Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Give in or Become the Greater Force

Every day that we interact with other people, we make a business coaching choice that we don’t often realize that we are making. Whether you are having your weekly team meeting, trying to save your country from communism, or simply being greeted at Starbucks, we all make this choice. This is the choice to either give in to the greater force or to become the greater force. In every situation, there is a strong force and a weak force. The strongest force always wins in every situation. If you are more positive than the negative barista in front of you, you will win the conversation over to become positive. If you are the stronger force when implementing new key performance indicators with your staff even while they disagree with them, you will win. If you are trying to save your country from a China-like state of communism and you are the stronger force, you will win.


The strongest force always wins in every situation


Specifically, every day when you are in a business coaching meeting, whether it is your daily huddle with your staff or you are in a long-dreaded meeting, the strongest emotional state in the room will win. If your staff is half asleep, depressed, and upset that they are at work and you are only slightly excited to be there, they will win. You have to look at the energy level and the state of the room and it is up to you to determine how that meeting goes. If the state of the room is pushing against you, you have to double down in the opposite direction and push back. You have to push back twice as strong and if you remain the strongest force in the room, you will win and you will have a successful meeting.

When something in your life pushes back against you, you must push back at it and push harder. When a successful person makes a decision, they oftentimes stick to it. You don’t see successful people picking a viewpoint and immediately changing it as soon as their family or employee objects to it. This is why they are successful because they went against the grain.

When you implement something in your business or in your life, people won’t always be on board with you and your decision. Your employees won’t want to meet the key performance indicators you set for them if you ask them. They won’t want to clean the bathrooms at the end of the day. You have to determine what is best for the business and you have to make that the standard. No one cares about the business as much as you do and all employees will find some way to make it easier and better for themselves as opposed to better for the business.

If you let other people push you around, you will end up living their reality. They will develop, create, and direct your entire world. Before you give into someone else’s strong opinion, ask yourself what the reality they are trying to make it and if you want their reality. Just remember that the business exists to serve you. You can control your business coaching meetings and your everyday interactions by becoming the strongest force in the room.

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Andrew B.

Andrew B. currently holds the record for the youngest business coach on the Thrivetime Show business coaching team (he looks like he's 12 years old). But don't let his boyish looks fool you. He is married, currently owns a rental property and saves 35% of his income.

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