Andrew B - Diary Posts

  • Rush to Revenue class=

    Rush to Revenue

    This week, I worked with one of my business coaching clients and we were reviewing the percentage of growth that he had experienced. This is a client that owns a business up in California and we have been working with him for a few months at this point. When we started working with him, he was at a spot where[ Read More ]
  • Your One Thing class=

    Your One Thing

     Today our business coach meeting, Clay talked in great detail and depth about picking your thing and sticking with it until completion. So many times we get on a new thing and then decide that we’re done with that we’re bored with it and move onto the next thing very quickly. We as humans enjoy new things and I think[ Read More ]
  • It All Comes Down to Training class=

    It All Comes Down to Training

     This week I was able to work on training employees with many of my business coach clients. It is so very important to develop a great training system for your employees so that way when you bring on new employees, you don’t have to personally retrain everybody everything. When you create a great system for training, it allows you to[ Read More ]
  • 3 Moves to Save You HOURS class=

    3 Moves to Save You HOURS

    Setting up management tools in your best business coach company is something that, by doing, will save you hours and hours every single week. Whether you are having difficulties following up with your team, holding them accountable, or even replacing them, these three moves will save you hours of valuable time and a lot of money. Each one of these[ Read More ]
  • All In class=

    All In

    This week we talked a lot about being all in and whatever you're doing. Specifically, with the way our coaching program works, we are only able to withhold 160 clients at all times. This means that we can work with 160 different businesses at one given time because that is what Clay has chosen to handle in the number of[ Read More ]
  • Have Confidence class=

    Have Confidence

    This week, I had a business coach meeting with a great American business owner. This is a company that we have recently started working with. The owner of the business Is incredibly diligent and always gets his action items done. Although every single week when we get together for our meeting, all of his action items are done there’s always[ Read More ]
  • What to Do with LEADS!? class=

    What to Do with LEADS!?

    One thing that I’ve been able to see as a business coach in every single business we have worked with the Thrivetime show, is the fact that they often go from receiving no inbound leads to multiple inbound leads every single week. It was great to see this transition in this growth with new clients whenever they implement the proven[ Read More ]
  • Question EVERYTHING class=

    Question EVERYTHING

    When was the last time you stopped and questioned something? It might seem like you did not too long ago especially with all these current events going on. But as a business coach, I’m not saying that you simply stopped and wondered if something was true. I’m saying living life in a paranoid state where you always assume that what[ Read More ]
  • Trust But Verify class=

    Trust But Verify

    Something as a business coach I’ve seen used multiple times this week is the concept of trust but verify. This basically means that once you’ve given someone something to do or when you hear a fact, you can believe it but first you must verify that it is true. This really does apply to all areas of life. With all[ Read More ]
  • Creating The Ideal Schedule class=

    Creating The Ideal Schedule

    When someone decides to start a business, it’s typically because they want to stop working for somebody else and start working for themselves. Oftentimes when I find people find themselves working for themselves but it just becomes a high-paying job. Most business owners work themselves into a spot where the business is reliant on them; you don’t have any time[ Read More ]
  • Greatness = Opposition class=

    Greatness = Opposition

    Every time you try to do something great, there will always be opposition. When you are chasing after your business coaching goal, no matter how small or large, there will be people who tell you that it’s not possible. Your friends and family will warn you of every danger and possible heartache on the path to achieving your goal and[ Read More ]
  • How College Has Ruined Your Brain class=

    How College Has Ruined Your Brain

    Memorizing can be one of the biggest time sucks. Although most of us at the business coaching office have had the concept of memorization hammered into our brain from preschool all the way through college, it is the biggest time-suck that exists. There is so much valuable time and money that is lost when you memorize or when you pay[ Read More ]
  • Give in or Become the Greater Force class=

    Give in or Become the Greater Force

    Every day that we interact with other people, we make a business coaching choice that we don’t often realize that we are making. Whether you are having your weekly team meeting, trying to save your country from communism, or simply being greeted at Starbucks, we all make this choice. This is the choice to either give in to the greater[ Read More ]
  • The Sales Cycle class=

    The Sales Cycle

    For some people, selling a product comes natural but for most, you have to train for hours and hours before you can consistently sell. Clay has built a repeatable business coaching system for selling that works if you implement it properly. Selling can be scaled out to you and your team when you implement the four steps. Rapport, Needs, Benefits,[ Read More ]
  • Time class=


    So often we (even business coaching team members) say that there is a huge list of things to do but not enough time. Our to-do list keeps growing but we never chip away at it. We constantly tell ourselves that we can never find the time because we are too busy putting out burning fires. The real test has come[ Read More ]
  • Do The Five class=

    Do The Five

    If you have spent any time on Google recently, which everyone is including me as a business coach, considering they are forced to stay home and are not able to work, you will often see a little informational logo at the bottom of This is the “Do The Five” logo and the goal of this campaign is to slow[ Read More ]
  • Tenacity is the Key class=

    Tenacity is the Key

    One thing that I have seen over the past week as a business coach is how the people who have had tenacity are always the ones who end up on top. While the economy is slowed down dramatically because of the fear of the coronavirus, the business owners who have wanted to succeed more than those who have given up[ Read More ]
  • The Necessary Need for Uncomfortable Conversations class=

    The Necessary Need for Uncomfortable Conversations

    The popular podcast host, Tim Ferris, has said, “A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.” Currently, there is a virus that is sweeping the world causing massive overreactions and panic. The Coronavirus is a new strand of virus that is a lot like the flu[ Read More ]
  • The Google Domination Equation class=

    The Google Domination Equation

    If I was to ask the common person if they have used Google in the past week, they would more than likely say, “Yes”. If I went a little further and asked them if they knew how Google worked, what determines what comes up to the top of the search results, and how to get a website there, 99% of[ Read More ]
  • The Business Conference of All Business Conferences class=

    The Business Conference of All Business Conferences

    The Thrivetime Show Business Conference that Clay hosts every other month is an incredible event that every business owner, who is willing to take the action needed to grow their business, should attend. The business conference is so incredibly different from all other business conferences that you have ever been to. You really do have to visit Tulsa, Oklahoma to[ Read More ]
  • Stay In Your Lane class=

    Stay In Your Lane

    One huge time saving tip that business coach Clay talks about often and uses every day is the concept of “Lanes”. You have heard the saying “Staying in your lane” and this is exactly what you should be doing as a business owner. You have to sit down, look at your schedule, and decide what is in your lane and[ Read More ]
  • Look at Your Finances Every WEEK! class=

    Look at Your Finances Every WEEK!

    This week at the Thrivetime Show, we have covered a lot about being profitable and staying on top of your accounting. Business Coach Clay talks about the 5 financial super moves that you must perform if you want to remain profitable and stay ahead of your expenses. Often times, we consider “accounting” as looking in the rearview mirror and seeing[ Read More ]
  • Yours Truly, The Disappointment Panda… class=

    Yours Truly, The Disappointment Panda…

    This week, working at the Thrivetime Show with Clay Clark, I have learned a lot about problems. So many of us are always searching for the one thing, the one job, the one business, the one source of income, or the one perfect employee to make all of the problems stop. Something that you can install into your life that[ Read More ]
  • It’s a Numbers Game class=

    It’s a Numbers Game

    Something that really hit home this week while I was at the radio show recording with business coach Clay and some other great people is that it’s all a numbers game. So many people look at marketing as a hugely daunting task that has no end goal. There is a goal, we just have to find it first. Here is[ Read More ]
  • Track Your Wins class=

    Track Your Wins

    As an entrepreneur, you will have many wins throughout your weeks and months. As a business coach, I see it all the time. As you grow larger and larger, your company will also have more and more problems. One way to combat these problems is by celebrating the wins that you have already collected from the past. If you want[ Read More ]
  • Stop Getting Stuck class=

    Stop Getting Stuck

    Dragon Energy - It is a mindset that you have to have as an entrepreneur. A mindset of “I will not stop, I will not move on, I will not sleep until I get this action item done.”   Getting stuck is one of the most common things I see as a business coach happens with business owners and in[ Read More ]
  • Shared Traits of the Super Successful class=

    Shared Traits of the Super Successful

    Since I started working with Clay over 3 years ago as a business coach, I have been able to meet a lot of very successful people including Clay himself. All successful people share a lot of the same characteristics and mindsets and it is easy to spot them. There is something else that all successful people have. Whether they are[ Read More ]
  • The Soft Selling Art class=

    The Soft Selling Art

    One of the great things that Clay teaches as a business coach is the art of Soft Selling. Soft Selling is where you are selling to your customer but they don’t even know it. There are many ways to soft sell your product or service and it is a must if you are trying to sell in this day in[ Read More ]
  • Write It Down! class=

    Write It Down!

    One thing Clay always teaches as a business coach is the fact that you have to document everything or you will lose your mind. Documenting everything from your passwords, images, videos, legal files, and marketing pieces should be mandatory in every business and in everybody’s life. Everyone has experienced the consequences of this at least once. It’s the classic case[ Read More ]
  • Business Coach | Work, Work, Work, Work class=

    Business Coach | Work, Work, Work, Work

    Since I have started working for Clay Clark as a business coach, I have been able to meet many successful entrepreneurs and watch many of them win at building their business. Every single person that succeeds at growing their businesses have one thing in common. They all have a completely different set of standards than everybody else. They all are[ Read More ]


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