See What People Are Saying About
the Thrivetime Show 2-Day Business Conferences
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It makes it easier to have the motivation to go back and do what I need to do for my own business.

My name is Tony Dixon from Salt Lake City. I have a bookkeeping financial app business. I was looking for help online with taking my business to the next level and Google did all the work for you guys. One of the things that I really took was intentionally, everything I do, do it with intention. Be very focused on what I decide to spend my time on, that way I’m doing it with purpose, with intention to be more effective.

The business conferences are awesome. You get a lot of like-minded people, people who just want to do something awesome, give back, build a business, and when you surround yourself with people with that same mentality, it makes it easier to have the motivation to go back and do what I need to do for my own business. 

It’s a really cool space, really cool energy. It’s an open space, really cool flow, I mean everybody, there’s energy here and it’s just a really cool space that allows for creativity and learning, so you guys are going a great job. It’s extremely entertaining. It’s solid content, very educational mixed with humor and entertainment, so it makes it easy to learn exciting and boring topics.

I mean pick any one of the 13 steps, it’s hard to cram into two days what we’ve learned here so it’s hard to pick out just one of them, but you could take any one of these single topics that have been hit on and improve your business with if you just take any single one of them but they haven’t asked me to spend any extra money, so it’s just been a pure delivery of content, so it’s just been awesome to be able to learn with no expectations of having something left out. If you want to take your business to the next level or do anything in improving your business, these are the types of things you need to learn and know, it’s just delivered in such an easy format that it makes it easy to grow a business.

“It’s inspirational that they’re humble enough to come up and talk to me personally.”

My name’s Joseph McKee. I heard about the Thrive15 business conferences because, during this year’s election, I started listening to talk radio as a need to get my influence away from FM radio stations and songs that may not be productive. Then, I started listening to the Big Business Talk Show, and then Thrivetime Show started at five o’clock. And then it moved to 12-2, and they said basically it sounded like a great opportunity for me to grow as a person and grow my business, from the Thrivetime Show on 1170 KFAQ.

No, I didn’t think it was a scam, but I didn’t know if it was really for me, and then the more I listened to the Thrivetime Show, I learned that if you want to do something great, you’ve got to go out on a limb. I just looked into it a little bit, and then spent the money going out on a limb as well.

Currently, I’m going over aggregated demand curves, supplies, what a proprietorship is, like a monopoly, perfect competition, and stuff, and I don’t really see that as me growing my business. Coming in here and learning how to market my product, and creating demand by branding rather than just maybe the supply being there, it’s taught me what I should do to start organizing, and maybe turned me away from some things that may cost me lots of money in the future.

It’s also taught me that success is simple. It’s just a process of taking action to do the steps. It’s not really … Success is not hard. It’s the process of taking the action to do the steps, and it’s taught me that taking action and setting goals, whenever you set those, and then you look back upon them and see that you completed them, the inspiration is impeccable as well. Here at the Thrive15 Headquarters, I feel like every aspect of it is very emotional, motivational and informative. I mean, there are quotes all over the wall. They got lots of crazy things. I even think I saw a unicorn somewhere in here as well. It’s just a little bit different than anywhere you might expect. It’s fun, fascinating, open, and basically is all in all a good atmosphere.

The interaction level of the conference is awesome. It’s like Lee will give us shotgun-style learning, so the boom boom boom off on the points, off three bullet points, and then tells us what those three bullet points are, and the goes into detail about those bullet points, while interacting with everyone in the crowd as well. I think they’re missing out on the full aspect of how much it can actually change your life. If you actually set a life goal and you want to wait to achieve it, I feel like the Thrive15 is aiming towards that. That’s something that, if you have a goal and you don’t know how to get there, I feel like Thrive15 would be the best way to go through there.

Thrive15 is different because I don’t feel like Lee is some crazy mentor that has no respect for my ideas or where I’m at, whether I’m right or wrong. He doesn’t think that he’s better. It’s inspirational that they’re humble enough to come up and talk to me personally, as maybe if you go somewhere else, they may not come up to you and be personable, and talk about your name and cater to you specifically. They may hold themselves a little bit higher up than they might think others, make you feel segregated as the population or the average, rather than just the extraordinary, and I feel like here, they make you feel like you’re extraordinary along with them other than backward, vice versa.

The cost for me, I’ve spent about $8,000 at a local community college here in Tulsa, and that has been three semesters, including books, fees and stuff. And the $400 I spent on the value of this ticket has multiplied into about 50x what that is actually worth. Me personally, I work a full time job. I’m still going to school, and I don’t see it as … It’s cheap enough to where anybody can do it. If you want to find a way, you can do it. I’d recommend that they find the Thrive15 Conference basically to help them achieve self-actualization and what you actually want in life, and what makes you happy and your happiness, I guess you could say. Some people think that happiness is just a choice. I believe that it’s a choice, but I also believe that you choose what your happiness is as well.

I’ve been through several conferences in this area but never seen one quite like the one that Clay puts on.

My name is Scott Robinson. I originally heard of the Thrive Time Show through my business partner, Lonny Fuller, who is the owner of Circle Services Construction. I am the co-founder of Chrisencha Technologies. We are a software as a service company, that provides time management software. I came to the Thrive Time business Conferences to be able to learn really, about the sales and marketing engine that you guys mentor people to create.

I would describe the atmosphere here, as something very unique that you don’t see very often with the physical presence and even down to the scent and the smell of the atmosphere that’s very unique and something that you remember.
I would describe Clay’s presentation style and his delivery as something that you don’t see every day. I’ve been through several conferences in this area but never seen one quite like the one that Clay puts on.

One of the most valuable things I’ve learned in the workshop is really a confirmation of the fact that people in your business have to be accountable, otherwise, you’re leaving them to themselves and that creates uncertainty in your business.

It’s a principle that a lot of people know but to hear it out loud and to hear it confirmed, was very valuable to me. I think my favorite aspect of the workshop is the interactive nature, that there are times where they take questions and you can go up and put it on the big board and they go over the questions. The chance to get input is one of the things that I valued from the conference. You’re missing out if you don’t attend the Thrive Time Workshop. You’re missing out on a great opportunity to learn principles, learn tactics and methods to accomplish the things that you want to accomplish.

You’re also missing an opportunity to confirm the things that you know already, are sound principles and will get you where you want to go. I think everyone needs to attend a workshop to make sure that your skills and your methods of running your business are comprehensive.

It’s inspiring and motivating

My name is Rachel Hastings and I’m from New Orleans, Louisiana. My husband and I own a clinical research company in New Orleans. Actually, to start up our business in New Orleans, we were doing consulting in Boston and flying back and forth, and I heard Clay on a podcast when I was running around Boston Commons. When I was looking to attend the Thrivetime business conferences, what I was looking to learn is more action steps, things that we could really implement in our business and take actionable steps on.

The thing I like most about the workshop is, it’s really two things. It’s inspiring and motivating, but it also gives you action steps so you can accomplish things. Clay’s presentation style is a lot of fun, but it’s also educational and hilarious.

The atmosphere here at the Thrive 15 headquarters is incredibly positive, really, really positive and entertaining. I think the thing that makes this conference different than any other conference I attended is really, truly the action steps. You’re going to leave with practical steps that you can do and a book that literally tells you, “Get out there, do these things, you’ll be awesome.”

I think one thing that you’re missing out on if you don’t attend this conference is having a group of like-minded peers around you, and that’s hard to find when you’re an entrepreneur and kind of doing your solo thing.

“It’s very realistic, it’s very actionable, and they’ve made the stories and things that they’ve referenced very, very memorable.”

My name is Mark. I live in Austin, Texas. I create stylized business videos for small local companies as well as franchises and corporate brands. I originally found out about the business conferences because I was looking for someone that could help me and be a coach or a mentor. I followed the rabbit trail into this two-day workshop, and I said, “You know what? This sounds amazing. I should come to this.”

I feel that a lot of people call this the number one coaching program quite frankly because it is amazing. It’s equally informative and entertaining. I’ve learned a tremendous amount of stuff, and I’ve been entertained, laughing the entire time, and I’m gonna leave with a wealth of knowledge. At the workshop so far on day number two, I’ve learned a tremendous amount of stuff from sales, to SEO to branding, all of which I’m gonna implement. I have a huge list of tasks and things that I need to get going on as early as tomorrow.

What I like most about the workshop in contrast to other conferences and seminars that I’ve gone to is that everything is very actionable. It’s very realistic, it’s very actionable, and they’ve made the stories and things that they’ve referenced very, very memorable. I’m not just leaving with a lot of fluff or a lot of rah rah excitement that dissipates after a little bit of time. I’m leaving with tools and techniques that I could implement that is a segue and a path for me to be successful in my business.

If I had to describe Clay’s presentation style, it would be incredible. It’s so entertaining, it’s so much fun to be able to listen to him and learn from him in a way that is very, very different from anything else you’ve gone to. A lot of times you go to a presentation or seminar and they’re doing things on PowerPoint. It’s very dry. About 20 minutes in, you start to veer off. He always keeps it interesting, he’s always keeping you laughing and the content is so solid, and the tactics are so realistic for you to do, and it just flat out works. They have a proven system that they have applied to a myriad of different businesses by using these tools and techniques.

When I first walked in here, the vibe of the Thrive 15 headquarters is absolutely ridiculously cool. I’m from Austin so I’m familiar with a lot of different tech companies and the open floor plan and the very fun vibe to it, but one of the things that I liked about it was not only that it was comfortable, I had more than enough room and space for when I was at the conference, but just the way that they have it laid out is super, super cool. There’s inspirational quotes and funny sayings all over the place that I just literally was taking pictures everywhere, because not only is it a cool place, but I’m like, that’s a great quote that I should be posting up where I live and where I’m working so I can get inspired as well.

If you don’t attend this conference, you’re gonna miss out incredibly, in the things that you’re doing or not doing in you business. The cost of this is incredibly inexpensive in regards to the amount of wealth and knowledge that you’re gonna take back to you company and be able to really grow and scale in the way that the business is gonna suit your lifestyle and what you want out of it. For me, when I looked at all the different things that they offer, I’ve come here, experienced it first hand. This was by far the best business expense that I’ve made for me, myself, and my company the entire year.

Just crazy, awesome, energetic and very creative.

My name is Jonathan and I’m actually originally from Belgium in Europe. The conference, well, I started working here in the Thrive Office area with Tim Redmond and Redmond Growth and well, obviously I know about the business conferences because they’d tell me, “Hey, go to this awesome conference. You’re going to learn a lot.”

I was looking to learn mainly because obviously, I don’t have a business that I’m growing myself or that I have or that I own, but just mostly the personal aspects of time management, the one hour to end your day of meta-time, all that kind of stuff. It’s really what did it for me.  Definitely, think it’s beneficial for employees to go to these kinds of conferences or this conference especially. You just learn that your work ethic, there’s an end to it. You have an energy that comes behind you and that really boosts your confidence and just makes everything worth it.

The atmosphere in Clay’s office and as a team, I would describe it as overwhelming. Just crazy, awesome, energetic and very creative. I tell that lots of my friends. They’re like, “Hey, how’s it over there?” And I’m like, it’s a very creative atmosphere. I would say Clay’s presentation style’s very, obviously energetic, humorous, self deprecative, and very thoughtful but for sure I’d definitely go with vulnerable but he’ll expose himself so you can learn from it. I don’t know, there was so much. I’d definitely go along with the time management though because I’m going to go home today and even during the conference just yesterday talked about getting your email down to no unread email. Right away, I just went on my email and just mark them all as read. I’m like, I’m done with that. That’s not happening anymore but I’m going to go along with the time management part. I’m just excited to go home and put that to practice tomorrow morning.

I would go with the atmosphere, just meeting all these business owners and then you just kind of see where the rubber meets the road, just how everybody interacts together and just being around so many people that you know you can learn from and seeing how they interact in their own environment, but how all the same principles apply in every area of business and life. That was my favorite.
If you’re not attending the conference, you’re missing out a lot. Just get here. Bimonthly, right? Yeah. Just come to this next conference. It’s awesome.

He’s very entertaining. It’s just been fun.

My name is Jensyn Watts and I’m from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. I have my own photography business, and so that’s what I do. I heard about the Thrivetime business conferences through my husband Carter. We actually came back at the end of January, so this is our second one and it’s been an awesome experience. It’s been so good. I’ve learned a lot about marketing and things that can help me get my name out there and just the different systems in accounting and everything I need to do. It’s all been very practical and helpful.

I was definitely looking into learning more about marketing, just because I have the skill of taking pictures, I just didn’t know how to get my name out there. So, that was one of the main things I was trying to get from the conference. I think the thing I like most about the conference is how funny Clark is. He’s very entertaining. Clay Clark, he’s so entertaining. It’s just been fun. It’s not just some boring conference. I’m entertained and I’m having a good time. Clay’s presentation so far has been very entertaining, very professional.

The atmosphere is very laid back and down to earth and energetic and happy, so it’s pretty good. It’s different because they’re not trying to upsell you or anything. It’s just you come, it’s very practical, you learn what you need to do to grow your business. Everything. They are missing out on everything if they don’t come.

I like how Clay uses his humor and his just honest opinions

Hi name Janice Mandich Durick and I’m from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hi my business is From the Heart Home Companion Service, and it’s a home health agency. I originally heard about the business conferences by Tim Redmond, Thrive15. I was looking to learn about bettering my business.

I’ve been learning about sales and marketing. I’ve learned most about the workshop is that everybody cares about everybody, and everybody wants them to do better. I like how Clay uses his humor and his just honest opinions about learning about how to run my business.

I want to describe the atmosphere of Thrive15 that everybody’s warm and friendly and here to coach you.  This conference is much more personable. Everybody’s here to back you and to teach you and they’re happy to do it. I feel if you don’t come to this conference, you know what? You miss out on a lot of knowledge and a lot of success.

“People are missing out on if they don’t come to the conferences. It’s a great opportunity to learn things from people that have been in business and have done it.”

My name is Giancarlo Cirone and I come from Joplin, Missouri. I originally heard about the ThriveTime Show business conferences through my employer with Colaw Fitness. He’s been coming to this conferences an he loved it so he kind of wanted to share that with me and brought me over.

What I was trying to learn during the conference, big on marketing, how to improve our systems and our SEO, and how to make that better and more efficient and then I’m just a big business learner so anything else I could get out of the deal would have been good. The atmosphere here is great. It’s super upbeat, super positive. Everybody’s engaging. The team is super knowledgeable and they’re not trying to hide anything, so I would definitely say it’s very, very good.

For Clay’s delivery, it’s just straight forward and his presentation style is just super upbeat, super energetic, making jokes but at the same time telling you the truth on how … Yeah, I would say one of the most valuable things I’ve learned is definitely how to improve our SEO and our online presence while doing all of our marketing. That would be my biggest takeaway today.

What I would say people are missing out on if they don’t come to the conferences is a great opportunity to learn things from people that have been in business and have done it and stuff that you wouldn’t learn in school or somewhere else. Everything is very valuable and they’ve been there and they’re great. I just love their delivery so I would recommend it to anybody.

There’s just a lot of enthusiasm and motivation and inspiration here.

My name is Aaron. I’ve heard about the ThriveTime business conferences through podcasts and on the radio. Me and my wife, we own Green Country Vendors. We want to grow, we want to explode and everything I’ve heard from Thrive, they bring in scripture and stuff like that to help us grow and that’s what we’re looking forward to. Here, it’s very energetic. I mean, people are very informative. People were excited to see it. There just a lot of enthusiasm and motivation and inspiration here. He brings humor into it. I love the fact that he keeps talking about family and how family’s most important. How God is most important. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the business world and thinking your business is most important, but it’s all about God and it’s all about your wife and family.

The most valuable thing I think is just, once again, making sure that God is number one. If you can get that established, and then that means your family will be established, and that means you’ll prosper just because you’re keeping things in line. Just, my favorite aspect is, once again, just the scripture that he keeps bringing in the … just laying down a good foundation of where you need to bring your company and how you need to start it and how you need to build it. You’re missing out. I mean, you’re missing out on Clay. You’re missing out on the whole presentation. You’re missing out on how to make your company work for you, and not just keeping you busy. You need it. You just need to be here. It’s hard to describe it. I mean, you just need to be here to see for yourself why it is you need to come here.


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