Clay Clark | Social Media on Steroids

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

Get ready to enter the Thrivetime Show! We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re on the top. Teaching you the systems to get what we got. Cullen Dixon’s on the hooks, I’ve written the books. He’s bringing some wisdom and the good looks. As the father of five, that’s what I’m a dive. So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi. It’s C and Z up on your radio. And now 3, 2, 1, here we go. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom, and that’s what you gotta do. What is going on, Tulsa? You are in your car. You’re driving far. Maybe you’re driving near. I’m not really sure, but you’re driving. You’re in your car. You’re headed home. And it is hump day, Z. Hump day. Hump day. And we are talking today about social media on steroids. And for everybody just tuning in, this is your new favorite show. You’re asking yourself right now. Yeah, yeah. This is your new favorite show. This is my new favorite show. You’re asking yourself right now, what am I listening to? Well, you are listening to the Thrive Time Show during your drive time home. You see, we are Tulsa’s only local business radio show. We are broadcasting from inside the Temple of Boom Studios on the left coast of the Arkansas River Z. Oh it’s beautiful. We’re talking about social media on steroids. A lot of people are going Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest. I feel like I need to snapchat. I feel like I need to figure out how to use this for my business. And so we brought in an expert Z. It’s kind of like steroids. We brought in some steroids. We brought in some steroids. We brought in the de-steroids. Yeah, and unfortunately, the NFL continues to say that steroids are illegal. Wow, this is so unfortunate. And so my main man, Rob Nienkiewicz, our defensive end on the Patriots, he was suspended. It was probably an accident. Yeah, he didn’t know what he was taking. He didn’t know what he was taking. He thought it was some sort of powder. Yeah. Cream, something. Vitamins? So we brought in an expert today. We brought in someone who knows what they’re doing to talk about social media marketing. It’s about time we had somebody on the show that knows what they’re doing. We could only fake it for a couple of hours. We could have a rough patch there for a few months. I’ll tell you what. All right, so we have Deidre Detterman. Deidre, how are you? Good afternoon. Now, Deidre is a mompreneur. She started a very successful business called 918 Moms, which was like a site where there was what, mom bloggers? Yes, we had mom bloggers, we had forums, you know, this was before social media really, for Facebook, moms started getting on there. There was more college students at this time, and so our forums were where moms could talk online. And you went from an idea, it was just an idea you had in your head, into a business that was doing $70,000 a month of ad sales. Right. And you were able to sell that thing, right? Yeah, and we sold it to Griffin Communications. So, for anyone listening right now and you’re trying to say how can I be the next pioneer woman? We are joined here with the my mind the next best thing we couldn’t get the pioneer woman She had some things going on her products were being put on the shelves of Walmart And so we brought a woman who’s the pioneer of the mom blogosphere. This is miss Diedre Detterman She’s gonna walk us through how to do this blogosphere blogosphere by the way There was there was life before Facebook. I’m like, has it been with us forever? What’s Facebook Z? What is it? What is this thing with the book and the face? I’d like to log on. I’m trying to log on on Bookface. I’ve typed in Bookface, Ova and Ova, and I can’t get my password. What is it? What is it? Where’s my mouse? All right, now the thing is, though, we’re going to get into these moves, and I’m going to teach you how to do this. We’re going to walk you through it. Now move number one is social currency. Now this is all, all of this research, everything we’re teaching you today has been vetted, it’s been cited, it’s been well documented by Wharton Business College. I’ve never heard of Wharton. Well, Wharton Business College is a major business school, very top level, and Jonah Berger, one of their professors, he took the time to research thousands of hours the top businesses in the world and how are they using social media to make millions millions and he wrote a book called contagious why things catch on and it’s move number one is called social currency social currency is is basically we share things that make us look good how you look good I’ll man you look good you look good I’ll take a picture of myself and put it on the Facebook I love myself on Facebook I can’t get enough of me on the thing now on the book faces eat, but oh, yeah, but so did you why do people want to post? Pictures of themselves and things that make themselves look good. What’s that all about? Well from a company standpoint, you know, it’s it’s a great thing to do I don’t know if you need to be posting selfies all the time You know, you see a lot of moms doing that I don’t get the point of that But for a company, you know say you’re gonna be on the media. You’re interviewed You take a picture of the camera interviewing you, suddenly you put it out there and you look like the expert. You’re being interviewed. You’re a big deal. Well you know LinkedIn sent out this message in February a few years back and it said this, it said, congratulations, you have one of the top 5% most viewed LinkedIn profiles in 2012. They said they sent that out. And what happens is so many people then shared that on other social media, hey I’m in the top 5%. I finally made it. And we’re in a culture with this is nothing new. But if you think right now, think deeply again, you can’t text and drive, but you can think deeply while driving. Last time you saw a group photo that you were in, whose picture did you look for? Whose face did you look for in that group pictures? Whose face? Well, I’ll tell you what, if you’re watching on Facebook Live right now, Deidre, lean in, let’s get a selfie. There we go. Look at that. Unbelievable, they’re taking a selfie on the show. No respect, no respect. I gotta get some social media cred. A video only event has occurred on an audio only show. Unbelievable. I have social currency now. All right. So the thing is, I kind of call this the you’re kind of a big deal phenomenon. Right. But it’s where people begin to, social currency is where people want to promote themselves, they want to share, they have this desire. And Deidre, you kind of noted this phenomenon. You told me off air, you said, Rustic Cuff has got it going on, people now are starting to share, it’s almost like they’re unpaid marketers for Jill Donovan. Talk to me about Rustic Cuff and what’s going on with Rustic Cuff for those people who don’t know how Rustic Cuff has been using social media to market the business. Absolutely. That’s when you know your product has arrived. When you go from you promoting it all the time to now your customers, your raving loyal fans are out there posting pictures of their cuffs. This summer they did a beach photo of the day. If you’re at the beach on vacation, take the most creative picture with your Rustic Cuff at the beach and gave some free stuff away. But that creates that momentum and that phenomenon. And now you see, I can’t get on Facebook without somebody posting a rustic cuff at the OSU game or at the OU game or wherever they’re at. For everybody watching right now on Facebook Live, are you in fact wearing a rustic cuff right now? I am wearing one. See how that works? Jill gave me this one, a special. Very nice. I actually like it. Very nice. Now here’s the deal. McDonald’s, I’m just trying to give you a lot of examples to get your brains kind of marinating on this, kind of marinate slow rotisserie. So Z, do you remember the McRib? Oh yeah. Have you ever had a McRib Z? Mmm, yeah. Is McDonald’s a sponsor of our show? Can I say how I feel about the McRib? Mmm, please do. I feel like it is a piece of meat made from various parts of various animals that’s put together into a puree, and then it’s been cut into a shape and then they’ve taken a a a we’ll call it a McRib artist has drawn on black lines because at no point has that thing actually seen a grill for real. Bro, bro, bro, you gotta understand something bro. Bro, listen to me. Yeah. It’s for a limited time bro. And they asked you to post like what the McRib means for you and why you want to bring it back. And millions of people posted like, bring the McRib back because three McRib, three McRib. Every year they do that. Every year they do that, but it’s a way that they promote. Also, just think, so if you’re listening right now, let’s say that you own a tutoring business. Maybe you could do a deal where you say, post your students’ most recent SAT scores for a chance to win yada yada. And so now all your customers, they want to brag on their kids. Oh yeah. And their kids improve their SAT scores. I remember, now Z, if you’re really good at the SAT and you’re really good at the ACT, I believe you’re good at the ACT. You’re like in that 27 and above, right? Because there’s 36 possible points I think for an ACT. Something like that, yeah. I’ll Google it if you want me to. I remembered, I’m not kidding for anyone listening who goes, this guy isn’t very smart. I took my ACT three times. And on my third time, I was trying to get into college, and I had a couple colleges that offered me an art scholarship. Oral Roberts University was one of them. And I took that thing for the third time, and when I got a 21, that was the lowest number that you could get into Oral Roberts University with, my mom was just so proud. Post that! Post that! Post that on Facebook! And art, really, art! You’re so artistic. Now I know why. Yeah, art. You’re so artistic. Yeah, I did a lot of drawing. I wanted to make music videos and that kind of thing and doodle and for anybody listening You’re saying how did you actually become successful? I was I started out my first business as a disc jockey and I grew a company called DJ Connection and then I sold that and was was entrepreneur of the year and I’ve gone on to do some fun things But I will just tell you if you’re listening right now You can absolutely use social media to transform your idea into reality and to make millions million and at the end of the day This is my core issue with social media and Z. Please Please correct to me if you disagree or Deidre, please just mediate here I think a lot of people are wasting time and with stupid ideas that don’t work on social me That’s my take I believe 90% of the people listening right now You’re wasting huge amounts of time on social media because you’re not using a proven strategy. That is my belief. Am I wrong? Am I missing something? Am I wrong? 90 percent. You’re right. I think a lot of business owners are like, here’s a picture of our new shipment we got in, and it’s like a picture that’s kind of boring, and it’s not enticing. It doesn’t engage. And so I just want to encourage you, if you’re going to use social media, use it to make millions. Use these moves. Use these moves. Now, super move Super move number two is triggers. Jonah Berger from Wharton Business College, the professor, in his book Contagious, he says triggers are easily memorable information, means it’s top of mind and tip of the tongue. Easily memorable information means that it’s the top of mind and the tip of the tongue. So Z, there was a song that came out back in the day, 2011, back in the day. Okay, okay, I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready. The song was called Friday. You’re that song Friday. Mm-hmm Mm-hmm and Rebecca black her mom actually paid a company called arc music factory $4,000 $4,000 to produce the song Friday, but why did the song catch on? Why did it catch on? Because people love Friday People do people do love Fridays. We’re all We’re looking at GIF yeah, we’re all looking for a Friday theme. So I want to encourage you right now, if you’re listening, what is a trigger that you can tap into, something that people are already doing? People are already doing it. People are already hashtagging that on Twitter right now. People are already using that. They’re already bought into that theme. What parade can you find that you can get out front of? When we come back, we’re going to be talking about specifically deep diving into move number two, triggers. And again, triggers are easily memorable, bite-sized pieces of information. Means that it will be top of mind and tip of the tongue for America. Z, why is it so important to find a parade to get out front of it? Oh, everybody loves a parade. And when you’re the head of the parade, everybody sees you go by and they go, oh wow, look at his parade. Z, tell me everything you know about it before we go to the break. Tell me everything you know about it, quickly. You always do that to me. Tell me now before we go to the break. I have to know. Don’t make me listen to the commercials. Tell me. Here’s the deal. Okay. I think we’re going to sell a ton of cupcakes. Why? Because cupcakes are hot right now. And because we have a great name. Cousins Cupcakes. Boom. We’re going to the top all the way. Now, in order to get to the top, we’re going to have to come up with an amazing business model. I came up with something that I think is going to blow your mind. I can’t wait to see it. Can I show you? Please do. Can I show you? Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce to you for the first time, the Cousins Cupcakes business model, Shelly. For goodness sake, come to Cousins Cupcakes. What is this? What is this? What are you doing? Last week you said we needed a business model. Not a business model. What then? I’m talking about a business model. Oh. Come on, man. Beautiful weather, huh? Yeah, gorgeous. It reminds me of Dubai. Really? Yeah, I was just out there a few weeks ago. The Sultan of Abu Dhabi flew me out there in his private jet. You know him? Friend of a friend. I met him in Vegas. He’s pretty wealthy, right? You know how they make those lists? The world’s wealthiest people? Yeah, like Bill Gates is number one or… Used to be. Assault. He’s got a hundred million dollars in a Swiss bank account. He can’t touch it. Why not? It’s ten thousand dollars just to get the paperwork done. Okay, well I think he’s got $10,000. Can’t do it. It’s illegal to use your own money. Of course. I didn’t pay. Something like, Salton, listen, I’ll invest $2,500. I’m sure I can get some guys to pitch in $2,500 as well. Okay, we’ll get the $10,000 and you can get your money and go on your merry way. He was so moved by my compassion that he said, I’ll split the $100 million, half for the investors, half for himself. Half of a hundred million dollars, that’s fifty. That’s fifty million dollars. Is it? I don’t really pay attention to the money, I’m just trying to help a friend out, you know? Here’s the crazy thing though, we just need one more guy to pitch in twenty-five hundred. Dude, that’s me, I’m the guy, I can do that. I barely know you, I don’t want to oppose. No, no, no, hey, let me call my wife. Hey, I’ll clear it with you. Wish there was time. What do you mean? I have to have the money by 6pm when the whole deal’s off. That’s in like three minutes. You know, I’m sorry for breaking this up. I don’t need you to oppose. Thank you, it was nice to meet you. Who do I wire the money to? Live, local, now. You’re listening to The Drive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170. What is going on 918? Tulsa, how you doing? You are listening to Tulsa’s only local business radio show. I am your co-host, Captain Clay Tiberius Clark, the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year in your ear. And I’m joined here with a man who does not need an introduction, a man who’s actually requested formally via email and in writing, signed by an attorney, please don’t overhype me. And I said, you know what I’m going to do? I am not going to overhype you. You are just the voice of choice, the man with the plan, and the dude who has the perfect attitude. You are a broda that everyone needs to have in their life. You are Dr. Robert Zellner. How are you, sir? I feel like I’m walking in the octagon right now. Unbelievable. And now we are joined here with a very special guest. We had to bring in the big guns today. We had to bring in the big guns. Literally the big guns. Literally. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. And we’re bringing in Deidre Detterman to talk about social media on steroids. The six super moves to take your social media marketing game to the next level. Deidre, how are you? I’m great. Thanks for having me. Hey, we love having you on the show. And we are talking about the idea of move number two, it’s triggers. This comes from Jonah Berger’s book. He studied the world’s best businesses in terms of the companies that are using social media the most effectively. And he put it all into a book called Contagious. And he has a system called Steps. So S was social currency, T is triggers. And triggers is easily memorable information, means it gets stuck in your mind, okay? And so it’s hump day right now. It’s hump day, it is hump day right now for the drivers. That’s right, and where did that come from? I mean, it’s been around for a while, but Geico really owned it, and now everybody’s like, sees that camel walking through the thing. It’s hump day! Now, Z, there’s another national trend that has caught on. It’s gone viral for me. Oh, wow. It’s hunt day. Hunt day. And we passed it, it was on September 24th. But it was huge. Is that why you were gone all last week? Oh, for cute, yeah. You were celebrating. I went up north with Bjorn and we shot anything that would move. We hit our limit and then we just kept shooting. We drank a lot. No, I’m just kidding. But seriously, I’m not going to make any more venison jokes or any more references to going up north with Bjorn and Rauschen Dorfer. But anyway, I just encourage you to find something, business owner, find something, find a parade that you can get out front of. Deidre, what’s another parade that you can think of that maybe the Thrivers listening right now could get out front of? What’s another national phenomenon we could tie into? Well, you know, anything, any national holiday is something to play off of with your business. So Black Friday is coming up, you know, in November. That’s one of the largest shopping days of the year. So if you have a product or service, get out there, get a discount going on Black Friday, ride that wave, and post it on social media. I can’t believe we’re that far into the year. It’s true. You mentioned that, I get emotional, I think about Thanksgiving, which is really the perfect holiday. Ze, do you agree that Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday? Yes, food and football, you know, it’s just, it’s perfect. It’s a combo. Here’s the deal, I love Christ and I love Christmas, but I love Thanksgiving. It’s to me, Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday. Because you come and if you bring a gift, you’re the man. That’s right. You’re the woman. People say, thank you. Now, if you, Christmas, if you don’t get your kids that perfect, magical gift that they will quickly break. That’s right. And put on the floor. I have five kids. I wake up every morning and it’s like, what remains of a kid toy that’s metallic am I going to jam into my foot this morning? It’s dark in the house, and I’m getting up at 3 or 4 in the morning, walking around, and I’m like, ah, ah! My wife hears me, and I’m like, God, what did I just step on? Oh, it was a Christmas gift from last year. For sure. Oh, for sure, Bjorn. Oh, for cute. Don’t you know, I stepped on a big old metallic micro-machine, Bjorn. Wow. So, anyway, another guy, a local Tulsa business owner, I’m going to brag on, Arthur Greeno. He’s a partner. He’s a good guy. You know how many kids he has? Like 87 or something ridiculous. Let me tell you this, a fun fact to read about him. He had a child after he had a vasectomy. Oh no. Do you know that, Z? Yeah, he told me the story. I was just like aghast. I was like, what? So here’s the deal is, he is a purple cow. He is a phenomenon. He knows what he’s doing, but he actually gets around that national tea day. It’s a national, there’s an actual holiday or a day we celebrate national tea day for iced tea, that kind of thing. And this crazy guy, he built the world’s largest iced tea, and then he called the Guinness Book of World Records people and had them come in to see if he did it. He’s also done the world’s largest, I believe, snow cone, or at least he attempted to, and the world’s largest lemonade. I mean, he’s done those moves. And do you know what happens, Z, every time he goes for a world record? He gets it because he’s a winner? The media shows up for sure, Bjorn. They all show up. They get in their snowmobiles and they come up and they say, is that the world’s largest snow cone? Wow. For sure. Look at it. Then they go to the Oilers games. Anyway, but no, seriously, people really, really do have things in their brain already that are already stuck in their head. They’re things they already know. So like the concept of drive time, we didn’t invent the concept of drive time, but the thrive time show, right? On your drive time home, you see how that kind of rhymes almost? Thrive time show on your drive time home. Come on now. Come on now. It just kind of, it all kind of fits together. It’s just a huge, it’s ideas we’re tapping into your melon. Z. One of the moves I did a few years ago in my advertising is I make my ad new every month. And so what I did is I, whatever holiday, whenever I could grab that month, I tied that into my special. So like a Mother’s Day in May, it was like for anybody out there that’s a mother or has a mother or would like to be a mother, we have the special. Which is everybody. Which, oh my gosh, I never thought of that Deidre. If you are a little mama’s boy and you need to get your glasses, you come on in because we have a mama’s boy special. I never had a mom. If you are super weak, you come on in, you bring your mother, you bring your mother, maybe you live with your mother and you’re 45, you bring her in, you get the free path glasses. Did you ever do that special? Oh yeah, of course. I love the way Hallmark just made their own. I mean, just make, you know, Valentine’s Day. I have a conspiracy theory. Z, do you want to hear it? Oh, please. Oh, I love your conspiracy theories. I believe that Hallmark has invented holidays to increase spending. Z? You know what I heard yesterday? What’d you hear? I heard that we are going to spend more on Halloween. How much is this country going to spend on Halloween this year? Deidre, you’re smart. Clay, anybody want to guess? I’m going to guess. I’m going to guess. We’re going to spend $2 billion. Nope. On candy? On the holiday. Just holiday decor, whatever. Costumes, I mean, the whole thing. Yeah. The whole thing. $10 billion? Wow, you’re closer. Really? Like $8.5 billion. Oh my goodness. Oh, wow, Deidre wins Wow the math on that says like $400 a family. What do I win? Well? This is what you win you win this sound effect Goal! Nice! I’m feeling it. I’m tying into a parade and getting out in front of it. Goal! We all know that sound. Why do we know that sound? Because it’s a sound that we all know. And so you want to get out in front of it and you want to just attach your business to it. And if you’re stuck and you go, I don’t know how to do it. Deidre, what do you do for people who say, I’ve got a great business idea, but I don’t know how to turn it into reality. I don’t know how to do it. How does your company, D2 Branding, help people like that? How do you do it? Well, we do that for them and guide them along the way. You know, perfect example of what is trending right now and what ties back to their business that they could actually use and push out there for deals and social media and create sales. As an example, if you had to say, Clay, what video game is trending right now? I would say Duck Hunt. Probably was the last video game I played, Duck Hunt. And maybe that’s not super relevant. Will you help people come up with like a relevant, you know what the moves are, what’s trending, what’s relevant, and you can help them become relevant so you’re not using old school Nintendo marketing in the new school world we’re in right now. Again, if you want to learn more about social media, and I know you do, you want to stay tuned because when we come back, we’re going to get into the super move number three. It’s all about emotion-zy. What is going on, T-Town? You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show, Tulsa’s only local business radio show. We’re talking about social media on steroids. Six super moves to take your social media marketing game to the next level. And I’m here with Dr. Robert Zellner. Dr. Z, how are you, sir? I am fantastic. I’m so excited about today’s show because this, if you’re listening out there and we know 57% of you study show, want to start your own business, this is where you come to get all those great ideas on how to start it and grow it and just own it. And to help you take your business game to the next level, we brought in an expert today. We brought in an expert to help you take your game to the next level. And we could have, Dr. Z, we have several dudes we have on Speed Dial. I know a guy. I could have been like, boom, I know a guy. Boom. We could have just sent it in. We could have just said, hey, hey, there you go. Listen to my buddy Charlie. He has a Facebook. He’s on there all the time. He’s like, boom, he’s an expert. He lives with his mom, but he knows some things about the Facebook. He’s on the Twitter. He’s tweeting around right now. He’s tweeting right now. Boom, boom, Tom Brady, Lobster. But anyway, so we decided to bring in an actual expert. We brought in Deidre Detterman, the founder of D2 Branding. It’s a massive PR company. She built 918 Moms. Deidre, what was 918 Moms? What exactly was that? So it was a niche website for moms in the 918 area code. We had over 100,000 moms visiting every month. And you went from zero dollars of revenue up to where it was producing $70,000 a month of ad revenue. And you’re a mompreneur. You’ve got the kids. You’ve got the mom. She’s also her husband’s life coach, always coaching him. Whether he wants it or not. He always dresses sharp. I know it’s because Deidre’s like, put that on. Put that on. Yeah, it’d be a weird deal. Don’t dress like Dr. Z. Get that jersey off! So we’re talking about sip room number three, which is emotions. Emotion. And what happens is, I’m going to read you this notable quotable from Jonah Berger, the Wharton Business School professor. He says this, because remember, he studied the world’s most successful companies, and he said, how are they doing it on social media? He distilled them into these moves. Move number three, emotion. He says, when we care, we share. When we care, Z, we share. Look at that puppy. Z, look at that puppy. You know what that reminds me of? There’s a song that captures how I’m feeling right now. I’m starting to want to cry. Oh, Whitney Houston, we’re going back. We’re going back there. Oh, yeah. You’re getting me emotional right now. Oh, man. Z, every time I think of you, I get so emotional, Z. Emotional, yeah? I’ve had that effect. I’ve had that effect on people. Drivers, if you’re listening right now… I’m out of fear. If you’re listening right now in a station wagon with that wood trim… That wood trim? Oh, yeah. They’ve got that good wood on there, that good wood trim. And you’ve got that AM FM dial and a tape player. Remember that tape player? Oh, yeah. You were hot. I’ve got the tape player. Oh, yeah. Come on. 8-track too, maybe? Both? Yeah. And you’d just get out your cell phone. Get out that cell phone. It was a bag. And you pull over and for like $76 you can call somebody for a minute. Absolutely. If that’s you right now, I want you to enjoy this moment. I get so emotional. Here we go. We’re going to take you there. Into the chorus we go. It’s okay. It’s an AM radio show, but go ahead and crank it up a little bit, Z. Here we go. All the Thrivers, crank it up. Come on, here we go, Thrivers. Sing it with us, Thrivers. Come on now. Every time I think of you. It’s all right. Hold them hands. Join us on Facebook Live. Put those hands in the air. Wave them around like you just don’t care, but seriously, put your hands on the wheel because you’re going to get pulled over. Oh my gosh. Good, turn it down, Steve. Turn it down. Oh my gosh. People are going to get pulled over. Oh my gosh. What were you thinking? We did not want to create a riot. How many crashes and tolls are going to result from that? I told people to put their hands in the air. People take it literally. Full disclosure, I had no part of that. We have a show tomorrow. We’re going to teach you how to drive with your knees. Anyway, in other news, nothing gets serious. Okay, so anyway, so this is the notable quote. I’m going to read you. This is from Howard Schultz. Who’s Howard Schultz? He’s the guy who grew Starbucks from, Starbucks was a company that was around for about a decade and they sold coffee grinders and coffee beans. And Howard shows up and says, I think we could take this thing and put it on every corner. And the guys are going, no, bro. People just want beans, bro. People want beans and grinders, bro. People don’t want to have a coffee store, a Frappuccino with a Venti latte with a little boom boom and a bang bang with a chai tea, bro. They don’t want that. And he came in and he taught them the moves. But this is what he says. He says, great companies that build an enduring brand have an emotional, like Whitney Houston, emotional relationship with customers that has no barrier. And that emotional relationship is on the most important characteristic, which is trust. So let’s talk about it, Z, with your businesses, why is it so important for you to be consistently, really sincere with your customers? Because they demand it. If I’m not, they’re going to find someone who is. And that’s the bottom line So you may go yourself? I don’t really want to do that. I want to be sincere Okay, I want to be jokey jokey and not do what I’m gonna do You’re gonna joke and say one thing and do another thing. I got you Well, but you know what them all you’ll get you’ll get them once and then you’ll never get them again This just in now also here Deidre. She works with a lot of brands, but what I’m thinking of right now is you work with Coach JC. He’s a fitness guy. Right. I’ve known the guy for a decade or more than a decade, almost probably 15, 16 years. How sincere is he about fitness? When you get up and close to the guy and you get to see the big muscles and the big striations and the big pectorals, how dedicated is he really to fitness? Really. He lives his brand more than anyone that I’ve ever seen. So he, you know, everything he puts in his body is organic and healthy and, and he works out. He, he practiced what he preaches. I have a coach JC story. I was going to Florida with a friend of mine and there’s four, there’s five of us in a car. We’re headed out to Florida to attend a conference and we’re with coach JC. And you know who brings, he brings, he brings a little baggie and we’re all going, we’re kind of like a bunch of dogs and we go, what is that smell? And we smell, it’s just chicken? And he opens up a cooler and in that cooler, he has chicken, chicken strips. And he’s got like broccoli, and the dude’s eating like every two hours just to keep his metabolism going. He gets up the next morning, he’s doing workouts. That guy is serious about fitness and that’s why he’s been sincere to his brand and that’s why people flock to, they flock to, they flock to When we come back, we’re going to be talking to you about move number four, which is public. Public built to show, built to grow. We’re teaching you how to take your social media game to the next level, and we’re teaching you a little bit about Whitney Houston. Z, crank it up, head on in to break. Let’s get some Whitney Houston. Oh yeah. Come on now. I like the air on the way. Get in your station wagon, crank it up. We’re just now tuning in in a plane, a train, an automobile, perhaps a small boat, or a motorcycle. Maybe you’re in the sidecar of a motorcycle. Is that likely that someone’s in the sidecar? Do they have radios? Very, very likely. Okay. Very likely. You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show. It’s really business school without the BS. It’s presented by the Scripps Company and You’re listening to Talk Radio 1170. I am the co-host. Really, the most humble man you’ll ever listen to. I am Clay Clark, the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year and a man who took algebra three times just to be here today. That’s just math. And I’m joined here today with Dr. Robert, I’m not sure how to pronounce it, is it Zohaner? Zolandheimer. Zolander? Ah! Okay, so Dr. Zellner here. Sir, how are you? I am fantastic. And this just in, we were told as we were coming out of the break that our show was rated number one. Number one. Rated number one. Number one. Total in the city and on the planet. Talk to me about who was surveyed. How do we know this information? It’s late breaking news. It’s late breaking news. Well, they did some simple math and they figured out we were the only live business talk show. Oh, nice! And therefore, by default, by default, we were number one. I don’t feel good about that at all. Why’d you make me explain that? I could have just left it as number one. And we’re joined here with a social media expert, a wizard of branding, the PR princess, a mompreneur, a lady who needs no introduction, the one and only Deidre Detterman. How are you, ma’am? I’m doing amazing. Thanks for having me on. We’re talking about the six moves, the six super moves to take your social media marketing game to the next level. We’ve had some exciting moves. We’re moving on to super move number four. Super move number four is public. Built to show, built to grow. This was noted in Jonah Berger’s game-changing book, Contagious. He’s a Wharton Business College professor. He studied the top companies. He distilled how they did it into a book called Contagious. His name’s Jonah Berger. Jonah liked the whale? Yeah, Jonah liked the whale. And he says, move number four, public. Built to show, built to grow. So he has this little notable quote I wanna read to you. He says, people tend to imitate others, but as the phrase monkey see, monkey do attests, the easier it is to see what someone is doing, the easier it is to imitate it. Public observability drives imitation. Public observability. It’s an easy word for me to say. That’s why I said it slow. Public observability drives imitation. So an example I can think of right now is the iPod, the white headphones they made. People would see, like, what are those headphones? Those are my iPods. See, I got those iPods with my, I got my iPod, I got the iPod headphones, and you start to feel like everyone has those. Then the Apple computer, if you’re sitting down at a coffee shop and you fire up your little Mac computer, the logo itself glows. See? It’s like magic. Turn off the lights and it’ll glow. Remember when we put it on ice? Turn off the lights and it’ll glow? The other thing you didn’t do, too, is when they came out with the iPod, they had that iconic commercial where the people were kind of just a shadow, and then the white blinged with the iPod and the… Remember those? They know what they’re doing. They know what they’re doing. They know what they’re doing over there. They know what they’re doing. Over there being in Apple. Apple, by the way, is officially located now in Ireland, just for anyone wanting to know where over there is. They’re officially located over there. Apparently there’s less taxes there. Ah, luck of the Irish. No wonder. See, that’s… They’re always after me, lucky charms. Always. Now, the next example would be NFL players who wear pink shoelaces. What? They’re in the American Cancer Society. Right. The month of October. Deidre, why is that such a… as a mom, as somebody watching this, when you turn on the football game and you see a bunch of dudes wearing pink, why is that a compelling thing? Why is that something that kind of resonates with most people? Well, you know, for one, it goes back to the charity, so it’s brilliant on their part. Now you’ve got NFL players wearing it, so guess what? Every kid at Jinks High School, Union, Broken Arrow, wherever they’re at, they’re all wearing the pink shoelaces as well. It’s cool. I’ve seen your handiwork, your PR, your branding work, I’ve seen it in action. I was at Reesers the other day getting my sushi. We have Sushi Wednesdays over there. Reesers? Oh, wow. Michelle, how you doing up there? Michelle’s a great lady, great lady. The only person I know at that Reesers, I’m sure there’s other great people, but I always go to the same line. I’m very routine driven. I get my kombucha, I get my sushi, I go to the first aisle where Michelle is always there, nice lady, and I go there and somebody had a shirt on, something about winning, a shirt about winning, and I saw what you’ve been up to. It was a Coach J’s, he was on this boot camp tall t-shirts, and this lady was wearing it. And I want to know, are you paying people to wear these shirts? No, you know, they wear it, they come part of the program and we give them shirts and they want to wear it. Let me phrase it a different way. How much are you paying them to wear those shirts? How much did you manipulate them? Zero. No, they want to wear it. They’re part of a community that they’re proud of and they are doing marketing for us. So when you say zero, is that like nothing? It’s like nothing. Okay, so people are wearing the shirts because they like the shirts. Right. Now Z, we were talking off air. For a lot of people who don’t know, Z has a thriving ranch. Z, what’s the name of your ranch? Rockin’ Z Ranch. If you go on south on 75 between Tulsa and Ocmulgee, it’s right there on the road. White pipe fence. What kind of things do you do at that ranch? What kind of things do we do? What kind of things are you raising? Are you raising like prized cows or chickens? What do you raise over there? Thoroughbred racehorses. Why? You’re an optometrist. Why would you possibly race horses? I thought you were an optometrist. I thought you were, you got a degree in optometry and you decided that you’re stuck there. That’s all you’re doing the rest of your life is optometry because everybody else who I know they get a degree and they stay in one field, one zone, one niche. They never move around. They’re there. I’m an optometrist. That’s what I do. Why do you own a ranch? Because I want to. That was kind of offensive. Sorry. I’m sorry about that. Because I can’t. Because really, as I said earlier, I’m really an entrepreneur trapped in an optometrist body. But I think it’s a good time to go down a little farm logic. Why don’t you tell us about it, Z? You see, back in the day, I raised pigs. You raised pigs? I raised pigs. Unbelievable. And every now and then we put a lot of work into them. Rub that pig, feed that pig. Rub that pig. Broom that pig. Broom that pig. And then one day, it’s a special day. What was that day? Was it Tuesday? The county fair was in town. And I loaded up my pig and I took it down there. You put it in a truck? You see, I built it. And I was going to show it off. I was going to show all my hard work off. And that pig would win a ribbon. And all the other farmers would look at me and say, wow, you sure know how to build a good pig. You know, that story reminds me of a pig and a spider by the name of Charlotte. And Charlotte had a web. And what was the name of that movie, Z, about Charlotte and the web? I can’t remember. I can’t remember. Something about a pig, though, I think, in there. Do you think I should get a perm, Z? Oh, don’t. I’ve always had a good perm, but I let it grow out recently. Do you think I should get the… I think the perm’s coming back. Let’s bring the perm back. I’m just being serious now. Do you feel like a mullet is something… When you see a man with a nice mullet, you know, with a little bit of perm in the back, do you think credibility? You’re listening to the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170. When I see a perm and I see a mullet, I think of justice, I think of America, and I think of perms. I think there’s an old boy I want to party with. Now, I’m going to make a challenge for all the Thrive15, our Facebook, or what I call it book face, you know what I’m saying? Now see, that’s just knee slapping, hee haw, peeing your pants funny. I think I did pee in my pants. Anyway, you go on up there, I want you to take a picture, find a picture of a mullet, and I want you to post it right now on our Facebook page. Go up there to the Thrive15 Facebook page, find a picture of a mullet, post your favorite, and the one that’s the bestest you are gonna win a copy of my book called thrive, and I’m not kidding I’m gonna actually do this I want you to find a picture of a mullet and I want you to post it Z how many Post post your favorite picture tonight. All right, I’m going to I tell you what who doesn’t love a good mullet Oh, you see that you just think party party I always feel like when I see a good perm right there. What are we talking about? We’re moving on here. We’re moving on here. So moving on to move number five. Move number five is practical value. Jonah Berger, again, he’s a bestselling author, Wharton Business College professor. He says practical value, it’s news that you can use. I’m going to repeat it one more time. Bring it back. Okay, I will. Bring it back. Bring it back. that you can use. So the notable quotable from his book, he says, people don’t want to just look good. They also want to help others. So more useful equals more shared. Think articles about 10 ways to raise capital or five ways to five key negotiating tips or Deidre, talk to me about a way for anyone listening right now. What’s a way that anybody listening could begin to come up with a practical way to use social media, maybe giving their customers practical tips? How can they come up with these ideas? Well if you are, you know, the expert in your industry, then give people advice that they’re looking for. So whether it be, you know, at Petsville Pantry is a company that I’m working with now and it’s organic pet food. Wait a minute, organic pet food? Organic pet food. She actually makes the food fresh, you know, in a kitchen and sells it. So it’s no preservatives, no GMOs, none of that junk that we, you know, we don’t want in our bodies. We do the same thing, it’s called table scraps. Guys, guys, I’ve come up with an unbelievable slogan for this company. I’ve got it, here it is, here it is. When you want your poodle to take an organic doodle, use Petsweat. Petsweat. I’ll have to share that with them. No, but you know, she offers tips because you don’t think of that with your dog or your cat. You don’t think of them needing to eat organic and live longer, but it’s just, they’re just like you. And I’m being serious though. I mean this, I’ve met this lady, I’ve seen the website, I’ve seen her company. There are people out there who are buying organic pet food in bunches and are finding out their dogs, like they live longer, they’re healthier, the whole game. It’s a game-changing experience. If you don’t want your dog to look all mangy and just weird, then you’ve got to get onto Petswell. What’s their website? Do they just feed them? Is there a man who comes over there and just feeds them organic lobster and avocados? How does it work? She has really good food. I mean, I’ve seen it in the kitchen. It smells great. Is it human grade? Humans can absolutely eat it. Is it less than human food? Can I go over there and get some? I might just start buying organic. It’s human grade. Unbelievable. What’s the website one more time? And on that website you built the logo, you built the website, you did all that. All the branding and you know, and actually their website is getting ready to launch. So what’s up right now is not the new one. Cutter Landing Page is a new thing. Yes, but you know, she offers tips, tips for animal lovers. So if anyone’s listening right now, and they want to, they’re having a writer’s block with social media, how can they get a hold of you? Go to and they can have a free consultation. Is D spelled out D-E-E or how do you do it? Just D, the number two, Okay, here we go. Now Thrivers, you’re listening to some prints, some incredible audio, some memorable audio, and we are teaching you these social media moves to take your business to the next level. When we get back, we’re going to be getting into some more practical tips like it’s a Bob Villa show. Stick around, like a Bob Villa show. Coming up next, Bob Bellawood. Bellawood. All right, Tulsa, you’re listening to the Thrive Time Show. We’re playing some 80s for the ladies on Tulsa’s only local business radio show. My name is Clay Clark. I’m a recovering DJ and the former United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year. And I am joined here with a man who’s an entrepreneur and he’s trapped inside an optometrist body. You can’t get out of the body. He’s stuck inside that body. It’s Dr. Z. Dr. Z, how are you sir? I’m fantastic. I’m just kind of cramped in this body. I’m trying to get out. You got to get out of the body. I have to get out. You got to get out of the body. I want to pump up. Now we are here, we are joined here with a non-steroid user and PR expert, marketing guru. Have I been certified? He brought that up. Has I been certified? Did we test her? Anybody could be on a steroid, anybody. I tell you, everybody at the gym, they’re on the list. Her performance today has been so fantastic. I think she may have been taking it. In all seriousness, if you take some morphine and you take some Dayquil and you put it together, you get huge, huge. We’re here with Deidre Detterman. Deidre, how are you? I’m doing amazing. You are a PR expert and somehow you found yourself stuck in a show with two adult boys. The fun thing though about business, the fun thing about business is that you really can make millions of dollars and have a lot of fun kind of laughing your way to the bank. You can have a great time. Oh yes. And we’re talking about this concept today of social media marketing on steroids social media on steroids six Super moves to take your social media marketing game to the next level and many people are saying well How do you know these moves work? How do you know are you just making them up? Are you guys just are you guys just pontificating and holding court about no no listen Jonah burger? Who’s Jonah? But the whale guy you know it wasn’t a whale guy It was a whale and it was a guy stuck inside the whale. But Jonah Berger, he wrote a bestselling book called Contagious after spending years, years, years, years researching at the Wharton Business College. He’s been studying the top companies and how they are using social media to grow. He studied the Blendtec blender and he studied, he looks at these companies and says, how do they do it? And he has these moves. And one of the moves he has, move number five is practical value. Practical value. He says, come up with some news people can use. And I can’t think of any better example of that than Bob Villa. Wait, wait, wait, wait. The home builder? Yeah, Bob Villa. It’s Bob Villa. What? Yeah, I’ll prove it. You’re saying it weird. Saying what weird? No, you were saying his last name weird. Where do you get off? I just don’t get why you’re saying it that way. Why I’m saying what way? Forget it. I will. I will forget it. So, okay, so it’s Bob, it’s for Bob Villa? Yeah, I just looked this up. Which, what, this? You ready? Yeah. I’m listening. Hi, I’m Bob Villa. Welcome home again to our brand new project here in Newton, Massachusetts. Bob Villa. We’re adding on to a little colonial revival house. Okay, so like an audio Bob Vila, what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna give all the thrivers some practical value, okay, some practical value. If you’re listening right now and you’re going, I don’t know if I’m ready for this. It’s gonna be like walking on coals, it’s like a truss fall, and it’s gonna be tough because it involves you using your mouth. And I know we have about half the audience is Caucasian, so it’ll be tough for you because rhythm is a thing we struggle with as a Caucasian grouping of people. But here’s the deal, you kind of go like that, that’s kind of how you do the turntable effects. You go like that, then you go. You can use your mouth to make a beat. Z, go ahead and give her a whirl. Try it. See now, Thrivers, if you’re in your cart now, you wouldn’t do this. Then you want to add some bass. So you can have some fun with it, but that’s beatboxing. You’re not going to get that kind of practical knowledge on any other show. No, you’re not. You’re going to hear it on other shows, and you’re going to be like, why are they going to teach beatboxing? I want to learn that. Let me tell you what. I use beatboxing in business more than I use all of the knowledge I picked up in college. Wow! How is that possible? True. I believe it. I have yet to use my vast knowledge of the Mesopotamia River Valley. That’s where the Tigris and the Euphrates… That’s my go-to. When I have a problem, I dig deep into… Well, just the other day we were in a budgeting meeting and a guy says, well, how are we going to afford this new marketing campaign? How are we going to come up with the extra dollars? And I said, buddy, the Tigris and the Euphrates used to come together and there’s this fertile land there. Fertile, very fertile. It was fertile from all the silt. Silt is the sediment. It washes down. It makes it very fertile. And that was right there, called the Mesopotamia River Valley, the very beginnings of modern civilization. The heartland right there. And the guy, he says to me, oh wow, I have my answer, and he leaves. Wow, there you go. And that’s that kind of knowledge I’m gonna give you. But no, seriously, we’re talking about practical value. So Deidre, what’s an example with one of your clients where you’ve kind of used their practical knowledge of food or fitness or whatever to promote or market on social media? You know, Vibrant Life Oklahoma is an example wellness company and they give health tips. Health tips? Yes, health tips out there. Like what? When you’re going to eat a burrito at night, you want to only eat one, not seven. Yeah, you know, things like against antibiotics instead of taking antibiotics and kind of educating people. I’m not trying to get all into that, but educating people on what that does to your body. What’s an alternative to that? Wait a minute, you just said you don’t have antibiotics. Oh, wait a second, for anyone listening right now, this is what, I have an audio clip I have ready for Deidre and I have reached far. If you’re on Facebook Live, you’ll see I’m using my left hand, I’m reaching very far with my left hand. With my right hand, I’m reaching over here because I’ve got two buttons I have to, here we go. You can’t handle the truth. Preach it, sister. You can’t handle the truth. Go for it. So flu shots are coming up, right? And everybody tells you, you’ve got to get a flu shot, get a flu shot. You do. Well, Vibrant Life gives you alternatives to that. You can’t handle the flu! You’re saying we shouldn’t have antibiotics? Don’t shoot the messenger. I went in last year. Don’t shoot the messenger. Health tip one, do not shoot me, please. I went in last year and I was listening to some probably government sponsored program and the guy has a very soft voice and he says, one of the keys to success is getting vaccinated. I went in there and I said, please vaccinate me four times. And I was sick for a few months, really. But see, do you recommend vaccinating? Is that something you do? Medical tip number seven in the line. Do you recommend it? You’re an optometrist. Yeah, I mean, I can. Yeah, you do. How many times a week do you get vaccinated? I try every week, but sometimes I skip a week, and then I’m like, oh darn, I didn’t get vaccinated this week. I have a practical tip for anyone listening, though. Seriously, if you want to help control the pet population, you want to get your pet spayed or neutered at least twice. Seriously. Twice? I was listening to Price is Right, and he was like, you’ve got to get that pet spayed or neutered to help control the pet population. That’s a practical tip. You want to help control the pet population, you have to spay or neuter your animal at least twice. I don’t have control. What is this? Is this Russia? So it is. It’s very, very communist of you over there, Zeke. Is this Russia? What, is this Russia? All right. So, Deidre, what are other practical tips you could give people in the heartland, people all across America who are… Maybe because we do have… Not exaggerating. We do have a lady who manages a ramada who lives in Russia, listening right now. True story. So what advice do you have for Americans and people in the free world and the not free world? What are their practical tips we could do on social media? You know, offer practical tips in your industry. And it makes you look credible and the expert in your industry. And then people will start to do business with you because they think, oh, well, they know what they’re talking about. I bet you in North Korea, their practical tips are, worship the Supreme Leader. Give all your money to the government. Money? They don’t get money to begin with. Join us tomorrow for our nuclear exercises. Nuclear exercise one. I’m going to practice my North Korean… You stand, you put your head between your legs, and then you kiss your honey goodbye. I’m going to give a… this is North Korea. This is my first attempt to post on behalf of North Korea on their Facebook here we go this is my tip I’m gonna type here a hundred percent of the people surveyed love our supreme leader this just in don’t you agree if anybody clicks no we kill them that’s what they do that’s how we find that it doesn’t support the government just let pooh die what now now to just give you a little taste of America, after we’ve just pounded them. America! America. We’re coming back. What is going on, Oklahomies? You are listening to the Thrive Time Show, and I am your co-host with the most. My name is Captain Clay Tiberius Clark. That’s my legal name, and I am the former United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year. And I’m joined here with a beautiful… And I’m joined here with a beautiful… And I’m joined here with a beautiful… And I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful and I’m joined here with a beautiful. And I’m joined here with a beautiful. And I’m joined here with a beautiful. 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