Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

The Google Domination Equation

If I was to ask the common person if they have used Google in the past week, they would more than likely say, “Yes”. If I went a little further and asked them if they knew how Google worked, what determines what comes up to the top of the search results, and how to get a website there, 99% of people would not have any clue what I was even talking about. This is an insane phenomenon that shows the most used website is a complete phenomenon to most humans that use the site itself. Frankly it is okay that most people don’t know how Google works. Just like I am a business coach don’t know how my cellphone carries audio from my voice, into a small microphone, through the time-space continuum, and to the other person, I’m on the phone with. It doesn’t matter to me because I don’t own Verizon or AT&T and that technical science is not where I can build success on. If I did own a company like this, it would matter greatly to me. I would either have to learn everything there is to know about telecommunication or I would have to find someone who does. 

If you own a business, you get, or at least you should be getting, leads from Google because everybody who owns a computer or a smartphone uses it. That means… everybody is using it except for babies. If all of our potential clients are out there and we are not in front of them, we have to learn how to get there. You have to either spend months learning about how to dominate the Google search results or you can find somebody who knows the equation. Business coach Clay has figured this equation out and is helping hundreds of business owners to dominate on Google. 

There are four variables that determine your ranking on Google. First, you must have more keyword-focused content than any of your competitors. This content must be original relevant content that has been uploaded onto your website and properly optimized to satisfy Google’s desires. Second, you must have the most Google reviews on your Google map. You must reach out to your current and previous customers and ask them to leave you a review. Third, you must follow all of Google’s conical rules. This means that Google says they want your website to look and function a certain way and we don’t ask questions. We just do it as a business coach team. Finally, your website must be mobile complaint. Most humans on the planet earth are using their smartphones to find things online. We have to set up our website to comply with the device they are using.

Since Google values consistency over everything else, you must have 300% more content and reviews than your competitor to earn Google’s trust. This may sound like a long and grueling process and it is. This is why you must laser focus on ONE keyword and get started on your Google domination today. Do not put it off any longer because you are just allowing your competition to get one more review than you and one more page of content than you. Google domination is a competition every day against the other companies in your area providing the same service. Start gathering reviews and creating content now.

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Andrew B.

Andrew B. currently holds the record for the youngest business coach on the Thrivetime Show business coaching team (he looks like he's 12 years old). But don't let his boyish looks fool you. He is married, currently owns a rental property and saves 35% of his income.

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