Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

You Gotta Work For It

You Need to be Your Own Cheerleader

As a business coach, once the concept that I teach all of my business coach clients is that you need to be your own cheerleader, no one is going to care about your business as you do. No one will care that you have invested years of hard work and money into your company or that your family’s well-being literally depends on its success. Therefore you have to remain self-motivated and put in the work no matter the circumstance. If you want a reward you have to work for it. That’s how life works. If you think you are entitled to a certain way of life simply because you are a human being that exists on the planet earth then you are definitely NOT an entrepreneur and you should probably find yourself a 9-5 job. 


Everyone wants to reap the benefits but no one wants to put in the work.


Clay often says that everyone wants to reap the benefits but no one wants to put in the work. So what I often encourage my business coaching clients to do is to look at what trade-ups they are willing to work. If they really want “_____” then you have to put in “X” amount. Putting it into such simple terms is a great way for you to see if you really want it. You have to make sacrifices for success. Look at it this way. Say you wanted to get into incredible shape. You wanted to lose fat and gain muscle. Would you be able to achieve that by not changing your diet at all? How about only working out every once and awhile? Absolutely not. You would see zero change in your body. On the other hand, what type of results would see if you switched to a cleaner leaner diet and started working out every day? You would definitely see the results that you are looking for. So obviously you cannot buy your dream house, drive the fancy car, take those vacations, or whatever it is you want without putting in the work. 

By helping my business coach clients identify exactly what they need to do in order to reach they are able to see if they really want that goal. Just this past week I was working with a client who had a goal to have a certain number of clients. As his number of clients is growing we have hired another employee. With another employee, this entrepreneur now knows he has to add managing a team to his list of things to do. We took his number of clients and figured out just how many employees he would need and how many hours he would need to work a week in order to get those clients and to train those employees. While he was confident he could handle that workload he also noted how this would take him away from his two daughters whom he had also made a goal to spend more time with. He had the goal to take them on a vacation once a year and spend quality time with them on the weekend. After looking at his schedule, he decided for the time being that his goal of clients would be smaller in order to allow him to spend time with his family. 

Whatever your goal is it will require compromise and hard work. Clay often says “When others get bored I bore down”. So figure out how hard you are willing to work and bore down!

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Amelia S.

Amelia S. is a business coach for the Thrivetime Show coaching team and is married to SEO jedi Ben S. Don't let her smile fool you...she means business when it comes to growing businesses.

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