Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

The Business Conference of All Business Conferences

The Thrivetime Show Business Conference that Clay hosts every other month is an incredible event that every business owner, who is willing to take the action needed to grow their business, should attend. The business conference is so incredibly different from all other business conferences that you have ever been to. You really do have to visit Tulsa, Oklahoma to see what it’s all about. Before you visit, you must watch some of our video testimonials of our attendees who flew in and learned from the firehose of knowledge that is Clay Clark’s brain.

One of the main things that sets this business conference apart from other conferences is the fact that Clay delivers practical steps to all of the attendees. There are no vague moves or secrets that you have to pay for at the end of the conference. Everything that Clay teaches is a very linear and practical path that you can follow. Clay makes sure that every attendee leaves with all the questions answered at the end of the day.


There are no upsells for high pressure sales pitches at the end.


A lot of the other business conferences that you will go to, will provide a massive amount of motivation. This can be a good thing but what really sets Clay apart from the other guys is the fact that he’s actually done it and he’s actually done it more than once. Clay has been able to grow multiple multi-million dollar businesses and is able to walk you down the path through experiences. If you’ve ever been to another motivational conference, you have probably noticed that the person who is speaking to you has never actually managed employees or been in your position before. This is why Clay’s teaching style is so effective. Not only is he incredibly funny but he’s also been there and can relate with you in your business.

When Clay delivers practical steps to you from his experiences in the past, the great part is that you can implement the action items he gives you the same day. If you have ever been to another conference that claims to grow your business, you’ve probably been aggressively sold to at the end of the day. Most conferences like to teach almost all of the steps to success and then sell the last two secret steps at the end of the conference for an obscene amount of money. Clay delivers to you a step-by-step path, from start to finish, all for the price of the conference. There are no upsells for high pressure sales pitches at the end. It’s almost entertaining to watch all of the attendees look around at the end of the conference because they are just waiting for the hard upsell to come because they’ve seen it so many different times. It is so refreshing to see a conference where you can actually learn all of the steps out without being forced to take a second mortgage out on your house to learn the “secret money making moves”.

I’ve talked to thousands of conference Attendees and the one thing that I keep hearing over and over again is the fact that there’s nothing else like this out there in the entire world. Everyone who flies out to Tulsa to attend one of our Thrivetime Show business workshops, always walks away having learned how to properly nail and scale their business. I am of the firm belief that there is no other conference out there in the entire world like this conference. If you are ready to take the action needed to scale your business, then you must check out Thrivetime Show business conferences and see the masterpiece that Clay has created!

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Andrew B.

Andrew B. currently holds the record for the youngest business coach on the Thrivetime Show business coaching team (he looks like he's 12 years old). But don't let his boyish looks fool you. He is married, currently owns a rental property and saves 35% of his income.

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