Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches


If you spend any time with Clay Clark, his business partner, Jonathan Kelly, or anyone who has been a part of the Thrivetime Show for any length of time, then you will hear, see and experience a word literally every day. That word is “Boom”. This is our response to almost any news, story or bit of information. A couple of days ago, one of my best business coach clients, Stephanie Pipkin, with Black River Falls Cleaning Services, texted me that she had the highest revenue day in the history of her company. Now, this is INCREDIBLE news and it is always so exciting when a client diligently follows the proven path to success and hits their goals. Needless to say, I was ecstatic! My response to Stephanie’s text was “Boom”. Now, if you were new to our circle, you might think we are just throwing out a canned response, however when you spend any amount of time in our group, you will quickly learn that this word comes with a high level of intentionality! I used the word BOOM! on purpose.


BOOM! Stands for Big Overwhelming Optimistic Momentum.

As an entrepreneur, you have chosen a best business coach path filled with challenges that will test your resolve and tenacity. When you face these challenges, you can do what most people do and curl up in a ball, complain about how bad things are and how scary the future looks, or you can bring the BOOM! You can be someone who sucks the life and energy out of the room, or you can be the person who creates the energy and brings the big overwhelming optimistic momentum. I choose to bring the boom. Each one of us has the choice to be a thermometer or a thermostat for the environments we are a part of. A thermometer simply measures the temperature and matches the energy. A thermostat, however, SETS THE TEMPERATURE!!! When you bring the BOOM into the room, you set the temperature and create the energy that fuels not only yourself but those around you down the path towards success.

Entrepreneurs who are successful are people who know how to bring the best business coach boom in good times and in bad times. One reason they are able to do this is that they surround themselves with people who also know how to bring the boom. As Clay says, your network is your net worth. You will become like the 5 people you spend the most amount of time with. If you surround yourself with energy-sucking people then you will soon be an energy sucker. If you surround yourself with people who only know how to find problems, but not solutions, then you will become like them. If you surround yourself with people who don’t know how to bring the boom, then you will quickly become someone who can’t bring the boom. The boom is absolutely essential for you to be able to navigate through any situation. When you find out that you are being sued for the first time, you can get all scared about a future that you can’t control, or you can bring the boom and keep moving forward. When you are doing all of the needed actions to get leads, and the leads aren’t coming in, you can cry like a child or you can bring the BOOM!

The bottom line is that on the other side of bringing the boom to your entrepreneurial journey is that time and financial freedom that you are working so hard for. You will never get to this destination if you do not fuel your tank with BOOM fuel. Today, first take a look at the environment you spend the most time in and the people you are with. Are they people who bring the boom? If not, change your environment. Next, make the decision to be the thermostat in every environment you go into. SET THE TEMPERATURE!! Watch what happens as you bring the BOOM to every situation. You will feel the momentum begin to shift and see the opportunities that are in front of you. You will be a problem solver and will make progress. Bring the BOOM today and watch what happens in your life. BOOM!

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Luke E.

A former Life.Church pastor, Luke is bringing the good news of growing businesses to the masses.

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