Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Being Resilient is Brilliant 

So here, at the time that I am writing this, one of the things that have recently happened is that the government has decided that it wants to make more money from entrepreneurs. Clay Clark has a multimillion-dollar company called Elephant in the Room, a men’s grooming lounge. It is like a country club for men’s haircuts. It is a place where men can go and not only experience an incredibly high-quality haircut but also be pampered a little bit. When you walk into the building, you are greeted by a friendly person and offered a beverage. From there, you get to experience a consultation, tailored haircut, shampoo and conditioner, essential oil scalp massage, paraffin hand wax treatment, style, and more. It is truly an experience that all men should go to at least once. As a business that provides a service, according to the laws, you do not have to charge tax on service. However, as the government doesn’t live by the laws and standards that are established, and they choose to do whatever they want, they have decided to come after business coaching Clay for back taxes. They are claiming that Clay owes taxes for the past “however many years” he has been in business.


Resilience means that you just keep going.


When I saw Clay the other day and had the chance to ask him how this was going, he simply looked at me and said you know what, I don’t give a f**k. You see, it’s not that Clay does not care, but it’s that Clay is a business coaching pro and entrepreneur that embodies resilience. Resilience means that you just keep going. Resilience means that you don’t get caught up in the details and the craziness that being an entrepreneur is going to bring your way. As I have mentioned in previous articles, whenever you do something, it’s going to bring about criticism. Whenever you are accomplishing something and having success, it’s going to bring out people who want to take advantage of you. It will surface people who think that it’s unfair that you have what they don’t, even though they were unwilling to work hard and do the things necessary to get what you have. As this happens, you need to simply sit back and remind yourself that you don’t give a f**k.

In his book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Mark Manson talks about this very fact. He says that in life we only have a certain number of F’s to give. We don’t want to waste our F’s on things that are not important. If you understand your goals and what you are after, then anything that is trying to distract you or take away your attention from hitting those goals becomes something that you don’t have to give a f**k about. This truly is the core essence of resilience. Resilience means that you can take a punch and then keep on moving forward as if it didn’t happen. You are able to get back up whenever someone or something comes after you. As an entrepreneur, this must drive you because the reality is that you are going to face some very challenging things. Clay has had business partners betray him, employees steal clients, family members badmouth him and spread lies about him and so many other things happen. Clay’s mindset for all of this is simple, I don’t give a f**k.

Just the other day, Clay was in a business coaching meeting managing another one of his companies, Sam Adams Realty. In this business coaching meeting, it came out that one of his realtors had processed some paperwork incorrectly and had accepted two offers on one home. Now, if you know anything about real estate, you know that you absolutely cannot accept two offers on one home. When this realtor went back to let the parties know that one would be getting the house and the other one would not, they both had a fit. They freaked out. They threatened lawsuits and demanded ungodly amounts of money. Instead of freaking out and worrying about what could be, Clay simply sat back, and with a calmness that you can live in, he simply said I don’t give a f**k. He knew that if he kept pressing on and walking down the path that was before him that he would be able to figure out a solution. He knew that as an entrepreneur, these kinds of things are going to happen and that when they do, the only thing that you can do is work to solve them. If you get caught up in the emotion of how people treat you or the failures that you experience, then you will slow or stop whatever progress you’ve made.


Being Resilient is Brilliant.

Resilience is absolutely imperative to the success of you in your business. You can’t allow adversity, the attacks of others, mistakes, and anything else you can think of to take your attention off of your goals and on building the business that you truly want. In today’s over-connected world, where information is so readily available, it’s easy to get sucked into the drama that surrounds us. In fact, most people actually crave drama. This cannot be you. You don’t want to crave drama, but you need to be the type of person who can handle and manage it. Additionally, you must be able to manage your own internal mindset and world. How do you currently respond whenever you face something hard? If you melt down and want to give up and don’t know how to move forward, then entrepreneurship is probably not the path for you. Entrepreneurs must have the mindset of resilience. Clay Clark demonstrates this every single day. This is one of the reasons why he is so successful. He is brilliant in part because he is so resilient. 

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Luke E.

A former Life.Church pastor, Luke is bringing the good news of growing businesses to the masses.

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