Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches


When was the last time you stopped and questioned something?

It might seem like you did not too long ago especially with all these current events going on. But as a business coach, I’m not saying that you simply stopped and wondered if something was true. I’m saying living life in a paranoid state where you always assume that what you were hearing is wrong. We are currently being fed so much information All at one time and we are expected to accept it as truth. If an organization or even the individual that you trust puts out new information, we are expected to trust them. We are expected to take what they have to say as truth and not question it.

It seems like a lot of the time, we do question things when they sound questionable but we often don’t wonder about the business coach consequences if we do not stop the lies. You have to look at the effects that will happen if you let the misinformation continue to spread. Often times, there are huge consequences that we can’t even fathom right now. Whether it is a lie that a politician is trying to sell to push an agenda that will have drastic effects on a country, or if it’s a lie that an employee is telling you that will eventually damage or end your company.

So many people will tell you to just relax or to just chill out but as you and I know, only those who were in a constant state of paranoia will survive. Life is about taking it easy and trusting everybody. There are so many different people with different genders who want to make sure they succeed. You have to assume that everything everyone is telling you is either wrong, false, or intentionally hurtful to you or your company. This is why we must verify everything that is being presented to us as fact. You must read the article before you share the link, you must look at your recorded calls before you take for granted the number of calls your employees made. You must look back at the security footage to ensure that your employee was actually working before blindly accepting their timesheet.

Looking at the Consequences

Once you begin living in a state where you believe that everyone is always trying to screw you, you must now take it to the next step. This next step is actually looking at the consequences. With everything happening in the world right now, there are people who understand that evil people are trying to change America. Maybe they understand this but they do not understand the business coach consequences if this happens. You must look at the consequences in the act with a level of intensity that matches those consequences. If we sit back and watch the country dissolve there will no longer be in America to live in. We have to act with an intensity that matches this problem.

The same thing goes for your company. If someone is lying to you and your business, you have to first be paranoid enough to see this, and then second you must act with an intensity to match the consequences. If someone is inside of your business and is slowly destroying it day after day, you must put out that burning fire as fast as possible and get rid of that bad apple. If you do not take action on this with a high level of intensity, you will soon not have a business to come back to.

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Andrew B.

Andrew B. currently holds the record for the youngest business coach on the Thrivetime Show business coaching team (he looks like he's 12 years old). But don't let his boyish looks fool you. He is married, currently owns a rental property and saves 35% of his income.

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