Business | How to Fight Habit of Not Getting Things Done, Laziness, Procrastination & Drifting Starting NOW

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Business | How to Fight Habit of Not Getting Things Done, Laziness, Procrastination & Drifting Starting NOW

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Audio Transcription

Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show. Have a business question? Email us today at info at thrive timeshow dot com. All right Thrive Nation, welcome back to the conversation. Today we’re talking about a subject which I believe to be the most important podcast that we have ever done and will ever do. There are many other topics that are very technical in nature, very specific, proven moves that you can use that will grow your business, proven strategies that can be used to create time freedom, financial freedom. We teach you the systems that work. However, nothing works unless you do. Profound. Nothing works unless you do. So we’re talking today about how to fight the habit of not getting things done, laziness, procrastination, and drifting. We’re breaking down a book written by Napoleon Hill called Outwitting the Devil. Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. Who was Napoleon Hill and what is the book, Outwitting the Devil, about? Well, Napoleon Hill was the best-selling self-help author of all time. Think about that. The number one of all time. He actually went to work for free for Andrew Carnegie, the world’s wealthiest man during his lifetime. He and Rockefeller went back and forth for the title of the world’s wealthiest person. Although they said openly they didn’t compete, many felt like they did because they were always number one and two. He worked for these people. Napoleon Hill documented their strategies, their systems. Andrew Carnegie introduced Napoleon Hill to Henry Ford. Henry Ford, the guy who created Ford Motors, Ford Automotive, the massive automotive company. They made the Model T, they made the automobile affordable for everybody. They made it possible for every person to drive a car, the automobile. And then Henry Ford introduced him to Thomas Edison. Napoleon Hill hung out with Thomas Edison. This is the guy who introduced recorded video, recorded sound, the modern light bulb. He hung out with the greatest of the great. Hill was around Roy Firestone, with Firestone, the tire makers. Napoleon Hill was around the best people in the world. He actually was the speech writer for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who got us out of the Depression. He was the business coach of Oral Roberts, the founder of Oral Roberts University. What happened was, after he became a best-selling author, he started hanging around the wrong people. He started hanging around the wrong people and what happened was he started hanging around some bootleggers, some guys who made alcohol illegally during the time of prohibition. And Napoleon Hill was ordered then to testify in the court of law against, under oath, against people that he hung around. And he did it. And his information was damning And they went to jail as a result of him testifying what they had done And so they put a hit out on Napoleon Hill. They put out a Issue they said hey, we’re gonna go we’re gonna kill you and so he went into hiding and when he went into hiding He got very very depressed and he wrote this book called outwitting the devil But his wife made him promise that he wouldn’t release the book until after he died because the book is so crazy. But Napoleon Hill wanted to release the book and she says, no no you can’t release the book. He says, I want you to get the book out. No. So he decides not to release the book and the book didn’t come out until after his death which is why the book isn’t as popular. But Sharon Lecter who co-wrote the book called Rich Dad Poor Dad with Robert Kiyosaki, she dug up the manuscript and she teamed up with the Napoleon Hill Foundation and they released the book, Outwitting the Devil. And what they’re talking about is the battle that happens within your mind is the biggest battle that you have to win as a business owner. Chup, as a business coach, Eric Chup, how do you see this manifest itself on a daily basis? The battle that happens within your own mind, within the mind of a client, is the biggest battle that you and they have to face as a business owner. A lot of times it’s that just mindset of staying focused on what actually matters because there’s so many things that can distract you when you’re running and growing a business. And so having that willpower to fight that habit of wanting to go to the next thing or not being able to stay focused is something that I see a lot. I’m going to be super duper duper transparent with all the listeners today, but I promise that for pretty much everybody listening, it will get weird. So here we go. Hello. What causes inspiration? What causes people to be inspired? What actually causes someone to be inspired, to be pumped up, to be feeling it? Well it’s setting goals and achieving them. It’s keeping small promises that you made to yourself. It’s doing the right thing when no one is watching, except for God. Doing more than you said you were going to do. It’s getting things done before the deadline you promised. You see, inspiration is the reward. Inaction is the giant, but action is the sword. That’s worth repeating. Inspiration is the reward, but inaction is the giant. Action is the sword. The whole idea of not taking action and procrastinating, that’s what causes people. What causes people to be depressed? What causes depression for many people? It’s lying to yourself. It’s saying, I’m not going to eat that kind of food anymore, but you eat it. It’s not doing what you said you’re going to do. It’s setting goals and not achieving them. Now the only way to escape the feeling of that is a distraction. So when you said to yourself, I’m going to get this done, and you don’t get it done, the only way that you cannot feel horrible about it is a distraction, which could be humor. That’s why the funniest people are the most depressed. If you look at the lives of the most famous comedians, many of them struggle with depression. We could say Chris Farley as an example. Robin Williams recently. Robin Williams. It’s because they’re a Jim Carrey. It’s because they’re battling demons inside their head. Now when people say they’re battling demons, I actually do believe there are battling demons. What happens is when you feel bad about yourself, typically the only way to distract from feeling that way is humor. So I grew up at a time in my life where certain things happened to me as a kid. You know, I had a neighbor. I stuttered a lot as a kid. I stuttered all the time. I couldn’t speak well. And so as a kid, I got known in the neighborhood as Clayton. And all the kids would say it that way. And it was funny to them, but for me it wasn’t funny. And it was funny for them because they didn’t know how to deal with feeling bad that I couldn’t talk. So they made fun of me as a way to deal with it. It’s like a pressure release, right? Then as a kid, I wanted to have friends, but I didn’t have any friends. And so one of the neighbor kids wanted to be my friend, and that’s the neighbor kid that sexually abused me consistently. And so when I then brought up the fact that I was being abused to his parents, to her parents, it was a his and her, it was a young lady as well as her brother, and I brought it up, and the dad said to me, he said, oh, you’re making that up. That couldn’t have happened because it must be your fault. And then denial turns out, it turns out denial is not just a river in Egypt. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. You know, see the… I see what you did there. Right. So I want to make sure you get this. Missing meetings. If you’re somebody who’s chronically late, you miss meetings, you don’t do what you said you’re going to do, you will be depressed. Now the reason why I see a lot of entrepreneurs who are depressed is because you’re setting goals that are beyond that of what society has set for you. You’re setting goals that are big, bigger than the average person’s goals. You’ve got goals to be the number one in your industry. You want to be the GOAT. You want to be the greatest of all time. If you’re a pastor, you want to be the biggest pastor in America. If you’re a salesperson, you want to be the best salesperson in your office. If you’re an entrepreneur, you want to be the fastest growing company in your niche. So what happens is you start to have a gap between what you want to do and where you’re at. And so you start to experience cognitive dissonance. I believe cognitive dissonance is something created by God himself, maybe you don’t, maybe you do. Either way, psychologists describe it as it’s an inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one’s actions and one’s beliefs resulting in feeling bad or guilty, having low self-esteem. So for anybody out there who’s listening who is not a Christian, I have a lot of great content for you today. For those of you who are a Christian, I have a lot of great content for you today. So I’m going to work up the assumption that the first few folks listening right now, you may be a Judeo-Christian, and so maybe, since it’s like half of our population, maybe these will resonate with you. So Christ says in Jeremiah 29, 11, For I know the plans I have, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. I repeat, for I know the plans I have for you.” Right now, listening. “…declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Colossians 3.23 reads, “…whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Now, Chuck, Elon Musk, who turns out to not be a Christian, but the guy behind Tesla, PayPal, and SpaceX. A man right now in the top 60 of the wealthiest people on the planet. A man worth over $20 billion. A man transforming the automotive industry, the online payment industry, and space travel. He has a notable quotable that I’d like for you to share with the listeners out there, because I know we have somebody listening who’s not a Christian, and maybe you’d like to hear a secular voice here. So here we go. Well, he starts it off colorfully, so that’s good, right? Nice. Now, Elon says, work like hell. I mean, you just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week. This improves the odds of success. If other people are putting in 40 hour work weeks and you’re putting in 100 hour work weeks, then even if you’re doing the same thing, you know that you will achieve in four months what it takes them to achieve in a year. Come on! So that right there is a powerful, notable, quotable right from Elon Musk. And there’s somebody out there that says, yeah, but all he cares about is money. And again, this is a discussion. We’re going to work through this because I’m trying to make sure that nobody, there’s not a single listener as a result of today’s show, that you could possibly leave this show and not know specifically how to beat laziness, procrastination, and the struggle with getting things done. So if you are a reader of the Bible, Exodus 16.5, it’s Exodus 16.5, if you turn with me to your Bible, or if you’ll open up the Thrive Time Show podcast, you can click on the podcast button and you can see today’s show notes. But Exodus 16.5 reads, on the sixth day, they are to prepare what they bring in and that is to be twice as much as they gather on other days. Six days? Yeah, you also discover that if you read Genesis you’ll see that God created the earth in six days. So Elon Musk and the creator of the earth would indicate that this is what needs to happen. If you’re gonna create like the Creator you have to work six days. Now, Chep, I say that to clients all the time, but I want to put that on the show notes because I think that is a powerful idea for somebody. If you are going to create like the creator, you must work six days. Again, I’m going to repeat this one more time. If you want to create like the creator, you must work six days. Somebody needs to hear that a fourth time. If you are going to create like the creator, you have to work six days. If you don’t want to create like the creator, then you don’t need to work six days. But a penalty of having ambition is that you have to work more than the average person in order to build the system. Now, once you have built the system, you can sit back and look at what you’ve built, and you can now have time freedom. But it takes a lot of fuel to get that entrepreneurial rocket into space. Chuck, if you’re going to create like the Creator, you have to work six days a week. Why do all the entrepreneurs out there who have big dreams have to embrace this idea? Because you’re gonna have to create time, especially in the early stages of the business, the early few years when you’re building everything. You’re going to be in the business all the time, working in the business, delivering your goods and services, delivering your products, creating them, whatever you’re doing. So you’re going to have to create that time outside of normal business hours, nights, weekends, whatever that may be, that six-day principle, so that you are actually getting the things done on the business and creating a scalable, repeatable system, so therefore in the future, you will have time freedom. You know what I thought I would do? Since we just quoted scripture and it was all really positive, this is what you need to do to create success. Now let’s get some verses that really would represent Satan’s worldview. And if you are a Christian, I’ll make sure you get this, if you’re not a Christian it’s fine, but if you are a Christian that means that you do embrace the Bible as being the infallible truth of God. And if it is the infallible written word of God, then you would have to believe that there is a literal Satan and a literal Christ. If you don’t believe in heaven and hell, Christ and Satan, then you’re not actually a Christian. You’re just somebody who likes the fairy tale concept. So I’m going to have Chup read some notable quotables from the Bible. And let’s see if we can pick out the parts of the Bible that Satan is a big fan of. Chup, go for it. This is from 1 John 3, 8. He says, The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” Continue Proverbs 10, 4. He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand, but the hand of the diligent maketh rich. So it says right here that the Bible, we quoted a Bible verse earlier. If you’re lazy, you’re going down, son. That’s what they’re saying. Well, Jeremiah 29, 11 states, for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. The Lord is saying this. Christ is saying this, I know the plans that I have for you to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. But then it also says in the Bible that he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand. So who wants you to be poor? If Christ wants you to be successful, Chubb, who would want you to be poor? Satan? Yes! Satan! Satan! The devil! This is a thing. So we move on to the next notable quarter. This is first Tim. We’ll go with three Uh, first Timothy 5 8 there. Mr. Chuck, okay anyone who does not provide for their relatives and especially for their own household has denied the faith and is worse than an Unbeliever, so we go back to the beginning of the show We said how to fight the habit of getting things done laziness and procrastination How to fight the habit of not getting things done laziness and procrastination drifting, then we understand why Napoleon Hill wrote a book called Outwitting the Devil, because he came to the belief, and I have always had the belief, that it is Satan that is causing you to lose. So if you are hitting the snooze button, you’re succumbing to Satan. If you are skipping those meetings, you’re succumbing to Satan. If you are making promises to yourself and not actually keeping them, then you are submitting. You’re actually doing Satan’s will. Satan wants you to be poor, and if you are a Christian, you should believe that. If you’re not a Christian, you should just understand that Elon Musk points out, an open atheist, that you won’t be successful if you don’t work hard. Well, and on just, let’s take it down one more level. It’s really not that hard to understand. Like, if you work more, and you work harder, and you’re proactive, and you get more done than your competition, you win. But I would bet you 95% of the people I’ve met on the planet struggle with getting things done. Yeah, I totally do. I think Proverbs 16, 27 has a pretty harsh verse here, Chubb. This one speaks to me. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. Idle lips are his mouthpiece. An evil man shows strife. Gossip separates the best of friends. Wickedness loves company and leads others into sin. Could you read it one more time, please? What kind of slur? I want to let it soak in. I’m going to take some notes here. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. Are the devils workshop? Got it. Got it. Idle lips are his mouthpiece. An evil man shows strife, gossip, separates the best of friends, wickedness loves company, and leads others in to sin. I want to make sure we’re getting this part. An evil man sows strife. They create strife. So Gallup shows today that the average American is watching TV for 5.2 hours a day. I want to put this on the show notes here, Chep, because you can find this article in the New York Times, I believe you can find it on the New York Post, you can find it in Gallup. The average American is watching TV 5.2 hours per day, which means the average American is idle 5.2 hours a day. Now if somebody is idle 5.2 hours a day, and if the average American is watching 2.3 hours a day of social media, we’ll put this on the show notes of the average American is idle 5.2 hours per day and they’re watching social media for 2.3 hours a day. That means if idleness is the devil’s workshop then a lot of people are spending most of their day in the devil’s workshop working on what? The stuff that the devil wants. Because the cool thing about our economic system is we’ve we’ve done so well in the world we no longer have to spend 90% of our day looking for food. So now we have downtime, and now the average American is watching 5 hours of TV per day. So we have downtime to be idle, aka, which is why we spend idle time, aka the devil’s workshop, otherwise known as the devil’s workshop. We have 5 hours a day. If we have 5 hours a day to not be working, then Gallup shows this. Is it shocking that 50.8% of employees are not engaged? That means that they don’t care about their job. Gallup shows that 17.2% of employees actively hate their job. Chump, is it shocking that people hate their jobs when they have so much downtime? You know, it’s crazy. The term actively disengaged, it kind of blows my mind that you know almost 17.2% right exactly 17.2% are actively disengaged means they’re trying to screw up your business they’re trying to hurt you and like just it blows my mind it kind of makes me speechless but what I see a lot is that we got people watching five hours of TV it seems like people are looking for inspiration out there they’re doing something to find inspiration. Oh you’re watching the the Shark Tank right thinking that it’s a source of inspiration rather than actually working on your business. You’re watching the DIY shows thinking that that’s going to inspire you to do your own. No, action is what creates inspiration. Repeat it again. Action creates the inspiration. Somebody doesn’t believe you. Well it’s true, so just try it. You gave me a good example when you were teaching me this concept a few years back. And you said, you know that feeling you get whenever you clean your garage? And you step back and look at it and you want to share that. You’re like inspired, you’re proud. Right? That’s what happens when you take action. You’re proud of yourself, you’re inspired. If you are in America, if you were born into this great country, you have won the lottery, my man, my woman. You have won the lottery. Do you have any idea what a gift we have by being born in this great country? We’ve had people that have died on the beaches fighting for you. We’ve had people that have died in Normandy fighting for you. We’ve had people at Pearl Harbor that died fighting for you. We have people deployed right now all throughout this great country fighting for you so that you would have the freedom of choice. Our country guarantees us the right to pursue happiness. It does not guarantee us happiness. Our country did not give us happiness. It gave us the right to pursue happiness. Perhaps you should look that up. So with freedom, you see, freedom isn’t free. Freedom is not free. You have to work hard. Freedom requires responsibility. So if you want to have a horrible life, then sleep in till noon. If you want to have success, then don’t sleep in till noon. If you are struggling with overcoming the idea of procrastination, perhaps you should think of the young homeless girl that my wife and I met in Roatan. Perhaps you should think about the people who have died on the beaches. Perhaps you should think about the struggle that we went through to build this great country. And Napoleon Hill surrounded himself with really, really bad people. And he went from being a best-selling author to literally hiding, and hiding out waiting for these people to die or to go to jail so that he could go outside again Could you imagine what it would feel like to be a best-selling author in the best-selling author of all time and now being in hiding? And so Napoleon Hill he was going through depression because he realizes. Oh my gosh the people I surrounded myself with Did in fact lead to my demise and now I’m in hiding and so we have taken certain selections from the book outwitting the devil certain excerpts from the book and I’m gonna have Eric Chupp read the notable quotables one by one from the book outwitting the devil the secret to freedom and success and then we’re gonna break it down together so Eric Chupp what is the first notable quotable okay we’ve got remember that your dominating thoughts attract through a definite law of nature by the shortest and most convenient route their physical counterpart. Be careful what your thoughts dwell upon. Wow. Think about that. So I’m asking you right now, Mr. Thriver, Mr. Wonderful Listener, Mrs. Wonderful Listener, Mr. Future Millionaire, Mr. Super Successful in the Future, Mr. Maybe You’re Already Successful Now, Mr. I don’t care what you’ve been through. I don’t care where you come from. I care where you’re going. Mr. I know that whatever you did in the past has not excluded you from having success in the future because we serve a great God who forgives you. And unless you’re listening right now from America’s prison system, and I do know we have some downloads from America’s prison system. I know it will be hard for you, but those of you who have the freedom of choice, about you bring about. So if you want to bring about negativity and poverty, I want you to go to the casino every day. If you want that, if that’s what you want, I mean if you want to bring about negativity, then I want you to surround yourself with really negative people. If you want to struggle in the game of life, I need you. It’s so important that you commit to watching violent films. If you want to be negative, it’s really, really important that you fill your mind with negative music at all times. Because, Chuck, you can’t be successful if you’re filling your mind with negativity. So if you want to stay negative, you’ve got to fill your mind with negativity. I think Dr. Z has a really good saying. I’ve heard him say on the show many times, if you run with the dogs, you get fleas. Right. And that’s what he’s saying here. If you’re filling your mind with all that stuff, garbage in, garbage out. Now here is the next notable quotable from Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. The secret to freedom and success. Mr. Chep. The majority of people begin to drift as soon as they are met with opposition and not one out of 10,000 people will keep on trying after failing two or three times. Read that again please. The majority of people begin to drift as soon as they are met with opposition. And not one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 people will keep on trying after failing two or three times. This is so funny, but I had a conversation today and I actually got into an argument with somebody about this. It was a pretty epic battle. But he said to me, he goes, first three years that you built Thrive and it was failing. It’s got to feel really good now that it’s succeeded. And I said to him, I literally said this, I said, I remember the first three years that you were raising your baby and you were failing and it’s great to see that she can now talk and walk. It’s ridiculous. It’s a process. And so if you think that you’re going to have a great idea and have massive success, no, oh no, because you should look this up. You see, Chip, we’ll put this on the show notes real quick here, but it took Amazon nine years to make a profit. It took Amazon nine years to make a profit. You know, and we put this on the show notes because Walt Disney lost it all. Walt Disney lost it all twice, right? You see, Walt Disney lost it all twice. And we’ll put this on the show notes because this is so important for the listeners, but Tesla Tesla took ten years to make a profit and we’ll put this on the show notes because this is this is important for somebody Out there, you know that Thomas Edison created ten thousand failed Experiments before we created the first Functional light bulb and we’ll put this on the show. We’ll put this on the show notes, but Jesus Christ mentored 12 apostles, two of which betrayed him, both Judas. Judas turned him in and Peter denied that he even knew the guy. Did you know, did you know, I don’t know if you know this, but did you know that Henry Ford lost it all five times? Did you know that Henry Ford, I mean, the great Henry Ford lost it all five times? Do you know that it took FedEx over ten years to make a profit? I don’t know if you know this, listeners, but did you know that Facebook lost over $3 million during their first three years? Did you know that Facebook lost over $3 million in their first three years? Did you know that Oprah was repeatedly abused as a kid? I don’t know. Did you know that? So what happens is you’re comparing yourself with a false reality. The narrative is, is you have to push through struggle. Strength comes about as a result of struggle. Strength comes about as a result of struggle. So when you work out and you get sore, that’s what creates strength. That’s what creates the strength. The strength comes from, it comes as a result of struggle. So if you want to get strong muscles, you have to work out until you’re sore. If you want to have weak muscles, then you need to avoid soreness. I want to make sure you get that. See, that’s a huge idea. If you want to avoid strength, then what you need to do is avoid struggle. You need to avoid physical pain while working out, and then you won’t ever, you’ll actually get atrophy over time. So if you want to avoid strength, be weak. Right. It’s reasonable. It’s a thing. So let’s read the next notable quotable, my friend. The next notable quotable. Fear and failure facilitate the devil’s work because failure breaks down one’s morale, destroys self-confidence, subdues enthusiasm, dulls imagination, and drives away definiteness of purpose. So fear is the concept of false evidence appearing real. So a lot of people are so afraid, they see false evidence appearing real, that they begin to facilitate the devil’s work. Because remember, the idleness is the devil’s workshop. So now you’re not taking actions. And now you’re getting that procrastination. And when you get that procrastination going, now it destroys your morale because remember, idleness is the devil’s workshop. So it subdues enthusiasm because remember, inspiration is the reward you get. You don’t feel inspiration before you take action. Inspiration is the reward you get for taking action. Inspiration is the reward you get for taking action. So what happens is, you begin to want to dole the imagination and drive away from your goals because you know you’re not going to achieve them. So why even try? So you turn now to a vice. You turn to a vice. Now I know of four major vices and, Chuck, you can put this on the show notes that attack many people I know and it’s not comfortable to talk about it. So I’m going to talk about it and hopefully we have an uncomfortable conversation together. There’s four vices that people use to cope with feeling terrible about themselves as a result of cognitive dissonance. One is random lovers. It’s random lovers. It’s random sexual relationships. It’s hooking up with people. It’s the new boyfriend. You want the new boyfriend to make you happy. You want the new girlfriend to make you happy. You’re not happy, but if you just had a new boyfriend or a new girlfriend, then you could be happy because you see, you see, it’s not… the reason why you’re not happy isn’t because you’re not happy. No, it couldn’t be that. It’s because they’ve failed to love you the way you need to be loved. And so you’ve got to look for random lovers. A new… the new relationship. You’ve got to do that. The second thing is it is buying new things. It’s the acquisition of stuff. You see, the acquisition of stuff does not lead to peace. In fact, it leads to turmoil. You see, as you spend more and more money, you have more and more things to maintain, but people buy new things. They always want to buy new things to, to, to keep them mentally fixated. It feels good. It’s so nice. Right. The third is, people talk about this all the time, but it’s drugs. It’s people doing drugs. I mean, it’s just to numb the pain. It’s to block out things. The next one is alcohol and gambling. And I think alcohol and gambling go together. A lot of people don’t gamble until they do alcohol. A lot of people don’t do alcohol until they gamble. And so it’s the combination of both. Now, again, it might have a different vice. Someone here might say, I’ll add some more here, Chep, that I see all the time. Video games. I see people now, it’s a new vice. It’s like, I’m going to play video games all day because it’s a way to keep me feeling like I’m productive. I can score a bunch of points in a game that doesn’t matter. I’m seeing virtual reality now becoming a crazy vice. People that don’t do anything physically, they don’t have real relationships. It’s a virtual reality. Building fake cities and fake businesses and all kinds of things everywhere. I see this all the time. Now Chuck, there’s another notable quotable from Napoleon Hill. Please read it to us. There are many parallels drawn to Thomas Edison and his success after hundreds of failures in that he will always be remembered because he converted failure into a stepping stone to eventual achievement while others used it as an alibi for not producing Results so what happens is yes is when I am struggling And I have something that it’s taken me a long time to do I’ll give you example when we first did this radio show I had to record demos by myself So I actually had to record radio shows By myself that no one would listen to and I had to send them to somebody who would give me feedback That feels good. That always feels good. Then when they finally got to a level through a lot of coaching, through a lot of months, where they were finally to a level where they were acceptable, we got a chance to run our show on the weekends. So we didn’t get a chance to run our show during the week, we got to run our shows on the weekends because no one’s listening. And then we got a chance to run them at night, and now we have a prime time slot. But I will just tell you this, I had to constantly battle the devil. So I actually said, and I do say, I would say, I would encourage you to say, I said all the time, and I do say, I said, I’ll say it today, I’ll say it tomorrow, I say it every day, I said, Satan, get the hell out of my mind, I can do this. And I say it all the time, I’m constantly saying, Satan, get the hell out of my life, I can do this. I say it all the time. I speak to my mountains. And those of you who are Christians will see in the Bible, they reference speaking the word much more than hearing the word and much more than reading the word. It is so important for you to speak to your mountains. You have to speak it into existence. Now, Chuck, let’s move on to the next notable quote. Okay. He says, the devil fear controls people by making negative thinking and destructive actions pleasing to them So people like doing drugs. They like the feel of Ecstasy when they’re having their new Relationship I’m telling you what when a couple is having hot and passionate sex at the casino there now What’s the kiss of my wife? We went to go see a Comedian and true story. We’re walking out and I see a guy who’s probably He’s probably you know late 50s And I know for a fact that he was hooking up for a one-and-done with someone who’s probably 19 And I guarantee you at that moment whether he’s married or not or whatever. He feels good in his flesh Or he feels good right now, but neither one of them are gonna be a part of that relationship long term. I see so many men having affairs and ruining their relationships because it feels good in the short term. The devil controls people by making negative thinking and destructive actions pleasing to them. Eric Chopp, on to the next one. Okay, here we go. We got another one. Advice for what to teach in public schools. He says, teach children the true nature of the golden rule and above all show them that through the operation of this principle everything they do to and for another they do also for themselves. This is a huge idea. When you over deliver eventually you get overpaid. The most selfish thing you can do in business is over deliver for your clients. Which we talked about earlier in Colossians 3.23. This is not new information from the Bible. It says, whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart as working for the Lord, not for human masters. So what you have to do is every day at work, you see, you’ve got to try to over deliver. You’ve got to over deliver. You’ve got to try to exceed the expectations of every single person you come in contact with because why, Chuck? Because that is going to make you overpaid in the future. Let me tell you how humans work. Yeah. Because I’m a human, you’re a human. This is how it works. We’re both humans. There’s a thing called cathartic. It’s a cathartic thing. You see, a lot of times, if you are feeling bad, you have to tell somebody else. Because cathartically, it’s a psychological term that means providing relief through the open expression of strong emotions. So what happens is, if you’re really frustrated, you just got to get it out. Have you ever said, I just got to get it out. I just got to, I got to get, I guess I got to tell somebody. So whenever somebody over delivers to you, you cathartically feel the need to tell somebody. This is why people talk so negatively about bad restaurants, right? Because you don’t like the restaurant, you feel the need to tell other people because you feel bad about it. You want to just tell somebody. You feel the need. You also do the same thing when you’re wowed. And this is what we call the net promoter score. You see, Harvard calls it the net promoter score. What we’re going to do is we’re going to put a link to the net promoter score. It’s called the number one number. It’s called the only number you need to grow. It’s by Harvard, the Harvard Business Review. They studied successful companies and they found, shockingly enough, that the companies that are growing are the companies that are actually wowing customers. So when you wow customers, they feel a need to share it with, on average, three to five people. When people are wowed, they feel the need to share it. When you wow your boss, your boss feels the need to share it with three to five people. But here’s the deal. When you miss a deadline, oh, when you miss a deadline, when you show up to work late, when you don’t do what you’re supposed to do, you see, when you don’t do what you’re supposed to do, when you show up late to work, when you miss a deadline, the customer, the boss, feels the need to share it with somebody else. And so they’re not speaking bad about you behind your back. They’re speaking the truth about you. So when you have an affair, oh this is one of my favorites, when you have an affair with a co-worker, you know when you have an affair, your employees aren’t talking bad about you behind your back. No, you see what they’re doing? Is they are just speaking out loud about the truth. And it’s not a rumor. It’s not gossip if it’s true right so deadlines all the time and you hear people talking about you negatively when you hear people talking about you negatively all the time because you look negative all the time you have a negative face you look negative all the time you look depressed all the time people talk about it because it’s the truth now the next notable quotable chip what do we have kind of an uplifting from page 176 of Napoleon Hill’s book, Outwitting the Devil, the Secret to Freedom and Success. Teach children the danger of believing anything merely because their parents, religious instructors, or someone else says it is so. So there are so many times, let’s just say you are a Christian, you listen to today’s show. I hope that you’re a Christian because it’s your belief. What happens is a lot of people just do what their parents do. So let me just give you an example. If I was born a Democrat or I was born a Republican, if I was born a Muslim or if I was born a Christian, if I was born into poverty or if I was born into success, typically people don’t change. People change seldom. They like to stick with their views. So here’s an example. If you’re listening right now and you are a Democrat, I would just ask you to describe why. If you’re a Republican, I’d ask you to describe why. And most of the time people don’t know. They don’t know why they’re a Republican or a Democrat. They just are. And that’s what happens is when you go to church and you have a pastor who doesn’t preach from the actual Bible, which turns out some of them don’t uh… i actually went to oral roberts university and i remember all the time richard roberts would say things out of the bible that if you read the context around what he was saying you would discover that what he was saying was completely not accurate based upon the actual bible but everybody’s like oh yeah oh yeah, he literally had a guest speaker come in who had us all stand up. Chip, have I talked to you about the name it, claim it guy? I… Maybe so. The money cometh guy? Money cometh, yeah. He had us all stand up. He said, I want everyone to stand up. You see, our Lord Jesus has a plan to prosper each and every one of you. You see, in the Bible it says this, it says in the Bible, Jeremiah 29, 11, which is true for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you He plans to give you hope in a future So I want everyone to stand to your feet and I want you to say after me money comet Money comet I Want everyone to say money come so people are saying money comet and they don’t know why they’re saying money cometh. They just feel like it’s in the Bible because it kind of sounds biblical. And if you look up, we’ll put a link to the show notes, it’s Leroy Thompson. Leroy Thompson and the money cometh to me now. Money cometh, Leroy Thompson, this guy, I’m telling you what, this guy convinced people, this is what he said, this is what he said this way so you tell me if you have a problem with this down here he then says he says now what I want you to do is the Lord told me he has a plan to prosper me prosper me so if you right now are here I want you to send a money coming to me now and the Lord wants me to buy a jet I’m talking about a nice jet a personal jet the Lord wants me to have her and I’m not making this up and my Sadie’s pants so I want you to get up right now and take all the money in your pocket right now and I want you to bring it down to the altar and give it to me now because the Lord has commanded you to give me the money now and because I can’t make this up I’m gonna put a link to it on the show notes so that people can hear his actual sermons chop in your mind is there something wrong with that seems scammy from the outside looking in, you know what I mean? I can see how people, it’s bad that the person there is in that spot where they’re able to influence because it seems fairly obvious that he’s trying to influence his wallet by preaching hope to other people and that’s not how it works. It’s interesting, you know, it’s kind of crazy but over time people will begin to investigate people that make those kind of claims. You know, they’ll start to investigate and look into it and over time, you’re going to start to discover that certain people will take advantage of you and they’ll do anything needed to make a buck. Right. Except for, tell you the truth. Honest work. So the truth is that a lot of people are out there scamming you, and whether it’s this show or another show or wherever you get your information from, I would encourage you to discover the source. As an example, Matt, you need to take a shower just for hearing the name Lauer, convinced a lot of women to have sex with him so that they could become promoted and become celebrities. Matt Lauer was really good at that for a long time, of convincing women that if you wanna become successful, you’ve gotta have some sex. If you want to become successful, you’ve got to have some sex. Don’t make me laugh about that. That’s not good. No, but seriously, that’s what he did. I know. And then ultimately the truth came out. So if you’re listening to somebody right now that is saying things over your life that feel like they can’t possibly be true, like you can make a million dollars working from your laptop, buy a pool, or Leroy Thompson telling you money cometh now. You’ve got to just consider the source, look into it, and make sure you’re not blind to people that are manipulating you. Chup, the next notable quote from page 182 from Napoleon Hill’s best-selling book, Outwitting the Devil, The Secret to Financial Freedom and Success. So on page 182 Napoleon Hill says, it is a sin to permit one’s mind to be dominated by negative thoughts of envy, greed, fear, hatred, intolerance, vanity, self-pity, or discouragement, because these states of mind lead to the habit of drifting. It is a sin to cheat, lie, and steal, because these habits destroy self-respect, subdue one’s conscience, and lead to unhappiness.” And it’s unfortunate, but I’ve met so many clients I’ve coached over the years who’ve told me, they said, you know what? You actually, your model on business pricing, where you and Dr. Z’s always say that you should be the pig at breakfast and not the hog, you should never take advantage of people. I’ve heard of, I mean, I’m serious, I’ve had probably 25 contractors tell me this. They’ve said, it’s the first time in my life that I haven’t tried to take advantage of yuppies. You know, like charge them double because they can afford it. Right, because they feel like you can get away with it. And I feel good about it now. Like I feel good, like I really do feel good. And guess what? So does that person and they know it and then they will probably refer you to all their friends that say, we need a new kitchen. So when you’re wowing somebody, understand you’re not just wowing them, God is watching and you’re gonna get it back. You’re sowing seeds of diligence. You’re going to reap the fruits of implementing the golden rule. Chop, the next note of a quotable. Okay, we’ve got here, the class of people who control their environmental influences are the non-drifters. All who are victims of the habit of drifting forfeit their power to choose their own environment. They become the victims of every negative influence of their environment. So, Chop, I give the mic to you. If you could describe the man cave and Camp Clark and Chicken Palace and how I have been intentional about designing my own influence, how I’ve designed my own environment at the Man Cave, and then explain the Thrive Time Show World Headquarters. I think you can explain them both fairly easily. They are just enshrined in everything you love and all of your guiding principles. So let’s go with the Man Cave. Visually, what are some things you can see within your eyesight right now? Right now, Vanessa and the kids, there’s photos. American flags everywhere. There’s maybe 1,422 letter Zs on the walls, hanging from the ceiling. Everywhere else. So let me explain all of those things. All of the books that he’s read forever, all of this stuff. Let me explain all this real quick so you get it. I put the letter Z up everywhere because he is the man who has made the single biggest impact in my life and I never wanna forget how big of a part he’s played in my life. Top of mind. When he is gone I want my kids to know about him and then when I die I want my kids’ kids to know about me. I want our generations to know that Dr. Zellner did not have to but that he believed in Clay Clark for whatever reason and that he decided to mentor somebody. He didn’t have to. I’m not his son, but he made such an impact in my life. He’s chosen, he’s actually said, when my dad passed away from ALS, he said, I would like to be your dad if you need that in your life. I mean, who asks that? I put pictures of the American flag everywhere up because I don’t want to forget the impact that they made on our lives, that the people who’ve died and fought for us. I don’t want to ever forget about that. I want to forget about the freedoms we have as a country as a result of the sacrifices of the men and women who’ve died serving our nation. I never want to forget that. So because I know that I would have the habit of naturally drifting and forgetting, I put it everywhere. And then the two cool things are Edison bulbs and pinion wood just everywhere. And you know why I chose Edison bulbs though? I think they look awesome. I don’t know, you like to… Why? I don’t know. Thomas Edison is one of my favorite people. I guess we were just talking about him. That’s why I started getting interested in him. He’s one of my favorite people. And he was the one who made the first light bulb. And so I wanted to, as a tribute to Thomas Edison, put it up in any kind of building that I do. The reason why I have a picture of Sam Adams up is because Sam Adams, I don’t know if you people know this, but Sam Adams is the reason why the Revolutionary War started. If you look at the history, he was the only one who would stand up to the occupation of the British people. Chuck, why do I put positive, notable quotables everywhere? Why do you think I put those books up everywhere? Why? Why? You have a saying that I’ve read, I believe, on the bathroom wall at the Thrive headquarters, and it says, you don’t spell words, words cast a spell on you. And so the same principle we were talking about earlier in the show here, in the podcast, garbage in, garbage out, top of mind. You want all of the… You’ve ever been to the bathroom and seen a notable quotable and thought, that’s top of mind. Yeah, it’s right there. Have you ever had that? You saw a notable quotable and you’re like, that’s a good thought. That’s a nugget. Yeah, I like them. I like them. I read them. I’m just saying, I put these up everywhere. So anytime I find… Encouraging things, principles to live by, just good stuff. I try to keep a positive mindset and it’s hard because we live in a world of negativity with a lot of darkness and I try to create positivity. I put elephants up everywhere to remind myself of the goal of franchising. If you look above you, Chuck, can you describe what is above you? What is above you? Posters everywhere. There’s a drop grid ceiling that has no tiles anymore and there are posters and frames and elephant in the room signs. So just go ahead and share some of the posters that are above you. One of them we’ve got a Star Wars poster. Yep. So you’re a fan of Star Wars? Well, I’m a fan of George Lucas who created the Star Wars franchise. Right, and how he did that directly above me, let me look away from the mic for a second, is the Beatles crossing Abbey Road. And why do we have the Beatles? Because the Beatles changed music. Right, revolutionary. Who else do we have above you, Chuck? It looks like we’ve got the famous photo of the soldier kissing a lady. We return from D-Day, we return from World War II, we return from victory, V-Day. We’ve got that, then we’ve got a family photo collage here right above us of the clerks. This is stuff we do! And Chuck, why are we always burning pinion wood? Because it’s awesome. Because it smells good! You’ve got to create your own environment. The class of people, again, to quote Napoleon Hill, the class of people who control their own environmental influences are the non-drifters, all who are victims of the habit of drifting, forfeit their power to choose their environment. They become the victims of their negative influence of their environment. Chup, on to the next notable quote. Before we do that, I just gotta say, that little exercise we just did helped me, so I guarantee you that it helped the listeners out there This is kind of understanding that quote tying it all together with that really helps. So it is why we do it I’m Tony your mind Becomes what the mind is fed. I have to feed my mind positive things on to the next one mind broccoli Yeah, you are entitled to know that two entities occupy your body One of these entities is motivated is motivated by the response is motivated by and responds to the impulse of faith. Will you be guided by faith or will you allow fear to take over you? I think most people that I have met are overtaken by fear. Fear of loss, fear of what will happen if it doesn’t work, fear of embarrassment from your friends if your business doesn’t work out well, fear of rejection, fear of your staff yelling at you if you hold them accountable, fear of what if your ads don’t work, fear of making big claims in your ads because it might offend the competition, fear of whatever. I’m asking you rhetorically, what are you afraid of, Charles? We have a saying that we say a lot. It’s called people can tend to suffer from paralysis by analysis. Do you think that the root of that is fear? Just fear of making the wrong choice, fear of whatever. Which is why we say BOOM all the time, because BOOM stands for Big Overwhelming Optimistic Momentum. BOOM. You’ve got to bring the BOOM to any situation, because if you let enough time sit in, if enough procrastination sets in, if you allow enough time to go by, fear will set in. And the best way to combat a fear of anything is just jump off the diving board. Bring the boom, the big overwhelming optimistic momentum. Chup, the next notable quotable. The capacity to surmount failure without being discouraged is the chief asset of every person who attains outstanding success in any calling. So the question I would have for you, Mr. Listener, Mrs. Listeners, what is your capacity? You know, this is an idea, this is a big idea. You know Winston Churchill? Who was Winston Churchill? Winston Churchill was the guy who was the Prime Minister. Was the Prime Minister of what? He was the Prime Minister of England, of the United Kingdom, during the time of what? World War II. Chuck, have you read a lot about World War II? Have you ever studied a lot of World War II? When I was younger, actually, I did. I got a lot into the whole what was going on in Germany and all that. Well, you probably know this, but I’m going to go ahead and share this notable quotable with the listeners. Now I’m going to share the story behind it because there’s no better example than I can think of than World War II and Winston Churchill. You see, Winston Churchill was the prime minister, and he thought that Adolf Hitler was absolutely a horrible, horrible person. He thought Adolf Hitler was terrible. He thought it was bad that he was rounding up Polish people and was killing them. He thought it was bad that Adolf Hitler had convinced an entire generation of people to exterminate a group of people. He got people to stand up and to make that ridiculous Heil Hitler gesture. He got them to put red bands on their arms with the Nazi swastika. He convinced them that the Polish people and the Polish Jews should be completely exterminated. If you think about this, Chop, I’m going to pull this up because I want to make sure that you you see this because this is unbelievable this is like it’s a thing where this is what he did he convinced people to round up and kill all of the Jewish people other people meanwhile they’re high-fiving him yeah he convinced people that it’s a good idea to exterminate an entire race of people now the only person who was in charge at the time who could do something about it, the only person who was in charge, this is powerful, was Winston Churchill. And so Adolf Hitler came to Winston Churchill and he said, he said this, he said, cool man, that’s cool, you mean we can live? Okay, fine, I’ll turn over the Jewish people. But Winston Churchill said, and if you look it up, it’s called the, there’s a movie that just came out about Winston Churchill, we’ll put a link to the movie on the show notes, if you haven’t seen it, it was just in theaters here recently, but he stood up in Parliament. Again, nobody else wanted to help. I don’t know if you understand this. Mr. Listener. Mr. Listener. I want you to see this Did you know that America? Wasn’t going to help did you know that to do that? The American people chump did not want to help out our brethren in England. Did you know that we were not gonna help? Yeah, and so we were letting all these people be exterminated and and this is what happens is Winston Churchill says He gets up in front of Parliament and he says we will fight you by sea by air by land and until every single one of us breathes our last breath our Island will remain free and we will protect our Jewish brethren Do you realize how powerful that was for his people? But he was being advised by every single other person within parliament that he should go ahead that he should go ahead and do what, Chuck? What do you think the people around him thought he should be doing? They’re being bombed every day, they’re being decimated, they’re being bombed by the Germans. No, we don’t want to die. He says, no, no, no, no, no. We’re not we are not going to give in to you, Mr. Hitler. We’re not going to do it and so he says success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm and what’s so inspiring about the movie the darkest hour which we put a link to on the show notes and what’s so inspiring by the way chubby you not see a movie it’s awesome I haven’t seen it yet if you haven’t seen the movie haven’t read the books you haven’t read about Winston Churchill he said that quote while being bombed rightness and do you know what he used to say every single day on the radio he used to hop on the radio every single day in the United Kingdom and do you know what he used to use to hop on the radio every single day and this is what he would say keep calm and carry on again he was on the mic and say attention keep calm and carry on. So people were listening to their radio by candlelight while the bombs are coming down. Imagine what it would be like having dinner with your mom and dad and being bombed. All around you. Seeing the glasses shake, hearing everything shake, seeing things blowing up, hearing sirens, hearing explosions in the distance, planes, looking out the windows and seeing the bombs coming down, seeing things on fire, hearing the sirens, hearing the screaming, hearing the crying, hearing the babies waking up at night, and to have the kind of balls, to hop on, the courage of conviction, to hop on the radio and to say, keep calm and carry on, when you know that you’re an island country and there’s literally nowhere else for you to go, and that the United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, when our president, this guy, says, we’re not going to help. Polling data showed that Americans didn’t want to enter into the war. He would not stand up and fight to help the Jewish people. And so Winston Churchill had to go it alone. And that’s what it’s like being an entrepreneur, but not nearly as extreme. You’re not being bombed. If you lose, it’ll soon pass. You’ll move on. You can go into bankruptcy and redo it, but you cannot be paralyzed by fear, Mr. Chuck. And so, you know, to this point of success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. One way to be able to do that, a little action, a little tool for you here, is to keep your goals top of mind. If you’re looking forward after that failure because you know that you’re still marching towards a goal and not backwards at what just happened, then you’re going to be able to get through it and eventually like Clay just said, most of the time it’s not going to be that bad. You’ll just start something new. Keep going, but keep those goals that you’re marching towards top of mind so that you’re not affected by those failures. And now that I’ve advocated, now that I’ve endorsed, now that I’ve said that you deciding not to do your job and again now that I’ve done I’ve said is let me show on the record here now that I’ve said that your decision to not do your job is succumbing to Satan Now that I’ve said that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a terrible president. Let’s continue Okay, let’s see he says failure is a man-made circumstance It is never real until accepted by man as permanent. You just have to fight through adversity. You got to fight through it. Now, Chuck, we have another notable quotable from the book Think and Grow Rich. The author of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, he wrote another book called Outwitting the Devil, The Secret to Freedom and Success, which you should buy. He says what? Men and women who come to the closing chapter of life disappointed because they did not attain the goal which they had set their hearts upon achieving, they teach us what not to do. A lot of people, right when they get near the end of their life, then they typically say, I wish I would have done this. I’m encouraging you to live a life without regrets and to do what you know you need to do, to fight through adversity, to set the freaking alarm and to get up at 3 a.m. Get up at 4 a.m. Rise and grind. Do what you have to do to become successful. Put in those extra hours. Delay the gratification. Get off of social media. Focus. Take your wife on a date for your family. Go to church for your faith. Call, be a friend to the people that don’t have friends. Be a friend to the people in the lunchroom that don’t have a friend. Be a friend to the people that don’t have a friend. I’m encouraging you to delay gratification. Save money. I’m encouraging you to work out until you’re sore, and then do two more reps. Two more. And then two more reps. I encourage you to push through the pain, because there truly can be no pain without gain. Chuck, what is the next notable quotable, the final notable quotable, the final excerpt from Outwitting the Devil, The Secret to Financial Freedom and Success? He says, fear is the tool of a man-made devil. And Napoleon Hill and I would differ on this idea, but that’s okay. Napoleon Hill believed that the devil was just in your mind. I believe that’s what Carlton Pearson, one of my former mentors, believed. He was a famous evangelist who became a universalist, aka a Christian heretic. He believed that. I think that’s what Elon Musk probably believes. I’m not gonna argue with you about whether you believe in Judeo-Christian and that belief system because I do, I have accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. I am passionate about Christ. If you choose not to have a relationship with Christ, I’m not going to judge you or argue with you about it or get into it, because ultimately I do believe God’s the judge and He knows your heart. Maybe you don’t believe in Christ and maybe He judges you differently than I think He would. I’m not going to judge you for that, but I can say this. I do judge people based upon their actions and not based upon their intentions. I do, the world does judge people based upon their actions and not based upon their intentions. So the older I get, the older I get, the more that this final notable quotable makes sense to me. Now this notable quotable comes from Napoleon Hill’s mentor, Andrew Carnegie. Now Andrew Carnegie was not a Christian, but he did grow up to become the world’s wealthiest man. And what Andrew Carnegie says here next, I think is powerful. So powerful enough that I think it’s important that you would take the time to go ahead and write down, go ahead and write it down, and take notes of this because this is a powerful quote from Napoleon Hill’s mentor. He says this, he says, as I grow older, I pay less attention, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. Which is why in our office I put keystroke recorders on people’s computers. Do you tell them? Nope. They’re on most of them. I just don’t bring it up every day. I wrote in the bathroom, but I don’t bring it up every day. I don’t say, hey, by the way. But they are on there, so occasionally I have to pull the data I do watch the video footage of our office and I can tell you many times I’m pleasantly surprised about the work ethic the person who gets to work at 730 and people think I’m not watching they’re supposed to be there eight but they got there early I see that the person who extends the handshake to the person who’s you know or opens the door for the person who comes to the office burdened by having a lot of things in their hands, the person who picks up the piece of trash, the person who says hello to the young girl who’s struggling with a disease. I see that. The little things when they think nobody’s watching. That’s the things that people watch. And so as a capstone thought for you, you have to decide right now, are you going to be the person who breaks? The chains who breaks the bondage of not getting things done Are you the person who’s going to break the chains of laziness? Are you going to be somebody who breaks the generational cycle of? Procrastination are you the person who breaks the habit force of drifting or are you going to succumb? To the natural habit force that society puts out there called drifting. My name’s Clay Clark. I’m a business coach. That’s Eric Chupp. He’s a business coach. Bam! Without any further ado, 3, 2, 1, boom! Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. God bless the hands of the villagers. The number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% over last year. We are Jared and Jennifer Johnson. We own Platinum Pest and Lawn and are located in Owasso, Oklahoma, and we have been working with Thrive for business coaching for almost a year now. Yeah, so what we wanna do is we wanna share some wins with you guys that we’ve had by working with Thrive. First of all, we’re on the top page of Google now, okay? I just wanna let you know what type of accomplishment this is. Our competition, Orkin, Terminex, they’re both $1.3 billion companies. They both have 2,000 to 3,000 pages of content attached to their website. So to basically go from virtually nonexistent on Google to up on the top page is really saying something. But it’s come by being diligent to the systems that Thrive has, by being consistent and diligent on doing podcasts, and staying on top of those podcasts to really help with getting up on what they’re listing and ranking there with Google. And also, we’ve been trying to get Google reviews, you know, asking our customers for reviews. And now we’re the highest rated and most reviewed Pest and Lawn company in the Tulsa area. And that’s really helped with our conversion rate. And the number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% over last year. Wait, say that again. How much are we up? 411%. Okay. So 411% we’re up with our new customers. Amazing. Right. So not only do we have more customers calling in, we’re able to close those deals at a much higher rate than we were before. Right now our closing rate is about 85% and that’s largely due to, first of all, like our Google reviews that we’ve gotten. People really see that our customers are happy, but also we have a script that we follow. And so when customers call in, they get all the information that they need, that script has been refined time and time again. It wasn’t a one and done deal. It was a system that we followed with Thrive in the refining process and that has obviously, the 411% shows that that system works. Yeah, so here’s a big one for you. So last week alone, our booking percentage was 91%. We actually booked more deals and more new customers last year than we did the first five months or I’m sorry the first we booked more deals last week than we did the first five months of last year from before we worked with Thrive. So again we booked more deals last week than the first five months of last year. It’s incredible but the reason why we have that success by implementing the systems that Thrive has taught us and helped us out with. Some of those systems that we’ve implemented are group interviews. That way we’ve really been able to come up with a really great team. We’ve created and implemented checklists. Everything gets done and it gets done right. It creates accountability. We’re able to make sure that everything gets done properly both out in the field and also in our office. And also doing the podcast like Jared had mentioned that has really, really contributed to our success. But that, like I said, the diligence and consistency in doing those and that system has really, really been a big blessing in our lives. And also, you know, it’s really shown that we’ve gotten a success from following those systems. So before working with Thrive, we were basically stuck. Really no new growth with our business. And we were in a rut. And we didn’t know. Okay, the last three years, our customer base has pretty much stayed the same. We weren’t shrinking, but we weren’t really growing either. Yeah. And so we didn’t we didn’t really know where to go what to do, how to get out of this rut that we’re in. But Thrive helped us with that, you know, that they implemented those systems that they taught us those systems, they taught us in knowledge that we needed in order to succeed. Now it’s been a grind. Absolutely, it’s been a grind this last year, but we’re getting those fruits from that hard work and the diligent effort that we’re able to put into it. So again, we were in a rut, Thrive helped us get out of that rut, and if you’re thinking about working with Thrive, quit thinking about it and just do it. Do the action and you’ll get the results. It will take hard work and discipline, but that’s what it’s going to take in order to really succeed. So, we just want to give a big shout out to Thrive, a big thank you out there to Thrive. We wouldn’t be where we’re at now without their help. Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Moore, I’m a pediatric dentist. Through our new digital marketing plan, we have seen a marked increase in the number of new patients that we’re seeing every month, year over year. One month, for example, we went from 110 new patients the previous year to over 180 new patients in the same month. And overall, our average is running about 40 to 42 percent increase month over month, year over year. The group of people required to implement our new digital marketing plan is immense, starting with a business coach, videographers, photographers, web designers. Back when I graduated dental school in 1985. Nobody advertised. The only marketing that was ethically allowed in everybody’s eyes was mouth-to-mouth marketing. By choosing to use the services, you’re choosing to use a proof-and-turn-key marketing and coaching system that will grow your practice and get you the results that you are looking for. I went to the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, graduated in 1983 and then I did my pediatric dental residency at Baylor College of Dentistry from 1983 to 1985. Hello my name is Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. Today I want to tell you a little bit about Clay Clark and how I know Clay Clark. Clay Clark has been my business coach since 2017. He’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations. We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise. Clay has done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with running the business, building the systems, the checklists, the workflows, the audits, how to navigate lease agreements, how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy is just amazing. This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with Lee Crocker, head of Disney with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with Mike Lindell. He does Reawaken America tours where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours. On the day-to-day, he does anywhere from about 160 companies. He’s at the top. He has a team of business coaches, videographers, and graphic designers, and web developers. They run 160 companies every single week. So think of this guy with a team of business coaches running 160 companies. So in the weekly, he’s running 160 companies. Every 6-8 weeks he’s doing Reawaken America tours. Every 6-8 weeks he’s also doing business conferences where 200 people show up and he teaches people a 13 step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires, helping them grow their companies. I’ve seen guys from startups go from startup to being multi-millionaires, teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system. Critical thinking, document creation, organizing everything in their head to building it into a franchisable, scalable business. One of his businesses has like 500 franchises. That’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with. Amazing guy. Elon Musk, kind of like smart guy. He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward but he’s so brilliant and he’s taught me so much. When I say that like Clay is like he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go and that’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time. A coach is actually helping you get to the best you and Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that we became friends. My most impressed with him is when I was shadowing him one time. We went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listen to it. When we walked out I knew that he could make millions on the deal and they were super excited about working with him. He told me, he’s like, I’m not going to touch it. I’m going to turn it down because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run. The guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right. Anyways, just an amazing man. Anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped navigate. Anytime I’ve gotten nervous or worried about how to run the company or navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember we got closed down for three months. He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lockdowns, because our clubs were all closed for. I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9, and we just want to give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey guys, I’m Ryan with Tip Top K9. Just want to say a big thank you to Thrive 15. Thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys, we appreciate you, and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. This is our old house, right? This is where we used to live years ago. This is our old neighborhood. See, it’s nice, right? So this is my old van and our old school marketing, and this is our old team. And by team, I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing and this is our new team. We went from four to 14 and I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past and they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome, but Ryan is a really great salesman. So we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems, into manuals and scripts and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to 10 locations in only a year. In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd, we’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month, and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship, and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you, Time for a Thousand. The Thrivetime Show, two-day interactive business workshops are the highest and most reviewed business workshops on the planet. You can learn the proven 13-point business system that Dr. Zellner and I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. When we get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website. We’re gonna teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re going to teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two-day, 15-hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems so now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re gonna leave energized, motivated, but you’re also gonna leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur, I always wish that I had this. And because there wasn’t anything like this, I would go to these motivational seminars, no money down, real estate, Ponzi scheme, get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big get-rich-quick, walk-on hot coals product. It’s literally, we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, but I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same systems that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s going to be the best business workshop ever, and we’re going to give you your money back if you don’t love it. We’ve built this facility for you, and we’re excited to see it. Hey, I’m Ryan Wimpey with Tip Top K9, and I’m the founder. I’m Rachel Wimpey, and I am a co-founder. So we’ve been running Tip Top for about the last 14 years, franchising for the last three, four years. So someone that’d be a good fit for Tip Top loves dogs, they’re high energy, they wanna be able to own their own job, but they don’t wanna worry about, you know, the high failure rate. They wanna do that like bowling with bumper lanes. So you give us a call, reach out to us, and we’ll call you, and then we’ll send you an FDD, look over that, read it, fall asleep to it, it’s very boring. And then we’ll book a discovery day and you come and you’ll spend a day or two with us, make sure that you actually like it, make sure your community dogs is something that you want to do. So an FTD is a franchise disclosure document. It’s a federally regulated document that goes into all the nitty-gritty details of what the franchise agreement entails. So who would be a good fit to buy a 6UP K9 would be somebody who loves dogs, who wants to work with dogs all day as their profession. You’ll make a lot of money, you’ll have a lot of fun, it’s very rewarding. And who would not be a good fit is a cat person. So the upfront cost for Tip Top is $43,000. And a lot of people stay there generating doctor money, but on our disclosure, the numbers are anywhere from over a million dollars a year in dog training, what our Oklahoma City location did last year, to 25, 35 grand a month. To train and get trained by us for Tip Top Canine to run your own Tip Top Canine, you would be with us for six weeks here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. So we’ve been married for seven years, eight years. So if you’re watching this video you’re like hey maybe I want to be a dog trainer, hey that one sounds super amazing, go to our website, click on the yellow franchising tab, fill out the form, and Rachel and I will give you a call. Our Oklahoma City location last year, they did over a million dollars. He’s been running that shop for three years before he was a youth pastor with zero sales experience, zero dog training experience before he ever met with us. So just call us, come spend a day with us, spend a couple days with us, make sure you like training dogs, and own your own business. Well the biggest reason to buy a Tip Top K9 is so you own your own job and you own your own future and you don’t hate your life. You get an enjoyable job that brings a lot of income but is really rewarding. My name is Seth Flint and I had originally heard about Tip Top K9 through my old pastors who I worked for. They trained their great parents with Ryan and Tip Top K9. They did a phenomenal job and became really good friends with Ryan and Rachel. I was working at a local church and it was a great experience. I ended up leaving there and working with Ryan and Tip Top K9. The biggest thing that I can create my own schedule. I have the ability to spend more time with my family, my wife, and my daughter. So my very favorite thing about training dogs with Tip Top K9 is that I get to work with the people. Obviously I love working with dogs but it’s behavioral or you know whatever and seeing a transformation taking that dog home and mom and dad are literally in tears because of how happy they are with the training. If somebody is interested I’d say don’t hesitate make sure you like dogs, make sure that you enjoy working with people because we’re not just dog trainers, we are customer service people that help dogs and and so definitely definitely don’t hesitate just just come in and ask questions, ask all the questions you have.


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