Amelia S - Diary Posts

  • Show What You Know class=

    Show What You Know

    This week during our business coach meeting business coach Clay talked about the importance of taking action. He said that as the business coach it is our job to get the business coaching client moving faster. We need to get into it, meaning the initial path, faster. The initial path contains things like gathering passwords, launching the website, creating ads,[ Read More ]
  • Focus On What You Can Control class=

    Focus On What You Can Control

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock your entire business coaching life it is not difficult to see that there is a lot of crazy stuff happening in the world. Not only during the time of COVID and electron fraud. There is always stuff going on around you. A skill that Clay and Jon have helped me develop as a[ Read More ]
  • Will You Get Better or Not? class=

    Will You Get Better or Not?

    There is no such thing as being stagnant in your own business coaching life. You are always moving in one direction or another. You simply need to decide which direction that will be. This was the topic of discussion during the all-staff meeting this Monday here at the business coach headquarters. Clay talked about how every week we come to[ Read More ]
  • Don’t Lose the Fire class=

    Don’t Lose the Fire

    Whenever you begin something new, a new relationship, a new workout plan, a new business coach, a new job, or any sort of new project it is exciting. You have momentum, a sense of resolve. You spend hours meal prepping, talking on the phone about nothing, or preparing for a meeting. But without an intentional attitude that momentum, that motivation,[ Read More ]
  • How to Read a Book class=

    How to Read a Book

    This week at the business coaching headquarters, Clay taught us all how to read a book. I know what you're thinking…” How to read a book” isn’t that more of a lesson for someone in preschool or kindergarten? However, Let me elaborate, it is important to know how to read and retain the information in a book instead of simply[ Read More ]
  • Intense Conversations lead to Genuine Interactions class=

    Intense Conversations lead to Genuine Interactions

    Intense conversations lead to genuine interactions. This is a powerful point that the best business coach Clay Clark taught the team and me a few days ago in our Elephant in the Room managers meeting. During this meeting, we discuss burning fires, such as things that need maintenance at the shop, time-off requests, payroll, etc…. It is also a time[ Read More ]
  • Revel in the Hatred class=

    Revel in the Hatred

    This week at the ThriveTime headquarters during the business coach meeting we watched a trailer for a documentary about Roger Stone. Roger stone is a conservative political consultant. He is a polarized individual that many deeply hate and others love. In this trailer, he said, "I revel in your hatred because if I weren't effective, you wouldn't hate me." BOOM![ Read More ]
  • What Time is it? class=

    What Time is it?

    Do you know what time it is right now? This week during the all-staff meeting business coach Clay Clark talked to the team about the habits of the successful. One of those habits is that they are aware of the time, at all times. I’m sure you have heard the phrase “time is money”. This is so true. Time is[ Read More ]
  • Live Like No One Else class=

    Live Like No One Else

    There is a quote from Dave Ramsey that I as a business coach often think about and that is “If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.” So what does that mean? If you want to live your life or obtain things outside what the average human does then you have to[ Read More ]
  • Don’t Reinvent the Wheel class=

    Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

     A long time ago in a galaxy far far away (just kidding it was earth), some caveman invented the wheel. An object that greatly impacted the quality of his life and subsequently the lives of all humans since then. If I were to tell you to spend 80 plus hours a week designing your custom wheel for your industry you[ Read More ]
  • Emotions are Crap class=

    Emotions are Crap

    Emotions. Everyone has them. They are crap. Let me explain. Emotions block Motions and motions are required to be successful. Successful people don’t take mental health days.  Successful people don’t break down because they feel overwhelmed. Successful people don’t make decisions based upon emotions. They gather the facts and they act. Successful people don’t get offended…..noticing the trend yet? Do[ Read More ]
  • Showtime class=


    Doctor Zoellner, mentor to business coaching wizard Clay Clark teaches a principle called “Showtime”. This has been a big topic of discussion in the office this past week. So what does showtime mean you may ask? That means that as a business owner, business coach, or employee in general you need to view every interaction with a customer or client[ Read More ]
  • Black and White Perspective class=

    Black and White Perspective

    There is an image out there that depicts 2 men arguing about a number on the ground. On one side one of the men is adamant that it is a 9 and the other man, who is standing across from the first man, is arguing that it is 6. To each of them, they believe that they are correct because[ Read More ]
  • The Pursuit of Happiness class=

    The Pursuit of Happiness

    The Declaration of Independence does not state that all men are guaranteed happiness, but the pursuit of happiness.   In the Declaration of Independence, there is a well-known sentence that reads “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,[ Read More ]
  • You Gotta Work For It class=

    You Gotta Work For It

    You Need to be Your Own Cheerleader As a business coach, once the concept that I teach all of my business coach clients is that you need to be your own cheerleader, no one is going to care about your business as you do. No one will care that you have invested years of hard work and money into your[ Read More ]
  • Adding or Subtracting? class=

    Adding or Subtracting?

    There are two types of people in this world. Ones that are on your side, you know, the people that are excited for your success and encourage you to hit your goals. Then, there are those that are against you. The people that criticize your work, are constantly negative and are resentful because they are jealous of your success. This[ Read More ]
  • Knowledge Bombs From Clay and Jonathan class=

    Knowledge Bombs From Clay and Jonathan

    This week there were a lot of super moves taught by business coach Clay and Jonathan, so buckle up, and take some notes.  Repeat the last three words someone says...or ask them “what they mean by that.” This is a power move I now use with my business coach clients. Jonathan Kelly taught me to use this move when you[ Read More ]
  • We All Have the Same 24 hours class=

    We All Have the Same 24 hours

    When you don’t have a plan you drift. That means with no list you will, by default, waste that precious free time.   Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, TD Jakes, business coach Clay Clark, all of these people have something in common, they are super successful. So what’s their secret? Are they superhuman? Were they born into privilege and[ Read More ]
  • “The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself” class=

    “The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself”

    Y2K, West Nile Virus, the Swine Flu, the end of the Myan calendar, Murderers, car crashes, terrorists. Whatever it is there will literally always be something to be scared of. The controversial idea coming your way.... the world never gets any better or worse, it just is. There will always be good and always be bad. The determining factor is[ Read More ]
  • The Pareto Principle class=

    The Pareto Principle

    As business coaches at the ThriveTime headquarters it is our job to stay ahead of the crazy that life often brings us. This week I watched Clay coach a fellow colleague through working through a crazy situation. This particular person was upset about the closing of their house being rescheduled. However, the crazy part was that the reason they couldn’t[ Read More ]
  • The Thrivetime Business Conference, Taking the ‘E’ out of ‘Emotion class=

    The Thrivetime Business Conference, Taking the ‘E’ out of ‘Emotion

    This past weekend we had our February business conference. This Conference was smaller than the previous conference but I loved that it was. I have noticed that when we have 100 conference attendees verses 300 Clay and the other speakers are able to interact much more with all of the conference attendees. They are able to answer more one on[ Read More ]
  • Even though… class=

    Even though…

    This week at the Thrivetime headquarters we had our weekly all-staff business coach meeting on Monday morning. This is a meeting where we go over wins of the week, burning fires, and housekeeping notes. This week one of our housekeeping notes was to make sure that we are absolutely hitting our deadlines, not one day after, but on the day[ Read More ]
  • Obsession class=


    Obsession is often a topic of discussion here at Thrive. Why? Because if you ever truly want to succeed at anything you have to obsess over it. Clay encouraged the business coach team this week to think about the one work thing that they wanted to be great at. Then obsess over it. He also encouraged us to do the[ Read More ]
  • Knowledge Is Not Power, Implementation Is class=

    Knowledge Is Not Power, Implementation Is

    As a business coach, I have learned a lot from Clay and Jonathan. From search engine optimization, and Google canonical compliance, to how to sell stuff and manage a team, and so many more things in between. However, none of these things would have made a difference in my life or my family’s life unless I actually took action and[ Read More ]
  • One Life, One To Do list, One Calendar class=

    One Life, One To Do list, One Calendar

    One of the most powerful life tips Clay and Jonathan have taught me as a business coach is to have one calendar and one to-do list and to carry them with me at all times. I have mentioned it before but I will say it again. Prior to coming to Thrive, I thought I could remember everything. Ha! I kept[ Read More ]
  • Eat A Big ‘Ole bowl Of Conflict Flakes class=

    Eat A Big ‘Ole bowl Of Conflict Flakes

    Oh, conflict. It's a subject that makes 99% of people recoil. Confrontation is such an unpleasant thing that most people just deal with the things themselves or tell every single person except for the person that it pertains to, all so that they can avoid one conversation or one man's opinion...that’s crazy! For something that is so widely hated it[ Read More ]
  • It’s Time to Recalibrate class=

    It’s Time to Recalibrate

    Quiet time, meditation, meta time, prayer, reflection, whatever you choose to call it, every single human needs time away from the noise. Time to reset your mind and decompress from everyday life. Now before I lose you, this isn’t some woo-woo feelings post it just literally boils down to you need to set time aside for your mind to reset[ Read More ]
  • Don’t Listen To The Voices Of The Average class=

    Don’t Listen To The Voices Of The Average

    This week I was able to witness some killer management moves by Clay and Jonathan Kelly. Without getting into all the details of the issues, Jonathan was trying to get to the root of a particular problem and when we found out how the mistake was made and who made it, me and another co-worker started to think of ways[ Read More ]
  • There Is No Such Thing As Neutral | Business Conferences class=

    There Is No Such Thing As Neutral | Business Conferences

    Recently Clay said something during a coaches meeting that really stood out to me. He was giving us all the feedback about our most recent business conferences. He said that one of the many things that makes us unique is the energy that we as a team give off. He said our energy at the business conferences was great but[ Read More ]
  • The Three O’s Of Successful People class=

    The Three O’s Of Successful People

    This past weekend we had one of our Business Conferences and it was fantastic! We had several wonderful guest speakers; Matt Kline from OxiFresh, Jill Donovan, founder of Rustic Cuff, and Michael Levine, PR consultant for Nike, Prince, and David Bowie. All of the people that spoke delivered powerful action steps and knowledge bombs. Something that really stood out to[ Read More ]


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