Learn the four sales super moves from business coach, Clay Clark, and Dr. Z in the first half of the show! If you stay tuned for hour 2, you get Dr. Z’s 7 bonus sales tips! This is an episode you definitely do not want to miss.
Learn The Sale Moves From The Business Coach : Podcast Transcript
Clay Clark: One, two, three, into the four, we’re back on your radio, it’s the Thrive Time show broadcasting from the dojo of mojo on the left coast of the Arkansas River, inside the beautiful thrive15.com world headquarters, nestled right over here by the left coast of the Arkansas river. Dr. Zoellner, I’m so excited to be here with the Thrivers today, because we’re talking about a subject called sales.
Dr. Robert Zoellner: It’s Friday. You made it another week, Thrivers. Well, halfway through. Unless you work at one of those, you know, certain businesses just shut down Friday afternoon. I don’t know why they do that, why do they just shut down Friday afternoon? But you know what, that’s your choice–
Clay: That’s your choice.
Dr. Z: When you start and you own your own business, if you want to be open half a day on Friday, guess what? You can.
Clay: Now Z, we have a very special guest inside the box that rocks today, who has decided to open up her own business with her husband, and you know what? She could be open, she could be closed, she could do whatever they want to do over there.
Dr. Z: Whatever they want to do.
Clay: Now Ms. Amy Smith, can you tell the Thrive nation, what is the business that you and your husband own and run together?
Amy Smith: It is Great Harvest Bread Company.
Clay: Great Harvest Bread Company. Where’s this thing located?
Amy: At The Farm, 51st and Sheridan.
Clay: So, are you guys open on the weekends or anything or what are your normal hours there?
Amy: We’re open Monday through Saturday, from 7 AM to 6 PM and on Sunday is our day of rest.
Clay: Well, okay. Well, you gave away half of the answer here, but I want to ask you. Before we get into sales and really get deep into, because without sales your business will–
Dr. Z: Well, it won’t do very well.
Clay: It won’t do very well. Say, what in your mind is the perfect weekend? It’s a Friday and you could say, if you had to describe the perfect weekend. Has there been a perfect weekend in the past? Is there one in the future? What does the perfect weekend look like for you, now that you have the financial resources to pretty much do what you want to do. What does that perfect weekend look like?
Dr. Z: Well, I think I had one back. And it was a cool day, the actual date was 9/10/11, I’ll never forget it.
Clay: 9/10/11?
Dr. Z: 9/10/11.
Clay: Okay, what did you do?
Dr. Z: Well, I was down in Louisiana. I was down at a horse race. I was down at Louisiana Downs, and I had two horses running that day and they were both– They weren’t real long shots but they were moderate. And there were two fillies that I raced and I loved them both, I still do. They’re precious. They ran in two big races and they both won. And then lo and behold, the place that I’m staying, I ran into an old friend that we hadn’t– The last time we were with each other, we didn’t part well. And so I was such in a great [unintelligible 00:02:46], “You know, that’s silly, I’m just going to love on this guy and make forgive him for being a–” and then we rekindle our friendship and it was awesome.
Clay: Wait a minute, so you had two horses that won and you rekindled a friendship on the same weekend?
Dr. Z: Oh, and it gets better.
Clay: It does? How is this possible?
Dr. Z: On my bucket list, there’s a particular car that I wanted. And I said to myself, “You know, I’m going to this weekend. I’m just on fire right now.” Everything’s coming up roses as they say. [music] Oh, yes. There we go. So I’m driving home on Sunday, now it’s 9/11/11. And I’m thinking I’m going to get home and I’m going to search the world and find my car. I just knew it. And sure enough, I’ve searched it, first car that popped up. My car in St. Louis flipped the next day and drove that bad boy home. That was a great weekend.
Clay: That was a pretty weekend.
Dr. Z: It was perfect.
Clay: Okay now, I want to ask you there Ms. Amy. Now, you have a business that’s successful, things are going well. What’s the perfect weekend like there in the Smith house on a beautiful Friday heading into the weekend. What’s the perfect weekend look like for you guys?
Amy: Okay, perfect weekend is early morning baking with my kids and then everyone comes for cinnamon rolls, and then we head out for basketball games, and then dinner with family and friends.
Clay: Now, your husband’s pretty tall and you’re pretty tall. Are your kids freakishly tall?
Amy: Freakishly tall, for sure, yes. [laughs]
Dr. Z: Okay, we had a guy on the show yesterday, was six foot ten, names Ryan. Now, anybody–
Amy: They’re not quite six foot ten, no. [laughs]
Dr. Z: They’re not six foot. Can any of you kids dunk the ball yet?
Amy: Almost, yes.
Dr. Z: Oh, cool.
Amy: No, not at all, I’m kidding. [laughs] They’re 12.
Dr. Z: Well, okay. We could do it, we’d get a little trampoline, that was the move back in the day. You get that little trampoline, you hit that bad boy and jump on up there and bam.
Clay: I have a fun David Robinson story but real quick here, this is fun. We were interviewing David Robinson on a weekend there, we were in San Antonio. And they have an elevator and somebody gets off the elevator, and he’s definitely six foot ten or eleven and he definitely looks like he’s fifteen and I’m going, “What?” And I’m thinking, “This has got to be David Robinson’s son.” I didn’t get introduced to him, he had his headphones on, he’s headed out for a practice. And talking to David, sure enough his son is a star basketball player as well. When you see somebody fifteen who’s approaching seven feet tall, I mean you’re going, “That is so tall.”
Dr. Z: You are just signing my back. [laughs] Can I be your agent right now?
Clay: It’s unbelievable. Now, Thrivers, here’s the deal though, we’re talking about a subject that can be tough, so we’re going to have some fun with it today but it can be tough. It’s about sales, and without sales your business ideas and your business, all your money, all your capital, all your dreams, they will all go to Hades. They’re not going to do well, you’re going to lose, it’s not good and so many people are listening right now are going, “I am struggling to get my sales to where they need to go,” but rather than focusing on improving your sales, you’re focusing on polishing your widget or improving your shop or whatever you think you’re doing but you’re not focusing on sales. And so I’m going to start with a notable quotable from Zig Ziglar, and I want Dr. Z to break it down for us like he’s James Brown and his crown.
Dr. Z: I like Zig Ziglar because his name starts with Zs.
Clay: Here’s what he says, “Everything else becomes unnecessary to business if nobody sells anything. I’ve always said that everyone is in sales, maybe you don’t hold the title of salesperson, but if the business you are in requires you to deal with people, my friend, you are in sales.” What is he talking about? What is the Zigmaster talking about here?
Dr. Z: Well, we’re all selling. Whenever you have someone in the business, whether they’re in the back or they’re in the front, everybody is part of the sales process. And that’s what we get to look at, the sales process. There’s a lot of different steps, we are going to go through the steps today about actually making a sale. Whether you’re back there– You can be cleaning the bathroom, you’re part of the sales process, because someone could be coming in to buy something and they walk in the bathrooms, it’s a mess and they’re like, “Ugh, I don’t want to buy whatever this business is selling.”
I’ll be honest with you, so whatever you’re doing, even if its back behind the curtain, or if you’re out in front of the curtain, you’re part of the sales process and that’s important to note. Today, I was at one of my offices and there was trash on the floor and I’d reach down and picked up the trash.
Clay: It’s a constant irritation.
Dr. Z: Well, the thing about it you go, “What does that have to– Why are you talking about sales with that?” Because I think it’s all about presentation. Your facility and the place where you’re doing your sales presentation is just as important as a sales presentation itself. It’s all part of the aroma, it’s all part of the process, if you will, of making a sale. Just because you’re not the one out there maybe making the cold call, you’re the one in the back polishing the widget, that’s part of the sales process. So everybody there, if they work for you and they’re on your team, they should be thinking to themselves, “I am a salesperson.”
Clay: Now, Thrivers, we have four super moves we’re going to unpack for you. Four quick sales super moves that we’re going to unpack for you.
Clay: Alright, the first one is freemium and I want to go and get Amy’s take on this a little bit. But freemium is this concept, where you have a premium product and it’s a great product, it’s a world-class product that’s a freshly-baked product, potentially. It is a organic, great, awesome ingredients– Whatever it is that you make, it is the best, it’s premium. But nobody wants to buy it because they’ve never had it before. I mean, it’s a thing where– I’ve noticed with your business, anytime that somebody has bread from the Harvest Bread Company, they go “What was that?”
And it’s almost like a tractor beam pulls them back into the business, and they’re being pulled in, you know like that scene from Star Wars where they can’t, the Millennium Falcon that Han Solo cannot turn back, it’s being pulled in. People alter their route to work to stop in there every morning. Talk to me about the power of sampling in your business and giving people a taste of what makes the Harvest Bread Company so awesome.
Amy: A taste, that’s the key, is we call everything not a sample and not a taste but we give an ample of everything that we make. And we give an ample from our breadboard because the sample is a sample, but an ample is a gift. And so we give people a gift, and they return for the gift.
Clay: Wait a minute. A sample is a sample, but an ample is a gift.
Amy: Yes. [laughs]
Clay: Okay now, work with me. So I if I’m driving over there to the farm shopping center. What are your hours again, when do you open?
Amy: 7 AM.
Clay: Okay, 7AM. And do you make everything fresh right there?
Amy: Yes, we do.
Clay: So I can sit there if I wanted to and maybe get myself a coffee and watch bread being made and stuff?
Amy: Yes, absolutely.
Clay: What does it smell like? I’ve been trying, I’m working on this technology with Z here for the last couple of shows, called “smell-o-vision”. We’re on Facebook live and I’m trying to– Thomas Edison had 10,000 failed experiments to create the modern light bulb and now we’ve had a couple shows in a row where I’ve failed to be able to communicate smell through the Facebook live in the radio format but, Thrivers, I’m holding pinion wood on my desk right now, and it just smells so good. I’m hoping if you’re listening right now and smelling right now you could smell that, but what is your business smell like? I mean, talk to me about the aroma of the Harvest Bread Company.
Amy: Well, the aroma starts from my business at 04:30 in the morning, when our bakers get there. So, we start it, and we work for it all morning long, so that when you open the door at seven, you have that smellology. [laughs]
Clay: Really, the smellology? You got all these fun words, smellology. What is smellology? Is that legal, Z, smellology?
Dr. Z: Just out of curiosity, did you just grew up just loving baking? I’m assuming you love baking, because you said your perfect weekend is to get up and bake with your kids on Saturday morning, which is a sweet scene, by the way. So, at what point did you say to yourself, “I go from– I like baking–“, is that what got you into it? What got you into having the Great Harvest Bakery?
Amy: I like art, and so I used to do photography, and then I did kids for a long time, and then bread is an art, so it’s a six-hour process, and I like the process.
Dr. Z: Interesting. I would have guessed a lot of things, but liking art would not have been one of the things that would lead to a bakery.
Clay: You know who she reminds me of here, Amy Smith? [music and singing] She reminds me of Mary Poppins.
Amy: Oh.
Dr. Z: Mary Poppins. Yes.
Clay: She’s so pleasant. Do you sing?
Amy: No, but I did dress up as Mary Poppins for Halloween. [laughs]
Clay: Really?
Amy: For sure.
Clay: Oh my gosh. I just imagine her running around her place, singing as she’s making that bread. That’s just something, I don’t know what the deal is.
Amy: You’re not going to see that in our bakery. [laughs]
Dr. Z: Oh, come on.
Clay: Now, the next sales super move is this thing called the BOGO. You know about the BOGO, Z. Freemium is the first move.
Dr. Z: I would like to just point something out today. It’s lunch time, we’re hungry, we scramble around, we do the show from twelve to two, and I’m walking to get ready to do the show, and I’m– [sniffs] This wafting smell hit my nose. Of course, I’m a dude, that’s what dudes do, we just walk over to the smell.
Clay: “What’s that smell, bro? What’s the source of that smell?”
Dr. Z: [laughs] And it was a little slice of the Great Harvest Bakery. She brought us some amples, not samples, but amples. She had a big box of muffins, and I was like, “Ooh, ooh, come here Amy, come here Amy.” I just met her, and so I was like, “Are these for us?” She was like [unintelligible 00:12:18] hopeful on my face, goes, “Oh, yes”. So, I said, “Explain them, which ones?” And I had one called the Healthy Benefit, and I pounded that thing like a sixteen-penny nail.
Clay: Who was in that thing there, miss Amy?
Dr. Z: Oh, it was bit of sunshine and happiness, and joy, and magic I think.
Clay: And you can’t tax those ingredients.
Clay: What did you say, a spoonful of sugar?
Amy: Yes.
Dr. Z: A spoonful of sugar, there you go. But I ate that thing like I was a prisoner, and that was the only thing I got all day long. That thing was awesome, and on top of that she said, “You know what, Z, that is good for your heart.”
Clay: Heart?
Dr. Z: Not only is my stomach happy, my taste buds happy, but now my old heart’s happy.
Clay: Now, Thrivers, when we come back, we’re going to be deep-diving into more sales super moves, because I’m telling you, as a business coach, you can never learn enough sales super moves. Some people listen to this show and they said, “Hey, last week I picked up a sales super move that totally turbo-charged my business, and I’m looking for another one here.” So, we’re going to go through the four sales super moves, because bottom line, if you can’t sell, things aren’t going to go very well for your business. So, we don’t want that to happen. So, stay tuned to the Thrive Time Show on your radio, and get over there to the Harvest Bread Company. Stay tuned.
Clay: One, two, two into the three, welcome back, you’re on the Thrive Time Show with me, my name is Clay Clark. I’m the former SPA entrepreneur of the year and business coach, in your ear, sent here to teach you how to start and grow a successful business. As always, I’m joined inside the box that rocks with the man, the myth, the legend, the optometrist turned tycoon, the man who’s been pioneering Tulsa business success like his name was Daniel Boon out of the cocoon, boom.
Dr. Z: I’m just a little entrepreneur stuck, trapped in an optometrist’s body. And you know what’s so fun about not only Thrive15, but now the Thrive Time Show, Clay, it’s that you and I both have a heart to help young business people start and grow their business. Someone said the other day, “Man, it sounds like you guys are having so much fun on your radio show, and the stuff you’re giving is just rich, and we just love it.” It’s like, “Yes, because this is our heart, this is what we love doing,” and we love having local entrepreneurs, successful entrepreneurs come on the show and help share part of their story. Today we have that with Amy Smith.
Clay: Yes. Amy Smith, I want to brag at her for a little bit here. Her and her husband, you know, her husband now runs a successful farmers’ insurance agency, and she’s a successful mom, and she’s a mom-preneur, and she’s doing the whole mom game while being an entrepreneur. Being that mom-preneur, that’s a rare breed, because you’re juggling multiple things, and you’ve got to maintain focus on having a great family and a great business. There’s a lot of stuff to juggle there, and you have done it well as you’ve taken over the Harvest Bread Company, and it’s just an honor to have you on the program today.
I want to ask you, for anybody who’s not been to the Harvest Bread Company, why do they have to come check it out, what is the deal? Why do they have to come see what this fuss is all about here?
Amy: They need to come and try an ample, first of all, and then secondly, they can check out what we’re doing and get a slice all day every day.
Clay: What is an ample?
Amy: An ample is a slice of whatever hot bread is coming out of the oven, or whatever hot sweet is coming out of the oven.
Clay: A hot, freshly made, right there. And everyone who’s not in before, they get a free ample?
Amy: Even if you’ve been in before, every time you come in, we give gifts.
Clay: Oh my gosh. Z, maybe you and I should troll out over there, bro.
Dr. Z: I don’t see why not. When we’re done with the show at two, we’ll just swing by there, and we’ve got a 50-50 shot at catching some bread or some sweet. Those sound good to me.
Amy: We also have salads and sandwiches.
Dr. Z: Ooh, salads.
Clay: That’s a move. Now, Z, we’re talking about sales super moves. So, if your business is half asleep, and you need that [push] punch to the face [push-push-push] to just wake you up a little bit, this is the next move here, this is the BOGO.
Dr. Z: Yes. We talked about freemium, and I commented that our guest speaker here in the box that rocks actually brought some freemiums today-
Clay: Oh, it’s so good.
Dr. Z: -and, it was awesome. I actually got to– It’s fun when we have someone that has a restaurant or– like when Oklahoma Joe is, when Joe Davis is on, he brings us barbecue. We’re like, “Oh, Joe, we love you.”
Clay: You know what I have noticed–
Dr. Z: So, we’ve got to have Amy on more, because she brings the good stuff, you know what I mean?
Clay: Well, Z, what I’ve been noticing is that recently we’ve started to have– We’re trying to get the best guests on the show every time, but I’ve started to notice since Donald Trump was elected, there’s a lot of rumors of Trump and Putin, and I don’t know how verifiable some of those things are, but I do know since he’s been elected, there’s been a lot of [ominous music] food-related guests on our show. Have you noticed that? It’s almost like he’s signing by executive order. He’s like-
Dr. Z: “Food, food, food, food, food.”
Clay: -we will put a beautiful guest on the show who will serve a bountiful array of food products. It’s going to happen, male or female, you’re going to have beautiful people serving food products, and you’re going to have more samples in 2017 than you’ve ever had in your entire life. Can he do that?
Dr. Z: Well, the idea too is that we do this over lunch, and so, quite frankly, we’re hungry, so–
Clay: There might be an inner bias there.
Dr. Z: [laughs] Probably, yes. Might be a little bias.
Clay: Can you break down what a BOGO is, for those listening who are like, “What’s a BOGO?”
Dr. Z: Buy one get one.
Clay: Free.
Dr. Z: Free. In other words, you buy one, I’m going to give you another one, and what that does is it stimulates you in thinking two. I used to do my two paired deal, glasses and contact lenses, and what it made you think there is that, “Hey, I’m going to get both, one, I’ve never tried contacts because I need a backup pair of glasses,” so we take care of it. Another thing that we do too, it’s kind of BOGO-ish, is you buy one, you get a big discount on something we know you’re going to buy right off the bat. But, BOGO as a move has been around for a long time, a little kick start there to get things going.
Clay: Warren Buffett has something to say about that BOGO. This is what Warren Buffett has to say about business. Warren Buffett says, “I try to buy stock in businesses that are so wonderful that an idiot can run them, because sooner or later one will.”
Dr. Z: [laughs]
Clay: Now, the reason why I say this is Warren Buffett grew up very poor, became one of the world’s most successful investors. Self-made guy. But one of the things he talks about is when you’re making your advertisement or your marketing– You know, he owns Geico, like he’s a majority owner of Geico-
Dr. Z: Oh yes. That’s his baby, yes.
Clay: -and heavily invested in Coca-Cola and a lot of different businesses, but the thing is Geico always says what, “15 minutes can save you 15%”. It’s a simple like, over and over and over. You’re like, “Oh, finally I know, stop telling me.” But it’s so simple that it can be repeatable over and over, and so what Amy is talking about, this whole thing about an ample, saying, “Come on in, and you get an ample”, which is a sensational, souped-up, steroid-enhanced sample. Correct? I mean, it’s great stuff.
Amy: Yes.
Clay: It’s easily repeatable. People get it. It makes sense. If you’re listening right now, you’re like, “Hey, I’m looking for something fun to do with my kids.” It is a fun experience to take your kids there. But again, if you’re communicating a freemium, or a BOGO, it has to be simple. It can’t be like, “Certain restrictions apply, and you can come in on Tuesday, but not until four, and after four–” So many people make these crazy offers that you can’t even translate. You almost need like a member of Congress to help you read the whole thing, to understand what the ad’s about.
Dr. Z: Can I tell you a BOGO move that I did years ago that just made people crazy?
Clay: This is the story that is one of your– my favorite Dr. Zoellner moments. This is epic.
Dr. Z: Do you know what I’m going to say?
Clay: I do. And I want to get the music ready for it.
Dr. Z: You’ve got to cue me up some epic music.
Clay: I want to get the music ready, you hang tight just for a second, in the meantime, just continue the radio show. I’ll be over here chewing up my my apple.
Dr. Z: I tell you what folks, we’ve got a great show, hold on tight. The first half of the show we’re going over the four super moves, the second half of the show we’re going over the seven power steps of selling, that’s right, the seven power steps. [music] You get four super moves and seven power steps on a Friday, if that doesn’t blow your mind going to the weekend, I don’t know what will.
Clay: And now, ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Zoellner will explain the super BOGO of all time, never in the history of America has a BOGO gone down like this, get ready.
Dr. Z: You’re driving through town and there’s a billboard, a billboard’s a large sign.
Clay: A large sign which reads–
Dr. Z: On the Billboard it reads “Lasik eye surgery, $1 dollar.”
Clay: “Oh my, pull over, pull over.”
Dr. Z: Car wreck, get to the truck stop, get your pen and paper out.
Clay: Can’t breathe.
Dr. Z: [laughs] What’s that? that’s my brain exploding. What’s going on here? it was a BOGO move, you got one eye, but you got a second eye for a dollar and you’ll be like, “Okay I’m just doing the second eye.”
Clay: “Carl, get some duct tape, my brain exploded.”
Dr. Z: I said, “We’ll give you– You buy one loaf of bread, I’m going to give you a second loaf free”, they come and go, “Can I get that second loaf, the free one, because I really–“I read that ad and we were so busy I had to shut it down. We literally jammed the phone lines.
Clay: Do you have no standards, no ethics, [laughs] what is the limit for you?
Dr. Z: People were sitting on top of each other in the waiting room, it was cats and dogs living together. The laser room blew up, was going.
Clay: Babies were crying, there were crying babies going, “This is so good,” and I’m like, ” Baby, that’s a deep voice, do you have a beard too?” deep voice babies were screaming.
Dr. Z: Organic chickens were running wild through out the–
Clay: People who shouldn’t be getting married were getting married just walking by each other, they felt that the time was right. Things were changing, the whole interplanetary system, the gravitational pull was all screwed up as a result of that BOGO, stay tuned. [pause] All right, Thrive nation, Green Country Oklahomies, welcome back. If you’re listening right now in Tennessee, hello Tennessee, you have found your new favorite show.
Dr. Z: Chad Nuga.
Clay: Chad Nuga. If you’re listening in Bentonville, Arkansas, hello. If you are listening in Topeka, Kansas, hello. If you’re listening in Oklahoma City, I cannot believe you’re getting this signal but hello.
Dr. Z: In Muskogee.
Clay: Hello.
Dr. Z: We like to reference down there.
Clay: We do, and I’ll tell you what, we love Okmulgee.
Dr. Z: Don’t get me started on Okmulgee.
Clay: I could go into a four hour show about Okmulgee.
Dr. Z: My ranch is technically in Okmulgee County so I am technically an Okmogian also. You can add that to my list of stuff.
Clay: When I look at you, something about you says Okmulgee.
Dr. Z: Wow that’s strong, that’s powerful.
Clay: Here’s the deal, were talking about these super sales moves because, Thrivers, I have a notable quotable that I’m going to give to you, I’ve been working on it with the team, Marshall Morris, a business coach, gets credit for coming up with this, one of our thrive executive producers. He says, “If you can’t sales, your business will fails.” You see what he did there?
Dr. Z: Wow, they sound similar.
Clay: Anyway, the thing is, with no sales your business will fails, if you can’t sell your business will go to, woah, we’re not going to say that word on the radio but the thing is you need to be able to sell. We’re teaching you the four super moves before we get into the seven-
Dr. Z: Power moves.
Clay: -power moves. Here we go, this is super move number three, financing baby, finance. You got to have no brainer financing today, you got to have it just to make it today. I’ll give you an example. You go in over there to Han appliance, you want 0% interest, you can get it over at Han appliance. You want 0% interest for 18 months, you go over there to Mathis brothers, you can find it. You want to get an affordable car, people buy payments, they don’t buy the car. A lot of small business owners out there, this move, I taught this move to a jeweler, literally he’s a small jeweler, and I said, “Hey, look into Synchrony Financial.”
Back in the day it was called “GE Money”, and he goes, “What’s that?” I’m like,”I know that you’re selling these custom-made pieces of jewelry but the thing is most people finance jewelry. Just get hooked up with them and GE will extend your customer’s credit, they can apply right there in your office, they get a card right there in your building. If they get approved, then what happens is they take a slice of the sale and then they carry the financing.” You get paid up front right away and GE takes a slice of the deal. Financing can be a huge thing, Z.
Dr. Z: It’s a huge thing at my auto auction, it is a large part of the auction is to get finance companies in there because our auto auctions are dealers-only sale. That means that guys who are coming in that are used car dealers are buying the cars and we have the finance companies, we welcome them in, we set up tables for them, they have little thing they give out, we should have them give out Great Harvest amples and we may work on that, a little-
Clay: That could be a great party.
Dr. Z: -cross-promotion there and little muffins out there and giving them out. That lures men, always. Food lures them over to the table and then they can sell them the financing that they do but it’s a thing. The secondary move on that and here’s the power move on that. The guy that owns a jewelry store eventually he’s got enough of a war chest where he can do what?
Clay: In-house financing.
Dr. Z: [gasps] That just happened. [music] Is he having to share the profit? No. Is he having to giveaway that interest rate that he’s making on the money? No. Is he having to give part of the sale to that finance company? No. So, that’s a super move. I don’t have my finance company yet for my auto auction, but that’s the next thing down the road. I thought about maybe give it an acronym like Interstate Resource Sales or something like IRS or something.
Clay: I think you should call it Whip.
Dr. Z: Whip?
Clay: Yes, I haven’t figured out the acronym yet but just saying, “Do you guys want a whip?”
Dr. Z: One of my very good friends, his nick name is Whip, because he’d go somewhere and he’d say, ‘We don’t have tickets or we don’t have a way”, “Woah, just whip it out on me”, pull-out a hundred-dollar bills and just whip it on, open doors.
Clay: Maybe it’s WHIP stands for wholesale high-interest pricing. [laughs]
Dr. Z: I’m writing that down, see how easy this is.
Clay: Wholesale high-interest pricing. [laughs] It’s an honest description, that’s what it is, it’s wholesale. Were giving you a lot of it but its high interest and it’s pricing. “Do you want the whip?” and they’re like,” I think I want the whip.”
Dr. Z: What we’ll do is our colors will be orange and we’ll call it the orange whip, like the orange whip, with a bright orange and it’ll be an orange whip.
Clay: Do you remember, what was the movie with– It was John Candy.
Dr. Z: It was the Blues Brothers, orange whip, orange whi, orange whip. Three orange whips. Great movie.
Clay: We have an incredible guest and we got to get serious now. This guest, she’s so sweet, she’s so classy, she’s such a great American, she’s focused and she’s putting up with us here, this is Miss Amy Smith from the Harvest Bread Company.
Voice-over: Broadcasting live from the center of the universe, you’re listening to the Thrive Time Show.
Clay: She’s now going to demonstrate the power of the no-brainer. Someone says, “What’s the no-brainer?” The no-brainer is where the deal is so good that your brain disengages and you now are forced to take the action that the advertiser wants you to take. And you should go, “This deal, there’s no downside, it has to happen, I must do this. ” Amy, what’s a no-brainer, for anyone listening who says,” I am new to the Harvest Bread Company, I’m a skeptic, I am the kind of person who must be persuaded with facts, I don’t spend my money without really wisely considering every dollar.” What is the no-brainer offer we have for the listeners?
Amy: No-brainer offer, we are made from scratch, we mail our wheat fresh everyday.
Clay: Made from scratch every day and rumor has it you have these ample samples.
Amy: We do.
Clay: I could come on in right now and go, “I don’t want to buy it until I’ve tried it, I really have to eat a couple slices of warm something before I can actually buy it”, that’s the thing?
Amy: That’s the thing, no problem, we do it every day for every customer.
Clay: Do you ever have somebody go in there who gets eight samples and you go, “Hey buddy, come on you need to probably–” Does anyone ever come in there and have eight samples?
Amy: Yes.
Clay: Really?
Amy: Yes, he’s name is Clay Clark.
Clay: Ooh.
Clay: You see what she did right there, Thrivers? Now, here’s the thing, the no-brainer is an absolute supermove. Let me give you another no-brainer example, at the Elephant in the Room, our men’s grooming lounge. This is the deal, [music] if you have hair on your head and you are a male, you could come in to any of our three locations and your first haircut is a dollar.
Dr. Z: Whoa, time out, it’s got to cost you. I’m just going to break this down, you’ve got rent, you’ve got electricity, there is being cut by a person, this is not a robotic haircut like a bald?
Clay: There’s an adult beverage and there’s paraffin hand dip, there’s a lot of expenses that are [crosstalk]
Dr. Z: Paraffin is not cheap and I for one know about– I know the cost of an adult beverage, in theory. [music] What I’m saying is, how on earth is that sustainable, how on earth could you do that kind of a deal, Clay?
Clay: Because according to the statistics I looked at this morning, 63% of you who come in, that’s a fact, 63% of the people who come in for the one-dollar haircut come back over and over again and they become members and when they become members they bring in more members, and the thing is we are willing to take a $23 investment on your head and say, “Enough said.”
Dr. Z: Wow.
Clay: $23 investment, $1 for the first haircut, but it costs us $23. So we’re paying you practically $22 to get your haircut.
Dr. Z: What you’re saying is that it’s really marketing dollars.
Clay: It’s marketing dollars.
Dr. Z: It’s marketing dollars and you’re, listen, you’re so confident of your product that you’re basically giving it away free. I mean that’s what it really is.
Clay: When we first–
Dr. Z: A dollar, come on.
Clay: When we first started we hadn’t defined and act and measured and refined like we talked about yesterday. And so it was like, You’d pay for the haircut and we would hope that you liked it, and not enough people did that we could actually do those kind of offers. But after about the first six months to a year, when we really refined the systems, now it’s growing leaps and bounds, three locations, working on four and five right now. Things are good in the elephant world, and the elephant is not on any danger becoming extinct. The elephant is running around freely around the Tulsa area.
Dr. Z: That’s good and the same thing with Amy. She’s so confident in her product, the bakery product. She’s got bread. She’s got muffins, salads.
Amy: Soup, salads, sandwiches.
Dr. Z: Soups, and salads, and sandwiches but you could come in. Whatever they’re pulling out the oven right then, they’ll whack you off a piece of it and just give it to you.
Clay: Now, Z, when we come back, you’re teaching us your seven super steps. Was it right?
Dr. Z: Power moves.
Clay: Power moves, seven power moves with Dr. Z. Stay tuned. [pause] All right Thrive nation, do you know what today is? Z, do you know what today is?
Dr. Z: It’s Friday?
Clay: That’s right. But not only is it Friday, it’s what I like to call Harvest Bread Friday, Harvest Bread Friday. Do you know why I call it Harvest Bread Friday? Do you why I’ve gone into my creative treasure trove of alliterations and analogies, and various other plays on words to come up with this illustrious name of Friday Harvest Bread Day?
Dr. Z: Is it because Amy Smith, the owner of Harvest Bread, is on our show?
Clay: That is the reason, my friend.
Dr. Z: I mean Harvest Bakery.
Clay: I’m pretty clever but you have guessed it, my friend. And so, if you’re listening right now, I want you to be aware of something that’s going to happen on Monday. Is that right, Monday? there’s a special on Monday so you have to wait all weekend for it, but what happens on Monday there, Amy?
Amy: Buy a bread, get a bread.
Clay: By a bread, get a bread?
Dr. Z: BOGO.
Amy: Yes.
Clay: Where can I come and get it? Where are you located?
Amy: 51st and Sheridan, at the Farm shopping center.
Clay: What if tomorrow morning, I want to do something fun with the kids and want to– What can I do with the family? Talk to me about the ambiance, the aura, the accouterments of your fabulous facility.
Amy: Well, we have, obviously, the fresh smell of bread coming out of the oven.
Dr. Z: I love that.
Amy: We have cinnamon rolls on Saturday mornings. We have coffee from DoubleShot which is local roasted, and we have any type of sandwich, soup or salad that you’d like for lunch.
Clay: Oh, man. It–
Dr. Z: What kind of soups? What soups do you have there normally, because I love soups?
Amy: Red gouda is our favorite. [crosstalk]
Dr. Z: Red gouda, what is– [laughs]
Amy: It’s a tomato base with gouda.
Clay: You know where I was going with that? How good is your gouda?
Amy: [laughs]
Clay: Okay, red gouda. What’s another soup you have?
Amy: We have Italian wedding, and we have chicken noodle. The red gouda is everyday, and then the other soups rotate.
Dr. Z: They rotate around, so Italian wedding, [sings] “When the sun hits the– the moon hits the- [crosstalk]
Clay: Oh, I know what you’re thinking. That’s amore.
Dr. Z: -pizza pie, that’s amore.” That’s Italian wedding stuff right there.
Clay: Now, Z, want to ask this real quick here as I get my amore queued up here, my friend.
Dr. Z: Oh, thank you.
Clay: You’re going to get in to the seven super moves. You have the seven super moves that you’ve developed over time. The listeners right now, I don’t think they’re quite — they’re not aware of the power of these moves. These moves literally could transform– Because a lot of people say, “I have a business that is”, or “I have a great product. The product is so good, in fact it will sell itself”, and that’s, unfortunately, not true. So, for someone who has a great product and they’re trying to sell it, these moves could transform a business. I don’t mean to overhype, but as a business coach, I know that these could be life changers.
Dr. Z: Absolutely. The thing about selling and the thing about running a business is you don’t know what you don’t know. And so that’s why you’re tuning in to this show. You could be listening politics.
Clay: Yes, you could be listening to politics.
Dr. Z: You could be listening to Home & Garden.
Clay: You could be doing that.
Dr. Z: “Here’s when you plant your tulips.” You could be– “Here’s how you trip your petunias.” I don’t think you trim them, do you? [crosstalk]
Clay: What you want to do, man, is you want to not trip a petunia too early because it–
Dr. Z: It’s not a good deal.
Clay: Not a good deal overall, you know what I mean.
Dr. Z: Or you could be listening to any number of talk radio shows, sports.
Clay: Sports, yes.
Dr. Z: How about those Patriots?
Clay: How about those? By the way, you should be, as soon as this show’s over go into the Patriots radio right there in Boston. Listen to that, because you’ve got to yourself coached up. We need a 13th player on the field. We need a 13th player on the field. We need thousands of players on the field cheering virtually from home to win this game.
Dr. Z: Yes, it’s going to be a great Super Bowl. The thing about it is that this show is here to help you, to encourage you to not only start your business because, as Forbes reports, there’s closer to 60% of you out there that really want to get your business. You want to start a business. You’ve got that little spirit of entrepreneurship very deep down in there. We’re going to water it. We’re going to– Oh, wait, that’s not the Home & Garden Show. Anyway, we’re going to help you start your own business and then grow your own business.
And these moves, you follow them. Now, if you miss any of these, you can tune in to thrivetimeshow.com, replay the show as many times as you want.
Clay: Absolutely.
Dr. Z: And if you’re watching on Facebook Live right now, you get a little bit of eye candy because, Amy, you don’t just go into bakery say, “Hi, Amy. How are you doing? Hi.”
Clay: She’s a great American.
Dr. Z: Yes.
Clay: She’s a great American.
Dr. Z: She’s a beautiful person.
Clay: She’s a beautiful person, great American.
Dr. Z: Yes, about six-foot tall and she’s– What is it with this? We just had a run of tall people on here lately.
Clay: I’m tired of it. It’s got to go down.
Dr. Z: It’s got– [laughs]
Clay: I’m tired of it. We got a six-foot-ten guy. We have a six-foot woman on the show.
Dr. Z: I feel like a [unintelligible 00:35:41]. I feel like a little midget down here.
Clay: The future guests we’re going to have, they’re going to be short or we’re going to cut off their legs. They’re going to be sawed off versions, small people.
Dr. Z: We should measure them. We should have a short door into the box that rocks. It’s like at the carnival. If you’re not tall enough, you can’t ride the ride. If you’re not short enough, you can’t come into the box.
Clay: This is a whole different demographic we’re not exploring, short entrepreneurs.
Dr. Z: [laughs] Short entrepreneur. Okay, so we’re ready for the seven power moves. [crosstalk]
Clay: “I’m ready to pump it up. Give me the seven power moves. Give me the moves. I want to know them, power.”
Dr. Z: Well, the first move and it sounds pretty simplistic. It sounds pretty much like, “Yes, duh”, but it’s a little complicated. We’re going to break it down here in a second. But product knowledge. Clay, unpack product knowledge in the step one of sales.
Clay: Well, there’s a move that– True story, back in the day, I heard the story first when I was listening to an interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tim Ferriss. And Arnold Schwarzenegger tells the story about he became a millionaire before he succeeded in bodybuilding. And I didn’t know that. I was like, “What? He became a millionaire before–” I thought for sure there’s the body building and then the acting. Well, he came up with this thing where he realized that Americans love European anything.
So he’s talking to one of his weightlifting buddies and he’s like, “Hey, Americans love European anything”, and his buddy goes, “What do we know about European anything?”
Voice-over: Broadcasting live from the center of the universe, you’re listening to the Thrive Time Show.
Clay: And he says, “Well, we know that the Americans, if you run an ad and you put European on it, they’re willing to pay two times more.”
Dr. Z: Really? Okay.
Clay: His partner is like, “Okay.” So he’s like, “We’re going to run an ad for European concrete. It’s going to be huge.”
Dr. Z: [laughs] European concrete.
Clay: No, I’m not kidding.
Dr. Z: Okay, I believe you.
Clay: So they started putting out all these flyers. You can hear him in the Tim Ferriss podcast. He then started doing flyers and mailers. In California, there’s always earthquakes and there’s a lot of seismic activity. Long story short, there’s a lot of broken concrete. So what he did is he had a German guy go with him who had the capacity to speak English but he pretended he couldn’t. And they were betting on the fact that the consumers had no idea about what the product costs. He knew what his products cost.
He would go there and he go, “All right, Mr. Smith, I’m here to quote your concrete, and I’m going to go ahead and measure it now. We use European system. We use the metrics and so I’m going to need to talk to my partner and we will do a [unintelligible 00:38:04]. I’ll be back in a second.” He said his partner would just walk around and pretend to be measuring things. And then he would come back and he would say a number in German that was high. And so Schwarzenegger would walk up to the owner and say, “Mr. Smith, unfortunately, it’s very expensive. We got to put in the rebar. We got to put in– We have to fix it. You want to do it right, and it would be very expensive for you. You could imagine it’s very expensive. Very expensive to get this level of European concrete.”
And the guy is like, “Well, I guess, compared to American concrete, it’s probably a better deal.” So what happens is, he goes back to his partner and he goes, “I tell you Mr. Smith, I’m going to talk to him. The price he’s quoting is way too high. And for you, you are good man, I’m going to get you a lower price. I’m going to talk to him.” He’s a huge guy and he runs over to this other guy, and he starts yelling at him in Austrian. He go, [mimicking German]. And then he comes back and he was, “Mr. Smith, I got him down to $2000”, which was still $500 more than he should be charging. He said when they immediately got the money and they hired another American concrete company come and do the work–
Dr. Z: To pour the concrete, sure.
Clay: [laughs] And that’s how they did it. He said it got so good, it was a routine. All I’m saying is, the American didn’t know his product and so he was able to be taken advantage of and they knew their product. They knew that Americans love European anything. [laughs] They knew these Americans didn’t know how to sell, and so they sold the European fad which was huge in California at that time, this whole European anything, was huge. And they just knew what the consumers wanted and they knew their product. They realized, “How can we differentiate our concrete?” It’s all the same. It’s a commodity. But that European, that little move, he’s like, “Man, people love that.”
Dr. Z: Yes, and product knowledge is awesome. I mean, Amy demonstrated this afternoon. She brought muffins and she brought bread which is always appreciated, by the way. Thank you, Amy, at the great Harvest Bakery at 51st & Sheridan, The Farm. And I asked her, I said, “What are these different ones?” She just, bam, started rattling off. So the one I have has healthy benefit. What’s all in the healthy benefit?
Amy: Well, we replaced oil and eggs with apple sauce and orange juice and then we replaced the white sugar with brown sugar, so it’s a good for your soul or for your heart.
Clay: Do you put any bulk enhancers in there? Do you put in some steroids? Any glutamine?
Dr. Z: We want Hanz and Franz. We want to be pump up.
Clay: What about some PCAA and some creatine? I want to pump it up. Do you have any power bread over there?
Amy: We have power bars, but if you need that in your muffins we will custom bake anything.
Dr. Z: Ooh, good. And she shoots and scores.
Clay: Unbelievable.
Dr. Z: She just dribbled around you and dunk on you.
Clay: Unbelievable.
Dr. Z: Boom. Bada boom. What do you think about product knowledge is that a lot of times, let’s say you’re a technical person and let’s say you have all the technical aspects of a product or maybe software. You know it inside and out. You designed it. You built it. So you’ve kind of count that geek nerd mode in you. Well, your product knowledge isn’t so much– A lot of times when someone trying to sell that, they’ll be just so monotone. It’s kind of, “Oh. We’ll do this. We’ll do that. Oh. We’ll do this. We’ll do that. Oh. We’ll do this. We’ll do that. Oh. We’ll do this. We’ll do that.” [crosstalk]
Clay: “Basically, it can order [unintelligible 00:40:54]. It’s very impressive of what it does overall.”
Dr. Z: And really, your product knowledge should be more focused on the benefits for the customer.
Clay: Benefits?
Dr. Z: That’s should be your product knowledge is. Is how this can benefit you, not “Well, you can hit Control Alt Delete, it does this and then you hit this button and it does that.”
Clay: “Well, basically, Trevor, what you’ll find is if you’ll hit Control Alt Delete and then F7. What it’ll do is it will go back to what I would call the precursor level.”
Dr. Z: Well, I’m one trip to precursor level. Then, Trevor you can then rebuild it with a new diagram of scheme of [crosstalk]
Clay: “Which remind me of the high score that I once scored while playing Dungeons & Dragons with the guy in Japan. I actually beat him in the third round of the fourth level.” [laughs]
Dr. Z: You may not realize this, but I’m World of Warcraft world champion and I just want to throw that in there because it was that ability to win in that game that helps me design this.”
Clay: “I’m not trying to one up you but I’ve never moved my physical body.”
Dr. Z: You need to be more focused on how it’s going to benefit the customers, so there’s still that product knowledge up. What it does? How it’s going to benefit you? When we come back. We get to go to power move number two.
Clay: “I’ve never move my body at all. I just play video games all night long. There’s this guy in Japan. His Royvan beat me. Thor37@Yahoo, he’s such a loser. He’s going down. Stay tuned. Thrive Time Show.” [pause] Alright, Thrive nation, welcome back into this conversation. We’re talking about sales and how to sell well. Inside the box that rocks we have Miss Amy Smith, the owner of the Harvest Bread Company and Dr. Robert Zoellner. And Dr. Z is breaking it down. He’s going through his seven sales super moves and before we let him get to it, I want to play an excerpt of a horrible song on this fabulous Friday.
Clay: Do you remember this song, Z?
Dr. Z: Yes.
Clay: Rebecca Black.
Dr. Z: It didn’t make my playlist.
Clay: No. I didn’t make anybody, but somehow it became popular because it’s infinite badness somehow caught on. You know what, it wasn’t a good song but she could sell it, Z. She could sell it. You see?
Dr. Z: Yes.
Clay: Oh, man, that’s Friday. If you get a chance to listen to that song, don’t. But that song sold millions.
Dr. Z: Run.
Clay: Run.
Dr. Z: Run.
Clay: [sings] It’s Friday, Fri–
Dr. Z: I tell you what. If you just get in your car. It’s Friday. You might be working half a day and you’re off. You might be running to lunch right now. I’m going to give you a little tip.
Clay: Don’t get a perm.
Dr. Z: [laughs] Drive to 51st and Sheridan and pull into a place called the Great Harvest Bakery and there you will find the soup called gouda soup. It’s a tomato based soup.
Clay: “So gooda.”
Dr. Z: “So gooda.”
Clay: “Oh, it’s so gooda.”
Dr. Z: “It’s so gooda. You’ll love it. The gouda.”
Clay: “Let me grind the pepper.”
Dr. Z: And you know what, you need to go in there and [sniffs] the smell hit you and you say, “Oh, something’s smelling good”, and whatever they bringing out of that oven right there, whatever they’re baking, it could be some bread, it could be something sweet. You just walk to the counter and say, [music] “I want some of that”. Right, Ms. Amy?
Amy: That’s right. All day, every day.
Clay: “I want some of gooda soupa.”
Dr. Z: “I’ll tell you what. This smell is so gooda. I need some of this.”
Clay: “Amy, do you have any gooda soupa still left on this Friday? What I wanted is some gooda soupa.”
Amy: We got it.
Clay: Okay. Fine.
Dr. Z: Clay. You’ve bet– You know the way Clay–
Clay: Total shutdown.
Amy: [laughs]
Dr. Z: Clay can walk in and be obnoxious. He might be the one guy who say, “No soupa for you”.
Clay: “No soupa for you.”
Dr. Z: “No the gooda soupa for you.”
Clay: “Amy, I wanted to have the gooda soupa. I’ve been here for hours. I’ve sampled ten kinds of breads.”
Amy: No soup for you.
Clay: [laughs]
Dr. Z: And then he goes, “What about the salad? I like to have the salad.” [crosstalk]
Clay: “What about it? I like the salad. Oh, I like it.”
Clay: You’re going through your seven sales super moves on this fabulous Friday.
Dr. Z: Step one was product knowledge. We’ve broke it down. If you missed it, you better go back to thrivetimeshow.com and listen to the podcast, some good stuff.
Clay: Go back.
Dr. Z: Number two is something that, Clay, it’s kind of when superpowers, by the way. Okay. Here it is. It’s prospecting. Would you break down for us little prospecting which you applied Clark?
Clay: Prospect is where you want to make a list of more than a hundred people. They need to be your ideal and likely buyers. I’m going to give you an example. I’m going to pick on Amy Smith. Just totally stereotyping. Totally going to dig myself a big hole here. But here’s the deal. How many kids did you have now?
Amy: Four.
Clay: Four kids. At four kids, you seem to be a morally upstanding human, so I’m thinking Whole Foods. Do you go to Whole Foods?
Amy: Yes.
Clay: See, there it is. Mystical powers. So, what you do–
Dr. Z: “Mister, oh my gosh. It’s like magic right here in the box.”
Clay: The thing is, if you are somebody who has a family with kids and you’re sort of health conscious, Whole Foods know who you are and where you are, and they want to mass-market to you until you cry, buy or die. They want to reach you. They want to connect with you and then there’s people out there who are not health-conscious, who don’t really care about their health, who are looking for the absolute cheapest thing possible. Uncompromisingly cheap and they want as many preservatives per gallon as possible. And those people are not the Whole Foods people.
You have to know your audience because if you market to everybody, you can’t afford to do that as a small business owner. Another example, in the wedding business, when I built DJ Connection, I remember one of my sales guys. I remember making him so mad. He goes, “Hey, we are on the Dream 100 list, I noticed there’s no clubs”, and I said, “If we market to clubs, one, they’re very unstable. They go in and out of business all the time. Two, it puts our DJs in a weird spot because the events go late. There’s always a fisticuff that breaks out. Three, it’s not our niche. Four, five, six whatever.”
The thing is, brides and brides to be are our niche, so we’re going to focus on our ideal and likely buyers. But you have to make a list of your likely prospects and then you have to have a system to go about reaching them. We came with a system called the Wuphf. Which I shamelessly stole from a show called The Office.
Dr. Z: I love that show.
Clay: And on the show The Office, these guys create this app that allows you to send a fax, a text, an email, a phone call, and a Facebook update to somebody all at the same time.
Dr. Z: You wuphf them.
Clay: It’s called the Wuphf and it’s like W-U-P-H-F, and so my move was we’d send a text to every single bride. Text them all. As soon as texting was available. We’ve got all day just texting. Back in the day when you had the flip phones. Texting, texting, text. There’s another guy who’s doing emailing all day and another guy is calling, and we would reach a ton of people. We did that all day, so literally the day after the bridal show, our goal was to reach all 1000 brides immediately after the bridal show because those were our prospects. And our goal was to get a “yes” or a “no” at every single bride, and to see if they were still in need of a DJ. But it all starts from having ideal and likely buyers on that prospect list.
Dr. Z: Clay I want to ask you a question and I know a lot of people break this down. That’s where a lot of people miss their sales. All these steps, if you don’t do it correct you can not follow through and sell your product. But in this ideal and likely buyers, that’s something that a lot of people that we’ve had on the show even, and these are successful entrepreneurs we’ve had on the show, by the way. A lot of people that we’ve talked to, a lot of people you’ve business coached, a lot of people I’ve mentored over the years, and they always fall in the same trap.
They are like, “Who’s your ideal and likely buyer?” And they are like, “Man, that’s everyone. Everyone can use a good widget.” Break that down. How do you find your ideal and likely buyer?
Clay: Well, the thing is, you have to know who they are by going ahead and you write out a descriptive narrative or description of who they are by thinking about who you want to work with and who can afford what you sell.
Dr. Z: All right. Come on, preach it. Come on.
Clay: And who has the need for what you sell. I’ll just start with Elephant in the Room as an example.
Dr. Z: Okay. Good example.
Clay: That’s our men’s grooming lounge and what happens is anybody can come in for a dollar. We’re not going to turn somebody down but we have a Broken Arrow location and there are some hysterical things that have happened in that location so far. One in particular that comes to my mind is with a guy who came in and he goes, “All right man. Well, I–” I remember this because the girls all told me about it, so funny, the front desk lady. He says, “Well, so, my haircut was a dollar today and you guys after the haircut, you all try to sell me a membership.”
Now, we do, I’m just telling you, full transparency. It’s a dollar for your first haircut. There’s no strings attached. But we would like for you to buy a membership. We tell everybody, this is our sales pitch we say, by the way. We say, “How familiar are you with our membership?” And they go, “I’m not.” And we say, “Oh. Well, so that you can afford our place more often at a discounted rate and so that you never have to wait for a haircut, you can pre-schedule it. We have membership options to make it more affordable for you”.
Voice-over: Broadcasting live from the center of the universe. You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show.
Clay: And they include this, that, this, that. And if you want to choose package A, B, or C, they’re all great packages. Which one is a better fit? This guy says, “I’ll tell you what man. See that’s the thing, I knew there’s a catch.” And they’re like, “No. There’s no catch”. The thing is we have a membership, one of you would like it. “Well, I’ll tell you what, if I come back next time, is it going to be more than a dollar?”
Dr. Z: [laughs] That’s worse.
Clay: Yes. This is what we were sharing with you the membership. “I get one of the bait-and-switch things.” Now, he’s getting all like country sophisticated where it’s like, “It’s one of the more– I don’t know. It’s trick-a-route thing. This is bait-and-switch where you come on in for a dollar. The next thing you know it’s not a dollar the next time because it’s more than a dollar. You see, if I come back in, I’m not coming you go treat Joseph like that.”
He’s just going on this tangent, and so we’d go like, “Yes, sir. It’s not a right fit.” “Well, I’ll go up on Facebook and I’ll write about it.” Well, the other day we had a video ad and guess who’s up there? He’s the guy. I don’t know what the deal is because he can’t afford a toothbrush, but he could afford to write these comments on Facebook. He’s up there writing and he’s like–
Dr. Z: That’s his job. He didn’t get paid, but that’s his job.
Clay: He’s up there writing, “I’ll tell you what, look out for them sales people. They’re going to come in there getting you with the mystical powers, trying to sell you something.” Come on. Eventually, people have to realize you can’t operate for a dollar and we’ll have like $1,200 a week and we’ll be making–
Dr. Z: I think this could be true.
Clay: We make $ 1,200 a week at each location. Come on. What the heck? We have a staff of like 50 people running around there. We know that if you’re somebody who values and upscale haircut experience, you’re going to value us. If you’re somebody who values a quality experience, you’re going to value it. Not everybody can afford it or wants to afford it, but we’re not going to sit there and justify and argue with you about our value proposition. This reminds me a little bit of the Harvest Bread Company because I’m going to tell you something. I went there one time. I went there about– let’s say, it’s about four months ago, with my kids on a Saturday.
Mom was out running around and I remember what we were doing, but I was getting some– I go to the ATM there by the Bank of America. There’s a Bank of America right by, I guess. I go in there and I was getting the kids there. They’re paying them up. They’re cleaning the office. I was paying in their allowances. They wanted to get those muffins they got, and you guys did the fresh bread samples you call amples?
Amy: Yes.
Clay: I gave the kids the money and they gladly paid. I don’t remember what they paid, but it’s not like you’re buying the pre-packaged pre-made store bought twinkies over there. They’re like six for a dollar or something. It’s high-quality stuff. None of my kids complained, but how much is a quality bread item there? It’s not like highway robbery and super elitist or anything, but how much is a quality loaf of bread at your place there?
Amy: They start 6.50.
Clay: 6.50?
Amy: Yes, that’s a basic wheat or a basic white.
Clay: I’ve seen your teamwork back there and make the food, and it’s a process it’s almost art. It’s great stuff.
Amy: It is art. It’s six hours of art.
Clay: Six hours of art.
Dr. Z: Wow.
Clay: Yes, so it’s a deal with like– If you had to describe who is your ideal and likely buyer there for the Harvest Bread Company, Amy, who are they?
Amy: They are a healthy whole foods eater and shopper.
Clay: Healthy whole foods eater and shopper?
Amy: Yes, but we have products that are good for the heart and good for the soul.
Dr. Z: Basically, a soccer mom who wears yoga pants, let’s just call it what it is.
Amy: We have a lot of athletic men too.
Clay: Who will also wear yoga pants?
Amy: I also wear yoga pants.
Dr. Z: Did you notice, Clay, when she said that, she actually looked over towards me.
Clay: I noticed that.
Dr. Z: I just want to point out if you’re now watching on Facebook live, I’m not saying to the other turn. I’m just saying she glanced over my direction.
Clay: My daughter did indicate there was four women at Whole Foods last Saturday who were wearing yoga pants at the same time. This phenomenon that I’m seeing that is sweeping the whole foods nation is not just me picking up on this pattern, they are everywhere at Whole Foods, those four of them is like 50 shoppers.
Dr. Z: Yes, I was at Whole Foods the other day, and someone was doing Warrior One right there in the bread rolling.
Clay: Really?
Dr. Z: Yes, right there by the meat, but they were getting their turkey sliced. They were sitting there, one or two– I don’t know which. Maybe sleeping dogs curled up in a–
Amy: Happens to our shop, all the time.
Clay: Welcome to Whole Foods, my name is Skylar. These dreadlocks’ been around for the last couple of years, and I want to know what kind of meat do you want? Do you want any kale?
Dr. Z: I don’t think that’s– is that a meat? I don’t think I want this, Skylar.
Clay: My name is Skylar. I work in the meat and vegetable department. Bro, I can’t believe you missed to fix those things together. Bro, that was– I can’t even– I’m befuddled, bro.
Dr. Z: It’s kale and turkey. It’s called Kirky. It’s good stuff, bro.
Clay: Bro, what’s your next sale super-move, bro?
Dr. Z: Well, you actually touched on it a little bit, but this is where the rubber meets the road, this is– Step one: you got to know your stuff.
Clay: Organic rubber because that was so unethical, bro.
Dr. Z: Step two: you got to know your prospect, and you got to get your top 100 list. You got to know who your ideal and likely buyer is. You’ve got to get that and then you got to go ahead and just canvas them with some information. Then number three is what I like to refer to as, the approach. That’s where you make that follow-up call. That’s where you now call and say, “Hey, listen, I just wanted to call about that flyer, the invitation to the seminar I sent last week, and I want to talk to you about it.” This is the part where you can either come across as one creepy pushy business salesperson, or two, conscious sales person that has something of value for you.
Clay: I will say this. At the bridal shows, we used to call every single bride and this was our cold call. Let’s pretend that you’re a dude and you answer the phone, so here we go.
Dr. Z: Okay, let’s talk a little.
Clay: [dialing]
Dr. Z: Yes, hello man?
Clay: Hey, this is Clay Clark with DJ Connection. Is this incredible Robert?
Dr. Z: Man, I haven’t been called that in a while, bro.
Clay: Robert, hey, did you go to the wedding show? Did you win a bet or did you lose a bet? How did you end up there?
Dr. Z: Bro, I was drugged to that thing. That thing was a mess.
Clay: Hey, are you still in need of a disc jockey or how are you doing?
Dr. Z: I’m not sure, bro. I have really no– the missus is– I think her mom is taking care of all that.
Clay: Even though we booked thousands of weddings a year, I don’t know that we ever spoke to a man who knew what wedding day he would just get married over the years. But that’s a follow-up call, that’s how it goes. The thing is you have to follow up. You have to do the approach and you can’t do it an awkward way. You got to do it the right way, and Z, when we get back, you’re going to be getting even deeper into your seven sales super-moves. Stay tuned to Thrive Time Show presented by Oklahoma Joe’s.
Clay: All right, Thrive Nation. Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show. I am your business coach. This is the place that you go to learn how to make your wallet grow. I hate to say this, but I am joined in the box that rocks today with the sensei [music playing] of sales. He helps you do the downward dog and the Vinyasa of sales. He helps you get into the ultimate sales position so that you can achieve your mission of making more money. Thrivers, work with me now. Focus on your wallet expanding, your bill shrinking, your wallet expanding, stay awake with me, and now, he’s back. Dr. Robert Zoellner, sir, how are you?
Dr. Z: Young grasshopper, see when you can snatch the pin from my hand. Of course, you can’t. You’re too far away. I tell you what, sales is what it all boils down to. You can have the prettiest place. You can make the best bread. You can make the best widget. You can have the coolest little bit like marketing campaign out there. You can have the people lined up around the store before you open because you’ve got such a great deal.
Anyway, early on the show, if you missed it, the four super moves are really pretty cool, little quick boom-boom-booms you can do. Now, we’re going to this actual sales steps that we do and use. Anybody out there successful uses these moves. But anyway, if you’re not selling appropriately, all that other stuff just goes out the window, because there is– this is probably a little-known fact, Clay.
Clay: Okay, here we go. I’m ready.
Dr. Z: That is if you’re not selling anything, you’re not making any money.
Clay: Then what’s going to happen is you’re going to end up–
Voice-over: First off, I am 35 years old. I am divorced, and I live in a van down by the river.
Clay: You’re going to end up living in a van down by the river if you don’t sell something.
Dr. Z: Hey baby, he was with those big vans just like the–
Clay: No, it’s a plush conversion van from 1984, with a fully phenomenal wet bar.
Dr. Z: It’s a sharp carpet all the way around the internet.
Clay: We share carpet everywhere.
Amy: And mini blinds.
Dr. Z: Melon mini blinds.
Clay: Nice mini blinds to the classy extra touch.
Dr. Z: Nice classy, Amy, nice touch with a bad breaking bread, red baking oven in– okay, I drop the ball on that one. The first three that we have here, one was product knowledge. If you didn’t catch that watch go to, thrivetimeshow.com. It’s in the show. Two is prospect, and that basically boils down to who’s your ideal and likely buyer? Listen, you got to really role-play, who that person is, and really get a good image of what that person looks like. Then guess what now? You can prospect that person. Remember step three is the approach That is the first contact you have with them. You may have mailed them something, you may have emailed them something, you may have done a text blast, then you may have reached out and touched them, but now is that personal phone call.
That’s the opportunity for you to come across as someone who cares about them and wants to bring them something of value, versus just that creepy obnoxious salesperson that we’ve all answered the phone to more than once in our lives. Now, step number four. Now, I want you to break this down like slash.
Clay: I’ll break it down baby I will break it.
Dr. Z: I want to break it down right, give me some breakdown music.
Clay: I will give you some breakdown music. It wouldn’t pressure me on this part on live radio.
[music playing]
Dr. Z: There we go, come on break it down. This is arguably one of the most important steps and that is the needs assessment.
Clay: Needs assessment. Now, here’s the deal. If you’re selling a service, I’m going to give you a commercial here for Amy’s husband, Mr. Nick Smith, the Farmer’s Insurance legend here. Let me just ask you some questions on a scale of one to 10, see if I can sell you some insurance because you need it. On a scale of one to 10, 10 being that you are 100% confident that you have all of the insurance that you could possibly need. Meaning that if your home was destroyed by a fire or was damaged by water or something happened. If 10 is 100% confident that you are covered, and one is you’re going, “I’m not sure.” If you’re anything less than a 10, 100% certain, that’s not good. Because, when the tornado came to Moore, Oklahoma back in the day, phew, do you know what percentage of Oklahomans, Z, back at that time who had insurance but how many of them actually had enough insurance to rebuild their own homes?
Dr. Z: That’s a tough thing. I would say probably half of them.
Clay: It’s a little bit less than six out of ten, say, were insured but they weren’t properly insured.
Dr. Z: Sounds very close.
Clay: Yes. Now, on a scale of one to 10, 10 being you have enough of life insurance that if you were to pass away that your survivors would be able to make it for the remainder of their childhood, without you, the survivor, having to get another job or something. Imagine you are a man, you work pretty hard, your wife passes away. How can you replace the work that your wife does in the home? I figured, “Woman, how can you replace what your husband does?” A lot of people only have wife insurance through work or if they die, they have like one year of earnings that’s going to be given to them.
But how many people are insured where if they were to pass, their family will be okay? On a scale of one to 10, 10 says I’m totally insured. I have more than what I need. I have enough. 1 is I don’t have enough. Well, again, that is a needs assessment. I’m doing it with you right now. If you’re not absolutely confident that you are fully insured, you need to call Farmers Insurance, and specifically, you need to call Amy’s husband, Mr. Nick Smith. What is Nick’s phone number? Where can you get a hold of this guy?
Amy: 918-619-5200.
Clay: One more time. It’s 918– what was that?
Amy: 619-5200.
Clay: I’ll tell you what, I’m insured with Nick Smith and I love working with Nick Smith. He is a great guy but I mean this sincerely. No one wants to buy life insurance. Nobody wants to buy home insurance. Nobody wants to buy anything really. People want to hold on to their money. You can show them needs assessment is all about you asking rhetorical questions to your ideal and likely buyer, and to help them find a gap between where they are and where they want to be. Z, you and I, right now, this is just an example. If you’re listening right now, do you find yourself getting hungry?
[background music]
Clay: Do you find yourself in a hunger?
Dr. Z: [stammering] I think I am.
Clay: Are you looking for a place to get that bread?
Dr. Z: [stammering] I think I am.
Clay: Where can they get the bread? I’m so hungry. Oh my gosh, all of a sudden, I found myself longing for bread. Amy, where can I get the bread?
Amy: At Great Harvest Bread Company, 51st and Sheridan, The Farm Shopping Center.
Clay: But I find myself hankering for soup too. Do you have soup to go with that bread?
Amy: Of course.
Clay: The thing is if I want soup and bread, where do I need to go?
Amy: The Farm Shopping Center, 51st and Sheridan.
Clay: You see what just happened there, Thrivers? All of a sudden were hungry. They’re like, “What’s going on?”
Dr. Z: [mock crying] “What? You can’t play with my mind.”
Clay: “Quit controlling my mind. I’m trying to do the downward dog and the Vinyasa while listening to a Business Show. Why is that weird? Why do you pressure me for stupid bread?” That’s the thing. A needs assessment allows you to find out where you are versus where you want to be, find that satisfaction gap that you can only solve by buying that product or service. Bam.
Dr. Z: Bam. I knew this assessment is about what Clay just did. Asking a lot of questions. You are not telling them what their needs are. You are asking questions. It’s like going to your general practitioner doctor. He is going to ask a lot of questions. He is not going to screw your legs and say, “You know what? You look like you can use doing a bike. I don’t know what’s going on with you. I’ve been asking you questions about where it’s hurting or why you are here or what you need or what’s going on, how are you feeling? I’m just going to write a checkbook by hand by the damn box.” They just walk out the door. Boom. Drop the pad.
Clay: One of my favorite needs assessment training platforms is anything multi-level because they have these two questions they always ask to find needs. They say, “Do you ever find yourself wanting more financial freedom or time freedom?” If you’re like, “No, I’m an alien. I’m totally satisfied in both areas.”
Dr. Z: “I’m from Planet Platron. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Clay: Didn’t I say, “Do you ever find yourself wanting to be more healthy and wealthy?” and you’re like, “Ahh.”
Dr. Z: Is this a trick question?
Clay: It’s like these broad questions. We are like, “I think I do.” Next thing you know you’re at some type of restaurant, meeting with a triple diamond executive guru of whatever and you’re signing up.
Dr. Z: You’re right, just sign up because everybody wants to be healthy. Everybody wants a box to be delivered to their front porch.
Clay: Order ship that, baby.
Dr. Z: There’s a lot of people that made a good living, and they made the world a better place.
Clay: I’m not ripping in. I just said that they have a great needs assessment. You can hear what you want to hear, Mr. Yoga pants.
Dr. Z: [laughs] Don’t make me do more yoga on right here. Two, I will learn I think three.
Clay: Wow.
Dr. Z: I’m versatile.
Clay: All right, thrivers. If you want to learn more about yoga and how to start to grow a successful business, sales, Harvest Bread Company, Oklahoma, Arnold Shwartzneger, stay tuned to Thrive Time Show.
Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show on your radio. My name is Clay Clark and this is the way we go. As always, we are joined inside the box that rocks with the man, the myth, the legend, the Zohan. It’s the man who is putting Z’s all over the city like his name was Zorro. It is Dr. Robert Z-Z-Zoellner.
Dr. Z: I love that movie as a kid, Zorro. Had a big impression on me.
Clay: Really?
Dr. Z: Big impression, yes. I went around and scratch Z’s everywhere. I got in a lot of trouble for it, but you know.
Clay: Yes, but when you–
Dr. Z: Actually, it’s a true story. I learned how to write very young so I went around and wrote my brother’s name on the walls of our house.
Clay: Did you really?
Dr. Z: Yes, I was like two or so, maybe three or so. He was like five. He was just learning how to write and somehow– [whispers] My fault. Eric, if you’re listening, I am still so sorry I did that. He got in so much trouble. As much as he could like, “Mom, no, I really didn’t do it.”
Clay: Whatever now.
Dr. Z: It’s like, “Who else could do that?” Whatever, Eric, you’re in trouble.
Clay: Now Z, we are talking about your seven super sales moves. These are moves that are proven, tried and true moves-
Dr. Z: Tried and true.
Clay: -that you have used to grow businesses.
Dr. Z: Yes.
Clay: Give it to me.
Dr. Z: Number one is product knowledge. In fact, my first sales job which was 4% sales commission, CR Anthony’s Clothing, back when I was in senior high school, product knowledge would set me apart. Boom. You got to know your stuff. Number two, prospect. You got to know ideal, likely buyers. Number three, the approach, you make contact with them. You either come across as pushy and creepy or maybe helpful and kind, and I would go with Plan B on that one.
Four is a needs assessment. Ask a lot of questions, you’re listening, you’re not talking. You’re asking questions and you’re gathering information to make sure your product, your service is a good fit for the person you are trying to sell it to. Now, number five is one that– Are you excellent on all these, by the way?
Clay: Wow.
Dr. Z: You’re really a good sales person.
Clay: I appreciate that. Thank you so much.
Dr. Z: Number five is what we call the presentation. Now, Clay, break down that little bit. I don’t know which business you can use for example but give me that, give me a prevention if I come into–
Clay: I’ll give you the one of the DJ business back in the day.
Dr. Z: Back in the day.
Clay: I was so proud of it when I finally perfected how I wanted it. You would show up at our house at 91st and Lindane in Broken Arrow. It’s quite a 6500 square foot house that we had chosen to have instead of an office, and it was two homes basically connected by a sky bridge. When you pulled up to the place, you were like, “Wow, this is like a DJ palace.” You pull up and there’s always– Seriously, with the landscaping, it was always perfect. You would pull up and I made sure someone greeted you at the door by name.
If Amy was the bride to be, then someone would open the door and say, “Hi, are you, Amy. Are you Nick?” It was always a welcome thing. They would come in and we had a very gourmet coffee bar with all of the accouterments, all of the stuff. I would say on par with what you would find at Starbucks. The cinnamon you could put on the–
Dr. Z: Wow. I wish I saw the business. I just was coming over for presentation.
Clay: We would do that and then we had a penguin which I brought over to the Thrive15 world headquarters. The penguin out there with the plate, he was like, “I have a Godiva chocolate there for you,” and when you walk in, we had a– This is back in the day before flat screens but we had a large monitor that showed weddings on it, wedding highlight videos. We had all the decor nailed down. All my teammates were required to wear suits at all times. Everything about it was just first class.
Before you had even met with the sales professional before you had even heard a word, the presentation was there. It smelled good. It looked good. It felt good. We always played music that was kind of that wedding music, kind of that Dean Martin that you were talking about earlier, that When the moon hits your– It’s like a bit of a–
Dr. Z: Eye like a Pizza Pie, that’s Amore.
Clay: It was that kind of a vibe. We would create it and women loved it. The brides would love it and the mothers of the bride loved it. We only had one person in the entire time that we office there in like four years that not one person ever told me no. Ever, one time.
Dr. Z: Well, you know why?
Clay: Why is that?
Dr. Z: Because you had all the senses covered. That’s what you got to understand folks. That was a beautiful story. That right there, that dog will hunt because you had all the senses covered but you had the site. You said the landscaping was perfect.
Clay: It was nice, yes.
Dr. Z: The house was cool. People showed up and they were visually impressed.
Clay: We had a big sign that said, “Welcome to DJ Land.” Huge sign.
Dr. Z: That’s so good. Then you came in taste. You had the little chocolate Godiva thing sitting up there.
Clay: Always.
Dr. Z: Always. You had smell and touch. You probably had touch coming.
Clay: We had a thing called a One Sheet. This is a One Sheet. It’s a laminated document. But on the One Sheet, you had all the prices and all the options and all the elements inside. Everything was just first-class.
Dr. Z: Then hearing, the sound, you had piped in everything appropriate, probably the right level of loudness music. It was like–
Clay: I obsessed about every detail of this. I’ll tell you somebody else who obsesses about every detail of presentation. It’s Harvest Bread Company. Ms. Amy Smith here. Her place when you walk-in, can you describe for someone who has not been in your business what does it feel like? What does it look like? Talk to me about what’s inside the Harvest Bread Company.
Amy: When you first walk in, you see bread, you smell bread and you get to taste bread immediately. You see how we make the bread, you see it coming out of the oven, you see it in it’s post or in its packaged presentation, you can also, we have outside racks where you can pick it up and feel it and decide which loaf you like best.
Clay: You’ve covered all the senses as well and I think that the thing about it, I have to describe other than by saying if you’ve not yet been to the Harvest Bread Company, you really have to go inside it to believe it.
Voice-over: Broadcasting live from the center of the universe, you’re listening to the Thrive Time Show.
Clay: You might say, “Well, why?” Well, I’m going to tell you this. When you walk in, this is how it feels. It’s almost you walk in and it’s like it’s mystical. Is this the best place on the planet? You go, “Is this truly–?” and then it hits you. I am inside Harvest Company Bread. There’s things that smell well. There’s things that taste good. The bathrooms are clean. The people are looking nice. The prices are affordable. Is this heaven?
Dr. Z: This could be bread heaven.
Clay: You’re going, “I’ve read the bible quite a bit. I went to Oral Roberts University. I went to Rhame. I remember streets of gold. I did not remember streets of bread but maybe I misinterpreted it. Maybe that was the Greek.
Dr. Z: It has a golden hue to it.
Clay: You’d run on over there and when you go there, I’m just telling you, it’s bread heaven. It is a game changer, a mind bender, and you got to get over there. Where can they find it? Where are you located?
Amy: 51st and Sheridan, The Farm Shopping Center.
Clay: What are your hours? What are the hours of power?
Amy: 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Clay: Z, I’m getting a little hungry again. It always happens. Every time we have a guest on the show who makes great food, it makes me hungry.
Dr. Z: The one thing about the presentation that you want to keep in the back of your mind, you want to keep on the forefront is it’s really about benefits rather than features.
Clay: Come on now.
Dr. Z: It’s about benefits rather than features and that’s a subtle difference between those two. It’s about benefits. You’re selling the benefits of the product and the presentation and not just the features, okay? The feature may be X but the benefit is it saves your time. The feature may be this and it keeps your kids from getting run over by a car. Yes, that’s the benefit in it.
Clay: Yes, it’s a benefit.
Dr. Z: Exactly. That cost so much to get around and you might as well [crosstalk]. I only had three. Amy has four. You’ve one-up this both or a two-up maybe 5.
Clay: I heard kids wear helmets for safety. They just wear helmets and bubble suits.
Dr. Z: [laughs]
Amy: All the time.
Dr. Z: Just bubble wrap them. Clay, I’ll tell you what, recap it really quickly. Product knowledge, prospecting, the approach, needs assessment, the presentation and coming up next, I’m going to say something after the break. We’ve got two more to cover. I’m going to cover that in the next segment.
Clay: Why do you do that? Damn it. [crosstalk] I want to know.
Dr. Z: I’m going to cover, settle down. But the next step is where you could Google this, it’s a thing where probably 80% of all sales are lost, this next step.
Clay: Z, I want to know, though. I want to know like Whitney Houston back in the day. Man, I want to know what they are. Could you just give me a little hint?
Dr. Z: You got to stay tuned. I’ll tell you what, you got me so hungry now. You’ve got me just wanting to drive over to the Harvest Bakery and get some bread, some soups and gouda, I want some of that gouda soup. How’s it going for gouda soup?
Clay: Here’s the deal, thrivers. I have a perfect weekend plan for you. Get on over to Regent Bank first stop. Before the weekend, get on over to Regent bank. Get yourself set up with one of the best small business friendly banks out there then get on over there to the Harvest Bread Company. Get yourself some bread and then tomorrow go out there and have some Oklahoma Joe’s Barbecue. We got the whole weekend planned for you. It’s a game changer I’m telling you now. Thrivers, stay tuned because Z’s going to be unveiling his final super moves when we come back after the break. Stay tuned Thrive Time Show on your radio.
Clay: All right. Thrive Nation, welcome back into the conversation. I’m telling you what, I’m so excited. I’m so excited to learn this next super moves. Z made me wait through the break. He’s going, “Okay, I’m going to teach you the final super moves after the break. I’m going to teach you the final super moves,” and I want to know. I want to know the super moves. Give it to me, my friend.
Dr. Z: Give me a little Whitney Houston, you got a little Whitney–
Clay: You want to know? Okay, Whitney Houston is–
Dr. Z: I want you to– I don’t believe you. I don’t think you really want to know.
[Whitney Houston song playing]
Clay: Z, how will I know when I’ve really heard the super moves, how will I know? Is it by feeling it?
Dr. Z: I think you might.
Clay: Okay, I’m ready. I’m ready for that inner feeling of satisfaction once I discover the super moves.
Dr. Z: Well, unfortunately, this step, step six in my seven step process. Step six is where a lot of sales were lost. In fact, just two days ago here at the Thrive 15 Headquarters, Clay, you’re getting ready to we do some of our one-on-one business coaching. We have four different moves here you can do. You can listen to the Thrive Time Radio Show. You can get on thrive15.com. You can go to thrivetimeshow.com or you can have a one-on-one– no, wait, in-person workshops and then you can also go to a weekly one-on-one business coaching. You were here one-on-one business coaching, one of our clients and this was the step he was having the most troubles with.
Clay: Yes.
Dr. Z: Step six in the seven step process is the close. [background music] You know your product. You figure out your ideal and likely buyer. Your approach was genuine and sincere. You did a needs assessment. You listened. You asked the right questions. You then did the presentation of your product based upon benefits and not features, and you’ve got them like Amy does in the morning when people come to get that bread out of the Great Harvest Bakery. She’s got them eating out of her hand literally. It’s yes-
Clay: Yes.
Dr. Z: -eating out of her hand and they are ready and then you drop the ball because you don’t close. Clay, help everybody out.
Clay: Well, the first thing is the way you do sales in my mind, this is how I visually picture it. If you got pictures of scales, if you’re thinking about the legal system, they always show the scales, tipping the scales. What I want to do is I want to say, “Here is the problem you have. Here’s my solution.” I’m going to add benefits so I say for the DJ business, “We have unlimited time and no one else does.”
Dr. Z: Boom.
Clay: We have any music you want, we’ll get it.
Dr. Z: Boom.
Clay: You have a satisfaction guarantee.
Dr. Z: Boom.
Clay: We’re less money.
Dr. Z: Boom.
Clay: We have an MC host that will lead you to the entire wedding.
Dr. Z: Boom.
Clay: We include a wedding planner.
Dr. Z: Boom.
Clay: 15% off on your photography.
Dr. Z: Boom.
Clay: Free limo ride to the– and we just keep throwing on value until you go, “Oh my gosh, it’s an absolute no-brainer. How could I not book?” When you as a sales person understand that the person you’re talking to has been thoroughly impressed with the value, they now see how you can solve their problem. You have to ask for the close. Now, an amateur sales person doesn’t understand how you eat an elephant one bite at a time. Typically, what you would do, this is how we book for weddings for DJ Connection. After showing you all the value, I would say, “Now, which one of these packages do you think is going to be best for your wedding?” and they would say, “This or that?”
I’d say, “Package A or B,” let’s say, and they would go– actually, I used to say, “Which one of these packages do you think is best? The True Romance package or the Cherish of Love?” They would go, “The True Romance is package two and Cherish of Love is package three,” and most brides would go, “Well,” out of five, two out of five they would go, “Yes, this one, the True Romance”, “Yes, great. Okay, and then as far as the look of your wedding, what time do you want us to get there?” Okay, great, still eating the elephant one bite at a time.
Dr. Z: Boom.
Clay: “Then who would be the one paying for it if you guys move forward?” They’d say, “It’s my dad.” “What’s his name?” “I’d write it down in the contract.” “Then as far as the deposit goes, we just require $150 deposit to reserve the date. It’s a non-refundable deposit that goes towards to the cost of the event and you want to pay via debit card or credit card?” and I wait. He who speaks first loses so I just wait and they go, “We’ll go with a debit card,” and then we do it.
Dr. Z: [laughs]
Clay: The only person who ever shut me down– [crosstalk]
Dr. Z: An hour and a half later–
Clay: The only person that ever shut me down at my house was Shannon and her fiance, Clark.
Dr. Z: Now, Shannon and Clark, if you’re listening out there, I would like for you to email me at [email protected] and tell me how you’re the only fish that got out of that trappy sale. That’s where– [crosstalk] I’m just curious now.
Clay: They booked their wedding at the Mayo Hotel and they shut me down. It frustrated me so much that I’d never lost another sale there. I’m like, “It’s not going to happen. I would not ever lose another sale.” It’s just the mindset.
Dr. Z: Yes, exactly. You said it right, they asked for a close. There’s the if-then close. If I could demonstrate how we could be better than anybody else kind of close, process of elimination close, you’re like the model. You have used for it’s not too expensive kind of thing, but either/or close.
Clay: Either/or.
Dr. Z: Will that be cash or charge? That’s like you said right then you just went through all the all the little sub-moves and then there’s the last little “help her.” It’s like you called it the– what do you call it?
Clay: The deal wheel, the wounded dog?
Dr. Z: The lost puppy close. “Well, I guess I didn’t do my job very well” move.
Clay: Here’s the wounded dog.
Dr. Z: Yes, you’re like the lost puppy or the wounded dog.
Clay: I am going to walk you through the four steps of the wounded dog, are you ready?
Dr. Z: Yes, please do.
Clay: Please tell me now real quick. I’m going to do it. Are you ready? Tell me nosy.
Dr. Z: No.
Amy: No.
Clay: I got to inhale. Z, you got to suck air with your teeth.
Voice-over: Broadcasting live from the center of the universe, you’re listening to the Thrive Time Show.
Clay: Thrivers, there’s no hyperbole. You got to do it. [inhales] You look injured physically and then I go, [exhales]. What do you mean by that?
Dr. Z: I’m not going to buy your thing.
Clay: Let me ask you. I can appreciate that, what’s your main concern?
Dr. Z: Well, I think it’s too expensive.
Clay: Let me ask you this. Say that we weren’t too expensive, what’s the main thing you’re looking for out of a DJ?
Dr. Z: Well, someone who keeps everybody on the dance floor and isn’t an idiot.
Clay: Well, you’re exactly right. In fact, what I found is that a lot of customers I work with today tell us that the DJ’s one of the most important parts of the wedding because you invite all these people. You spend $20,000 and according to theknot.com, “The number one regret that brides have is not having great entertainment because everyone leaves early.” The food tastes bad. Things don’t go well when the DJ is bad. People look for reasons to leave and that’s why we care so much about your wedding that we want to commit to you and we want to knock it out for you, and that’s why we have a money back guarantee. If you’re not happy, we’ll totally refund you.
Let me ask you which package do you think is better? The true romance or the Cherish Love?
Dr. Z: The True Romance, that is really good.
Clay: I will do that three times and on the third time–
Dr. Z: Because you know what? We have to have one leg or the puppy to– [crosstalk]
Clay: I am not exaggerating. Face to face presentations over a six-year window, only one person shot me down period, and I would go through the deal, and when you do the wounded dog, it just works. It’s amazing and it’s like, “What?” When you do the wounded dog on the third time in such as deep as I’ll go with you, it’s hilarious because you’ve now gone through the circular racing three times. They’ve already told you no and you do it and almost like, “This can’t possibly work,” and it does. Because you just keep asking.
Dr. Z: It is a great move. Listen, folks. Really listen to this, take notes. These are the sales moves and the last move on my deal which can double your sales, which can really help your close rate is what it does is what we call the follow-up. Clay, break that down for us a little bit. The follow-up move.
Clay: Here’s what happens in sales. Typically, one out of four sales happens right away. But the next three out of four happen as a follow up so I’m just going to give an example that I would. If I owned Amy’s business, this is the sample. This is the follow up that I’d be doing, and if I didn’t own her business, but I owned something that was similar or I’ve coached businesses that do things that are similar. But if you have a great product and it tastes great, then really it’s about sampling to people consistently.
What happens is you drop it off on Monday. You drop off a sample this Monday, and then next Monday, you drop off a sample again, and then next Monday you drop off a sample again. Well, eventually, I go from annoyance like, “Who is this crazy person dropping off samples too? I’m curious too. Hey, when’s that person going to come by with those bread samples again?” Then over time, you start to just wear people down but you’ve got to follow up. I’m not kidding. People will eventually buy. Cry, buy or die, baby. Drop off the sample.
Dr. Z: Exactly, so when you would do the wedding shows and you have that little booth set up, you’d be on the hall, on the aisle way like you weren’t supposed to be stopping people and get them in your booth. You got to get them in your booth. How many of them would buy that day? Just one out of four.
Clay: Typically, we would set about 80 appointments at the show out of about a thousand–
Dr. Z: Nobody really decided at the show?
Clay: No, we’d always go for the close at the appointment in the office.
Dr. Z: Okay, great. Well then, there you go.
Clay: Then of the thousand brides that were there, we’d usually make about 400 as a result of the show from follow-up calls. Now, Amy, I want to ask for everybody listening and going, “I’ve been listening to the show. I’m a fan of the Harvest Bread Company. I want to know more.” How can they get in touch with your work? Where can they find you?
Amy: They can find us at the Farm Shopping Center at 51st and Sheridan or they can find us on our website greatharvestbread.com.
Clay: Now, Z, there’s four ways we can help the entrepreneurs who are listening today. There’s four ways. Let me count the ways.
Dr. Z: Let me count the ways. Well, way one is happening right across your radio, your computer right now, and that is the Thrive Time Show. We give practical tips. Today, we gave four power moves to sell and we gave the seven steps to selling and so you can save yourself a little look at the show and go to thrivetimeshow.com and listen to the rest of it. That’s step one.
Clay: Step number two is you go to thrive15.com. It’s the world’s best business school with the world’s best business coach. It’s only $19 a month, and if you can’t afford it, you can set your own price. There’s no reason to not help yourself out, and if you’re a member of the United States Military, it is free for you. Veterans, active duty, reserves, it’s free for you. That’s thrive15.com, the world’s best business school. Three, we have in person workshops here at the thrive15.com world headquarters. 15 hours of power, two-day interactive workshops. Go to thrivetimeshow.com to sign up. We always keep them limited. It’s a small group setting, and the final thing that you can do is if you’re wanting one-on-one business mentorship, there is no contract. We have one-on-one business coaching programs that work and it’s a game changer. The whole thing is we want to help you and I know you want to help your friends, so go on thrivetimeshow.com and share today’s podcast version of today’s radio show with someone that you care about. Z, as always–
Dr. Z: We end the show with three
Clay and Dr. Z: – two, one, boom.
[01:24:45] [END OF AUDIO]