Mannalis B - Diary Posts

  • Are You Willing to Do What It Takes class=

    Are You Willing to Do What It Takes

    Everyone can agree that they want time and financial freedom. The problem is not everyone is willing to make the business coaching, the trade-ups it takes to stay on the path to time and financial freedom. Many people quit when they’ve only just taken one step and some people quit when they’re even halfway there. But the few that go[ Read More ]
  • Always More Checklists! class=

    Always More Checklists!

    This week at the business coaching HQ Thrivetime Show I learned more about checklists. Checklists are important and necessary to the successful functioning of any business. The industry of the business does not matter when it comes to checklists.  All businesses have tasks that must be completed in order for the product or service to be sold to product happy[ Read More ]
  • Google Optimization 101 class=

    Google Optimization 101

    This week at the Thrivetime Show business coach program I learned more about Google optimization.  By this, I mean optimizing your Google My Business to rank higher on Google.  If you are not on page one then you will not be getting leads from Google. Most shoppers across the country, ninety-one percent to be exact, according to Forbes, search online[ Read More ]
  • Essential Marketing class=

    Essential Marketing

    The Three Legged Marketing Stool Google reviews, search engine optimization, and dream 100 calls are all essential business coach and marketing tools for businesses to grow and thrive. It is important to have three ways, legs, to marketing, this is called the three-legged marketing stool. A three-legged marketing stool enables the business to continue receiving leads in the event that[ Read More ]
  • Delegate class=


    This week at the amazing Thrivetime show I had a great business coaching opportunity to work on my training skills as well as delegation skills.  Training and delegating are two parts of my day to day that are constant.  There is not a time at the salon where I am not either training or delegating.  This week in particular I[ Read More ]
  • Fear class=


    Fear is something that each of us, even the best business coach deals with in similar ways. Some people shut down their mental states and freeze with fear, others choose to react in terror when fear abounds. Most people however choose to accept fear instead of defeating it. When it comes to things as scary as a pandemic many people[ Read More ]
  • Management class=


    Training up business coach teams, employees, and leaders takes preparation as well as diligence. The diligence to persevere in the midst of fear, rejection, and failure.  Leaders who lead with intention and courage get through the most difficult of situations. Most American business owners put out multiple burning fires, emergency situations such as enraged clients' complaints, at work every single[ Read More ]
  • $ales, $ales, $ales class=

    $ales, $ales, $ales

    This week at the Thrivetime business coach Show I have learned more about the importance of sales.  Selling is the key part of any business if nothing gets sold then no money is made, if no money is made then no one gets paid.  Therefore selling should be the number one priority.  Unfortunately, there are many business owners and employees[ Read More ]
  • S.M.A.R.T. Goals class=

    S.M.A.R.T. Goals

    In order to achieve success it is imperative to set S.M.A.R.T. goals.  This week at the Thrivetime Business Coach Show I listened to an older podcast of Clay’s from the beginning of this year.  In this podcast Clay interviewed Steve Currington and talked about Steve’s success.  During the interview Clay broke down why setting S.M.A.R.T goals is so critical to[ Read More ]
  • Checklists? Check! class=

    Checklists? Check!

    Checklists are an important part of a business coach business.  The argument could be made that checklists are an essential part of time and financial freedom.  The usefulness of a checklist starts with transferring the knowledge of what has to be done from the business owners' cranium to lists that can be used over and over again. After having even[ Read More ]
  • V.I.S.M class=


    At the Thrivetime Show this week I had the incredible opportunity to work in a successful business coach company.  Many states are closed and just now beginning to open however the great state is Oklahoma opened up the last week of April. Opening up the Broken Arrow salon meant that after a month and a half of being shut down,[ Read More ]
  • What Communication ACTUALLY Is class=

    What Communication ACTUALLY Is

    Communication happens when two parties understand what is being said. This week I have learned to better communicate with the business coaching team. I have also trained others on how to improve their communication skills. It is very easy for almost everybody in today’s world to assume what was said in a conversation instead of asking or clarifying. There isn’t[ Read More ]
  • Positive and Energetic class=

    Positive and Energetic

    This week at the Thrivetime Show business coaching office I realized how great a positive and energetic culture is to work in. Being around high energy and happy people is a normal part of my day to day schedule. Every morning when the grooming professionals arrive at the shop starts with a happy greeting. After all of the opening tasks[ Read More ]
  • Plan The Day class=

    Plan The Day

    Successful People Get Up Prior to 6 AM; They Plan Their Days It is true that all successful people get up prior to 6 am, they plan their days and no is an often-heard word if someone tries to add something, not on their schedule.  Unless it aligns with their business coaching goals of course.  Hearing the trade-ups that attributed[ Read More ]
  • Sustainable Schedule class=

    Sustainable Schedule

    Sustainable schedules provide a better quality of life and lead to more productivity along with less forgotten tasks.  A sustainable schedule is a dream schedule. What are some of your business coaching goals you’d like to accomplish? How many hours a week do you need to spend on your goals to make them happen? Block out the time to answer[ Read More ]
  • Showtime class=


    This week at the amazing business coaching Thrivetime Show I learned how important it is to have hustle.  When it comes to running a business whether you are running your business or managing someone else’s.  In business, you have got to be able to kick your energy into high gear.  The moment you step into your workspace is showtime. Showtime[ Read More ]
  • A-Players class=


    This week at the amazing Thrivetime business coach Show I learned about how incredibly important it is to remain consistent. Customers cast their vote with their dollars, customers choose a service or product they know they can trust and rely on.  To build and maintain trust with the customer it requires diligently getting up each day and providing a consistently[ Read More ]
  • Reviews are GAME-CHANGERS class=

    Reviews are GAME-CHANGERS

    At the business coaching Thrivetime Show, you will learn more about business and life than you ever did in school. Hitting the top ten on the iTunes business charts as well as being the highest-rated and most reviewed business coaching program are just a few reasons why listening in to the Business School Without the BS is a great decision[ Read More ]
  • Follow the Path class=

    Follow the Path

    This week as a business coach at the incredible Thrivetime Show I was able to learn even more about what it takes to run a business. When it comes to running a business while the entire world has shut down that does not mean that you can shut down as well. It is very important that business owners see what[ Read More ]
  • How SEO Really Works class=

    How SEO Really Works

    This week at the Thrivetime Show business coach program I have learned how search engine optimization works.  Clay has a phenomenal book about how search engine optimization works. In Search Engine Domination Clay breaks down what it takes to rank high in Google.  Why should business owners be concerned with their google rank? According to the marketing analytics firm Jumpshot,[ Read More ]
  • Thinking For Yourself class=

    Thinking For Yourself

    This week at the best business coach program across the globe I have realized something important about myself.  I am not fooled by propaganda and fear-mongering.  When someone suggests I should be scared I ask why.  I don’t just agree to be scared.  I don’t agree with the fear and downright panic all of the globe has decided to succumb[ Read More ]
  • It All Starts With a Great Product class=

    It All Starts With a Great Product

    Warren Buffet said “Buy into a business that’s doing well so an idiot could run it because sooner or later, one will,"  The key to the success of a business starts with having a great product, once you have a great product you’ll need to sell said great product.  Creating the product, selling the product, and providing any ongoing support[ Read More ]
  • Stoicism class=


    According to the dictionary, stoicism is "the endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint."  Notice that the definition doesn’t say feelings weren’t felt or complaining wasn’t warranted.  Instead, stoicism is the ENDURANCE of adversity without the DISPLAY of feelings.  No griping, no rolling of the eyes, whimpering, no excuses, or justifying one's actions just[ Read More ]
  • Consistency in Leadership class=

    Consistency in Leadership

    This week at the Thrivetime show business coaching program I learned more about management and how to develop myself as a leader.  Last week I wrote about consistency and the diligence that is required to own and grow a business successfully.  This week I am typing about the consistency it takes to be a leader with an organization.  Management can[ Read More ]
  • Be Consistent class=

    Be Consistent

    It is important to be consistent in business.  Many people have the big dream of being their own boss and having their own schedule and it sounds like the best idea. It is only the diligent doers, however, that succeed in business; the happy hopers do not succeed, ask any business coach.  Immediately upon opening up shop for yourself, you[ Read More ]
  • Management = Friction class=

    Management = Friction

    Clay Clark himself says that without friction your success is only fiction. This week at the ThriveTime Show business coach offices, I learned more about managing people and how to hold people accountable. Managing is being in constant friction with people. Any time that there is something that needs to be done you can count on people to do everything[ Read More ]
  • USE A CALENDAR!! class=


    Are you living the life you want to live in?  Or do all of your responsibilities and commitments overwhelm your day? Are you constantly putting out burning fires and allowing tasks to be put off to the next day?  Lee Cockerell, the former head of Walt Disney who managed 40,000 employees says “Time management is not about managing your time,[ Read More ]
  • The 6 Superplays You Need to Know class=

    The 6 Superplays You Need to Know

    If you don’t have a product or service to offer, then you cannot and will not be successful. In order to earn a profit, you must sell something. Business coach Clay Clark says when you start your own business, the first step to starting a business is to grab a piece of paper and make a list of problems you[ Read More ]
  • Marketing is KEY! class=

    Marketing is KEY!

    This week at the Thrivetime Show business coach offices, I learned about how our marketing keeps us top in Google and brings in leads.  Marketing is a necessary aspect of any business that wants to be successful. Many people do not understand how to effectively market their service or product.  Clay Clark teaches how turn-key marketing will bring in leads[ Read More ]
  • The Power of Getting Pissed class=

    The Power of Getting Pissed

    This week at the best business coaching program in the universe I had another great week learning more and more about managing a team.  Specifically how to follow up and get pissed to get things done. Managing means you are regularly pissing someone off. Colin Powell, the United States Secretary of State from 2001 to 2005 said that “Being responsible[ Read More ]


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