Luke E - Diary Posts

  • How You Can Increase Profitability class=

    How You Can Increase Profitability

    Have you ever asked yourself how you can increase profitability and production in one fail business coaching swoop? I have an answer for you. If you are like a lot of my clients then you are not going to like it, but, if you implement this into your business then you will take your business to the next level. Honestly,[ Read More ]
  • Have a Freakin’ Goal! class=

    Have a Freakin’ Goal!

    As a business coaching pro, If I've said it once i’ve said it 100 times… Have a freaking goal! If you don't know what you are working for… then how do you know what you are working for. It is not surprising to me that the majority of people I meet are following a pre-set path that culture has taught[ Read More ]
  • Dysfunctional class=


    Have you ever been around a dysfunctional business coach or individual that cannot seem to get it together? Now, to be fair, we all have our own levels of dysfunction, but I am talking more specifically about the type of person that seems to always be in chrysis. Their car is always breaking down or they always have an excuse[ Read More ]
  • The Main Thing class=

    The Main Thing

    Have you ever known anyone that seems to always be doing something but never actually accomplishes or finishes anything? As a former pastor turned business coach, I would watch this happen in ministry a lot. Pastors and staff members would have a “great idea” about a program or a curriculum or a book or a ministry that could reach or[ Read More ]
  • Emotion stops the Motion class=

    Emotion stops the Motion

    Do you ever find yourself yelling, getting flustered, unable to process clearly, or perhaps shutting down in some capacity? Have you ever experienced so much joy that you were giddy? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? You may have experienced something called emotions. Woah! Wait, you mean I as a business coach, have emotions? Yes genius, we all[ Read More ]
  • BOOM! class=


    If you spend any time with Clay Clark, his business partner, Jonathan Kelly, or anyone who has been a part of the Thrivetime Show for any length of time, then you will hear, see and experience a word literally every day. That word is “Boom”. This is our response to almost any news, story or bit of information. A couple[ Read More ]
  • The Most Interesting Person in the Room class=

    The Most Interesting Person in the Room

    I was having a conversation with a business coach coworker a couple of days ago and it went something like this…. “Hey Luke, how are you today?” I responded saying “I’m doing well, how are you?” from there things got a little crazy. The coworker proceeded to tell me about how crazy and terrible his life was. He went on[ Read More ]
  • Just DO IT! class=

    Just DO IT!

    Have you noticed how our society has moved from a discipline-based society, with morals built on the Word of God (The Bible) to a self-centered society based upon an individual's feelings? As a business coach example, I read a story the other day about how parents are raising their kids as “gender-neutral” so that the child can decide as they[ Read More ]
  • Showtime class=


    Have you ever encountered someone or a business coach who sucked the life out of you? You know the type of people I am talking about. The kind of people who, when you are in their presence, leave you feeling like death is the best option. These people are always complaining about something or leave a wake of depressed people[ Read More ]
  • Know your Goals – F6 (Goal Oriented) class=

    Know your Goals – F6 (Goal Oriented)

    Goals or Objectives Drive Everything Ok, I get it, here we go with another business coach post about growing your business and they want to start out talking about goals. Geeze, why do people always bring up the topic of goals? You ask a great question. I'm always curious when was the last time you were at a basketball game[ Read More ]
  • Simplicity Scales, Complexity Fails (Simple disciplines) class=

    Simplicity Scales, Complexity Fails (Simple disciplines)

    On any given morning, if you happen to be awake at 3 am, you can have the joy of knowing that you are not the only person awake in the world, so is business coach Clay Clark. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Clay definitely lives out the[ Read More ]
  • Success is Boring class=

    Success is Boring

    As I have observed Clay Clark, one thing really stands out with the business coaching clients he coaches. They are bored. Wait! Hold up! What are you talking about? I am serious. You see, when you do the right things day after day to grow your business, it becomes boring. When you do these boring things every day consistently, then[ Read More ]
  • Without a Sale, Your Business will Fail class=

    Without a Sale, Your Business will Fail

    Let's be realistic, the majority of business coaching people that I talk to are repelled by the word “sell”. When you think of selling I find that the majority of entrepreneurs picture the stereotypical car salesman. They picture an overweight, middle-aged man who is gruff and does all kinds of ridiculous, high-pressure sales moves. This man is a slimy, annoying[ Read More ]
  • Meet With Your Team… Just Do It class=

    Meet With Your Team… Just Do It

    I was having a conversation with one of the business coaching clients that I have the privilege of coaching every week, and she was telling me about a situation within her organization that she could not figure out a solution for. She has a successful accounting firm and stays quite busy. Within the context of her busy life managing her[ Read More ]
  • The giveback, not the give out. class=

    The giveback, not the give out.

    Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that your business is not a charity? (Unless your business is an actual charity). The state of our country these days shines such a clear light on how the majority of people think about businesses. Everywhere I look I see people that want a free pass. People want free money from[ Read More ]
  • Being Resilient is Brilliant  class=

    Being Resilient is Brilliant 

    So here, at the time that I am writing this, one of the things that have recently happened is that the government has decided that it wants to make more money from entrepreneurs. Clay Clark has a multimillion-dollar company called Elephant in the Room, a men's grooming lounge. It is like a country club for men’s haircuts. It is a[ Read More ]
  • Do not Despise being Criticized class=

    Do not Despise being Criticized

    A really well-known business coaching guest that Clay Clark has had on his podcast, the Thrivetime Show, business school without the BS, was Craig Groeschel. Craig Groeschel is the senior pastor and leader of one of the largest churches in the world, Life.Church. In this interview, Clay was able to talk about Craig's mindset and how he mentally handled criticism.[ Read More ]
  • No Backup Plan class=

    No Backup Plan

    I was talking to a good friend the other day who recently went through a divorce. I was asking him how he was doing and trying to be as supportive as I could be and provide business coaching, considering the marriage had ended because of his infidelity. As I was listening to him talk, one of the statements he made[ Read More ]
  • Find a Problem and Solve It class=

    Find a Problem and Solve It

    Who do you hang out with? As you look at the different individuals, business coaches, and groups of people that you spend the most time with asking yourself, how do they think and how do they live? One of the things that I recognize as I take the time to look at the world around me is that the majority[ Read More ]
  • Bad News is Best in Person class=

    Bad News is Best in Person

    Well…. I recently did something that no man, who hopes to stay in a relationship with his significant other, should ever do. I sent “bad” information to my wife through the mode of communication commonly known as text message. The information I sent wasn't even that bad when you take into account typical ideas associated with “bad”, like death, sickness,[ Read More ]
  • The Real King (is Consistency) class=

    The Real King (is Consistency)

    I don't know about you, but I love me some Chick-fil-a. There is just something about their Deluxe spicy chicken sandwich meal that puts me as a business coach over the edge. When you take the spice of the tender chicken and combine it with the sweetness of the Chick-fil-a sauce, it is a magical party for my taste buds.[ Read More ]
  • Put the Phone Down class=

    Put the Phone Down

    I was sitting on my couch at my home the other day after a busy week of being a business coach and was experiencing a sense of being overwhelmed by my kids. I have three children, ages 8, 6, and 2, and I love being a father. Hanging out with my kids is one of my favorite things. In this[ Read More ]
  • Why Are People More Successful Than You? class=

    Why Are People More Successful Than You?

    Why are people more successful than me? Why are people more successful than you? If you don't ask this of yourself on a consistent basis, then you're missing out on a huge opportunity. This is something that I consistently ask myself on any given day. As I look around and I see the strengths and weaknesses of those around me,[ Read More ]
  • Business Coach Diaries Checklist: class=

    Business Coach Diaries Checklist:

    Business Coach Diaries Checklist: Step One: Carry around a notebook Step Two: Take notes on all that I learn Step Three: Review notes and decide what to write about in my weekly business coach diary Step Four: Create an outline of the main points I want to discuss in the weekly business coach Diary Step Five: Open Google Docs and[ Read More ]
  • Knock knock… Who’s there? class=

    Knock knock… Who’s there?

    Knock knock... Who's there?... Hatch... Hatch who?... God bless you! If you are even remotely similar to me and the other business coach team, then you may have cracked a smile at that joke. Currently, I am in a stage of life with young children, where knock knock jokes make me the cool dad. My kids are young enough that[ Read More ]
  • Love What You Do class=

    Love What You Do

    Do you love what you get to do every day? Most people that I talk to do NOT love their job. They are doing the bare minimum to collect a paycheck and saunter through life until that inevitable day when a stroke takes them and their life ends. My brain can't comprehend why so many people live this way! Wait…[ Read More ]
  • The Power of PR class=

    The Power of PR

    PR, also known as public relations, is essentially the exposure that you have to the general public through different media outlets and modes of communication. When it comes to PR, there are some very intentional things that you can do if you want to create exposure for yourself on a large scale. Years ago, business coach Clay Clark paid Michael[ Read More ]
  • Criticism is a Prerequisite to Success class=

    Criticism is a Prerequisite to Success

    What is really most important to you in your business? Do you care more about what your employees think, or do you care about hitting your goals? Are you obsessed with not offending anyone, or are you willing to accept the fact that in order to have a purple cow, you will have to alienate someone? It is literally impossible[ Read More ]
  • The Objective of a Business Coach class=

    The Objective of a Business Coach

    Picture this, you are sitting on a beach sipping some fruity drink, or perhaps you are reading in a coffee shop. Maybe you are skiing on the slopes in Vail, Colorado, or perhaps you are out buying the new sports car that you've always wanted to purchase. Maybe for you, the image that you want to picture when it comes[ Read More ]
  • Business Coach on Having the Correct Focus class=

    Business Coach on Having the Correct Focus

    Have you ever just sat back and observed the world? It seems like in today's age, if you look around, it's almost like there are a lot of blind people wandering around in the woods. People seem lost, they don't know what to do. They don't know how to manage their time or finances. People seem oblivious to what is[ Read More ]


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