Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

What Time is it?

Do you know what time it is right now?

This week during the all-staff meeting business coach Clay Clark talked to the team about the habits of the successful. One of those habits is that they are aware of the time, at all times. I’m sure you have heard the phrase “time is money”. This is so true. Time is everything. So then why do we allow ourselves to be late to “loose track of time”, to drift through life? Keeping track of the time will make or break you. For example, if you ignore your alarm clock you will be late, and being late causes hate (see Jonathan’s excellent article on this phenomenon here –, if you don’t keep track of what time of the day it is you won’t be able to plan your day. If you don’t plan your day you won’t be able to get all your tasks done. You will simply wander from one task to the next, just waiting for the next burning fire. You will look back on your day and wonder what even happened that day. As a business coach, this is something I see a lot of people learn the hard way, myself included.

Allow me to demonstrate. Thursday is my “day off” meaning I don’t go into the business coach office. On this day my primary role is a mom. I also use this as a flex day to get some of my business coach homework done. Well on a particular Thursday, when I was still figuring out this mom thing, I did not have any client homework that needed to be done before the weekend. However, I still woke up at my regular time of 4…but on this day so did my little one. I decided to hold her instead of planning my day. As I held her while she slept I thought about my day and how there weren’t really any pressing action items that I needed to do, just some stuff around the house, and a few errands to run. That’s not so bad I thought to myself, I don’t need to bother making a business coach schedule and to-do list….That was a dumb idea, to say the least. I ended up drifting through the day just doing whatever. I was not intentional at all and when it came time for me to meet up with a friend for dinner I suddenly had to rush to get there on time and surprise surprise I was still late. I felt unproductive. I wondered why that day was so weird and I realized it was because I didn’t have my clipboard, I didn’t track the time, I had zero schedules. So let me tell you this with assurance. Even if you think that your day is the same as the day before or that you don’t have much to write down i.e. “take care of the baby” be as specific as possible. Write it down anyway. Keep track of the time and be intentional not to waste it! 


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Amelia S.

Amelia S. is a business coach for the Thrivetime Show coaching team and is married to SEO jedi Ben S. Don't let her smile fool you...she means business when it comes to growing businesses.

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