Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches


So often we (even business coaching team members) say that there is a huge list of things to do but not enough time. Our to-do list keeps growing but we never chip away at it. We constantly tell ourselves that we can never find the time because we are too busy putting out burning fires. The real test has come recently with this opportunity that the Coronavirus hoax has given us. The government has shut down and locked up the country which has forced most people to stop doing their regular weekly duties. This has given millions of people copious amounts of time until the world realizes the massive hoax that the media has created. The question is, what will you do with this time?


Every item on your to do list should have a due date. If you do not set deadlines for yourself, you will not get things done.


Some people have seen this time as an opportunity to get ahead. You can get ahead of your to-do list and your business coaching competition. You must start by blocking off the core things that you have to get done today. Do this time blocking in the morning before you see any other human. If you wait to block off your day and to create your day, someone else is going to create your day for you by providing you with burning fires in action items. After you block off your day, you must then create your to-do list in order from most important to least important action items.

Every item on your to do list should have a due date. If you do not set deadlines for yourself, you will not get things done. Everybody is inclined to wait until the last minute to finish anything so if you set deadlines for yourself, you will always get things done early. The biggest problem that I see when people set deadlines for themselves is that they don’t take them seriously. Jonathan Kelly at the Thrivetime show has made it very clear to myself and our team what the definition of deadlines is. They mean that no matter if you’re doing something for yourself or for your business, you have to treat deadlines like “musts” not “shoulds”. The alternative for not completing your action item by the deadline should, in your mind, be death. That is how serious you should take these action items if you ever want to accomplish anything.

Everybody in the current coronavirus economy who is taking advantage of this time to get ahead will achieve much success. Everybody else who is currently wasting their life so we’re trying to wait for this whole thing out will find themselves behind everyone else who took advantage of this valuable time. Time is our most valuable asset and even during a crazy media hoax, we still have to make the most of it because we only get one “today”. This is why we use the term ”Deadline”.

Wake up every morning from today forward and be intentional about your day. Create your day before someone creates it for you. Never let time slip from you, control your time. This business coaching time that we are currently in is a perfect opportunity for everybody, whether you own a business or not, to begin controlling and creating your days.

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Andrew B.

Andrew B. currently holds the record for the youngest business coach on the Thrivetime Show business coaching team (he looks like he's 12 years old). But don't let his boyish looks fool you. He is married, currently owns a rental property and saves 35% of his income.

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