Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches


This week at the amazing Thrivetime show I had a great business coaching opportunity to work on my training skills as well as delegation skills.  Training and delegating are two parts of my day to day that are constant.  There is not a time at the salon where I am not either training or delegating. 

This week in particular I was able to grow and get better at both. Many times business owners are the sole delegator and trainer for their company. As soon as a new recruit is hired the owner is all hands on deck and showing how each action must be completed.  


At the end of the day, the business owner should always have a hand in their sales process.


Business owners who have time freedom have learned to relinquish the know-how of core tasks to their general managers or second in line. There are two areas in which the business owner should not delegate, the two delegatable tasks are sales and social media.

Sales is not a skill that can be completed delegated off, sales representatives can be hired and trained. At the end of the day, however, the business owner should always have a hand in their sales. It is also crucial that only the business owner touches the companies’ social media outlets. 

 The posts are the brand of the business coaching company and ten out of ten times an employee, even the best employee will post weird things or not post at all. Another awful aspect of employee social media posts is the employee creating the content for posts which end up providing the employee with business on the side and the company zero dollars. This is why sales and social media are two aspects of the company not to be delegated.

Training however is a huge piece of the pie that can be successfully handed off. The biggest reason is that a large chunk of jobs is based on checklists. Checklists are simply one-liner action steps needed to get done day after day, perhaps an hour after hour in the business.  Know/how of the companies’ operations is simple enough to break down, but the knowledge has to be in a checklist first.

Most business owners think that there is not a single person who could complete the necessary tasks needed to have a successful day. This thought is completely false, not only can an employee be trained to how to work a successful day on the job but a trainer can do all the training. That is correct! A person hired to specifically take the business owner’s knowledge of operations and break it down to new recruits is completely one hundred percent doable.

This week I have revised my assistant manager training checklist as well as created a master training business coaching checklist to enable more than just myself on training. The benefits of learning what can be let go of and what needs to be held in to, tightly, are well worth the painstaking process of sitting down and line by line creating a to-do list of the business’s day to day operations.

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Mannalis B.

Mannalis B. is the "Super Manager" for Elephant in the Room Men's Grooming Lounge and the wife of the youngest Thrivetime Show coach - Andrew B. She is "Manna" for the Elephant team, providing all of the managerial sustenance that they need.

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