Mike Lindell | The My Pillow Founder | Why Now is the Time to Stand Up for America, the Freedoms We Enjoy and President Donald J. Trump

Show Notes

The founder of My Pillow, Mike Lindell shares the TRUTH the “Cancel Culture,” why now is the time to stand up against freedom-killing injustice and government corruption. He also asks why medical officials are not allowed to treat patients with proven COVID-19 treatments.



  1. Yes, yes, yes and yes! Thrivetime Nation on today’s show we are interviewing Mike Lindell who is an American inventor, businessman, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of My Pillow, Inc., and is sometimes referred to as “the My Pillow guy.” Mike, welcome onto the Thrivetime Show…How are you sir!?
  2. Mike, why did you decide to become politically outspoken?
      1. “11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” – Matthew 5:11-12 
  3. How did you start your first company? 
  4. Mike Lindell How did you go about getting your first 10 customers?
  5. When did you first feel like you were truly beginning to gain traction with your career?
  6. TWEET – “Dominion machines stole millions of votes from @realDonaldTrump ! Antrim county Michigan is just a small sample of the evidence! Can’t wait for the world to see it all!” – https://twitter.com/realMikeLindell/status/1339040520811782147?s=20 
  7. TWEET – “Thanks to a Michigan Judge evidence has finally been released for everyone to see! As more evidence of fraud pours in, it will show @realDonaldTrump won in a historical landslide victory” – https://twitter.com/realMikeLindell/status/1338547336843161600?s=20 
  8. TWEET – “Now here’s a Georgian who gets it & is demonstrating courage unlike many other Republicans.”  https://twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/1338993992990539777?s=20 
  9. TWEET – “Dr. Fauci is evil. Bill Gates is evil. The pharmaceutical industry is wrought with corruption and pure evil.” https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1338872945989603330?s=20 
  10. What kind of push back or hate from the mainstream media have you received since openly speaking out as a freedom loving conversative?
  11. Mike Lindell, recently, Stanford’s Doctor Scott Atlas was added to the White House Coronavirus Task Force and then explained that COVID-19 is less dangerous for children than the common flu? Why do you think that the mainstream media did not like this announcement? https://www.bitchute.com/video/lRHEnAHBgrhV/
  12. Recently, we interviewed Dr. Dan Erickson who is a doctor and the co-founder of  Accelerated Urgent Care came out and showed that people who contract COVID-19 have just a .02% death rate…why do you believe that the liberal controlled Youtube took down his press conference video footage where he shared this truth?
  13. Mike, Neil Ferguson’s Imperial model that initially predicted 2.2 million people could die from COVID-19, which is what justified the lockdowns were WRONG and TERRIBLY WRONGER. However, the media gave him a pass and never called off the FEAR MONGERING despite the fact that his models were off by 25X…why don’t you think that the mainstream media has reported on it consistently? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/05/16/neil-fergusons-imperial-model-could-devastating-software-mistake/ 
  14. Dr. Richard Bartlett, who was a former top medical advisor for Governor Rick Perry for seven consecutive years shared that for just $237 he has been able to successfully keep all of his COVID-19 patients from dying using just a nebulizer and the FDA approved asthma medication budesonide and pulmicort. Why do you believe the media rushes to discredit all treatments that are successfully  treating COVID-19?
  15. How would you describe your recent interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper?
  16. Tell us about the COVID-19 treatment that you have been working on?
  17. Mike Lindell How can you prove that it works…where can we go to find the proof of what you are saying?
  18. What are a couple of books that you believe that all of our listeners should read?
  19. You’ve got the mic, what is one thing that you want to share with the Thrive Nation before you drop the mic?

Step 1 – The Canadian-owned DOMINION vote counting machines are used in 28 states

  1. The Former CEO of Overstock.com Explains the Technology That Was Used to Rig the 2020 Elections
  2. https://www.deepcapture.com/2020/11/election-2020-was-rigged-the-evidence/ 
  3. Communist Chinese Gov’t-Linked Bank Account Gave $400M To Dominion Voting Systems Before US Election – http://www.christianitydaily.com/articles/10232/20201203/communist-chinese-gov-t-linked-bank-account-gave-400m-to-dominion-voting-systems-before-us-election.htm 

Step 2 – DOMINION gets its software from Sequoia Voting Systems (Formerly known as SMARTMATIC which is a Delaware company owned by Venezuelans close to the Communist Venezuelan Chavez and Maduro family)

Step 3 – Then our votes are stored on a server in Frankfurt Germany.

      1. Trump recount committee has seen raw data from seized Dominion servers of how VOTES WERE SWITCHED by an algorithm in the software!!! “The things that are going to come out are going to SHAKE the globalists to their very core” – https://twitter.com/Bls1022/status/1328833128652296195?s=20 
      2. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: WE GOT IT! — Col. Waldron Confirms US Has a Copy of the Election Night Data ‘Traffic and Packets’ Sent Overseas to Frankfurt! (VIDEO) – https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaking-exclusive-got-col-waldron-confirms-us-copy-election-night-data-traffic-packets-sent-overseas-frankfurt-video/ 

Step 4 – Then our votes actually get counted in Barcelona, Spain and Smartmatic has a special software feature that allows users to change votes

      1. Their software allows them to change the VOTE 
      2. Oh…and Smartmatic Owns DOMINION
      3. Listen to Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis on the Dan Bongino Show https://youtu.be/PSCik12dpTo?t=3647 
  1. When we are dealing with elected officials being paid and bribed by the Communists and Communist enemies living within America who are attempting to steal our election, I would call that behavior treason, what would you call it?
  2. TREASON is the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government…and on the https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=%2Fprelim%40title18%2Fpart1%2Fchapter115&edition=prelim website it reads, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” What do you do with people who commit treason?
  3. An Example: Governor Kemp of Georgia choosing to use communist controlled software during your elections
  4. Mike Lindell An Example: Governor Kemp of Georgia refusing to call a special session and open up signature verification
  5. Insurrection, is the act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
  6. An Example: Governors Cuomo of New York and Governor Newsom of California keeping their states locked down despite knowing 100% of COVID-19 patients being treated with Ivermectin and Budesonide have not died from COVID-19 
  7. An Example: Governor Whitmer of Michigan keeping her state locked down despite knowing that COVID-19 has not caused a massive increase in the overall number of deaths throughout the United States in 2020. https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/johns-hopkins-university-newspaper-pulls-down-article-questioning-covid-19-death-tolls_3595884.html
  8. On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, on January 1, 1863, “shall be then, which called for the ending of slavery, however many racist governors refused to free their people and claimed that they had state rights to keep slaves. To free the people, President Lincoln issued the Insurrection Act of 1807. 
  9. My understanding is that Martial Law has been used 68 times throughout the history of the country and Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civil functions or suspension of civil law by a government, especially in response to a temporary emergency where civil forces are overwhelmed, or in an occupied territory. Will the President implement Martial Law?
  10. What will America look like when Martial Law is implemented?
  11. Mike Lindell The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion. It has been used four times in the history of our nation in our nation including: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/george-floyd-protests-trump-insurrection-act-riots-a9544861.html
  1. 1957 in Little Rock:
    1. When nine black students arrived to attend a previously all-white high school in segregated Arkansas where they had enrolled, the state’s governor, Orval Faubus, ordered in the National Guard to block them from entering the building.
  2. In 1962 in Mississippi
    1. In another incident involving segregated education in the South, John F. Kennedy used his authority under the act to federalise the Mississippi national guard when violent crowds assembled to stop the integration of the University of Mississippi, or “Ole Miss”.
  3. 1967 in Detroit
    1. After long-simmering tensions over policing and racism boiled over after a raid on an unlicensed bar, Detroit was rocked by some of the worst rioting and widespread police brutality the US had seen in a century.
  4. 1992 in Los Angeles
    1. Sparked by the acquittal of four police officers who had brutally beaten a black man, Rodney King, the Los Angeles riots saw several days of social disorder and violence, much of it along racial lines.
  1. On September 12th of 2018, President Trump signed the “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.” And this allows the President to seize the assets of any person or organization found to be involved in, “the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, which constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.” My understanding is that the Director of National Intelligence – John Ratcliffe now has 100% irrefutable evidence of the 2020 election fraud in his hands…what will happen next and when can we expect to see some action?
  1. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/
  2. Secretary of Defense – Christopher C. Miller Acting since November 9, 2020  
  1. The Texas Rangers and U.S. Marshalls recently raided the Solarwinds Headquarters…why is that significant?
  1. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaking-fbi-texas-rangers-us-marshals-raid-solarwinds-hq-austin/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons 
  1. Peter Navarro (Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator) released a 36-page report alleging election fraud ‘more than sufficient’ to swing victory to Trump. What will happen next?
  1. https://bannonswarroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/The-Immaculate-Deception-12.15.20-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3zzt12xPk5wOGjcuwgqaz8bp_W7lrVFU7okYGY8fvvFK12q4O8-Mqw6mo 
  2. Let’s talk about exposing corruption…Up until the time of his supposed death, the world’s most prolific pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was working on creating his own race of people and he was spending alot of time with Bill Gates. What does the world need to know about the relationship between Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein?
  3. The COVID-19models that were later proven to be false, originally predicted that 2.2 million people would die from COVID-19 and those models were funded by Bill Gates in conjunction with Amazon.com.
  4. https://timetofreeamerica.com/#Models-section
  5. And now Bill Gates is telling everyone that we can’t go back to normal unless we take his RNA-modifying nano-technology filled vaccines with a WO-2020-060606 patent number?
  6. Mike Lindell What are your thoughts on the Bill Gates RNA-modifying nano-technology filled vaccines with a WO-2020-060606 patent number?
  7. It has now come to light that the Bill Gates Microsoft software called ElectionGuard is used by DOMINION, Election Services, Heart Intercivi, Clean Ballot Election Systems, Hardware B-Pro and nearly 100% of the voting machines and systems in America…should the world be trusting Bill Gates?
  8. Bill Gates made massive donations to the CDC of over $155 million and now the CDC is recommending Concentration Camps…are you shocked the CDC is now recommending Forced Isolation / Nazi-Style Concentration Camps? https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/global-covid-19/shielding-approach-humanitarian.html?fbclid=IwAR16k-HIzASknx8jx49JOhD8Vrrt5E30-g2ipsy19nfSDficm3NFTNf6YmM


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