ connection, um, services for entertainment and everything. Is that good?” And I’m like, don’t ask me if it’s good because you’re currently on the phone. So you end up realizing, one, no matter what script you build, you need to have good workers. That reminds me, do you remember the SNL skit where Chris Farley interviews Paul McCartney? Yes!

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    No script, no words, right?

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    Yes, it just goes for it.

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    Yeah, it’s awesome, man.

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    If you guys have not seen the Chris Farley documentary, it’s absolutely hysterical, but one of the things that Chris Farley had a major drug problem and an alcohol problem, and he also had a fear of crowds. In order to get ready for his performances, he would usually get high and or drunk simultaneously before each performance. That’s a move. That’s a move. So, Warren Michaels says to him, the producer, he says, hey, you skipped rehearsals, we’re interviewing Paul McCartney on the show, perhaps the biggest musician of all time. I need to know that you have it together.” Absolutely, man, I got it, I got it. Well, he goes up on the show and he doesn’t rehearse, he’s never rehearsed, he’s never read the notes. If you watch him on Saturday Night Live, the Chris Farley interview with Paul McCartney, it is him literally drunk or high as a kite interviewing Paul McCartney. Hey, hey, Paul, remember when you were in the Beatles?

  • 6


    That was awesome.

  • 1


    Yeah, that was a good one. So you, how are you?

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    It’s just so weird. You’ve got to have a script.

  • 6


    You’ve got to have a script.

  • 1


    So what you do is you have to write out your five questions for building rapport, your five questions for establishing the needs, your three benefits that you deliver. A benefit is a solution to a problem supported by a fact. Then you want to script out your closing questions, which is where you go for the close. We’ll put this all in the show notes. What we’re going to do, Chuck, is let’s put an example on the show notes of a sample script that we make available. If they email, let’s put it on the show notes, if you email info at Thrivetimeshow.com, but don’t put the actual email, just type it out. If you email info and then spell out AT at, so that we don’t get spam emails, if you email info at Thrivetimeshow.com, we’ll send you the script so you can see it. There you go. And we’ll send you recorded calls so you can see that too. What happens is, this is an example of the call then. Once you build the script, this is how it would go. Boom, boom, boom, the phone rings. Thank you for calling Epic Photography. My name is Clay Clark. How can I make your day great?” And those are the literal words that I’m saying. The customer almost every time would say, hey, I was just calling to see how much you charge. And then the script says, that’s great. What day are you looking at? And then they would tell you and you’d say, okay, awesome. And then what venue are you looking at? And no matter what venue they say, you’d say, well, let me check real quick to make sure we have that open because there are certain days were booked in certain days were wide open so we just check and you come back you put on hold you come back and say hey guess what great news we have at least two availabilities open on your day and you said your wedding is at Vesca Pisces right and they’d say yeah or your wedding’s at Embassy Suites right right and no matter what venue it was they would turn to the manager and ask him hey what’s a cool thing about that

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  • 1


    and they’d say oh the waterfalls are awesome so then they would tell the customer I hear that place is awesome the waterfalls there are great, right? I kind of love it. And they go, oh, you guys have been there. And it’s instant rapport. Right. And then you say needs. You say, well, if all photographers charge the same price, what’s the main thing you’re looking for out of a photographer? And they tell you.

  • 6


    This is magic.

  • 1


    And then you’d say, let me ask you this. I want to make sure you’re qualified for all the right specials. How did you hear about us? And you just follow the system. and I could literally teach somebody who had never sold insurance before, mortgages before, real estate before, photography before, dentistry before, orthodontics before, haircuts before, carpet cleaning before, any industry, fitness before. I could teach you how to do sales within usually two hours. I can hire you right now and in two hours you’re on the phone. All I have to do is read. And you just read the script. And then we practice the script until you can’t get it wrong. You don’t practice it until you get it right, you practice it until you can’t get it wrong. Then you make a list of all of the FAQs. So elephant in the room, people are always wanting to know, you know, can they get in for their haircut? And the problem is, is we have only three locations to serve people in Tulsa, and I have no interest in opening up a fourth. And so the reality is, is that we’re booked out most of the time for non-members. And so we have to get used to dealing with that. Certain people want to cancel and they want to know if they can get a refund for their membership because they didn’t show up for their haircut. The problem is that we still are paying someone to be there at that time, so no. Just like a gym, we don’t, you know. So there’s all these scripts we had to build and that’s how we do it. We have to build an FAQ script and then you just role play, role play, role play, role play, role play. But as far as implementation, Charles, where do you see a lot of entrepreneurs, Charles Kola with Kola Fitness, you have three multi-million dollar gyms. Where do you see a lot of entrepreneurs get stuck as it relates to writing a script? Well, they just don’t take action. I think the big thing is you have to take action, you have to start doing it, and then you’ll start seeing either it’s working or it’s not working, and then you slowly make adjustments. And I think the big thing is everyone wants to hit it perfect right off the bat, and so they just don’t take action. So start and take action immediately, and you’ll start getting feedback and then you can you know refine it. Just do it. And I would highly recommend that you would record, I say highly recommend, you have to record your team’s phone calls and your coach can show you how to do this but you have to record your calls that way you’re giving them specific concise feedback about what they can do better as opposed to vague principles taught in a way that does not make sense and that is how you write an inbound call script. Alright, and now that we’ve knocked out our beatboxing and our training on the theory of how to build a call script, on this portion of the show we’re going to actually play for you an actual call script that we actually use for an actual business. So if you want to hear How these principles and ideas turn into an actual call script? I would encourage you to take notes listen in and this is the actual recording of an actual sales call Script that we used for clients So this is the script that actual business will use on a daily basis to interact with inbound customer leads. Nothing further ado Here we go. Hello, and thank you for calling Make Your Dog Epic Dog Training. How may I help you?

  • 12


    Yeah, I was just looking to get some more information on dog training.

  • 1


    Great. So what city and state are you located in?

  • 12


    I’m in Utah. I don’t know.

  • 1


    Okay, so what is your name and what’s your dog’s name?

  • 12


    My dog’s name is Ricky Bobby and my name is Jeff.

  • 1


    So did you name your dog after somebody you met in high school or how did you choose the name of your dog?

  • 12


    No, actually I saw the movie Talladega Nights.

  • 1


    Man, that movie is incredible. I mean, the plot line in that movie, it’s an incredible film. It’s like watching The Hunt for Red October in Mr. Holland’s Opus at the same time. Well, so what breed of dog do you have and how much does it weigh at this point?

  • 12


    I have a one ounce and it’s like 95 pounds.

  • 1


    So did a friend tell you about our program or how did you first hear about us?

  • 16


    I actually used Google.

  • 1


    Google. Yeah, I hear the kids are starting to use that there. So how old is your dog that you’re looking to have trained?

  • 12


    It’s about three now.

  • 1


    And what are the biggest issues that your dog is currently struggling with at this point?

  • 12


    It’s pulling me down the street, jumping on me. It also barks nonstop.

  • 1


    So is your dog currently keeping you up at night?

  • 12


    Oh, yeah.

  • 1


    Yeah. Is your dog jumping on everybody at this point?

  • 17



  • 12


    Everyone comes to the house.

  • 1


    Is your dog digging holes and chewing on furniture? Is your dog pooping and peeing on everything like it’s trying to organically fertilize your home? Well, we are going to help you out. How familiar are you with the dog training industry overall and our overall approach to dog training companies in our area. However, there’s four things that we do that nobody else in the dog training industry is really doing right now. First, we provide you your first dog training lesson for only 50 cents so that you can essentially try it before you buy it and you can see first hand that our goal is to gain obedience, but never at the expense of your dog’s personality. Does that make sense? Second, because of our streamlined and revolutionary, focused-based, positive reinforcement training methodology, we are one of the most affordable dog training services in America. So after the first lesson, we will go over our different packages with you to find the best package for you and your budget. Third, we are one of the highest rated and most reviewed dog training companies on the planet and most people tell us that on average our pricing is 20 to 30% less than everybody else in your area. And then fourth and finally, we guarantee our results and want to be there for the rest of your dog’s life, which is why you and your dog will get group classes forever, no matter what package you choose. Does that make sense?

  • 13



  • 1


    Well, we want to schedule a time for one of our trainers to meet you and to figure out your dog’s current struggles and your goals for your dog so that we can get a tailored package for you and your budget. And also we want to show you how our revolutionary focused based positive reinforcement training and methodology actually works. Does that make sense? So what is the address that we’ll be headed to for our first 50-cent dog training lesson? So that and so I can see if you are within our dog training area and if not, no worries, we can meet you at the park. But I’ll check that right now.

  • 12


    Yes, 123 Crescent Road, South Central. South Central. Oh, OK.

  • 1



  • 16



  • 1


    Let me check here. Checking. Still checking.

  • 17


    Are you playing Tetris?

  • 1


    I am not playing Tetris anymore Hey, we looks like we have an availability here for you. That looks like it’ll work. We’ll pick it to you Pick it will meet you there. We’ll do the dog train unless it’s gonna be great now as far as getting that first lesson I know you’re busy and we say slammed as well But how would blank day at blank time work for you or blank day at blank time? Now we only take credit cards so we could you can just pay the 50 cents at the first lesson now just to confirm What is the best cell number for you?

  • 12


    It is 1234567.

  • 1


    Wow, that’s actually my ex-girlfriend’s number. Did you marry Danica by chance? Never mind, let’s just focus on the dog training right now. It’s a small world. Now I’m going to email you a confirmation of our appointment as well as some recent dog training references. What email do we send that to?

  • 12


    Yeah, you can send it to rickybobbyathotmail.com.

  • 16


    Well, our goal is to gain obedience,

  • 1


    but never at the expense of your dog’s personality. And we are super pumped and excited to meet you. Awesome. Have a great day. The number of new customers that we’ve had

  • 4


    is up 411% over last year. We are Jared and Jennifer Johnson. We own Platinum Pest and Lawn and are located in Owasso, Oklahoma. And we have been working with Thrive for business coaching for almost a year now.

  • 5


    So what we want to do is we want to share some wins with you guys that we’ve had by working with Thrive. First of all, we’re on the top page of Google now. I just want to let you know what type of accomplishment this is. Our competition, Orkin, Terminex, they’re both 1.3 billion dollar companies. They both have two to three thousand pages of content attached to their website. So to basically go from virtually non-existent on Google to up on the top page is really saying something. But it’s come by being diligent to the systems that Thrive has. By being consistent and diligent on doing podcasts and staying on top of those podcasts to really help with getting up on what they’re listing and ranking there with Google.

  • 4


    And also we’ve been trying to get Google reviews, asking our customers for reviews. And now we’re the highest rated and most reviewed Pessimon company in the Tulsa area. And that’s really helped with our conversion rate. And the number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% over last year.

  • 15


    Wait, say that again.

  • 5


    How much are we up?

  • 4



  • 5


    So 411% we’re up with our new customers. Amazing.

  • 14



  • 4


    So not only do we have more customers calling in, we’re able to close those deals at a much higher rate than we were before. Right now our closing rate is about 85% and that’s largely due to, first of all, like our Google reviews that we’ve gotten, people really see that our customers are happy, but also we have a script that we follow. And so when customers call in, they get all the information that they need. That script has been refined time and time again. It wasn’t a one and done deal. It was a system that we followed with Thrive in the refining process, and that has obviously, the 411% shows that that system works.

  • 5


    Yeah, so here’s a big one for you. So last week alone, our booking percentage was 91%. We actually booked more deals and more new customers last year than we did the first five months, or I’m sorry, we booked more deals last week than we did the first five months of last year from before we worked with Thrive. So again, we booked more deals last week than the first five months of last year. It’s incredible, but the reason why we have that success is by implementing the systems that Thrive has taught us and helped us out with.

  • 4


    Some of those systems that we’ve implemented are group interviews. That way we’ve really been able to come up with a really great team. We’ve created and implemented checklists. Everything gets done and it gets done right. It creates accountability. We’re able to make sure that everything gets done properly, both out in the field and also in our office. And also doing the podcast like Jared had mentioned, that has really, really contributed to our success, but that, like I said, the diligence and consistency in doing those in that system has really, really been a big blessing in our lives, and also, you know, it’s really shown that we’ve gotten a success from following those systems.

  • 5


    So before working with Thrive, we were basically stuck. Really no new growth with our business. And we were in a rut, and we didn’t know.

  • 4


    The last three years, our customer base had pretty much stayed the same. We weren’t shrinking, but we weren’t really growing either.

  • 5


    Yeah, and so we didn’t really know where to go, what to do, how to get out of this rut that we’re in. But Thrive helped us with that. You know, they implemented those systems, they taught us those systems, they taught us the knowledge that we needed in order to succeed. Now it’s been a grind, absolutely it’s been a grind this last year, but we’re getting those fruits from that hard work and the diligent effort that we’re able to put into it. So again, we were in a rut, Thrive helped us get out of that rut, and if you’re thinking about working with Thrive, quit thinking about it and just do it, do the action, and you’ll get the results. It will take hard work and discipline, but that’s what it’s gonna take in order to really succeed. So, we just wanna give a big shout out to Thrive, a big thank you out there to Thrive.

  • 2


    We wouldn’t be where we’re at now without their help.

  • 3


    Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Moore, I’m a pediatric dentist. Through our new digital marketing plan, we have seen a marked increase in the number of new patients that we’re seeing every month, year over year. One month, for example, we went from 110 new patients the previous year to over 180 new patients in the same month. And overall, our average is running about 40 to 42% increase, month over month, year over year. The group of people required to implement our new digital marketing plan is immense, starting with a business coach, videographers, photographers, web designers. Back when I graduated dental school in 1985, nobody advertised. The only marketing that was ethically allowed in everybody’s eyes was mouth-to-mouth marketing. By choosing to use the services, you’re choosing to use a proof and turnkey marketing and coaching system that will grow your practice and get you the results that you are looking for. I went to the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, graduated in 1983, and then I did my pediatric dental residency at Baylor College of Dentistry from 1983 to 1985.

  • 2


    Hello, my name is Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. Today I want to tell you a little bit about Clay Clark and how I know Clay Clark. Clay Clark has been my business coach since 2017. He’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations. We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise. Clay’s done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with running the business, building the systems, the checklists, the workflows, the audits, how to navigate lease agreements, how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy is just amazing. This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with Lee Crockrell, head of Disney, with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with Mike Lindell. He does Reawaken America tours where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours. On the day-to-day, he does anywhere from about 160 companies. He has a team of business coaches, videographers, and graphic designers, and web developers. They run 160 companies every single week. So think of this guy with a team of business coaches running 160 companies. So in the weekly he’s running 160 companies. Every six to eight weeks he’s doing Reawaken America tours. Every six to eight weeks he’s also doing business conferences where 200 people show up and he teaches people a 13-step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires, helping them grow their companies. So I’ve seen guys from startups go from startup to being multi-millionaires, teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system. Critical thinking, document creation, making it, putting it into, organizing everything in their head to building it into a franchisable, scalable business. Like one of his businesses has like 500 franchises. That’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with. So, amazing guy. Elon Musk, kind of like smart guy. He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward, but he’s so brilliant, and he’s taught me so much. When I say that, like Clay is, like he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go. And that’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time. A coach is actually helping you get to the best you. And Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that, we became friends. I was really most impressed with him is when I was shadowing him one time. We went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listen to it. And when we walked out, I knew that he could make millions on the deal, and they were super excited about working with him. He told me, he’s like, I’m not going to touch it, I’m going to turn it down because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run. The guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right. Anyways, just an amazing man. Anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped navigate any time I’ve gotten nervous or worried about how to run the company or navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember we got closed down for three months. He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lockdowns.

  • 9


    I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9, and we just want to give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey guys

  • 10


    I’m Ryan with Tip Top K9. Just want to say a big thank you to Thrive 15. Thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys. We appreciate you and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. So this is my old van and our old school marketing and this is our old team and by team I mean

  • 13


    it’s me and another guy.

  • 10


    This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing and this is our new team. We went from four

  • 9


    to fourteen and I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past, and they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome, but Ryan is a really great salesman, so we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems, into manuals and scripts, and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to ten locations in only a year.

  • 10


    In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd, we’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month, and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship, and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you

  • 6


    Thank you. Thank you times a thousand

  • 1


    Whoa, the thrive time show two-day interactive business workshops are the world’s highest rated and most reviewed business workshops Because we teach you what you need to know to grow You can learn the proven 13-point business systems that dr. Zellner about I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. We get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website. We’re going to teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re going to teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two-day, 15-hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems. So now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re going to leave energized, motivated, but you’re also going to leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur, I always wish that I had this. And because there wasn’t anything like this, I would go to these motivational seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big get rich quick, walk on hot coals product. It’s literally we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, but I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same system that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s going to be the best business workshop ever, and we’ll even give you your money back if you don’t love it. We’ve built this facility for you, and we’re excited to see it. And now you may be thinking, what does it actually cost to attend an in-person, two-day interactive Thrive Time Show business workshop? Well, good news, the tickets are $250 or whatever price that you can afford. What? Yes, they’re $250 or whatever price you can afford. I grew up without money and I know what it’s like to live without money. So if you’re out there today and you want to attend our in-person, two-day interactive those tickets. And if you can’t afford $250, we have scholarship pricing available to make it those tickets. And if you can’t afford $250, we have scholarship pricing available to make it affordable for you.


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