When someone decides to start a business, it’s typically because they want to stop working for somebody else and start working for themselves. Oftentimes when I find people find themselves working for themselves but it just becomes a high-paying job. Most business owners work themselves into a spot where the business is reliant on them; you don’t have any time or financial freedom. If they were to leave for one week and the whole business would fall apart they would be left with nothing left when they returned. This is why it’s so important to create business coaching systems and checklists in order for you to achieve your ideal schedule.
One of my favorite things to do with business coaching clients is to build an ideal schedule.
Most business owners don’t believe that this is possible because they’ve lived all of their lives working in their own business. Obtaining your ideal schedule can be very possible but we first have to sit in place certain boundaries in certain systems to achieve it. These systems typically are comprised of a handful of weekly one hour meetings that are follow up meetings with your staff. In these meetings, you will be following up with specific team members on specific items that they were tasked with the previous week.
The first step you need to take is to look at Your schedule and determine the things that you were doing currently that you can off-board on to somebody else’s schedule. This is the first step in obtaining time freedom. Once you create the list of things that you can off boredom to an employee, you are able to create a checklist for them to follow as they are performing a new task. Once you have enough tasks to complete enough employees to complete them then you must schedule your first weekly one-hour meeting. A few examples of his one-hour meetings are your Weekly all-staff meeting, your weekly manager meeting, your weekly accounting meeting, your weekly hiring, and your weekly coaching meeting. If you create a system for each one of these meetings and follow an agenda for each meeting, you’ll be able to follow up with all of the key performance indicators that you were assigned to your team.
The key to time freedom is creating systems and processes, training your staff to follow them, and the most important part, following up with your staff weekly to ensure that they are completing their tasks properly. If you’re not willing to complete processes and checklists for your staff to follow, then you will never obtain Time for them and you’ll always be stuck working in your business. Once you have created these business coaching meetings and have set up a weekly time for them, you can now change your weekly ideal schedule. This means that you have five meetings that will happen every week where you follow up with your team and the rest of the time is for you to decide what to do with. It is possible to obtain your ideal schedule, it just takes a lot of time and hard work in the beginning before you get into orbit.