How to Bring Your A-Game to the Workplace every day | Clay Speaks at Victory Church in Amarillo, TX

Show Notes

Bringing your A-Game to the workplace every day is difficult, but it is necessary to achieve sustainable success. Per the invitation of Pastor Brian and Jessi Gibson Clay Clark was invited speak to Victory Church in Amarillo, TX about what the Bible has to say about having a great work ethic and you can learn about getting tickets to the top business conferences for free.

If you want to become a manager, an owner or a business owner you must work diligently on a daily basis.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” – Colossians 3:23-24

Clay explains how he often hides out in his “Throne Room” (bathroom) to avoid his wife when she is correct and he is wrong.

It’s important to schedule time for your the following F6 areas of life:

  1. Faith
  2. Family
  3. Finances
  4. Fitness
  5. Friendship
  6. Fun

MYSTIC STATISTIC – “70% of people hate their jobs.” – Forbes –


  1. Beat your boss to work for the next 90 days.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “You can start right where you stand and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for.” – Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Management today is mentorship.” – Clay Clark (Former United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year)

Own Your Day

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “In June 2016, another study reported that the typical smartphone owner interacts with his or her phone an average of 85 times per day. This includes immediately upon waking up, just before going to sleep, and oftentimes in the middle of the night. (For the record: Although I hate to admit it, I am a heavy smartphone user and these statistics accurately describe my waking and sleeping phone habits.)” – Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid –

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Being present is a present.” – Clay Clark (Former United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year)

The 40 Hour Work Week was created in 1938 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

FUN FACT – Where Did the 40 Hour Work Week Come From?

The Power of the 6th Day Work Week

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Now on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for each one When all the leaders of the congregation came and told Moses.” – Exodus 16:22

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it will be twice as much as they gather daily.” – Exodus 16:22

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “See, the LORD has given you the sabbath; therefore He gives you bread for two days on the sixth day. Remain every man in his place; let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.” – Exodus 16:29

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” – Genesis 1:31

Takes Notes | Don’t Try to Memorize Everything

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “The pen is for remembering. The mind is for strategizing.” – Clay Clark

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn (Best-selling author)

FUN FACT – Clay used to eat all of the pretzels while working at Target.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “If you want to have a platform to share your faith, your wisdom or anything you must built it on a foundation of an intense white-hot work ethic.” – Clay Clark (Former United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year)

Rate Yourself On Scale of 1 to 10 in the Following 6 Areas:

  1. Faith
  2. Family
  3. Finances
  4. Fitness
  5. Friendship
  6. Fun

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “To create a sincere friendship with someone you must share their values and you must share time with them.” – Clay Clark (Former United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year)

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “If you don’t need to be managed you will become a manager, a leader or an owner.” – Clay Clark (Former United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year)

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

Broadcasting live from the center of the top business conferences universe. It’s business school without the bs featuring optometrist turned entrepreneur entrepreneur of the year clay clark. It is the pop time show that you’re super kourtney pregnant with the focus function like san, quentinis, hot and I still see the sea and the sea that was teaching mrs. Fields. Impregnation. Welcome back to the conversation is the thrive time show on your radio and podcast download. Now on today show me playing an audio segment from a church service. That I was recently invited to speak at in amarillo texas, amarillo texas. There’s a church, they’re called victory church. That church is absolutely headed for great things already has achieved the great things I pastor david has been the pastor up there for a long long time, and the church has recently been in I guessed hand it over or I’m, not sure the official top business conferences terminology, lame-ass pastor brian and jesse gibson-to take over running the operational aspects of the church and to be the head pastors of the church and so pastor brian I’ve worked with him for awhile. Now, with his church, there river city church in owensboro kentucky, so he’s now the senior pastor, the head pastor of two churches and she asked me to come up there and just speak, and it asked to speak today, I pretty much say no, every time because not really conducive for raising the family.

It’s a just hop on the schedule to travel and then also like it’s just play that well I mean you make you know, what’s a thousands of dollars to speak, but you make more money running a turnkey business. You make more money growing a franchise. You make more money. Building repeatable system also I find a lot of times. It’s it’s! It’s speaking events. You only get this to speak like an hour, maybe 30 minutes, and you always leave wondering I wonder if anyone’s going to a going to apply what they’ve actually learned. However, at this particular top business conferences invitation, I had to take pause and anything about it because I’m speaking to a church, man, I am a christian. I am a judeo christian, but I’m, certainly not a pastor. Nor do I have the credentials to be and I’m kind of a manbearpig. You know like i. Do a lot of things really well I can but like I’m, really good at business, but there’s so much more to life than a business is easy to me and if you want to grow a company in in make it big and scale. If that’s what I do you know, but life is about those after the 6s faith, family finances, fitness, friendship and fun. I’d like i, can really only talk about maybe a couple of those, maybe three of those of credibility. But thankfully pastor asked me to talk about the one thing that I can talk about and that’s the judeo christian worldview of work, how we should approach work on the planet earth if we are a christian but the bible specifically, and if you’re, into the judy judeo christian faith and also be like to pick and choose certain verses in the book. But it says her colossians 3 2324.

It reads whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart as working for the lord, not for human masters. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the lord, it is, the lord is the lord christ. You are certain one more time, so, whatever you do work at it with all your heart is working for the lord, not for human masters. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the lord as a reward, it is the lord christ you are serving, and so now it’s further do. This is the audio from a my speech talk that I gave that was cited in recite scripture in reference scripture, but I’m, not a pastor, but this is my audio, my my my talking at the victory church and beautiful amarillo texas, where it’s always dry and wake up every morning with nice cool top business conferences weather, because it’s always dry and told me that big place where people like a 72-ounce steak or something to get it free. But what’s going on amarillo, texas, I’m, so glad you’re in the house today, I’m tony I believe we have a special treat for you, something that’s going to bless you and lift. You encourage you it’s going to be an awesome day. You know I’d love to find different perspectives on things a lot of times as a pastor and a church.

Guy I only go to pastors and other church leaders to get my perspective, I like to turn the coin every now and then and get somebody that sees things from a totally different angle. You know I believe god introduced me to the speaker that we have today clay clark for a reason and for purpose. I had a friend in tulsa oklahoma have the largest house building business in oklahoma. At the time they told me about a business coach that got him 16 times the leads in one year. It had my attention. I want to know what a business man thinks, how he does things, how he takes care of things, so I went and I got introduced to clay clark I’m telling you clay is the most diligent I’ve ever met. Hardest-working guy he’s a christian businessman, he’s a top business conferences guy that gets after it and hear some of the things that that clay’s accomplished in his 37 38 years on the earth. Already he was the united states small business administration entrepreneur of the year in 2007 clay grew the largest wedding entertainment company in the country in dj connection.Com play also now has a podcast called the fraud time show and it’s in the top 60 of all podcast in the world, in the top 5 of business podcast on itunes right now, top 5, plays podcast is about joel osteen’s.

It’s about tony, robbins I’m, telling you god’s using them to do some incredible things. I think he’s going to challenge us. I think he’s going to lift us. It’s going to be a great day, come on. Let’s take a moment and give it up, stand up on your feet and, let’s give a big victory. Welcome to clay clark, give it up today. Alright! Thank you, victory church. Thank you so much for having me here today. Thank you, pastor david, pastor, jesse, pastor, brian and I’m glad you guys are here in the first service, because the first service is when I really bring it and ii to I just mail it in yeah, okay, whatever everybody should have a note-taking device in front of you. Cuz I believe that the note takers are the movers and the shakers, so you should have a note-taking device if you don’t maybe grab an etch-a-sketch or a ketchup packet or smartphone. Something to take some notes today and before we get started. I just want to cut a tee it up, so we’re on the same top business conferences page and wavelength of a lot of success in business. But better now is you earlier about the bride and the groom. You know the groom’s anticipation about seeing the bride. Imagine that the groom is anticipating a bride coming down the aisle and he turns was left and he sees jabba the hutt. That’s me so I’m here to teach you guys how to get how to be successful in the workplace, but I’ve, certainly a manbearpig and so I have some fun today.

So I want to ask you guys:this. Just rhetoric, i, think about this. If you were going to go, ask for advice or mentorship, or if you are going to want to be led by buddy, would you want to be led by somebody who was having some success or somebody who’s really really struggling with self-discipline and every area of their life? You know if you wanted to get me interested if I invited you to church I used to work at target back in the day when I worked at target I worked in the electronics section, sergeant target, applebee’s and directv. At the same time, when I worked at target, my boss would leave his department and when he would leave his department I would hustle over that over to the to the concession department and I would eat all of the pretzel, not one not two, not three, but usually 6 to 7 pretzels in my boss would come up and he would say somebody has been eating all the pretzels and there’s only five of us and I know that I love pretzels play. Do you know anything about this? I wasn’t saved at the time and I would say well, i, don’t know why I’ve been? Might had one or two, but if I wanted to evangelize to you and I am a pretzel eater. What you even listen answer the top business conferences question today is is how do we in the next 18 months? My goal today is to teach how to teach everybody here how to become either a manager, a leader or an owner in the next 18 months, because when you are a manager and owner or leader people, listen, that’s how a manbearpig like me gets invited to speak at a church. I’m, really not good at anything, I’m, just a very consistent, diligent person, and so I want to walk you through.

The bible has to say about it today, but this first a concept is colossians, 3 2324, and it’s on the screen behind me. It says whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the lord. Let me repeat that one more time. Free to interact if you would like your whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the not for human masters. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the lord as a reward. It is the lord christ you are serving. This was my issue:i work as unto my manager, who was a sloth, a sloth that slip that small animal that it kind of slow. This guy would never work hard and I thought since he’s a sloth. Obviously, off to humans were working on to the mix. It’s alright. So we’re going to go to the next slide here and I want to challenge you guys today to be very self-aware, so I have this concept called the f6 life. So I’d like you to take out your note cards to write down the following:6sbroadcasting live from the center of the top business conferences universe. It’s business school without the bs featuring optometrist turned entrepreneur entrepreneur of the year clay clark. It is the pop time show that you’re super kourtney pregnant with the focus function like san, quentinis, hot and I still see the sea and the sea that was teaching mrs. Fields. Impregnation. Welcome back to the conversation is the thrive time show on your radio and podcast download. Now, on today show me playing an audio segment from a church service that I was recently invited to speak at in amarillo texas amarillo texas. There’s a church, they’re called victory church. That church is absolutely headed for great things already has achieved the great things I pastor david has been the pastor up there for a long long time, and the church has recently been in I guessed hand it over or I’m, not sure the official terminology, lame-ass pastor brian and jesse gibson-to take over running the operational aspects of the church and to be the head pastors of the church and so pastor brian I’ve worked with him for awhile. Now, with his church, there river city church in owensboro kentucky, so he’s now the senior pastor, the head pastor of two churches and she asked me to come up there and just speak, and it asked to speak today, I pretty much say no, every time because not really conducive for raising the family.

It’s a just hop on the schedule to travel and then also like it’s just play that well I mean you make you know. What’s a thousands of dollars to speak, but you make more money running a turnkey business. You make more money growing a franchise. You make more money. Building repeatable system also I find a lot of times. It’s it’s! It’s speaking events. You only get this to speak like an hour, maybe 30 minutes, and you always leave wondering I wonder if anyone’s going to a going to apply what they’ve actually learned. However, at this particular invitation, I had to take pause and anything about it because I’m speaking to a church, man, I am a christian. I am a judeo christian, but I’m, certainly not a pastor. Nor do I have the credentials to be and I’m kind of a manbearpig. You know like i. Do a lot of things really well I can but like I’m, really good at business, but there’s so much more to life than a business is easy to me and if you want to grow a company in in make it big and scale. If that’s what I do you know, but life is about those after the 6s faith, family finances, fitness, friendship and fun. I’d, like i, can really only talk about maybe a couple of those, maybe three of those of credibility, but thankfully pastor asked me to talk about the one thing that I can talk about and that’s the judeo christian worldview of work, how we should approach work on the top business conferences planet earth if we are a christian but the bible specifically, and if you’re, into the judy judeo christian faith and also be like to pick and choose certain verses in the book. But it says her colossians 3 2324.

It reads whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart as working for the lord, not for human masters. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the lord, it is, the lord is the lord christ. You are certain one more time, so, whatever you do work at it with all your heart is working for the lord, not for human masters. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the lord as a reward, it is the lord christ you are serving, and so now it’s further do. This is the audio from a my speech. Talk that I gave that was cited in recite scripture in reference scripture, but I’m, not a pastor, but this is my audio, my my my talking at the victory church and beautiful amarillo texas, where it’s always dry and wake up every morning with nice cool weather, because it’s always dry and told me that big place where people like a 72-ounce steak or something to get it free. But what’s going on amarillo, texas, I’m, so glad you’re in the house today, I’m tony I believe we have a special top business conferences treat for you, something that’s going to bless you and lift. You encourage you. It’s going to be an awesome day. You know I’d love to find different perspectives on things a lot of times as a pastor and a church. Guy I only go to pastors and other church leaders to get my perspective, I like to turn the coin every now and then and get somebody that sees things from a totally different angle. You know I believe god introduced me to the speaker that we have today clay clark for a reason and for purpose. I had a friend in tulsa oklahoma have the largest house building business in oklahoma.

At the time they told me about a business coach that got him 16 times the leads in one year. It had my attention. I want to know what a business man thinks, how he does things, how he takes care of things, so I went and I got introduced to clay clark I’m telling you clay is the most diligent I’ve ever met. Hardest-working guy he’s a christian businessman, he’s a guy that gets after it and hear some of the things that that clay’s accomplished in his 37 38 years on the earth. Already he was the united states small business administration entrepreneur of the year in 2007 clay grew the largest wedding entertainment company in the country in dj connection.Com play also now has a podcast called the thrive time show and it’s in the top 60 of all podcast in the world, in the top 5 of business podcast on itunes right now, top 5, plays podcast is about joel osteen’s. It’s about tony, robbins I’m, telling you god’s using them to do some incredible things. I think he’s going to challenge us I think he’s going to lift us. It’s going to be a great day, come on, let’s take a moment and give it up, stand up on your feet and, let’s give a big victory. Welcome to clay clark, give it up today. Alright. Thank you, victory church. Thank you so much for having me here today. Thank you, pastor david, pastor, jesse, pastor, brian and I’m glad you guys are here in the first top business conferences service, because the first service is when I really bring it and ii to I just mail it in yeah, okay, whatever everybody should have a note-taking device in front of you. Cuz I believe that the note takers are the movers and the shakers. So you should have a note-taking device if you don’t maybe grab an etch-a-sketch or a ketchup packet or smartphone. Something to take some notes today and before we get started. I just want to cut a tee it up, so we’re on the same page and wavelength of a lot of success in business. But better now is you earlier about the bride and the groom. You know the groom’s anticipation about seeing the bride.

Imagine that the groom is anticipating a bride coming down the aisle and he turns was left and he sees jabba the hutt. That’s me so I’m here to teach you guys how to get how to be successful in the workplace, but I’ve, certainly a manbearpig and so I have some fun today. So I want to ask you guys, this. Just rhetoric, i, think about this. If you were going to go, ask for advice or mentorship or if you are going to want to be led by buddy, would you want to be led by somebody who was having some success or somebody who’s really really struggling with self-discipline and every area of their life? You know if you wanted to get me interested if I invited you to church I used to work at target back in the day when I worked at target I worked in the electronics section, sergeant target, applebee’s and directv. At the same time, when I worked at target, my boss would leave his department and when he would leave his top business conferences department I would hustle over that over to the to the concession department and I would eat all of the pretzel, not one, not two, not three but usually 6 to 7 pretzels in my boss would come up and he would say somebody has been eating all the pretzels and there’s only five of us and I know that I love pretzels play. Do you know anything about this? I wasn’t saved at the time and I would say well, i, don’t know why I’ve been might had one or two, but if I wanted to evangelize to you and I am a pretzel eater. What you even listen answer the question today is is how do we in the next 18 months? My goal today is to teach how to teach everybody here how to become either a manager, a leader or an owner in the next 18 months, because when you are a manager and owner or leader people, listen, that’s how a manbearpig like me gets invited to speak at a church.

I’m, really not good at anything I’m, just a very consistent, diligent person and so I want to walk you through. The bible has to say about it today, but this first a concept is colossians, 3 2324, and it’s on the screen behind me. It says whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the lord. Let me repeat that one more time. Free to interact if you would like your whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the not for human masters. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the lord as a reward, it is the lord christ you are serving. This was my issue. I work as unto my manager, who was a sloth, a sloth that slip that small animal that it kind of slow. This guy would never work hard and I thought since he’s a sloth. Obviously, off to top business conferences humans were working on to the mix. It’s alright. So we’re going to go to the next slide here and I want to challenge you guys today to be very self-aware. So I have this concept called the f6 life. So I’d like you to take out your note cards to write down the following:6s faith, family finances, fitness and fun. I want you to rate yourself on an a to an f scale. Her no don’t write the person next to you, don’t look at them and say this:is you on a scale of atf rank yourself on the f6 areas of faith? Think about your face if you are working as unto the lord for being diligent working as a new lord? How would you rate yourself right now in the areas of faith, rabideaux’s I’m going to make myself and that way you guys can make fun of me, and you can leave here today feeling great and contrast?

Okay, so the areas of faith I get myself a solid, see mike’s, he might say, but you’re here to speak at a church. What’s wrong with you, man I’m, just being real with you guys, so my son was born blind and 2007 and I did not believe that he would be healed. My wife actually said he’s going to be healed and she started praying and praying and praying and praying and I was not a christian at the time and I told her to stop praying because it’s making me crazy, I literally said you’re not playing right now. Stop it making me crazy. Now. My son sees-and that was my turning point it at some point. This is my wife’s story. You should check it out, but I didn’t believe. So my wife is just as like. 2 weeks ago, my wife doesn’t tell my wife i, believe your podcast roy’s hovering the top hundred off the top hundred jesus i. Believe you’re going to be in the top five point out to me of all the top business conferences podcast, the top 10 there’s only two christians there’s dave ramsey in us and my wife says you guys going to be the top 10 and i. Remember, saying I mean i, just i, don’t know i, don’t know honey, I’m telling you you’ll be in the top 10 it’s going to happen so man. What do we do when our wife says something that we disagree with? What we got to work office, we can win that throne room do not do we not admit i, don’t do like eye contacts, it’s weird if you’re doing this, but we go in there. People knock. I figured out some things and hair just stuff, and you can hide in there for up to about 10 minutes before it gets weird drive nation, when we return will be breaking down more of the audio from the church service.

That I was asked to speak at and beautiful amarillo texas at victory christian church, amarillo church there when I went through the dvd service was incredible. The volunteers were great, the praise and worship was awesome, but those bathrooms I mean at the bathroom and hadn’t been clean it. The bathroom had not been clean. You want to throw the whole thing off and I know that classic janitorial isn’t providing service in amarillo, but it’s almost felt like they have hired classic clean their bathrooms were incredibly. If you want your bathroom to be, it is incredibly clean, as as the victory christian church or google or new star, or a lot of other big companies. Dupont call the classic clean.Com it’s a classic clean. Come. Look at your free quote today want to attend the legendary drive time show business workshop for free, subscribe on itunes, leave an objective review and send his confirmation at info at drivetime show.Com to claim your tickets want to live in a van down by the river, come by and see us at our riverwalk offices and will be able to make your dreams come true. I, like my new sum 41 just tuning in today, we’re doing it’s kind of a depart from the norm. I am breaking down audio from the speaking event from the church services. That I was invited to speak at in beautiful amarillo texas, where it is flat. I’ll tell you that it is flat and amarillo texas and I was invited to speak by pastor brian and pastor jesse gibson at the victory church there in amarillo and great church, great people I was invited to talk about the one top business conferences thing, but I feel like I’m qualified to speak about. You want to talk about healing i, don’t think I should do it talk about faith and really understanding every aspect of my christian faith can’t do it. You want me to talk about work ethic, though you want to talk about healing faith healing laying hands on people that get healed, but you want to talk about work ethic. That’s my deal, that’s my jam. It’s when they asked me to speak, I thought to myself. Self I should go. Do this, and so we packed the kids into the suburban, my four daughters, my son, could not attend because he was at boy scouts, but we got in there a clerk cruiser and we headed out west.

We headed out west past oklahoma city, where I got to be very, very flat. No trees, desert climate. We arrived the embassy suites hoover treated like royalty. The staff are incredible that the church was just wonderful staff, members, volunteers and we did a workshop on saturday and then we spoke at 3. So I spoke during three services on sunday, and so does you just doing it for breaking down the audio from that event? And this is part right here were talking about I’m talking about how my wife believe that my son would actually be actually be healed blind, as my son was born blind. My son, aubrey napoleon, hill clark was born blind clark was born blind and I didn’t ever think. You would see it’s my wife kept praying for him and so I actually tried to ban her from fraying in my house is freaking me out, and so we’re talking about that and how I basically chose to take high road and to escape and hide out in the bathroom from time to time, and then recently my wife told me that tub hour podcast, which is always been done. Well, it’s always the top hundred or top 200 podcast in the world. But my wife told me that our podcast would be a top 10 podcasts in the world in the category of business and I thought she was crazy. So yet again, I retreated to my bathroom, where I sometimes hide out, and then she yells downstairs that we’ve cracked, the top 60 the top 40 and a speaking sorry but i-want to apologize to all the people in victory at victory. Church in amarillo had to put up with me, but this is audio of mommy speaking at their church in people, amarillo texas check it out two men. What do we do when our top business conferences wife says something that we disagree with her office? We going that throne room black eye contacts, it’s weird! If you’re doing this, but knox are you?

Okay? In there absolutely yep yep just figured out some things and hair just and you can hide in there for up to about 10 minutes before it gets weird, be my wife yells from upstairs down into the man cave studios, my wife, yells 58 I’m, like 5858 about 30 minutes later number 23, and just once you start climbing, you can take a hit song and moves up. But yet again, as of last week, I continue john have phantom. My wife tells me that that god told her something she believe. Something I just have a real hard time with it, so when I determine is it but it’s my wife’s read the bible and she’s read the word and what you say alliance with the word, as she feels like she’s heard from god I want to do exactly the opposite, so she took my wife says:go this way. I want to go this way tried to terminus whatever I want to go. This way, I need to go this way. So it’s kind of like a reverse psychology here, I’m saying but faith is for me and struggle. It’s something. I know god is real. How many people know you’re smart phones real, but you can’t figure it out anybody here, but you’re going to like t-mobile and tried to quiz. The guy. Has this work. I don’t feel comfortable using this device until I know how it works.

Please explain to me mr. T mobile, the t-mobile guy i. Don’t know, sir! You want a family plan, or do you want to that’s how I am with faith little bit? Okay? So that’s why I look up to him? That’s why I read the bible to listen to td jakes ever able to ask you this when I want you to write this right now when next to pay win every day? Are you investing time in your faith? You have to put a specific time on it. It can’t be like when I get a chance,. Did you know what doesn’t get schedule doesn’t get done right, so faith. The next one is family. No family I am really awesome. I’m a solid, be minus. Now I might my daughters in the front row. They know that I’m, a solid be mine is now i, don’t know if your, if any man out here any minute here, just like working like when you can’t figure out how life works you go back to the workshop. You go back to the shed to go back to the truck and he been like that here:payment, okay, i, love working, but in the top business conferences bible says, god created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th, the 7th and I like to look for verses. That say, god worked 18 days a week. You know god doesn’t believe in the santa, but I can’t find it in there, but family is something I’ve had to learn how to schedule time for I love, my family, but my natural default is to work, makes sense and my wife’s really intense about setting boundaries going hey.

If you never come home, the kids won’t know your name right. Show me asking with family. When, specifically, are you going to spend time with him when it went in your day, put a specific time on it, 6 to 9 on wednesday nights, when when is that time, so faith family finances finances? This is the thing about finances. Our culture puts way too much emphasis on finances, but at the end of the day, we need to be good stewards of our finances right cuz, our first fruits go to god, so the area of finances. How diligent are we being as an example? We used to have it a dj company, one of our employees, who struggled financially forever. We have a dj entertainment company. Every time you pull over for gas. He would go only do this I like to buy a lottery ticket finances. Are we are we setting aside money? Are we doing that? Okay, faith family finances, fitness I’m, not in shape i, am a shape. I just asked you rate yourself on a scale of again. If you got to do this because self-awareness to know thyself is a big thing:faith family finances, fitness, now friendship, friendship, you are some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met. You guys are great. Your top business conferences church is amazing at this, but friendship when specifically are rescheduling time to volunteer to help others others in need. When are we doing that? Faith family, finance, spreadsheet, fitness, fun funds, the final one fun? Why is it important? We scheduled time for fun, because we have write. Write me up. Kids, r kids need to see us having fun spending time with her kids with her family with their wives.

It’s okay to go on a date night, occasionally, and so I just want to ask you to just today just to take a moment to rate yourself on the spot on those f6 air is today which is work. So the w work again, whatever you do, work at it, with all your heart as working for the right and not for human master. To do this. According to forbes 70% of people hate their jobs, live nation, we return I’m going to be talking more about having an incredible work ethic and why 70% of people hate their jobs. But you know that loves their job, one guy that just loves his job, paul hood with hood cpas., com, nominal accountant and he’s absolutely inspired and motivated help. You get your finances on track check it out today, at hood, cpa,, that’s hood, cpas., state do and now broadcasting live from the box that rocks it’s. The drivetime business coach radio show for change the mindset stock for an accident on the magic show pic of the heat up food, to give it to you straight in the world in the back of the truck, so I can get up on the mic and speak the facts. Welcome back to the drivetime show on your radio today were playing audio a segment from the top business conferences sermon. I was asked to deliver at victory church in beautiful amarillo, texas, pastor, brian and I pastor, jesse gibson, or a client that had the pleasure of serving here for the past year or so, and the other churches experiencing tremendous growth and I was honored that they asked me to speak at there after church, and so I asked me to speak on because they asked me to speak on being like a good dad, solid, solid b- talk about being a great husband, I feel like I’m kind of like a trending to a be minus from a c+ going to doe b – about. If they want me to talk about really hold napoli for miracles, probably a c minus, then I heard the voice of god i. Think in god I think it was saying you’re, actually a d bias of the area of your your you know, you’re watching. Okay, so, what’s up, are they going to ask me to speak about it and I asked? If we could you speak on the one thing you can speak about them too good to be pale, and as we could, you speak about how having a headache, judeo, christian perspective to work ethic has impacted your life.

You speak about what the bible has to say about a work ethic. Could you just talk about working? How to be successful and that’s great cuz? That’s the one thing I do well growing. Businesses has always been easy for me. It’s it’s the rest of life that sometimes can be challenging. So we’re going back to the audio excerpt from my opportunity to speak there at the victory church in amarillo, texas never been out to amarillo texas. You got to check it out at least once, but it isn’t that the nation second largest canyon, just right there outside of amarillo, it’s incredible without any further ado. Let’s get back into the audio from the church service at victory church, so the w work again, whatever you do work at it, with all your heart as working for the right and not for human master. To do this. According to forbes, 70% of people hate their jobs, no I grew up without financial resources we weren’t homeless, but I never had I eat wouldn’t have top business conferences money right. So let me tell you a secret:if you don’t need to be managed, you’ll become a manager repeat again. If you don’t need to be managed, you’ll become a manager that it was hard for me to grasp, because I was working at target eating all the pretzels pretzels. What happened? What what’s your boss going to do? Is it a watch? You, like a hawk hooters ever worked at target before walmart in work. The targets awesome, there’s an all-call page, but not know if they still do it, but you can hit the button and you can make an announcement and if you have the manager code, you can make an announcement, but no one can tell where you’re making the announcement from. Are you feeling me and for a pretzel eater? This is like the ultimate move, so I would do, is I get on the intercom and I would go, but we got a 4-door vehicle.

Motor vehicles appear to be very serious accident out front. If you have a 4-door vehicle, please report to the front immediately. I would just wait and everyone would start to leave i, don’t like yes, I made it in my boss comes up clay. Did you make that announcement can’t tell you? I did sir, but I will look out for whoever is doing that you’re holding a pretzel, sorry I just had one, but over time, once you realize you’re working as unto the lord right, I read a book called think and grow rich by napoleon hill before I was a christian in that book said. If you over deliver soon you’ll be over paid, make sense. It’s parallel with the bible, so I start getting to work early, the first person to work. In fact it was his homework here. Buddy I’d encourage you. This is my 90 day challenge and I realize I’m only here for an hour and i. Don’t have the right to take the next 90 days from your schedule, but I want to help everybody here to become a top business conferences manager, a leader or owner, so that you have the ability to share christ. So you have the platform to share christ. Nobody wants to listen to you if you’re the one making crazy announcement to do anything through the you know the pretzels. We need to be the first person to work for the next 90 days and it won’t kill you if you’re a christian and again I’m just talk about me not even talk about you to other people and other distant galaxies who attend church but show up to work late. The boss is going to think okay I get it I get it. You guys have great services, you believe in christ, but you work as unto who is hard for people to to grasp that we are christians.

If we don’t work hard, when the people see you 5/7 of the week at work and I’ll, tell you this if you’re the first person to work and when you leave, when you’re done with your job clock out and say how can i, how can I help and when you do that in due time, you’ll find you don’t hate your job, because your boss won’t micromanage you in. If you read into the study by forbes, most people that hate their jobs report, they hate being micromanaged and I can tell you you will not be micromanaged if you work as unto the right toe imbiss is the author, island businesses, but I used to not so think about this. If your employer, how do we do if we don’t if we own a business management today is mentorship? We got to mentor people if we’re in order. We got to treat people as though they said so every employee’s, a child of god. We got to get to work early. We got to do what we got to do. We got to show the way go. The way. I know the way we got to be great parents. We got to work out. We please set the example for employees, but if you’re an employee, we’ve got to get to work, cuz you’re, not working for man, you’re working as unto the lord, so we got to be the first one there. Even if you work in a soul-sucking environment, especially if you work in a soul-sucking top business conferences environment because you will be the light in the darkness-makes sense, aren’t removing on 200w own your day. According to psychology today, there’s a study call is your smartphone making you dumb stop. Think about this. The average american encourage you to research this today. Look it up, don’t believe what I’m saying the average american is interrupted. 85 to 90 times per day on their smartphone psychology today began doing studies years ago, major universities that study this and they thought, if you’re interrupted 90 times per day.

How does that impact? You just been on a date before, with somebody who’s been interrupted 9 times in a row, while you’re ordering guacamole? Do you have that you’re talking to that person and what what thanksgiving with people their pic taking selfies of the food of them self I love thanksgiving with you they’re, just like happy thanksgiving with you and myself, look at me and myself, but they’re not actually mentally present there physically present, but not mentally present. Does that make sense to as christians we have to be intentional about how we come across and so in. The bible did not say that I wish I’d have a smartphone and turn it on all the time. Drive nation, when we return, will be talking more about how to have a great work ethic in the workplace and what the bible has to say about it. But before we do that, I want to tell you about a great company in tulsa that can save you both time and money. What they can save you both time and money. That’s amazing! It’s onyx, imaging, onyx imaging! These guys check them out. They can save you money and time with your top business conferences office supplies in printer supplies. Imaging.Com at sonic’s imaging.Com will save both time and money on your office and printer supplies, 3 2, 1 boom. You are now entering the dojo mojo and the thrive time show show on the microphone east stop at itunes charts in the category of business. Dentist much market, motion, sickness and pad to the three two one here. Come the business ninjas i, like my pension, welcome back to the conversation, it is the drive time show on your radio. My name is clay clark and welcome back to your audio dojo of mojo, show and what is we’re actually taking the audio from an event that I was asked to speak at 3 church services, that I was invited to speak at in amarillo texas and we’re taking the audio and where I put it up here on the podcast. So you can hear it.

You can marinate on it, and the entire focus of the talk that I was asked to give at the victory church in amarillo. Texas was to talk about the importance of having the christian judeo christian work ethic, the work ethic, as described in the bible, and a lot of people doing it. For the first time when you say you know, i, listen to the show. Cuz I want to learn about business. I, don’t really want to learn about the bible. This is a business. Show, that’s fine, so I would just say to you colossians 3, 2324 states, whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the lord as a reward, it is the lord christ you are serving and that’s where the focus of this show and this audio you’re going to hear me talk a lot about work ethic and whether you’re a christian or not. At the end of the day, people will judge you based upon your top business conferences work ethic, and so every single day, when I wake up I set my alarm for like 3:30 in the morning, I set my alarm for 3:30 in the morning, and you know what happens when the alarm goes off, because I think to myself get up but I get up, and you know why why why I get up, because I know that in order to get what I want out of life, I have to get up earlier and work harder than the average person. What my competition is sleeping. All of my businesses, I am still up working. What will my competition is coasting? Our team is grinding. If you want to become successful in the world of business, you’ve got to get that entrepreneurial top business conferences mindset known as rising and grinding i. Don’t have a smartphone when you’re on a date like don’t let it distract. You don’t be in praise and worship to be thinking about a facebook post that doesn’t relate to the does that make sense being present is a present all the soccer.

That’s pretty deep. That present is a present, so we have to do. We have to schedule a specific time every day to do it. How many of you know how hard that is? I have 5 kids and I’m, telling you what I’m a be minus dad, probably probably a c+ trending b-. But the point is you got to schedule time for what matters in this is the hardest thing for me to say in front of you guys in the hardest thing to pray for you to receive his people will know what you care about. My where you spend your time and i. Don’t spend i, listen to td jakes every morning when I get ready for work. I know it’s a bad visual but I’m in the shower and I’m. Just he’s talking to me. I got my speakers cranked up and I’m at td jakes go and by the time he starts to get sweaty., td jakes’s always sweating. Once he starts sweating. That’s why mine starts waking up. You know what he’s talking about you sweating i, appreciate him. Cuz he sweats he’s working. Handkerchief is energy going in the back start saying amen on here we go about 5 in the morning when I wake up and then I can stay positive, everyday and live christ-like in till about 4 p.M. Every day in about 4:15 I’m. Looking for a top business conferences spear and I want to kill somebody I have to reset everyday christian. This is what I’ve discovered in swype learn from pastor brian and pastor jesse and pastor david. Is it’s not a sunday thing? It’s an everyday thing.

We’ve got a schedule it into our schedule. We have to own our deck, so faith. What are you going to do it every day? For me, it’s why I’m getting ready family when you get to do when I got home at 5, I turn the phone off and leave it the car leave it downstairs if I ever bring it up, which is about every seventh day. I forget to bring it up. It always ruins family night, because I get a call lot of employees, always an issue always burning fire, make sense to lee cockrell. One of my partners and friends used to manage walt disney world resorts have 40,000 employees. Imagine what it would be like to have 40,000 employees and 1 million customers a week. How many? How many heart attacks do we have in amarillo per week? How many people live in amarillo per week? I think this is his everyday, but he’s been happily married for a long time, great famous at lee. How did he was play? What gets scheduled gets done, live intentionally. That’s a big idea. Proverbs 14:23 says this. All work brings a profit, but merely talk leads only to poverty and i. Think it’s so hard to get started. That’s my thing, I mean so I’m. A big momentum guy in business, but I’m saying today is a catalyst for the next 90 days. Can we schedule a top business conferences time for faith family finances, fitness friendship between you guys, you guys are great people. This is what this is about. Other people’s church is not you it’s those people when it rains when it when it rains those people can’t make it to church. They are affected by weather will by weather patterns. You people are not those people don’t schedule time for us to make sense, though it’s easy for us to look at other people, but not sincere, damn sure first baptist in this church. We all struggle, because we have all these things we want to do, but what gets scheduled gets done? We got to put it in the schedule. Now are our rise & grind, but not too early I like to wake up. Like my wife, look at you look at my alarm. If she’s like did you set the alarm for 3?

That’s my like 3 is my special time. I love waking up at 3 and it should go. Can you set two for mature I like to wake up like at 3 for i, like that’s mine I like that, but my natural default is to work too much. Does that make sense and somebody else your natural default might be too i. Don’t know, pray all the time, but never work turn off swype here in the gym all the time you’re working at your chat, people look at you. Take your jacked people. Ask you:how much can you bench bro? Everyone, you know, is his brother:how much can you bench bro, you don’t like the fitness guy beer out of whack in the fate doesn’t make sense. We all have one of those are to go schedule time for what matters. Somebody give you a top business conferences thought here that I think it’s a cultural problem that I wanted to kind of fix you the bible says an exodus 20:11 for in 6 days, the lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, but he arrested on the. Therefore the lord bless the sabbath day and made holy. How many days till I forget how many days fdr, who is it by the way, was franklin delano roosevelt was an apostle? Was he one of the 12? Was he in the bible was he know he says a 1938? He created the top business conferences 40 hour work week. We get in genesis, it’s a god, created the earth in right and rested on the seventh. Do you realize that people didn’t even consider a 40-hour work week to be normal until fdr 1938? Do you realize that so I’m telling you I have never met and will never meet anybody who’s ever been successful in any endeavor at all?

That works 40 hours not possible, not going to happen not going to happen on the morning buddy. Going to happen so david robinson on my partners used to play for the san antonio spurs hall of famer, where the two players, my mom, would let me cheer for casey green david robinson, both christians, you can cheer for those to everybody else. Look away! Dennis rodman poster put that down put that david robinson david robinson, but david will talk about it, no work it out. You had to schedule time for it saturday we couldn’t start your own business, there’s no time to do it during the day. If you work somewhere else, you did it on saturday make sense. It’s okay, i, give you permission to 6 day. We can do that. You don’t have time to grow that company 9252 got there before 5 or after 5. You find that. But we have scheduled time for what matters. So I put some pictures up here. Some people that are good folks at sarah nantais up there to the left. He runs shaw homes that you introduced me to pastor brian mexico laws. It’s c, o l, a w colaw fitness. These people start a gym out of a house in a town about the size of amarillo called bartlesville oklahoma bartlesville, a little smaller is a hundred and $15,000 house and charles would just work just work that thing just work does he did personal trainer and he walked up to you say:hey I’d like to train you for free for 30 days, if you like it, I’d love if you’d sign up for a membership, if not no big deal, that top business conferences guy has grown a multi, multi multi billion-dollar business by working 6 days a week recently just tried to mandate abortion and things like that.

That doesn’t change, god’s laws. You know what I’m, not a pastor, so I can’t lose my non-profit status. You tell me-and you know one of god’s laws-is that mosquitoes bees, other insects are allowed to live on this planet and if they’re, taking your joy, they’re ruining your summer card could print to platinum, pest & lawn, that’s platinum pest & lawn they’re going to come out there and eliminate all of your mosquitoes all those pesky past that are driving me crazy, but them today at platinum, dash pest control.Com, platinum, dash pest control.Com, zumba fitness is always dominate. Cuz i, got, 5, kids I will not lose. It is the truth. Thought I’d make that excuse, I’ll be up to the school board. The truth into a like my yo dude show me the way:clark I’m, a former ussba entrepreneur of the year in free buddy, just now tuning in which listen to today is audio from the speaking event from beebe church services. That I was invited to speak at in amarillo texas on a pastor, brian and jesse. Gibson asked me to come up there and then speak to the victory church and sell I had talked about the one thing I think I’m qualified to speak about and it’s bringing add christian work ethic to the top business conferences workplace. You might say:what’s up, what’s the christian work ethic? Well, if you read the bible to read genesis or exodus I know a lot of people, don’t believe the bible is literal or anything more than a bunch of a collection of stories. For me as a christian I believe it’s kind of like the constitution of our christian faith. It is, it is the backbone, so I don’t think you can be a christian without actually believing in the book. But the bible talks a lot about in exodus in genesis and read the book talks about the importance of working 6 days. You know god created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. However, in 1938 franklin franklin delano roosevelt decided to come up with this thing called the new deal. Now the new deal was designed to keep kids from having to work in a coal mines to keep adults.

What happened to 95 hours a week in a factory somewhere to keep people from being abused in the workplace and I and I get that there was a lot of ration a lot of reasoning for doing that also. So what did? Is it just created? A weird weird argument, a weird idea, a weird believe for a lot of americans love, americans I’m, sure, not you, but a lot of americans got them start a business and they want to be worth it. They want to work 9 to 5 5 days a week when they start their company and it might be married to somebody who who believes. Maybe maybe she know she wants to start a business and he wants her to work 9 to 5 or 9 to 5 and be home on saturday and be home on sunday. The problem is:that’s not even a biblical idea. The idea of a 40-hour work week was invented by a top business conferences man. A president franklin, delano roosevelt, but I have never met. I’ve never met never met that one time ever met a successful entrepreneur that ever achieved his success. While working 40 hours wait to start I’ve, never seen it and I’m never going to see it because to start a successful company you have to grind, you got to put an unbelievable amount of work and then simply wanting to have a successful company will not help you. You can’t just want to have a successful company in port to happen. Your idea, your new idea, is it going to really matter if you can’t sell something and I just i, think it’s so important that we look at it. We will look at our work ethic, as the very foundation of the success were trying to build I’m in there.

If you don’t have a good work ethic and nothing is going to work, nothing nothing’s going to work, and so during this portion of the church service at the church, I spoke at victory church in amarillo, texas I’m, really going after the concept of the 40 hour work week, and so now that this is audio of me talking to a wonderful church out there in amarillo texas about working as unto them station mexico laws, it colaw, colaw fitness. These people started a gym out of a out of a house in a town about the size of amarillo called bartlesville, oklahoma bartlesville little smaller is $115,000 house and charles would just work just work that thing just work. Does he did personal training he walked up to you say:hey I’d like to train you for free for 30 days, if you like it, I’d love. If you sign up for a membership, if not no big deal, that guy has grown a multi, multi multi billion-dollar business by working 6 days a week, how many female government recently just tried to mandate abortion and things like that that doesn’t change, god’s laws? You know what I’m, not a pastor, so I can’t lose my non-profit status. Arthritis work with me is all I’m saying. Is you have to honor god’s laws in the sixth day? Is a biblical principle:it’s not a clay. Clark principal. We getting that idea. Alright, k final final step:yours k, you want to keep focused on sustainable diligence, sustainable and that’s my top business conferences wife in my wife is a great lady, she’s sitting right over there, and my wife is the one that always keeps our family focused on what matters, because I really did enjoy growing companies. Put you can’t take it with you, I’d like to get be kind of fun, and we just put it all in the casket, shoot it off as a firework see if it makes it, but you can’t take it with you to schedule time for what matters in my wife is absolutely the best that I was telling people yesterday.

I am definitely a bowling ball and my wife appointment say the pins are over their own okay, but I think it’s important every single day. You do this until this is what you need to do to say to every day before the world wakes up, I invite you and I encourage you to schedule an hour. You say power strip with a half hour every single day and ask yourself what are my goals today for my faith, my family, my finances, my fitness, my friendship and my fun. What are my every single day? Cuz, you can’t drift. If you look at everyday voting before with somebody who takes her hands off the wheel, hey buddy, why don’t you jesus take, the wheel, hear you sure, that’s how your life is. If we don’t look at it everyday everyday, no, just the things you don’t want to screw up. Do you want to just mail it in school, but i, don’t know what do it every single day but i, like literally, do this everyday people say:what’s your secret, every single, multiliner or billionaire I’ve ever been around every top business conferences person interviewed on the podcast. All of them are intentional about doing this. All right. It’s a diligent, 22 couple, more versus and I’ll. Let you guys go billy graham, not a bible verse for total recordable. He says the highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish unselfish christian service should call that work. The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish christian work working as unto man you’re working as unto the lord and I promise you. If we do that today, if we do, that is a church, a church. If you go out there for the next 18 months and you were under the lord I promise that you will become a manager and owner or leader and when you are people will say hi to do it. What’s your secret what’s going on and you say, I get it from god I follow biblical principles.

You should come with me to victory / river city /, whatever we’re going to call this church soon, wherever it is, you should come here with me, I’d like to teach you about christ, the people will listen to you. If you work as unto the lord am I enter your feeling me like a petting zoo, all right. Well, that is all I have to share with you guys today. I appreciate you guys for putting up with me. I apologize, I’m, so pale, but I do not go outside consistently have a great day team victory come on and give it up for our family rod nation, so that was the first church service. Now, why do people don’t realize this? But do you have a big church like victory church? There are multiple services and so i. Don’t think a lot of people thought about this idea, but do you have the top business conferences pastor? Give you exact same message to services in a row? Is that the move is that the move to do the exact same sermon twice? Is it another move to write three different sermons, wow so busy? These are? These are questions or thoughts, and so here’s what I did and I don’t know if this is something you recommend that I do. This is just what I do. Cuz I did I’ve been speaking for years, and so what I do is I make each talk a little bit different. So, in the second service, the second, the second service is different from the first service. Now I’m, not saying that the best practice move I’m, just saying I’m, the you work ethic guy, you know I’m on the over-deliver guy

I’m. Also the guy who you know. If I’m going to do a do, a talk. I want to have some fun with it and so I buried it up a little bit, and so the first service deliver to talk on work at the second service is on work at the second one. It will look a little different. Security.Com of your favorite recipe, but you mix it up a little bit. Maybe your favorite batch of cookies, but you adding some oatmeal this time. It’s after the second service I begin to talk about work ethic from a new from a christian perspective, but with a little bit of i, tell google to different nuance and so any further ado. Let’s go back to the audio from the second service at victory church in amarillo texas. Over talk about the importance of bringing an intense work ethic to your life, bring it started today like for me to grab out this card here. This is a card we have on the back of it. It is called a note-taking device and I believe that note-takers are the movers and the shakers, because what the the mind is for strategizing, but the pain is for remembering that makes sense and I realize that I am a good, I’m, not really the most spiritual qualified to be here, but I am very, very good at business. To me, growing businesses is very easy and then whoever has a top business conferences smartphone, your smartphone have you ever thought about the deeper meaning of life and then sat there with your phone and thought to yourself. Justin bieber had that phone really feel like mr. T mobile I would like to add an extra line, but before you sell it to me, I would like for you to explain to me it’s it’s a profound. The concept of struggle, but I spoke with my faith in phones. Please explain it to me before I use it. Anybody like that at all. Anybody now you just use it. This is how I am with with my relationship with christ I know:christ is real. I know the bible is real, but I find myself doubt is like my biggest struggle, but I know that christ is really make sense and so I’m going to teach you biblical principles to wealth and how to make money, how to grow a business.

How to become successful in the workplace, but pastor brian is. Is my pastor and I look to him as a source of wisdom and for all things, spiritual, I look to him? So please cite it. Look it up make sure in the wines with scripture and we’re going to get started with this first concept. Today is a christian, wouldn’t it be nice? If you had a platform above the norm to share your faith? Do we believe that people go to hell to believe the people go to help me believe that I believe that I’m, a literal guy, maybe I’m old school in adam and eve to noah the boat? So if we do believe that people go to hell, would it be nice if you had a platform with which to share your faith? Will it be nice? So my entire goal of today’s talk is to provide you for this question so ask you:can I pick your brain thrive nation when we return I’ll be breaking down more of the talk I gave at the victory church and beautiful amarillo texas, and then you might be saying gosh,. You really spend a lot of time talking about top business conferences work ethic. It’s like you’re obsessed with it. It’s like you, loved. I., what’s up I was in this podcast. It’s like every 15th podcast is about work ethic, that’s right because nothing works. Unless you do the systems that we teach, you don’t work. If you don’t show up, that’s why I love to brag on thrivers that didn’t have that work ethic and why I love to just talk about it?

Cuz it’s at the core foundational level. If you have a solid work ethic and you implement a proven system, you will have success and then you will be blessed and you will be feeling good. I want to brag on on one of our drivers out there platinum past and lawn, specifically jennifer jennifer and her incredible husband, jared, jennifer and jared. These guys work. We were doing the that we were looking at their numbers the other day and he’s guys have grown dramatically since they’ve been in the thrive I program, their there they’re their company called platinum pest & lawn. This thing has been blowing up, it’s been growing, it’s not because we’re geniuses, we just talked on the proven strategy and they are diligent, do or so keep our friends a call at platinum, dash pest control.Com, it’s platinum, dash pest control.Com. They will take care of all your pest control needs attend the world’s best business workshop, led by america’s number one business coach for free by subscribing on itunes and leaving us an objective review senior tickets by emailing, his group that you didn’t, and your contact information to info at drivetime show.Com all right to write. Basin. Welcome back to the top business conferences conversation. It is the drive time to show on your radio and they were talking about bringing an incredible and incredibly intense work ethic to work. Every day we’re talking about the grind that is needed to become successful. Talking about the discipline discipline, discipline, i, don’t want to listen to a podcast on just the word. Discipline I think a lot of people, don’t even like that word the word discipline-or we were we talking about disappointment to talk about this, but I want to talk about marketing strategies. They’ll get you rich in 10 minutes. I want to talk about how to become successful, success, strategies, marketing ideas, I want to click funnels I want to talk about starting a get-rich-quick company, getting it on the ground level.

I want to talk about the tyranny of having a job time, freedom and financial freedom. What we we we it at our top business conferences workshops by the way the next workshop is coming up here in june and if you’ve never been to our workshops, you want to book your tickets. Now it is an incredible event:go to thrive time. Show, put the dates here for you. This next event is going to be packed. It’s going to be awesome! It’s going to be epic me of him all over the country attending and we talked about branding marketing sales, workflow search engine, optimization I mean just a search. Engine. Personal loan is game:changing for people, social media, marketing, accounting, hiring firing how to find good people. How do you find goodbye by train people? How do you build a call center? We teach all of it and the next one is coming up here and pulling up on the show notes here:okay, the next one is going to come up here to be june, 22nd and 23rd. It’s a 15 as of two two day event from 7 a.M. To 3 p.M. Each day, and a beautiful jinx america jesus on the west coast of the arkansas river build left coast, and are there it’s on the riverwalk where there’s nice restaurants, it’s near the largest casino in the state? Could hotel accommodations really there’s no reason not to attend it’s a friday and a saturday, so we do it for business owner, so you can get there in at 7 a.M. To go from 7 a.M. To 3 p.M. On friday and saturday. You got that to 7 a.M. To 3 p.M. You’re going to love it. We we limit the seating so that way, you can actually asked questions in the way before matt. Is it form at the event? Is you have 45 minutes prince, followed by a 15-minute breaks? It’s a 45-minute sprint payment with teaching session. We start off right away, helping you design your life time management. Then we do a 15 minute break me answer any questions that app. We come back, 45 minutes friend to me and troy. Are we keep doing this throughout the day and it really is powerful tickets like business, workshop, meats, deans, a lot of fun

I know:you’d love it. If you haven’t booked your tickets do so today by going to throw time, show.Com click on the conference’s button, and then you can get your tickets there. Also, if you want to get a free ticket right now, we are doing the promotion where, if you leave us an objective review and itunes to rescue, you have to subscribe to the podcast on itunes and then leave us an objective review. Then we will give you a free tickets to the event, but we have to subscribe on itunes and leave us an objective review and then just send us proof. You did it to info at thrive time show.Com. If you don’t have to do that. I recommend you find us on google by typing in thrive15 in the word jinx thrive15 and the word jinx, and you can leave a review for us on art on google app and you can email us proof you did it take until it drive time should. I will also give you two free tickets. If you just want to try to buy the tickets, they’re $250 a piece for top business conferences general admission, if you want to sit right, clothes, it’s $500 and either way, I’m going to make sure we connect my answer. All your questions are going to leave a changed person. It’s going to change your life you’re going to love it I promise you. It will be the best time you invest this year on your business stuff. You are a member of the thrive coaching experience. We do include those tickets as part of your program, so it isn’t included for you, don’t have to go out there and I buy tickets additionally does included with the program before I get back from this week’s sermon. That I gave this week to talk that I delivered at the victory church. I want to make sure I meet us up here. Jim rohn, the best-selling author, not in the bible he writes discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

You want musk elon musk. This is a funny one, but you on mosque was asking. How do you become successful? How do you do, and he just says you have to work like hell-you just have to put in 80 or 90 hour weeks to make it happen. I agree with that. That’s how you do it and then what’s your business is successful. You’ll have the time for them to go. Deliver a talk for free. If you want to go to church, which is what I do sometimes I’ll go out there and speak for free? Why? Because I have the time, freedom and the financial freedom to do it, and you know how I did it and implementing system if you want to grind, but you want to ride going the right way. You want to grind in the right direction. You don’t be grinding the wrong way and if you’re going to be digging for gold nice to know that you’re, actually digging towards a repository depository of gold, where you can find gold, would be nice to actually find a find a vein of gold. Would it be nice to know that you’re digging in a direction where there is actually gold available? Coaching programs? Do you make sure it when we teaching and we could do the best top business conferences shovels? We teach you great digging strategies. We actually have machines that will do the digging for you in a lot of cases, but you have to know that you’re going right direction and that’s what we’re going to help you with our coaching program, but the audio from the church service at victory church in amarillo texas, it’s like every half hour, so she can I pick your brain because of a podcast that does well I pick your brain cuz, the businesses.

You can I pick your brain and because you’re going to implement these principles, people are going to sit at how many do we are managers or owners. You manage 3 people for people fight by show, hands who manages some people to people not say. Can I pick your brain? Do you got a minute? It’s what happens if people will look to you as a source of wisdom when you have success in the workplace, which is your place where you’re at 5/7 of your week write 5/7 of your week, you’re at the workplace, since first concept is whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the I know, it’s the second service you’re not hyped up, yet, maybe not enough caffeine. Yet, but whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the there, we go getting better, getting better okay, so not for human masters. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the as a reward, it is the lord christ you are that changes things. Doesn’t it when we go to work and we think about we’re working, not as unto man. So let me tell you how to do it wrong. I told the first service, but this is I’m just going to top business conferences confession. This is my chance to confess, with this is cathartic. For me, I worked at target, alright drive nation. We come back we’re going to talk more about work ethic and how to bring your a-game to the workplace, but not before. I actually talked about how not to bring my a-game to the workplace, because I used to be a slacker when I was a slacker. I did not too well at my jobs and I will talk about my crazy antics, while working at target or return from the break. But before we go to the break. Let’s talk about dr. John sibley, dr. J, o n sibley. Com gretzky hockey is in tulsa oklahoma, been serving at the tulsa community 4 / 25 years and, if you’re looking for a chiropractor to get your spine in line to get adjusted to get feeling good, which outdoor good friend, dr.

John, sibley., com or call me at 918-749-5741, that’s 918-749-5741 321 boom. You are now entering the dojo mojo and the thrive time show have time show on the top of the charts in the category of business. Dentist that you might get motion sickness patch of the babits bikes of florida. Three two one here come the business ninjas. What is going on thrive nation? My name is clay clark I am your host with the most the man with the top business conferences plan and I’m here to talk to you today about how you and I need to bring an intense work ethic to the workplace every single day, if you’re not happy with where you’re at right. Now with your career, you got work hard. You can get promoted out of that situation. Cuz you don’t want to get fired out of the situation. If you’re not happy with your business right now you got to hunker down and you got a grind. We are rise & grind, rise & grind. I would encourage you. I would encourage you to this this week this week, when we get this week, why don’t we play little game called see if you can beat me to work because every single day I’m going to be working at 5:30 in the morning everyday there’s somebody out there listening. You says:that’s awesome, I’m, just saying for a lot of folks, if you’re not used to the rise & grind, why we just say you have a job? Why don’t we say for the next 90 days?

Let’s just beat our boss to work. If you are, if you work for somebody, but it’s 90 days, let’s just beat your boss to work. Let’s make that actionable the next 90 days. Let’s all do it, and if you’re self-employed, how about this? How about you set that alarm for 5 a.M. 5 a.M. 5? Why don’t you get up at 5 and why don’t you plan your day in the areas of your faith, your family, your finances, your fitness, your friendship, your phone, someone says your faith, your family, your finances, your fitness, your friendship in your fun and then go out there and implement the plan, make the top business conferences plan implement the plan and that’s what I’m talking about here at this church service at victory, church in amarillo, talked about the importance of bringing that daily diligence to the workplace, but I have to look at it and be fair. I got to be honest with it, I used to be a slacker, and so, when we return to the audio from the church service, you’re going to hear of me being a very, very bad employee, while working at target. Here we go, so let me tell you how to do it wrong. I told the first service, but this is I’m just going to confession. This is my chance to confess, with this is cathartic for me. I worked at target many moons ago, and applebee’s and directv I had three jobs until I got started, target directv applebee’s and when I worked at target whoever likes those target pretzels, they still sell those pretzels eat more than one per shift. If you’re employed to my boss would leave and I’m thinking, we can’t tell i, wasn’t a christian yet so I’m not working as unto the lord I’m working as unto human masters.

Are you feeling what I’m saying and my boss wasn’t that great of a boss and I thought it was the way I’ma stick it to him cuz I’m going to eat all the pretzels? Forget the caloric trade-offs I’m, making grip the hell trade-offs, I’m going to eat those things to my boss, used to gather us around in the team a team in each morning. It’s a guy’s team huddle me to cover here today at somebody’s been eating. All the pretzels. Do we do we know who’s been eating all the pretzels? To do we know cuz I would like to get to know each other. Like five of us. You know it’s the wrong situation. The office, you all know who’s doing it, but no one admits it. I wasn’t a christian. I might have some good leads. I couldn’t tell you exactly who’s doing it, but you know, and then I discovered the all call page, which was my favorite button. Hooters worked at target before targets awesome because they all call paige. We can make an announcement. It’s about loses their car keys, so we can’t find a kid somebody right to this is my move. If you hit the manager but and I found out his code, I wasn’t a manager, so you can make the announcements and no one could sit. No one can know where your announcing it from doesn’t make sense. You can make announcement. I didn’t know the source of the top business conferences announcement to hop on the overhead speaker. Down. Behind electronics desk is john. We have a 4-door vehicle for a 4-door vehicle. That’s been a very dangerous accident up front. If you have a 4-door vehicle police report immediately to the front, I would just wait. Everyone would leave now, but this is awesome. This was my strategy and, if I wanted to share my faith to you too, you think that you’d want to listen to mr. Pretzel eater bottom-feeder, but car plus target. Please give asher pontifications on how to be successful directions. Book called think and grow rich rich, is written by napoleon hill to oral roberts said. Was his business coach, his kind of advisor the pool in his book says if you over, deliver you’ll soon be over paid, took knowledge without application is meaningless. I believe, if you come here today and you learn some things, we don’t apply at it’s absolutely meaningless. Somebody give you some action items say some things we have to do some seeds.

We have to sell some things. Never when I went to the job. This beat your boss to work 3 x 90 days, because you’re working as unto the you’re not working for him, her you’re working for the big boss, the man upstairs the guy who makes the smartphone possible the guy who gives us the air in our lungs, the guy who created the plan of the great creator. That’s who are bosses does that make sense, and then let amarillo ask the question. Cuz I pick your brain you’ll say what you said:i have a question:we both work in the same department. Why do you get to work so early? Do you get paid extra for that and you say nope I’m working as unto the lord? That’s your test went to relax your chance to share, but I’m telling you people judge us based on our production or success our work. Our work ethic are diligence our right so work as unto the lord. Send me an email to info at thrive time should I come and help me info at thrive. Time should I come about your top business conferences promotion. Cuz I get that email every week from somebody all over this country who says I tint your secret move, it’s crazy I got promoted, move it on to the next slide plate. The f6 like this is tough because we only have 15 16 minutes together, but yet we have to think about this. I want you to write down the following actual see on the screen:faith, family finances, fitness, friendship, fun, safe, family finances, fitness, friendship and fun. That’s my life! That’s in the top circle the cycle. That’s david, robinson, the nba hall of famer, my partner that tea and I got to work in the middle.

That’s my kids! That’s my girls! That’s my that’s! My friends! That’s our office party! That’s it’s all right! All that fits into faith family finances, fitness, sprint upon yourself on a scale on a scale of atf. To make this exercise more fun. We can write the person next to us on a scale of eight on the areas of faith family going to put it over there. I’m. Not. This is not a allegory. This is not a metaphor metaphor. This is not a love that part I love everyday reading myself, waiting myself in the areas of faith, family, finance, fitness, friendship, fun on a scale of 1 to 10 and asking myself what can I do better but never gets boring to me. I just I love that idea. I love, the idea of continual improvement kies on the japanese word called that the art of continual consistent, incremental improvement in what company is always improving, always getting better as williams contracting. Are you looking to add on to your church? If you want to expand your top business conferences commercial building, if so reach out to her good friends at williams contract, you can find them online at will. – khan.Com, that’s will – khan.Com zumba fitness is the true father. Make that excuse I’ll be up going to cut the scoreboard, the truth he is my mentor. Like my yoda thing, I wasn’t young download on today’s show we’re breaking down the audio from my most recent I speaking event. That I was asked to speak. Cuz I have to speak at a at a church there in amarillo texas, victory church to a church about 1200 people. Wonderful people and I was asked to when I was asked to speak, to I thought about something because I’m probably not qualified, not knowing. They asked me to speak about work ethic. That’s my thing:i can talk about work in the christian perspective to work all day, but I’m.

Not really you know the kind of guy that’s perfect. In every area of life, life is more than just work. Life is about faith, family finances, fitness, sprint, shipping from the f6 faith family finances, fitness, friendship, fun, that’s what life’s about so without any further ado. Let’s get back to the audio from the sermons at victory church in amarillo texas real. There is a faith family, finance, fitness friendship, fun, I’m, going to write myself. So you can judge me okay, myself, I want you to i, want to ask you a question of faith requires us to invest time and it right. So what’s your right next to faith win every day. Are you going to schedule time for your face, but a specific time I’ll tell you my example:i listen to td jakes every single morning when I hop in the shower I know so disturbing thought, but I do babe I’m in the shower, listen to td, jakes and right about the time the td jakes really gets into it. I know who td jakes is right about the time he’s really bringing it home, I start to wake up mentally and spiritually, and that’s my process every single day and manages people get my show and I have to do it everyday I know about you guys, but you know back in the top business conferences day, if you were playing nintendo nintendo, duck, hunt, mario, super, mario brothers do do do do do I have to reset every day, because I’m, a manbearpig and I need to do that every single day. So it’s in my schedule, family right. When are you going to spend time for family? What are you going to schedule time for family to work on your family as unto the lord makes sense, and that to me is like so important. But yet you you can tell what someone values based on where they spend their time right to finances. When are you supposed to take lie on a weekly basis going to look at your numbers? Why does people will go like years without looking at their numbers months years and many other things for her paper busy right, we’re busy or specifically I can’t I realize I am a shape I’m not in shape I’m, just a shape.

I’m not coming here from mount judge more to pontificate about awesomeness I’m, just being real. We could schedule specific time to work out. You feel what I’m saying. Are you feeling me like a petting zoo? Are you, okay, faith family finances, fitness friendship? When are we going to schedule time for friendship? How many people know that it takes time to develop a friendship? I have my calendar it’s in there every day these are things I schedule and it fun. When are you going to kind of fun with the kids or just spent a golf ball whatever it is, you got to sometimes have some do not so I’m going to tell you how I rate myself in these areas:faith t, minus christ, save me irrefutable word of god, but there’s some things, never confuse me, which is why I seek wisdom from people like pastor brian, pastor dave. That makes sense I’m always trying to get better but I’m not going to get myself a that. I know. I need to work on make sense, so fake family I feel like this year, I moved into a solid b minus thanks, I’ll, be nice people out there but yeah. It’s me to awesome. You know, there’s the a-team mr. T I pity the fool he always drove with the van door open, so I can get out faster caution to the top business conferences wind. Let’s drive 90 miles an hour in a van and keep the door open. I’m the b team, but I have five kids I’m getting better. What I need to do better?

That makes sense. I need to do better. I’m, just telling you I’ve had to learn in the last 5-6 years is that phone can not come in my house after work, because there’s always one more deal and when you grow up poor amber hair grow up poor too babe emporia, not poor, as we get that you know, yellow boxes, yellow boxes. Why are all the boxes? Yellow everything is great value, powdered. Milk. Do you add water to the milk? You get it. You feel what I’m saying when you sweat, when you are, when you grow up a certain way, and you have opportunities I feel like i-need to seize that opportunity. So, but it’s sometimes you have to set boundaries or faith your family, your finances, fitness shape. This is this is my sweat. It I would have a trainer guy now, but this is my deal fitness. If I don’t have a trainer or a partner or so when I go with the support, we know ourselves cuz it wouldn’t. Let me know:i will go there and I’m, not a very sociable kind of top business conferences guy. You jean pretty more like your head down, but I will look for people that I kind of know. This is my line. I’ll go do what I know you wouldn’t know:we’ve never met at all. I have no idea who you are I feel like I know, I’m going to try to avoid that treadmill with as much passion as possible and then I’m going to leave after I’ve been in the building for about a half hour, so it feels like I worked out.

Are you feeling what I’m saying this is a question? I just want to get silver relating friendships. Friendship, that’s like where somebody calls you if they need you to help, pick him up on the side of the road their car broke down. Will you be there now to develop a friendship, I’ve discovered you to share the values of people and time, it’s okay, to block out time for that social media? To do research on this there’s an article called. Is your smartphone making you dumb my psychology today and I’ll? Save the research play, encourage you to check it out? Yes, and what happened? Does the average american? Now has hundreds of facebook friends but average less than one real friend on average, so you can do research on that. So we’ve got invest time with real people, not fake people are you are you? Are you guys getting this in my relating I’m at marinating? Are we getting this okay, so friendship? And then let’s go to the next slide? There’s that work work whatever you do again work at it with all of your heart as working for the i. Don’t worry about becoming a dog once I went to target I had that mindset, I’m working as hard as I can work as hard as I can get in there early staying late, getting it a guy walks up to me. He says my name is todd starkey. Why do you work here and like getting paid to work here in electronics?

To section you know, I have an internship program at tax and accounting software. How much do you make now son and ice about 7 an hour because I’ll pay you 15 an hour to bring that little laser show you’re doing to my offices until I got promoted my first real job. My first job was at white collar in an office and I’m saying and I started working as unto the lord there and great things happen, but according to forbes 70% of people hate their jobs. Did you know why, if you read this article I most people hate their jobs with the with the number. One reason is:they said they feel like they’re being micromanaged check this. If you don’t need a manager, you’ll become the manager, oh, so deep, so deep in the morning, so deep action step. If you are employed unemployed, we need to work as unto the lord over-deliver for our clients for cleaning carpets, let’s get there early. Let’s do it better. If we’re delivering pizzas, let’s get there early. Let’s do it better. Let’s just always do it, let’s work as unto the lord as a church.

Here today, your day in june of 2016, another study reported the typical smartphone owner interacts with his or her phone and average of 85 interruptions a day. This includes immediately upon waking up just before going to sleep and often times in the middle of the night. So here’s my tip for you, I’ve interviewed, millionaires, billionaires, been friends and I’ve grown successful companies and I have yet to meet a single person. Not one. Not one I’ve tried that one person who is enormously successful that does not spend at least an hour a day planning their day before the day. Show me a salmon idaho cool at night. That’s only bird sound, isn’t it will victory church out there in amarillo. Thank you so much for having me out there to speak at your top business conferences campus for those of you that want to hear the rest of that sermon. It’ll be released here on the podcast in the very near-term drive. Time should I come to hear that podcast, but might my hope and my prayer for you. It wasn’t her is that you can apply that that principle, that concept of having a great work ethic in your life and in your business, because if you do, you will become successful and that’s why without reservation, I would recommend rc, auto, specialists, only client he’s a friend he’s a show sponsor it’s roy, with rc auto, specialists automobile repair for the transmission for battery issues, suspension alignment, transmission check out our good friends, rc auto, specialists., comets, rc, auto, specialists. Com, and there was one in there show with a boom. So here we go 3-2


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