How to Determine When It’s the Right Time to Hire Your First Employee

Show Notes

A Thriver from Las Vegas asks, when is it the right time to hire your first employee?

2016 Dow Jones Average – 16,000

Unemployment 2016 – 4.7

Unemployment 2015 – 5.0

Unemployment 2015 – 6.6

Dow Jones Today – 27,153

Unemployment today – 3.5


  • Write down all of the things they would do if you hire them.
      1. Make a checklist
      2. Make a script
        1. Use
        2. Have a script that makes sense
        3. Role play until they can’t get it wrong for weeks
        4. Meet once per week to train your staff
      3. Answer the phone
      4. Sign for UPS Packages
      5. Create Key Performance Indicators
  • How much more money you will make and how much time will you get back?


      1. Hire someone who can support your superpower
      2. Eventually you will find a day when your time is more valuable than you doing your superpower.
  • Interview a lot. Hire Fast. Fire Fast.
      1. You will have a position before you know it
      2. People always do what’s best for them
      3. You will have an employee show up and leave you every single time
      4. If you don’t interview a lot,  you will find yourself in a spot without an employee.
      5. You always have to have someone ready to hire. In the que. Ready to go.
      6. FACT – “75% of employees steal from the workplace and that most do so repeatedly.”
        1. – CBS News –
      7. FACT – “85% of job applicants lie on resumes.” 
        1. – Inc. Magazine – 
      8. FACT – “participants whose phones sat on their desk performed nearly 20% worse.” 
        1. – Nielsen –
  • How much will it really cost you?
      1. It will cost you 2x what you are paying them
  • Figure out how long you can afford to keep them around if they can’t do what you need them to do.
    1. You fire them immediately. Fire Fast.
    2. Most Employees Are Wasting 41% of Their Workday.
    3. In an article published by NY Times Best-Selling Author Ken Blanchard, a large survey of 1,300 private-sector companies conducted by Proudfoot Consulting,found that on average only 59% of work time is productive.

$69,486 – National Debt Per U.S. Citizen

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Hello America. My name is quite Trotman and Zen. On today’s edition of the thrive time show, we answer a question from a thriver who asks, when is it the right time to hire your first ploy?

Speaker 2:
Some shows don’t need a celebrity in a writer to introduce a show, but this show dies to may eight kids co-created by two different women. 13 Moke tie, million dollar businesses. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the thrive time.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Oh boy.

Speaker 3:
Yes, yes, yes and yes, dr C it is ecstasy when you are next.

Speaker 4:
Tell me. Well, you know when you say for yes is to kick off a show, I know it’s going to be a four quarter game. I mean, you’re going to, you got to show up to all four quarters when you only give like three yeses. I know you’re kind of there. You’re going through the motions. You’re, you’re, you’re on payrolls. He got to do it. I, I get it. Two yeses. Forget about it. Half time we’re over. We’re done. You know, and if I came and get one yes out of you who it’s going to be a long day.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Well today’s show, uh, Z, it’s gonna be incredible cause I’m going to say yes. Oh yes, yes. And yes, a lot. But I’m going to, we’re going to answer a question from a listener by the name of Blake out there. He is an attorney. Okay. And he wants to know how do you know when it’s the right time to hire your first employee? Ooh, he’s owned his father’s law practice. It’s July of 2019 and he’s been growing his business. His client, BIS business is steadily growing his portfolio steadily, and he’s recently opened up a new branch in salt Lake city, so he’s growing his portfolio. Cool. And, um, but before we get into his question, I wanted to talk about something that I talk about a lot and it’s called being Trump tastic. Okay. Okay. All right. So in a Z, do you remember the economy? Do you remember the year? 2016 I vividly, I remember the year 2016. Um, okay, so w w how long has Trump tastic been an office?

Speaker 4:
Uh, going on now? What, uh, the third year?

Business Coach Clay Clark:
So let’s just say that you are listening right now and you do not like him. Okay, I’ll, I’ll let you have that. Fine. So let’s just say you don’t like it. Let’s do this though. Let’s look at the Dow Jones average and Andrew put this on the show notes. Okay. On the show, today’s show notes and today’s show notes are going to be on nit labeled as 10 20. Now we’ll go back and change it, but it’s 10 29 you can find it and look for a, a Blake recently edited document. So 2016, 17,927 was the peak, the peak, the peak. And I want you to put this on the notes and you can find it, Andrew, by searching 2016 Dow Jones average. Oh, I got it. So the Dow Jones average, is he, can you explain roughly in layman’s terms what the Dow Jones averages?

Speaker 4:
Well, the Dow Jones average is, um, it’s kind of a false narrative in some regards, but they try to do their best. What they do is they take an average of top companies. And, and how do those companies become top companies? They choose them and every now and then they change them. I remember a few years ago they actually changed and added a few more tech companies and took a few more industrial companies off of there because they’re trying to keep it relative to today. And really what that is is a snapshot in average of companies they chose and why they chose them because they think they’re the best representative of the overall doubt health. And the Dow is a, as an a is an exchange the New York stock exchange. And so, you know, it’s kind of that number is it, does it represent every single um, entity on the exchange? It doesn’t. Um, and I don’t know exactly how many EMDRIA could probably Google that and see how many companies are actually included in that number. What would be your guest’s clay?

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Oh, well, I’ll, I’ll say this a hundred Dow Jones average right now, this is today. This is according to Investopedia. It’s an index that tracks 30 large publicly owned companies trading on the New York stock exchange and the NASDAQ. It’s just 30 companies. 30 companies is named after the Dow Jones is named after Charles Dow, who created it in 1896 as a way to sort of keep track of how the economy is doing overall. Right, right. It’s a, it’s a snapshot, not a full picture, but it’s a snapshot. So in 2019, Andrew, um, what is the Dow Jones average right now? Like what’s today’s, do you ever trade? Well today it got up to 27,153 so 27,000 so if you think about it, um, let’s make this real easy to picture this. There’s, let’s say there’s 30,000 points in the history of our country. You know, we got to 16,000 points previous to Trump getting an office.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
We’ve now gotten to 27,000 in three years. Now you understand 16 is half of 32. So if we got to 32, he could have doubled the Dow Jones average. Correct. And doing in three years what no other president has been able to do. I mean in long time now the size of the scale of the economy. I mean it might make it easier to gain faster, but you’re, you’re doubling. Some would say he’s riding the energy or the policies of Obama. Some would say, some would say that he has, despite the Obama nations, I mean bad policies of Obama who was previous community organizer. Um, maybe he’s had to undo things that were in the way, such as legal entanglements and, and all this ridiculous jackass hurry with healthcare. But what’s happened is the economy now has grown from 16,000 to $27,000 or 27,000 points on the Dow Jones average. I would just say right now, I am very excited about what’s going on with our, our economy. And I would like to say that things are very Trump tastic right.

Speaker 4:
Well I would say, I would argue this, I’m going to be, you know, cause we have to cage fight because that’s what we’re here. That’s what we do. That’s what we didn’t hear. Nothing wrong. No, we don’t. I would say that the average person on the street could care less about the Dow Jones average,

Business Coach Clay Clark:
I would say as well. I agree, but I do think, okay, you caught him. He’s rolling. It creates jobs.

Speaker 4:
Well, okay, well now you’re taking, well, I’ll let you have your narrative. Let me have mine here. Hold up. Unemployment rate in 2016 play, pull up unemployment rate 2019 in 2016 and I think, here’s, here’s the saying, my dad used to tell me God rest his soul, but you can’t. No, that makes no sense. I didn’t know why your dad says, well Robert, you can always put a [inaudible]. No, they like Skullet. I mean they don’t do perms. You need an to put a skull it on a frog next to kill a man, Robert. Okay, well no, but dad used to say, you know, Hey, all my kids are working so it must be working. You know what I’m saying? That was his measure of it was jobs. It was a V, it was availability to get jobs. And when I think that again, Hey, all my kids are working so it must be working.

Speaker 4:
And, and whoever was in office at the time, it was a, it was an indication that he gave his stamp of approval that the economy was doing well and his, and I think, I think more the average guy out there, the average person is job, job availability. I mean, I know a big company right now that, uh, I can’t say their name, but on our show the other day with the secretary of commerce on, you’re talking about a big company that just decided to come to Oklahoma to set up camp. And their biggest problem is finding people to work job people that won’t work at all. They just refuse to work well on. That’s a whole nother, that’s a whole nother show, a whole nother topic. But the point is, is I think the measure of unemployment perhaps is a better measurement for the average person on how healthy the, you know, I mean if you want to work, you can get a job right now. And I think that’s the bottom line before you might want to work. And then one tire and they’re all letting people off.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
There is a while there is a gas station, local gas station on grown up there. And there was a guy out there in front of it who would sit out there for hours at a time and he would hold a little sign, say now hiring, you know, he was a terrible, we’ll call him Bernie. And I thought he was my uncle for a long time. You know what, why his phrase, he always told me, um, you’d only have to work 10 hours to have a full week now. He said, you can’t go back to work until you learn how to twerk. Oh no. I’m like uncle Bernie. And then my parents pointed out, this is not your uncle Bernie and he’s not joining you at the gas station to, uh, be with you. He just lives out front of that thing. He’s the hairdresser that puts the perms on frogs in it.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
So then I realized that that really all the advice I’d been given was wrong. Wow. I realized I was, I can’t be up late night learning to twerk. I got to get to work old fish. Slap in your face. Talk about just having the, the, the, you know, the life snaps. Apple. I was different than I thought it was forever. I thought uncle Bernie is the wise man. He dressed up and kind of a earthy rustic look, you know, because a lot of wisdom is that a lot of plant material being corporately duck dynasty before it was a show. You’re in great shape though, so that’s good. Okay,

Speaker 4:
so under what’s, what’s the, what’s the tech, what’s the tech, what’s that employment then and now? So then 2016, it was 4.7. Okay. That was the year that Trump was elected. And then 20. Today it’s 3.5 I met significant let’s Trump test. It’s true as people will tell you that in the knowledge in the industry and the, uh, the knowledge of this industry of unemployment numbers and you know, it, there were a while that there was kind of a weird narrative back in the great recession. You guys remember that? Andrew, you’re even old enough to remember that you’re as young as you are welcome to the world. What in the world, young man. But the narrative there was, is that so many people would be unemployed for so long. They became off the records of unemployment. So I know that sounds weird, but it’s kind of like you, after a year being unemployed, we don’t counters and employed anymore. We just count you as, I don’t know what we count you as, but we don’t count, which doesn’t seem right. You are no longer, I’m not the one doing the count. So I don’t know

Business Coach Clay Clark:
guys. I have audio. I’m going to audio of a president Obama and Trump’s of last conversation too with each other. Um, as they were, you know, cause it was a new president a lot of times wants to introduce the new president. He says, Hey, this is the keys, this, this is where the kitchen is not going to end. We’ll have, Hey, by the way, the remote, we’ve got one where that’s missing the nine on it. So you’re going to have to kind of, this is, and then by the way, there’s a, there’s a weird guy named Bernie out front pin here. Nobody you’ve got, you’re changing houses, hide your fraud. You’ve been living somewhere for eight years and you’re like, Mmm,

Speaker 4:
moving almost to food clothes.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
So, you know, eight years, but this is, this is Obama. He says, Trump says, so, Hey buddy, uh, I’m glad that you’re here. Um, and then Obama says, uh, you know, can I stick around for a while? You know, can I help a little bit? Do you need, do you need a little coaching there at Trump tower in Trump? Tastic says, well, yeah, w w would you, would you be willing to stick around because I’d love to have you stick around. Now president Obama, and this is the conversation, he says, this is the final phrase. The rumor is that Trump said, Mr. Obama, would you be willing to stick around? And this is what Obama said, next, you get fired. It was like he didn’t get a chance to speak and he just, he, we, he said, so he says it’s abrupt. Would you be willing to? It’s like kinda like that is like uh, uh, what goes to Conan O’Brien who always would tell people that’s a great idea for me through Poupon.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
He’s like, do you want to stick around? Cause I would like for you to stick around and then fired. That’s, that’s not nice as well. People have a problem with his tongue. They have a problem with his tone, his tone. It’s a great tone that’s making unemployment go down. And the economy’s growing, but the issues is with his tone all thanks to the tone. But if he would be calmer and he’d say, now everybody, we’re going to build a huge wall and we’re going to lower taxes. Does everybody okay with that? Has anybody who interacted with gluten today? Are you guys okay? Well you have a day off of college to feel, to think about how you feel about this. Are you guys okay if you would talk like that? I think he’s a prelims behind therapy dog. Okay. So anyway, I just want to throw out, people have asked me what does it mean when you say Trump?

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Tastic I’m just saying. It is fantastic. It is Trump. It is a growing economy. Amen. And if you don’t like it, you can listen to different podcasts. That’s okay. So now we’ve got a question from a listener. Uh, Mr. Blake, who wants to know about what, when to hire the right person. So this is, I’m going to give you the big principles andZ is going to provide the color commentary and Andrew, write down the five steps. Oh, you got it. Step one one, write down all the things that they would do if you hired them. Like make a list of things. Josh, living water. You have employees. We do. If you’re not careful, can’t they do nothing if you don’t have a plan for them real quick and in a hurry. What’d you do today?

Speaker 4:

Business Coach Clay Clark:
want to write down all the things they need to do into a checklist or a script, AKA key performance indicators. Give them something to do. Step number two, from our home office to move, we’re going to have Z recap on all five of these cap. Step number two is you want to figure out how much more money you will make and how much of your time you will have back if you hire them. How much money will you make and how much time will you get back if you do hire them? Step number three, you want to interview a lot and hire fast and fire fast. Interview a lot of people, a lot of people. We interview a lot of people. Step number four, figure out how much will it really cost you to hire this person. And step number five, you got to figure out how long you can afford to keep them around if they cannot do what you need them to do. So dr zone, we’ll start with move number one.

Speaker 4:
I’ll wait a second. I just, you know what I would do Blake? I would take all five of those and just throw them out the window and go hire somebody. For God’s sakes, if you have a business, you need an employee there. You don’t want to be the one answering the phone greeting, stop at the door. Stop. You don’t want to be that guy. But you know, Hey, I just opened up this branch office. I’m the only one in here. I got to go fix that. Got to go plug the toilet and get the coffee machine going. I’ll be right back. I’ll be right back early. You saw me. The first person is so easy to decide. The first person is easy. You say, I got a resume, I’m going to hire the lawyer. I know what to do. Everything on my own was what happens is you, earlier I brought up the Dow Jones and you rebuked, you know, I know I review. Okay there’s,

Business Coach Clay Clark:
there’s somebody out there, not Blake, but somebody out there. Cause I remember when I had to hire my first guy, it occurred to me I need to hire a guy. So I got three jobs, Applebee’s, target and direct TV and I did it. And you hired a guy. Right. But a lot of people are like, I want to, not, not Blake other people, I want to hire a guy, but I don’t have any money to do it. That’s what somebody is thinking right now. Not our listeners, but the friends of our listeners. You know the people, the Bernie Sanders people. Well, here’s the people. Here’s the, I’m going to give you guys a car. I’m going to give you guys just a little insight into owning the business. Starting the business, continuing on with the successful business. Yes. If you don’t have a war, chest teeth built up to pay your rent, have to do some advertising. It’s nice to have a phone system. Yes. A phone, maybe even a fax. If you’re old school like me, you haven’t heard it. Now you just getting crazy.

Speaker 4:
Who didn’t like having a fact every time? Hey baby, why don’t you, who is your fax set on over? I mean, I’m waiting on your fax. Are you waiting on my face? Oh wait, baby. The machine just lit up. Here comes your fat. Oh yeah, that’s right. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, daddy. So what I’m saying is, is that Blake, when you open a business, you’ve got to have a war chest and part of that war chest is actually to have an employee. You say an employee, I’m not talking a high level employee. What you’re talking about the answer, the phone. Who does what? You talk aside for ups packages that show,

Business Coach Clay Clark:
well you’re in your meeting. I mean you’ve got to have someone to represent the business that’s come a contract with doctor [inaudible] sign on the door and says, I don’t want to make myself employee if I won’t contract it cause I want to save the [inaudible].

Speaker 4:
Otherwise you’ve got to sign the door that says busy right now. Just fax it on over. I want to save the money. The, I want to save the money. No one’s here, but we’ll take your fax anytime as well. There’s just a fax number. No email. No. I want

Business Coach Clay Clark:
to know that somebody’s out there right now who is saying to them, fail, fail and fail. I do want to high a foam buddy and that will require money if you’d, so I’m going to make him a contract and whenever we aren’t busy I’m going to send them home. Devout loyalty. That’s not the way it works, but I’ll tell you what. You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to take a line from Justin Bieber. I’m bringing facts back. I’m bringing facts back to you. Why don’t you just go FAC feel failed. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I’m thinking I’m back the goal now. Seriously though. A lot of times, Andrew, you’ve seen this. You’re in a meeting. How often do people want to avoid hiring, hiring an employee? Every time everyone wants to go the route of lunch. Just a, let’s just call them up whenever we need him and the dad and daughter. And then your daughter’s daughter, the one that doesn’t speak well. Oh yeah, she’s cheating. We’re going to hire her to do all the contracts. She answer the phones now. Okay. Josh, how often have you seen this, cause you have been, you’ve been implementing systems. How much have you grown as a percentage in the last two years? Unless

Speaker 5:
two years were up a lot actually, when we just did the mess. So we’re up a little over 600% since a day. We shook hands, mr [inaudible].

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Yeah. And are you on, are you on a lip? Are you on? You were on good morning America recently. You’ve had your bill. If you Google Tulsa man buys eight billboards to declare his love for his wife. You’ll find proof of this Josh with living water irrigation cause you hear your, what Josh had been cheaper. If you just

Speaker 5:
fax that over. I couldn’t get the fax number. I kept trying to look. I did. I just did go through

Business Coach Clay Clark:
baby baby baby baby. Listen baby, get up in the morning and before your second cup of coffee, this is hot. Go in there and check the facts. Let’s make them want to Pat the Cove off. You could put something on it that you might be interested in the oldest. Pick the top. Just right now, I just thrive nation right now. If you would just listen to this show just absolutely naked. Just into the fat. Seriously. They’ll bring people. I people that, what happens is they, they don’t want to hire an employee and I hear it all the time. All the time.

Speaker 5:
Well we, we, we struggle with it. I remember, uh, two years ago doing at the conference acting, asking dr Zellner literally this exact same question. So you’ve learned, you’ve learned through this. Yeah. When, when is the right time? And I remember at that time sitting down and doing the math, how many hours am I working? How many, what would it free up for me to do? Sales and business development and your answer at the time, dr zoner, I remember like it was yesterday, is whenever there’s two more work than I can get done in 60 hours. That’s crazy. That was your answer to that time. You said said, Hey Joshua, if you, if you sat down and you put all the duties and responsibilities together, can you get it done in 60 hours? And I was like, Oh no, I’m working like 90. And he was like, okay, it’s time for an employee. Yeah.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
It’s time to put that new new, uh, putting in that new printer. Who does this? Who it is, what the fax machine has, what, what do you put in a toner? You gotta have a tone. You gotta tone that thing up happen. If I could borrow your fax machine, I could probably go, Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. A lot of things you could borrow from me, but not my thoughts. What had happened was [inaudible] thought it. Talking about faculty with the net out. I know I just got all discombobulated, you know, just the unfair moments started coming out and that’s why I went to jail for a while. I mean I just, it’s a confessional, that voice, I don’t know what he’s going to take the show. I don’t know. He just starts doing his thing and it gets weird. Yeah, it’s weird.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
How much money will you make as cause some people hire non needed people. This is one of my favorite things about government shutdowns Z. We explain what a government shutdown is. [inaudible] explain this because what happens is the government is spending more than they have. So they ask the, they say, are we going to print more money? Correct. Or are we going to shut it down? Correct. And every time they shut it down, people don’t understand this idea. They only lay off or put people on furlough or time off who are nonessential, which is hysterical cause why did I have a job? Anyway? Amen. So the military is still works. They’re laying off like librarians. And by the way, they should all be laid off because no one goes there. If you’ve been there, you scare people. There’s like one person a day. It’s unbelievable. It’s like you look on your taxes and you go, Oh, that’s a library.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
That’s a place no one goes to. We should subsidize it. Look, that’s a museum we should go to. We should subsidize anything that people don’t go to. We subsidize it with government dollars. So the government shutdown occurs and we lay off 90 central people until we can figure out, Oh, do you guys want to print more money? Burns wannabe. Bernacchi well I don’t want to cause hyperinflation, but I don’t wanna cause over inflation. Someone patients. Good. Let’s talk to Greenspan. Greenspan. Bernakie what do you guys want to do? Let’s print the money. So you print money. People think it’s like a fancy, complicated thing. No, they’re just printing money. I mean what alternative university they live and where they can just print money. Z, remember the last time you and I printed money to make payroll? How fun would that be? I mean seriously you have your, I mean for those of you out there that actually balance your checkbook bullied by the way you actually bounce your check, but can you realize if you don’t have the money in the checkbook and you write a check, it will what we call bounce.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Let’s do this. Let’s role play. I want to be the department of education. You are going to be the federal government. We’re role playing. You are president cylinder and you are going to ask me for a viable budget to balance the budget because you have decided as as president Zellner, you’re president of these United States department. You’ve asked the military education, you’ve asked every department to cut something, cut, cut something. I am now going to respond to you rather than your fax machines and your paper president, president zoner you wanted to see me sir? Yes, I’m working on the budget. Director of education, secretary of education, whatever you are. I have found out much to my horror that over the last X number of years we actually as a country have been spending more than we’ve been collecting. Well I just want to start off with yes cause this is something I just want to say.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
I feel like what you’re doing is you’re hurting the kids and I just want to ask you, do you care about kids or do you care about your country or do you care about a budge? Cause I just want to know that. Well I care about all three actually. And that’s why I’m meeting with you because I think we can tighten our belt. Well I have a, I have a video of a third grader in Detroit right now who can’t afford books and this is about business voices is going to keep changing as we go. I just can’t afford to buy a book. So like a country person, this person can’t afford to buy booklets and Detroit, those sir. And there’s a lot of crime. Look at this video. There’s a third of that certain grade crime right there. It’s in a card you’re holding up.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Does it. There’s a kid out here and he’s in third grade in Detroit who can’t afford to get themselves a stapler and we gotta. You’re going to cut the budget and we don’t, do you hate kids or do you hate yourself? I guess I do hate your inner child. I guess I do both. This is pretty, then I go on CNN and Fox and I’m like cheery. Woo, woo hoo. Somehow it’s unethical to balance a budget. What the crap. Here’s the problem with balancing a budget. You guys don’t like kids. Get off our podcast. If you think that way, you’re freaking Bernie Sanders.

Speaker 4:
No, stop it. Here’s the thing. And listen, because Bernie sander fans need to hear this more than anybody. So don’t get off the podcast. Just come back. Give me two minutes completely reading the prescribed resubscribed. Yeah, and if you, if you hang in there and email me, I’ll, I’ll send you a fax. Okay. We unsubscribed, click and then hit subscribe to like a double-tap. I’ll send you, I’ll send you. Um, here’s the deal. The problem with the balanced budget is everybody’s upset. Everybody, everybody’s upset. The military takes some cuts. Education takes some cuts. Every service that the federal government does take some cuts across the board and nobody, nobody wants to take a cut because here’s the deal. Everything that we’re involved in is the most important thing. Can we cut something? Yes, we can. We can. We can and it’s a bright yes, we can future until, the problem is, is that there’s only so much money. There’s only so much money unless you’re little John. No, no, and let’s, well,

Business Coach Clay Clark:
I mean Obama or people who are rich guy that everybody wants to Rob from. You do realize that Senator little John, would you like to a a balance the budget. This is what he had to say about, he says, Oh, there’s a lot of money. Trust me. We don’t need to worry about a budget

Speaker 4:
then. Then they said that, yeah, well that’s the problem is that there is a lot of money, but there’s a lot of money going in places that it shouldn’t be going and it’s easy for us. I’m going to say it’s that place that’s our place for us to go. Well, it shouldn’t be going there. Right, and that’s why it’s kinda like a good settlement. If you have two businesses that are fighting over something, a judge hasn’t really come to a good settlement to. Both parties are probably disappointed with the result. Neither one got what they wanted and that’s the problem. But the problem is now is living in a Republic as we do. Some people say it’s a democracy. It’s technically a Republic in my face, but here’s the deal is that whenever your rhubarb gets rubbed wrong, then you’re upset

Business Coach Clay Clark:
when your rhubarb, it gets rubbed wrong. Bernie talked to me a lot about, I know in that bathroom bathroom out there,

Speaker 4:
get money, take it from the industry or the section of likes that you’d think it should be there. Then you get upset about it and then you fax your Congressman and then you need a lot of faxing. You stay up late at night, you drink a bottle of wine, you just fax away.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Text my rhubarb kid, Hey, come into this bathroom that is attached to the carwash madness. She’ll come in here and I’m like, have you ever been in a Turkish person in the border? I remember.

Speaker 4:
No. My, my, my point is that, my point is this is that is that it’s, it’s difficult. And I had a friend once tell me this and this is a true statement and it deals with this and that is even a fat, healthy puppy will whine when you go and wean them from their mother’s teat. Think about that for a hot minute. Come in here and I’ll show you mine. Don’t stop. Oh, thrive nation where, I’m sorry, I’m trying to keep it between the rails here. So bumpy, but my point, my point is though, in order to balance the budget, the problem is you have to upset so many people. You have to set upset seniors. You have to upset, you know, the healthcare industry, right? You have to upset the military, right? Upset education. And the problem is we’ve let these things drifts so long that they feel like it’s their right to be able to drift.

Speaker 4:
And if they think they can just deflect all the attention on the other people, then they could keep their pair, their slice of the pie, their share of the pie. But folks, the pie is only so big and now we’re trillions of dollars in debt. I mean, I don’t know. I mean Andrea could probably Google it if everybody cut a check right now. Everybody, baby, young person, you know, old person, middle egg, but whatever age you are, you type in national debt clock right now. You can look in real time. The numbers grow folks. It’s crazy. And we as a nation have to understand it’s going to, it’s going to hurt. It’s not going to be fun to negotiate this deal to where we say, listen, we all have to tighten our belt and we all have to understand that we have to at least we got to stop.

Speaker 4:
We’re in a hole. We’ve got to stop digging. Andrew, I want you to take 23 trillions. That’s what it’s at. 23 trillion and divide that by 330 million Americans and that’s the check we’d call cat. Crazy stupid. It’s got the, it’s got the debt per citizen right here already made it go for it. Per citizen U S citizen, it’s $69,000 (480) 660-9000 for everybody out there ready to stroke a check for basis. 70 K and what’s interesting, it’s only us citizens. We’ve got, you know how much of our people that live in the United States are not citizens probably, but 10% seven, 7% still set up to seven people. I believe that anybody who comes across this border is immediately a citizen. Oh, there you go. And you know what I was group reading Bernie Sanders website. My bed. I was confused. [inaudible] agree with you. Okay. So here’s we’re going to do, now we’re going to say that you won.

Speaker 4:
When you hire somebody, you got to write down all the things that they would need to do if you hire them. Okay? You got the checklist, the script. Cause I see a lot of people hire people, see good people and give a good for them to do. Yeah. You hire somebody to have nothing to do all of it. They’ll figure it out. So step two to figure out how much money you’ll make and how much time you will get back. So Z, talk to me about buying your time back, even if you don’t come out ahead financially. Would you feel into that? Because I mean, you know what, a couple of ’em in person workshops ago, you asked me that question and the concepts touch on that again. So the answer you gave me and what it’s done for me. So I remember as I kept working and more and more hours

Speaker 5:
and seeing my wife less and less and less than I, when I asked you that question, it was, it was, it was at that exact time when we were, we were growing and it was awesome. And, but I was not ever home and I never played golf and I never went to dinner and I never saw kids or grandkids or anything. So when I sat down and did the math on that, and when we talked about doctors, owner, it was if I bring a person in, how much money does it cost me? But also how much time of my own does it free up for dual purpose. Number one for home life and quality of life and slowing down the rat race a little bit. But number two also gave me the opportunity to go earn more business and grow more business and spend more time on sales. A higher end on the higher end scale working on the big vision. I’m working on the business that I’m in the business, so the math for me, when we sat down and we quantified it, it was super simple, Hey, let me hire a person. Then once I hired that person and got them busy, it was, well, wait a second, let’s hire another person and then another one in it

Speaker 4:
because here’s the thing about it. It frees you up to be the superstar sales person that you are and if you give that to somebody else to do, they’re never going to have your enthusiasm. Eventually they might, I mean you have the scripts, you have the coaching, you, you role play enough with them and you get them there. But day one you’re going to be the superstar going out there and do that. Yep. So you’re harder to replicate. So find someone who can do all the grunge work, all the detailed work, all the faxing that you’re doing throughout the day. And that frees you up then to go do the, you could go hunt the big animal because yeah,

Speaker 5:
if you could please go back to that dr Zoellner. Cause I’ve had a conversation with quite a few people as a race that are advocating sales to other people. We had a conversation about a year ago, you and I did in this room about what is the one thing I should not hire? What is the last person I should hire? And your exact answer at that time was sales always go sell Josh until,

Speaker 4:
until that, until there’s more business out there, then you can actually get your hands wrapped around or you’re tired of it. Or you know what, you’ve got the machine going willing up or you’ve trained up someone to step into that. Unfortunately, as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, as you are Josh, as you are, clay, Andrew, you, I put you in the same category to think about is our enthusiasm for the job is like our enthusiasm for our children. I love and, and really appreciate Clay’s kids. I really do. I mean they’re great kids. All five of them, they all have their, they all have their little quirks and they’ll have the little fun things about them and and their beautiful, charming, well adjusted kid, but I’m never ever going to love them as much as clay and Vanessa do. It’s just the way it is, right? I mean, I’m not, I’ll never love my kids as much as I love cuddling with dr Z and there you have it. [inaudible]

Speaker 4:
I was reading the cue cards. Thank you. I actually wrote those [inaudible] and you give him the clay show notes. I’m sorry, I’m sorry we’re a little off off tilt. But my point is, and you have to look at your business as a child. I mean really you do. And the way you raise it through the different of it, Claire’s a beautiful analogy for that. A story that he has and it educates people that are in starting a business. What here’s you treat the business day one, you do differently than you did 10 years into it. I mean, it’s just cause it’s a different child. Okay? And a few treats your 10 year old, like he’s an infant, it’s not going to go well, trust me. Same thing in business. And so as you developed your business, you understand there’s things that now if you’re an introvert and you’re not very good at sales and that intimidates you and you have a problem with that, and yet you’ve hired a rockstar salesperson, then by all means, let them go out and do their job.

Speaker 4:
But I know Josh, you’re now going, guy, you’re charismatic. You’re a handsome man. I mean, that’s probably why you get stuck in backyards doing pool pool bits a lot. Whoa. I don’t know. Where did he go back to faxing again? I went back to fat. What’d you fax over a picture of you today? I’m not quite done. Go for it. But my point is, I get a little silly there, but my point is, is that when you find out what your superpower is in your business, don’t hire for that hire for the other stuff that’s keeping you from doing the superpower. So one of your superpowers is going out and meeting people and making the deal and talking to them. Cause you’re very nice, you’re easy to approach and you’re good at that. And that’s what you do and that’s how you’re building your business.

Speaker 4:
And then you want to have the ancillary people behind you to support all of that. Okay? Because now you’re having to do that and support yourself. Didn’t you hire that support? All right? And then here again, you could free you up to go do more and more of that and eventually you reach a day you will be like, you know, I’ve probably written my last, you know, estimate. I mean, I think I’m to a point now I’ve got two or three guys that are going out and doing estimates. Yeah, they’re not me, but they’re close enough, you know? I mean, they’re 90 95% of me, maybe 97% on a good day. And that’s good. You know? And so that’s kind of your mindset is what’s the best use of your time. All right. And yet then how much time do you want to give to the business more?

Speaker 4:
So it’s like a rocket firing a rocket in the air day one. It takes a lot of energy, a lot of time, a lot of effort. And then when you get into orbit around the earth, it’s just a little, little, little, little. Can you pass the [inaudible] ice cream? In fact, we don’t have a problem, but my fax machine is broken. So in fact we have a problem. Houston, I watched that video about how to pee pee in space, but I really didn’t. I skipped it. I liked it. Can I fax my pee to you? She was, my pee is floating. Where’s that ice cream? I don’t know. Whose scream is floating this message, here’s that. Thinks I’m going up here is jamming my fax machine and I don’t know, I think it’s astronaut Clark. Looks like I can see Carrie Irving’s restaurant up here and it looks not flat. I’m a Houston back to, I don’t know how he got through astronaut school with that head. You said there’s no problems up here. I’m an orbit. Here’s the facts. When she back working again. I’m good. I’m good. I’m good. Y’all had the Bernie Sanders supporters back up until that bit and then you just lost [inaudible].

Speaker 4:
Okay, so we’re going to do is I’m going to tell this listener specifically what the you’re going to hire.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Should do, cause I’ve helped law firms do this. Okay, here we go. Step one. We’re going to write a call script and I’m going to call you Josh and I’m going to pretend that you are a lo a a. I’m somebody who would need my services cause this guy’s an attorney. He offers a state planning, that kind of thing. I’m ready. So I’m on the phone with Josh with living water. I’m calling you as an attorney. Okay. Yes sir. Boom. Hey, is this Josh? Uh, yes sir. Josh, this is a clay Clark. I’m calling here on behalf of yada, yada trusted planning attorneys. And uh, I was just curious, have you made a will for your family so that way you know, if something unfortunately ever happened, that money’s going where it should be going in the state doesn’t take it to probate. Uh, we have not clay, well, unfortunately nine out of 10 business owners, um, don’t have a will and enforce, which is bad.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
And I, and I have a really good stat, a hard stat there was, it’s verifiable, but I would say, and I know this because I helped farmers insurance train their agents for years, but I would say, and unfortunately the vast majority of people when they pass away don’t have a will in place. So then it goes into this horrible process called probate and the state fights over your money into paying like a huge death tax. And all it really is, is just a piece of paper that’s in the way. So I’d like to meet with you for 10 minutes to show you how I could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Um, what will be a good time to meet for 10 minutes? Ah, I could do next Tuesday at two o’clock. So I’ll put that in my calendar. I’m going to email you references of 50 business owners who have helped to help them plan their wills with their cell phone numbers. And if you just made me call three, four, 10 50 of them, whatever before we meet, that way you feel good about it and read our reviews online and we’ll make the whole meetings take about 30 minutes. Perfect. Could you fax that list to me?

Speaker 6:

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Absolutely. I love faxing, but anyway, that’s what I would do. And that’s it. And that’s perfect. That’s all that person has to do all day. And the average cold car, one of the cold callers that, uh, I trained up to now works for Redmond, averages 250 calls a day outbound and has helped. Uh, it’s, I believe how many appointments you set for Tim. The average cold caller who works for Tim Redmond makes 200 calls a day in eight hours. And what you need to do is you need a, a phone, use clarity, don’t use something else to use clarity, the calls are recorded, have a script that makes sense. And as he pointed out earlier, you role play, role play, role put to, they can’t get it wrong, right? And then every week, every morning, actually you take 15 minutes with this person, you play back random calls from yesterday and you answered their questions and after about two or three weeks of that, they’re so good.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
You need to meet once a once a week and then once a week you play back calls and you train them and you will make millions of dollars. Mr attorney, that’s how you do it. That’s how you do it. And that’s it. That’s literally great actionable stuff, what they do. And uh, it, it works. And, uh, but I do with call scripting, which is really weird. My wife thinks I’m weird, but I’ll get a, a cranberry and vodka. So I do, and then I’ve got step one. Um, but I don’t think you should use this, but this is what I do. And then I write the script and then I read the script, I record it, record it, and then I act as though I’m the person who’s answering it on the second track. Do you argue with yourself? Well, I wrote play with myself. I tried to go how this is, what’s actually sound.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
And then once I get it to where it’s good, I then give it to a client usually. And I’ve done that so much that now I can write it intuitively, but the key to it is thinking about the rude things that somebody else would say. And it’s hard for me being totally honest with you, with a completely clear head, um, where I’m like in alpha mode to think about the root thing. Somebody would sit, jackass Ray. That’s going to happen cause it’s always meaner than you think it will be and you’re not prepared for it. So you make a script that thinks of the root objections ahead of time. Sure. It’s called a rude interview and the first guy paid Michael Levine years ago to belt me with some PR stuff. I paid Michael Levine as recently as October again, and Michael Levine is the PR consultant for Nike and Prince and Michael Jackson and bigger names throughout their careers.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
And Michael, a, Charlton Heston, a George Michael, I mean big people. He does a route interview where he says, and Z, you and I did an interview, I won’t mention the name of the place, right, but we did an interview, a big national publication back in the day. Do you remember how like the person interviewing us was rude. They start off by saying, how could you possibly say that you could help a business owner grow a business without a degree? When you have, you have a degree, you’re ever that a luxury. It started off that way and you’re like, well I’m an optometrist and I did have a degree for that. But from other businesses you might not need when we need as a skill. And they were just out for blood. They did not want to have a discussion. They just wanted to have a debate. They just wanted to have, you know, bullet points so they can make it, you know, controversial, controversial and these guys [inaudible] cause they didn’t go there.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Got your questions. So they’re different than the questions they sent me to prep for. So a good publicist, which I’ve hired throughout my career, I’ve hired a multiple firms, they will do a route interview with you and they will ask you rude questions like, I think you’re a fraud proof to me. You’re not right. And you’re like, huh, I see that you wouldn’t be ready for that. And that will happen on TV because TV is all about headlines. So you want to have a route interview cause man people and when you roleplay with your team, you should rope it with them so much. They don’t sound like a cold call anymore. That’s that’s, that’s the real business there. That’s the real deal. Now, interview a lot. Hire fast and fire fast. Z, please explain why you want to hire fast and fire fast and why you always want to be interviewing. Explain to somebody out there who says, why would I want to interview if I don’t have a position to fill?

Speaker 4:
Well, number one, you’re going to have a position before you know it because people will do what’s best for them and oftentimes that means that they’ve already got something lined up. They don’t tell you about it. Come on. One day they show up with a site, see you later, alligator, and then you say after while crocodile,

Business Coach Clay Clark:
and they’re gone

Speaker 4:
and they’re gone. Then you look around, you go, wow, I wish I had to learn in the queue to take that spot.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
I’ve got audio. You’ve got to have it, and he was not taking your words of wisdom. Okay, here, this is what you will sound like if you video tape somebody else, take those audio of oil sound like if you implement the

Speaker 4:
this dr Z, I’m going to give him. He’s going to go for it and he’s explained exactly what to do. But somebody out there is fighting, fighting. They’re saying, no, I would never leave me. This is audio of somebody after their team quit unexpectedly.

Speaker 7:
Bill, are you okay in there

Speaker 4:
is that Nancy Kerrigan after being hit with a Baton from Hart cook here again is your, if you’re doing, if you’re doing what’s best for your business, what’s best for your business, it’s having someone in queue that means in line, in waiting, in rotation. Oh, come on board with the possibility of being hired. They’re excited, you’re excited, and you’re waiting for that opportunity for them to come on board. So when you need someone extra, you’ve got someone in the queue in the line, right in waiting. If somebody quits you, boom, you’ve got someone that you’ve already kind of vetted. Now the reason why I always say hire fast, fire fast is simple. Reason one, there is no way and the God’s green earth, no way. It’s probably mostly blue, but we’ll, we’ll say green, Aqua, I’ll call agree. That’s aquamarine Aqua. Okay. There’s no way that you could do an interview with someone and Brit Dick with 100% clarity that they’re going to be a great employee.

Speaker 4:
Great jets. 85% of them are going to lie on their resume. Gross income magazine [inaudible] to Andrew put it on the show notes. 5% are lying on. That’s a big stat, but it’s true. Yes, and then again, you have three out of four people that that are stealing from you that are already, they’re already punching your clock. By the way, chamber of commerce reports, 75% of employees are stealing from the workplace a big number because their numbers are freaking somebody out right now. But they’re true. Verifying they’re true. We can’t make, I can’t make this. I wish I could make that this. I’m not even clever enough to make up that, to make that up. But my point is, is this, is that, is that, is that you can’t really, I mean everybody, and if they don’t interview well then the right, you don’t even think about hiring them.

Speaker 4:
But if you need somebody interviews, well you look at the resume, they check all the boxes, hire them and put them in where it really matters. And that is shadowing or, or you know, or following you around or coming in and actually punch the clock and working and then you measure them on what really, really matters. And that is, can they do the job with excellence? Can they learn, are they coachable? Do they have the right character about them? Cause some people we could take, well this guy’s a high character guy and then they come on board and they ain’t high character. Elon Musk couldn’t be here today, but he wanted me, he wanted me to chime in with this. I think he wanted me to, he said this, he said fax you and tell you that, but you on Musk, by the way, he’s the man behind pay, PayPal, Tesla, solar city space X neural link. And rumor has it rumor, we started right now that he’s working on fax technology, he’s on Amazon and he’s on anti AI. He really has. He really has a net for anti, well there’s some artificial intelligence or some really bad stuff happening with AI right now. That’s really tell us, talk about that. I didn’t, do you want to talk about it? I didn’t want you want me Google it. I’ll talk about it. I’ll talk about

Business Coach Clay Clark:
it. Um, one of the things that’s going on right now is people are automating things that could kill them. Cause you know, again, the fit, the people who wrote the, uh, Federalist papers, our founders, they talked about that the average person will give up security. No, no, no, they won’t. No. See they’ll give up their freedom for security. The average person will say, you know what, Z, I would rather have a decent wage guaranteed to me. So I’m willing to give up all my freedoms for that security. Interesting. So there are people right now who are not aware of this. I have a cousin who rides in a car for a major car manufacturer where is a driverless car. He rides in it and you drive in the car and the car goes from a to B. And you see he’s a tester. Okay. Well I have a person really close to me who has one of these self driving cars and uh, interesting.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
But he hit the button where it goes into self-driving mode. And so we’re talking and with great confidence, he’s talking, demonstrating how this thing can go around this meeting and all of a sudden we’re going hard, right? Like hard, right down the um, exit ramp. But there, the exit ramp is closed right now over there by the airport. You know, Tulsa airport. They’re never how they closed down one 69 for a while. So we’re headed off what is going to be our certain death and he’s talking to me because the thing is reading GPS updates that were put in by a person. And I’m like, Hey, Hey, Hey, cause we’re probably a half mile, but I’m noticing the cars doing this. And I’m like, do you know I live here? That doesn’t exist right now. This is a, this is a thing. It’s just right. And he’s like, Oh my bad, I’ll turn that off.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
It kinda did that a while back too. It’s kinda like, what do you mean it did that kind of did it? And he’s like, no, no sir. I, I kinda, I craziest thing. I was reading some paperwork while I was driving. True story reading some paperwork. I was drums. You’re reading a book while driving, reading a book. And it started to go, you know, this way and that they hadn’t completed this little overpass here. So you would have driven to your certain death. So this is what happens. It’s just automating jackass theory and people don’t think they’re like, I’m going to give total control to this experimental technology that’s based on somebody had to put the data in there. Another thing is biases. So let me give you another dangerous thing. If everybody Google searches right now, America’s number one business coach, do it, type it in America’s number one business coach.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Put the number there in America’s number one business coach. She’s the number one America’s number one business coach. Google searched that and you’ll see I come up top in the whole world. Now if you want a Google search, uh, bill Belichick’s number one fan, I come up top as the number one fan. Now I have had on two occasions a one for the business coach and one for bill Bellacheck where someone has reached out to me that I did not know to ask me questions about mr bill Belicheck and questions about business coaching just because I am the number one and this is a person who is definitely 40 and I said to the 40 year old, I said, Hey, you know, they’re probably closer to 50 how did you reach out to me? He goes, Oh, he got my phone number from a book.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
I think I put my phone number in one book and he says, I understand you’re bill Belichick’s number one fan and I want to do a show about bill check. How long have you known mr Mel? How long have you known mr Belicheck? So podcaster and I’m like, I have not ever met mr Belicheck. Furthermore, I’ve got a cease and desist letter from the Patriots for talking about them too much. Seriously. So I don’t know. But I do think I am the best, but that’s my opinion. Now I got another bad situation because I’m newer. I’m taught for number one business coach. Hopefully you look at my career and my facts over 12 years of doing this and you can see that I am who I say I am, but you just have to look up. I would say YouTube reviews are probably more factual.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
If you go on YouTube and type in clay Clark reviews, you can see a thousand people sharing on video about how I’ve helped them and that’s a real thing. But another thing, it’s really dirty. I worked with a cosmetic surgeon many, many moons ago, not in Tulsa. This is dangerous. Okay? I got him to the top of Google. I said, you got to get the most reviews from your real patients. So this guy went out and just paid random people Z and true story. You know, when you read the chart, can you please explain to me why you went to read the chart about what medicine someone’s allergic to before having surgery. So you don’t give them that medicine and they have an allergic response. Explain to the listeners, do you want hyperhidrosis? Is anyone know? Hyperhidrosis is yes. It’s what your palms, you know sweat. Yeah. Well you could sweat. Hyperhidrosis could be, you could sweat there. You can sweat other places too. So this doctor operated on a woman who coming in for hyperhidrosis because she was in her early thirties and her hands sweat profusely. Okay. And he didn’t read the chart cause he doesn’t read the chart cause he’s not a chart reader. He’s not a chart reader, collapsed her lung.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
And so I’m talking to the guy and I’m like, Hey, I’m just, I’m monitoring your website and I saw this email review come in from the person and that person might die. And he’s like, how do you make that go away? He says, Oh no, he doesn’t say there’s no concern. You can tell this is what he does. This is his life. He’s not like, cause this has happened before. Sure. So he’s like, I’m a cosmetic surgeon. I mean you’re going to have some stuff. And I’m like, but he’s not worried about it. But the thing is he knows how to manipulate the Google searches because I taught him how to do it so that he can push the bad stuff down and the good stuff up nosy. See how many people go to page two to find things are three. Uh, exactly four people in the history of Google.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
So what happens is a very bad surgeon was very top in Google, which is why I reserve the right to work with you a month, a month. And I just said, I can’t do it. Can’t do it because it’s just shadiness. So I’m saying you think that I’m the best, the world’s best business coach because that says it in Google. You think Z, your car, I mean Z. Have you ever had your GPS tell you to turn left where the road was closed? Yes. And when that crap ties into the way your car drives, that’s some dangerous stuff. Another example that’s really dangerous is I had a client I worked with, you don’t have to have Google wallet, Google wallet even pay through Google wall. Well they lost her. They got locked out of Gmail. So like okay that’s a problem, you know. Okay. So it’s like how do you get it back?

Business Coach Clay Clark:
When I’m locked out of my Gmail, well my phone, I keep all my passwords in my Google docs that I use on Gmail and I have my phone, you know, so I can’t get my passwords. So I guess I could call Google. You could call them. Hey Google. So if I can’t, so I can’t buy anything so I can’t buy anything cause it’s my Google wallet. I can’t buy anything. I can’t check my email where I have my password. So I’m like, so you basically, if Google doesn’t pick up the phone and give you that password, you can’t buy any goods or services forever cause everything is in there. Yeah. Yeah. But it’s convenient. It’s a move. Pay people will change. It will exchange all their freedoms for convenience. Now you talk about why do you think that is? Laziness. Oh yeah. Pretty much. The drunk, my buddy Joe served in the military, I won’t mention his last name for his safety and that kind of thing, but he served in the military twice in Afghanistan.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
And what he did is he went, uh, you were in the military there for a while there, Josh. Um, and he was active duty twice. He served and he, he worked outside of the wire, which apparently is where you go outside of the protected zone. Sure. And his job is to find leading terrorists and to put a dot on their head using a laser pointer essentially. Can you explain Josh, what happens next? Then the drone makes them go, bye bye. So he calls in and goes through whatever he calls into the thing, how terrorist identified and three, two, one. And when you shoot and then you hear from five miles in the sea, a drone, it flies and no one can hear it cause it’s quiet. And he’s watching with his little binoculars. They had the infrared and he said multiple times I noticed their head disappeared because this thing can fly over and go, did you do?

Business Coach Clay Clark:
And then they have these 50 cows that can shoot. Even if they miss you, they take your head off. So the cool thing about that technology is that’s how we got Osama bin Laden. If you miss with a 50 Cal, if you missed, there’s, the pressure is so crazy, it’ll take your head off. So the concussion of it. Yeah. So Osama bin Ladin bake got Isama bin Ladin using AI and geo-fencing. So what happens is if you go into a building that’s being geo-fenced and you receive a text or an email, it gathers that data and it knows who was there based upon all your accounts that the same technology used to kill Osama was used. Like that can be used to kill you. Absolutely. And we assume that government is good, government can become corrupt and it usually does. Wow. So I don’t think you should give all your power.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
We need to go buy more handguns. We should, we should add. But AI is Elon Musk. Her and you understand that econ, Elon Musk invented online payment as we know it with PayPal. He has reinvented the power grid with solar city. He has invented a reusable rockets. He has invented cars, um, that are electrical, that have unbelievable acceleration. He has invented Neurolink now that thinks for you before you’ve heard about neural link. I wish I had it cause I’d like someone to think from here. If you look it up real quick, it’s a, it’s a chip. I know, I know about it. Yes. You put the chip in your head and you think that type of thinking, that’s cool. But the problem is it can always know what you’re thinking. So if you’re like, I hate that guy to yourself. It types it out. Types it out if facts is it right? Yeah.

Speaker 8:

Business Coach Clay Clark:
There’s no need to make a technology that could kill us. And Elon Musk Musk’s whole thing is why would you want to make a technology you can’t shut

Speaker 8:

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Now listen to Elon Musk describing the dangers of AI on an interview that appeared on YouTube. You can find right now called Elon Musk’s last warning about artificial intelligence on the Reddit Storytime channel.

Speaker 8:
There a

Speaker 9:
lot of experts in AI don’t share the same level of concern that you do about the dangerous stuff. What’s his last word? What specifically do you believe that they don’t? Um, well, the biggest issue I see with so called AI experts is that they think they know more than they do. Um, they don’t like the idea that a machine can be wasting smarter than them, so they discount the idea, which is fundamentally flawed. There’s the wishful thinking, uh, situation. Um, I’m really quite close to, I’m very close to the, to the cutting edge in AI and it scares the hell out of me. Um, it’s capable of vastly more than almost anyone knows. And the rate of improvement is exponential. Um, or you can see this in things like AlphaGo, which went from in the span of maybe six to nine months. It went from being unable to beat even a reasonably good go player to then beating the European world champion who was ranked 600 then beating Lisa doll four or five.

Speaker 9:
Um, what had been world champion for many years. Then beating the Cartwheel champion, then beating everyone while playing simultaneously. Then, uh, then there was alpha zero, uh, which crushed AlphaGo a hundred to zero and alpha zero, just learned by playing itself. And it can play basically any game that you put the rules in for. If you, whatever rules you give it, literally read the rules, play the game, every superhuman for any game. Um, nobody expected that greater improvement. If you ask those, those same experts, uh, who think AI is not progressing at the rate that I’m saying, I think you will find that their predictions for things like go and, and other and other, uh, AI advancements have, uh, their batting average is quite weak. There’s not good. Um, we’ll see this also with, uh, with self-driving. Uh, I think probably by end of next year, self-driving will be, will encompass essentially all motor driving and be at least a hundred to 200%, um, safer than a person by the end of next year.

Speaker 9:
We’re talking like maybe 18 months from now. Um, NITSA does study on, on Tesla’s autopilot version one, which is relatively primitive and found that it was a 45% reduction in highway accidents. And that’s despite autopilot one being just version one, version two I think will be at least two or three times better. That’s the current version that’s running right now. Um, so the, the rate of improvement is really dramatic. We have to figure out some way to ensure that the advent of digital superintelligence is one which is symbiotic with humanity. I think that’s the single biggest existential crisis that we face and the most pressing one. And how do we do that?

Speaker 9:
Well, if we take it that it’s inevitable at this point, it’s some version of AI is coming down the line. How do we, how do we steer through them? Well, I’m not normally an advocate of regulation and oversight. I mean, I think once you’re generally or onsite minimizing those things, but this is a case where you have a very serious danger to the public and it’s therefore there needs to be a public body that, um, has insight and then oversight on to confirm that everyone is, uh, developing AI safely. Um, this is extremely important. Um, I think the danger of AI is much greater than the, the danger of nuclear warheads by unlocked. Um, and nobody would suggest that we allow anyone to just build nuclear warheads if they want that, that would be insane. And Mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
So like a lot of these programs are writing their own code now and they can’t, they don’t know how to stop it. It’s crazy. So I would just say I, I’m not a fan of, I don’t think we need to be more efficient. I’m happy to live to be 80 some odd and, and die and I’m okay with that. I don’t want to let a Terminator back in time to kill somebody because that sounds like where we are. Right? I mean, I’m ready. Somebody, the company that went live on April the, Hey, there’s a new terminate 2037

Speaker 8:

Business Coach Clay Clark:

Speaker 9:
talk fast.

Speaker 8:

Business Coach Clay Clark:
my name is Sarah. Calmer

Speaker 8:
[inaudible] August 29 1997 supposed to be judgment day, but I changed the future. Saved 3 billion lives. Enough of a resume for know the future. [inaudible] [inaudible] I know you’re scared, but I’m here to protect you. I’ve never seen one like you before. Almost human. I am human. Just enhanced. Why do you care what

Business Coach Clay Clark:
close to her? Cause I was her. I can see you are very upset. I’m going to help you predict.

Speaker 8:
Girl. [inaudible] you don’t make it. Everybody dies. Dang bro. Whole body’s a weapon. [inaudible] I am going to kill you. [inaudible]

Business Coach Clay Clark:
I’ll be back.

Speaker 8:

Business Coach Clay Clark:
I know this is theoretical and crazy, but I’m just saying is that AI is a very dangerous, it’s a dangerous thing that we’re playing there and so, but Elon Musk, he talks about when he’s growing PayPal, he said that one of the things he learned early on that was the hardest thing that you needed to do was you have to fire people. When it’s not working. And he said it’s the most awful part of running a business as you have to fire people when it’s not working out. So it’s very, very, very, very, very important. If you want a business right now and you can’t get people to do their jobs, hire fast, fire fast, final two steps for sake of time. So then we have an interview coming up in just a moment is figure how much it really costs. You see if you hire somebody for a $10 per hour, do you actually, does it actually cost you $10 an hour or is there taxes, insurance?

Business Coach Clay Clark:
I mean, what does it cost? Does not cost you $10 per hour, cost you more than $10 per hour because there are other expenses that you have to um, office match and pay and drones and FICA, FICA, Medicare. Think about these things. Usually if you pay someone $10 an hour, it’s ends up being about 14 or 15 an hour yet. Toilet paper, you got coffee, you got to get the fax machine, fax machine, workman’s comp, fax paper. [inaudible] that right there. They’re right there and cost a lot. And the final it 0.5 is you want to figure out how long you can afford to keep somebody around if they’re not going to do what you need them to do. If they’re not going to do what you need to do, you fire them immediately. Fire fast, couldn’t you? Can you put up with somebody for a day of bad performance or an hour? Cause some people’s, he will keep somebody around for months. Never does anything at all because Elon Musk writes, one lesson I learned at PayPal is fire people faster. That sounds awful. I think if somebody’s not working out, it’s best to part ways sooner rather than later now. But most people, Josh, you’ve seen this. They will not fire people. Most people will not. Most people.

Speaker 5:
What does Billy do? Oh, I don’t know Billy

Business Coach Clay Clark:
people there. I would say most people that I have met through my process of coaching are in their forties and have never fired somebody previous to working with me, ever, ever. And I’m going, does that person do anything? No. Why don’t you fire them? Oh cause they’re somebody’s son or daughter fender. The holidays are coming. I have a soul. The holidays are coming. That’s a big one there. My daughter, my friend, my neighbor, my cousin, my wife or somebody’s buddy with my wife. And that gets into a religious discussion about, I think it’s to do a religious discussion about is it ethical XE? Is it ethical?

Speaker 5:
Hi, real quick, can I, can I kind of pile on that really, really quick? So my company is named after John seven 38. I have very, very distinct and clear Christian views. Um, it is wrong of you as a Christian to miss steward, your funds, your talents, your abilities, your strengths, everything that God has given you and it is entrusted you with. It is wrong of you to allow somebody to take advantage of that. So for other Christian businessmen out there and other people who want to operate their businesses along with the gospels and how Jesus led us and did that, please understand that it is okay to fire someone. It is okay to expect people to produce, to be a member of your company. And it is okay to make a profit off of your business. That’s my one public service announcement for Christian businessmen. Would you fax that over to me? It’s on the way Dixie.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
Okay, so now we’re going to do is we’re going to talk about the final, the final step here, the final step. Final countdown. Figure out how long, again, we talked about wanting to hit it here and I want to hammer it home. How long, how long will you allow the person to steal money from you or get paid by you and do nothing? Is it 10 minutes a day? Is it four hours a day? Is it a week Z? How long can someone do nothing for you when you discover it before you get rid of them? As soon as I get somebody to replace it, they’re bub bye. But I mean, some business owners will allow their average employee to do nothing. And Andrew, look at the stats right now. These statistics that you can find out that the average employee spends 41% of their day doing nothing, jacking around.

Business Coach Clay Clark:
They’re doing something. It just ain’t what you’re paying them to do. Let me give you the hard stats here. I’m gonna go to thrive time forward slash does it work right here. Read the stats buddy and an article published by the New York times bestselling author, Kim Blanchard, a large survey of hundred private sector companies conducted by a profit consulting found that on average, only 59% of the work time is productive. 59% of the day they’re working. So 81% is wasted. So I’m just saying, let’s be honest about it. Put cameras and there’s [inaudible] dot com put up cameras. Just like quick trip, just like Walmart, just like target, put up cameras so you can see what the people are doing and if they’re not working, fire them. Because if you’re hiring them just to hang out, then that would be called a friend. Then you can have those. But if you’re gonna pay somebody, don’t miss steward your money. And Z, I think we have clarified, um, a little bit about hiring somebody. How to determine when it’s right to fire people. Everything you need to know about faxing. We’ve talked about the national debt. We’ve talked about Trump tastic things. We’ve covered so much ground. It’s pretty incredible. If you think about hot Mike, you’re ready for the boom. Great.


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