Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches


Have you ever encountered someone or a business coach who sucked the life out of you? You know the type of people I am talking about. The kind of people who, when you are in their presence, leave you feeling like death is the best option. These people are always complaining about something or leave a wake of depressed people trying to gather their energy and enthusiasm back up after they leave. Let’s cut straight to the point… don’t be this person and don’t be around this person. Let’s start with the latter. Ask yourself, how do people feel after they spend a little time with me? Are they enthusiastic, energetic, inspired and excited about all they can accomplish, or are they down, depressed, moody and believing that life is hopeless? You have got to take an honest look at these questions.


Ask yourself, how do people feel after they spend a little time with me?


As an entrepreneur or business coach, if you are a person who brings your emotions and the crap that you deal with, into your interactions with your clients, employees, buyers, etc., then not only will you have a higher turnover, but you will also struggle more in building a successful business. Dr. Robert Zoellner, an avid entrepreneur and business partner with Clay Clark, determined that he was going to be a person that infuses energy into everyone that he meets. He calls it showtime. What he says to do is mentally pause before you go into any interaction, and say to yourself “showtime”. What this means is that you are focused, ready to put your full attention on what is in front of you, ready to bring your very best effort and leave the person in the next interaction filled with joy and enthusiasm. Now, I can hear some of you “tough guys” saying to yourself that you can’t do this because it’s not your personality or you have a more relaxed disposition. I want to tell you something important, and I mean this with all my heart…. That is BULL SH**! If you are not willing to adapt to build a successful business then you care more about your pride and insecurities than gaining time and financial freedom.

For a great example of how NOT to act just go into your average store. Go to Walmart and just ask an employee for help. If you are lucky enough to find someone to even ask, you are likely to get a low energy, half hearted response. I have tested this theory many different times, and I have found that about 1 in 30 people will actually surprise me with a smile and good energy in the interaction. About 1 in 100 will actually go above and beyond to help me with what I need. In our world, most people value customer service and enthusiasm, but for some reason, so many businesses do not know how to build this into the culture and expectations. Because of this, there is a huge opportunity to help your business to stand out in the noise of the business coach market and truly set yourself apart from the competition. Today do the following…

  1. Observe your current impact on others. How do they feel when they are around you? Are they nervous, depressed, high energy, low energy?
  2. Decide how you want people to feel after they have been around you.
  3. Make an actual effort to leave people feeling better after an interaction with you, then they felt before being around you.
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Luke E.

A former Life.Church pastor, Luke is bringing the good news of growing businesses to the masses.

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