Grow Your Business 7x Faster

Reduce your working hours, decrease costs, and increase time freedom + profits!

Since 2006, Clay Clark and his team have been offering a turn-key, flat-rate, one-stop-shop for all your business growth needs including: Graphic design, search engine optimization, branding, print media, photography, videography, digital marketing, coaching, systems creation, human resources coaching, bookkeeping, workflow mapping included (no contracts). Schedule Your Free 13-Point Assessment with Clay Clark Today!

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We’ve interviewed some of the country’s most influential entrepreneurs, speakers, and athletes and there’s much more to come.

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“You guys are brilliant, entertaining, and crushing it!”
– Craig Groeschel
Founder and head pastor of
“I Loved It, I Loved Being With You. Let’s Do It Again!”
-John Maxwell
The best-selling author of 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader
One of Seth Godin’s Favorite Interviews
He Has Ever Had
“This has been thrilling!”
– Seth Godin
Best-Selling Author of 18 Books Including Purple Cow

Meet the Business Owners Who Built

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Dr. Zoellner

ThriveTime Show CEO /
Optometrist / Entrepreneur /
Venture Capitalist

See Businesses

Icon Clay Clark 2 O

Clay Clark

Founder of ThriveTime Show /
U.S. Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year

See Businesses


Hosts of the Thrivetime Show business-coach-radio-listen-live

RGC Intro Vid
  • You Focus On Your Service

    We Focus On Your Growth

  • We take owners of construction and service businesses to the next level. Our program identifies the biggest factors in your business that is holding you back and implements the solutions to consistently overcome them. You stay focused on delivering your service, we stay focused on doing everything else to grow your business.
    View Case Studies
  • All Your Digital Marketing

    If it’s on a computer, we cover it. Best practice WordPress website design, Page 1 SEO, High Converting Facebook, Instagram, & Google Ads, Unlimited Graphic Design, Photo & Video, all included.

  • All Your Digital Marketing

    If it’s on a computer, we cover it. Best practice WordPress website design, Page 1 SEO, High Converting Facebook, Instagram, & Google Ads, Unlimited Graphic Design, Photo & Video, all included.

  • All Your Digital Marketing

    If it’s on a computer, we cover it. Best practice WordPress website design, Page 1 SEO, High Converting Facebook, Instagram, & Google Ads, Unlimited Graphic Design, Photo & Video, all included.

The Four Focus Areas of Clay Clark’s
Proven Business Coaching System

Dramatically Improve the Quality And the Number of Leads That Your Business Receives

By implementing Clay Clark’s proven advertising and marketing processes you will increase the number of high quality leads that your business receives without increasing your overall advertising spend.

Hire An “A-Team” of Quality People In a World Where Most Business Owners Report “They Can’t Find Good People.”

Although most businesses in America are reporting that they are struggling to find high-quality people amidst a “national labor shortage” this does not have to be your reality. Clay Clark and his team will teach you how to find, hire, inspire, train and retain quality employees.

Create Repeatable, Scalable, And Organized Business Systems.

  1. Are your business grows your head does not need to explode. In fact its impossible to build an organization without being organized. Clay Clark and his team will hold your hand through the step-by-step process of becoming sustainably organized and dramatically more efficient.

Becoming Sustainably And Highly Profitable.

Our team of coaches will work with you to install weekly tracking sheets that will help you to increase your profits and to decrease the number of hours that you personally need to work in the business.

Pillar 1 A Single Dollar for Your First Month

Your first two business growth coaching meetings and 2-day interactive business workshop with Mr. Clark and his team are just $1. Mr. Clark insists on offering 18 hours of training for just $1 because he knows that his system only works if clients are willing to put in the work and he doesn’t want to work with clients that simply refuse to implement the proven process and success strategies that he has used to successfully coach thousands of clients and to grow his own multi-million dollar businesses.

Pillar 2 A Single 13-Point Assessment with Mr. Clark Himself

In order to assess whether you are a good fit for our proven program Mr. Clark personally conducts a 13 point assessment with each and every client.

Pillar 3 A Single Plan

Mr. Clark custom designs a business plan just for YOU and YOUR business. Just as Mr. Clark does when starting his own successful businesses he will personally invest the time needed to create a powerful and proven-best-practice business path for you to follow and for his team to help you implement.

Pillar 4 A Single Month-to-Month Commitment

Our program requires a month-to-month commitment. Although most consulting companies insist on implementing long-term, hard-to-understand, stair-stepping and “gotcha” contracts Mr. Clark does not. He simply believes in offering your the world’s best business coaching on a month-to-month basis. However, it is true that many of Mr. Clark’s clients have become his long-term business partners after working together for months on a month-to-month basis.

Pillar 5 A Single Weekly Meeting

The proven processes and success systems created by Clay Clark only work when you are able to keep your weekly meeting.

As a partner / founder of several multi-million dollar businesses (,,,, (The Tulsa Location), PartyPerfect (Which Is Now,, etc.) the former U.S. Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year and the growth coach of choice for thousands of successful clients Mr. Clark’s systems have been proven to work. 

  • Identify what needs to be done 
  • Discuss what needs to be done
  • Solve the problem / assign action items

Pillar 6 A Single Document

The Agenda Google Document must be the main source of communication and implementation in order for you to scale your business and to achieve both time and financial freedom.

Mr. Clark designed the Single Source Document / Agenda system beginning in 2006 for accountability within his own companies and to guarantee that whatever is on the agenda gets done and saved. Over the years this system has worked so well that has now been adapted by many consulting companies that Clay has personally mentored including Redmond Growth and The Leadership Initiative.

When wonderful clients like you send over requests via email, text or phone call it is very likely to get lost, missed or forgotten. However, what goes on the agenda gets done.

Pillar 7 A Single Point of Contact

The business coach that Mr. Clark assigns to you is your source of contact for helping you to learn and implement our proven processes and success systems, however Mr. Clark and his leadership team makes themselves available to answer the questions of great clients like you between the hours of 6 and 7 AM everyday (Monday – Friday).

Your business must be the only person that you use to communicate with our team in order to avoid miscommunication and to make sure that the ball doesn’t get dropped.


Pillar 8 A Singular Focus On Taking Massive Action & Tracking

In order to gain traction and to create both financial and time freedom you must diligently implement the proven processes and best-practice business-building success strategies taught by Mr. Clark and his team.

Tracking Sheet – Ultimate Financial Dashboard –

Remember that the man credited with inventing the modern light bulb, recorded audio and recorded video was correct when he once famously wrote, “Vision without execution is hallucination.”


Pillar 9 A Single Team to Help You Implement the Proven Processes and Systems

When you work with Mr. Clark, his team will help you implement his proven-plan and success strategies. As you learn the proven processes and success strategies taught by Mr. Clark you will quickly find that you will love working with his highly effective full-time team of photographers, videographers, coders, online-advertisement managers, graphic designers, web-developers, work-flow mappers, sales scripters, hr experts, accounting coaching, and bookkeeping specialists.


Pillar 10 A Powerful / Interactive Workshop

When you work with Mr. Clark, his team will help you implement his proven-plan and success strategies. As you learn the proven processes and success strategies taught by Mr. Clark you will quickly find that you will love working with his highly effective full-time team of photographers, videographers, coders, online-advertisement managers, graphic designers, web-developers, work-flow mappers, sales scripters, hr experts, accounting coaching, and bookkeeping specialists.


Need to See More Proof?

See thousands of client success stories since 2005

Who is Clay Clark’s Team?

  • Receive a customized business plan from Clay Clark

  • Receive a 15 Point Assessment from Clay Clark

  • Work with a specific one-on-one coach who will lead you down the proven path

  • All business coaches are personally trained by Clay Clark and are proven experts in business growth

  • Proven Growth will be achieved

See Thousands of Clay Clark Success Stories since 2005

Watch case studies in a world of get-rich-quick scams and countless people claiming to have the ability to create overnight wealth. Clay Clark stands alone having created thousands of success stories since 2005.

Clay Clark’s Turn-key Business Coaching Experience (since 2005)

Less than the cost of hiring a $7.25 per hour employee!

Conference Experience Version 2 ThrivetimeShow 1

Is Your Business Stuck?

Grow your business and decrease your costs with our proven business coaching program. Let our team help you scale your sales, systemize your operations, streamline your accounting systems, optimize/build your website, enhance your graphic design, transform your marketing, and help you create the time and financial freedom you’ve been looking for…all for less money than it would cost you to hire a $10 per hour employee.

Best Business Books How To Become Sustainably Rich

Download A Millionaire’s Guide: How to Become Sustainably Rich for FREE

The SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, Tulsa Young Entrepreneur of the Year and the founder of several multi-million dollar businesses teaches you the specific steps, the proven processes and the success strategies needed to grow your business NOW.

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Schedule your FREE 13-Point Assessment with Clay Clark TODAY.

Taking Businesses to a New Level with a Business Coach

Grow Your Business 7x Faster. Reduce your working hours, decrease costs, and increase time freedom + profits!

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We’ll beat any of these coaching programs’ prices by at least 65%


In 4 months our internet leads have grown x12

We were virtually unknown on Google, but now we are the highest rated and most reviewed company in Raleigh.

Overall for the year we are up 15% over last year.

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At our 2-day Interactive 15 hour business conferences, we will teach you the specific action steps that you must take to build a turn-key and profitable business that has the capacity to produce you sustainable profits. You will learn best practice systems for marketing, search engine optimization, sales, time management, hiring, firing, accounting, personal finance, and leadership and we will answer all of your business questions.

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Business Coach | ThriveTime Radio Show
  • Member of the Forbes Coaching Council
  • 5 Star Google Rating

    “When everyday is bring your child to work day.”
    When every day is bring your child to work day. - Fast Company

  • “The Jim Carrey of entrepreneurs!”
    Yahoo! Finance

  • Over 1,700 Reviews

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  • “The Thrive Radio Show is both entertaining and informative. Your humor combined with the powerful information is like combining Steve Martin and Steve Forbes.”
    - Jim Stovall (Emmy Award winner, International Humanitarian of the Year Award winner, Entrepreneur of the Year Award winner, best known for his bestselling novel The Ultimate Gift)

  • “The Jim Carrey of entrepreneurs!”

  • Amazon Best Seller
  • “Clay Clark is an entrepreneur extraordinaire! I love how his mind works and the energy he exudes. I’ve enjoyed working with him over the past few years. His listeners will gain great insight on what will improve their opportunities in business.”
    - David Robinson (NBA Hall-of-Famer)

Dr. Robert Zoellner & Clay Clark
Download the Boom Book eBook


By The SBA Entrepreneur of the Year and current member of the Forbes Business Coach Council, Clay Clark teaches specifics on growing your business to the next level.

Get Your Free BOOM E-Book

Did You Know That Clay Clark Was Actually Tim Redmond’s Business Coach, Mentor And Exclusive Vendor-Provider? 

Did You Know That Tim Redmond Was Actually Taught How to Become a Successful Business Coach By Clay Clark?

Did You Know That Clay Clark Actually Mentored Tim Redmond’s First Business Coaches? WATCH –


Who Is Tim Redmond?

Tim graduated from college with a Bachelor of Science degree (with Honors) in Accounting and earned his Certified Public Accounting (CPA) status. As a trained CPA, Tim Redmond started his business career working with Pricewaterhouse Coopers.

At the age of 25, Tim Redmond landed a job working for Tim E. Kloehr, a successful entrepreneur based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Who Is Tim E. Kloehr? Learn More HERE:

While working for Tim E. Kloehr, Tim E. Kloehr grew Tax And Accounting Systems into a business which he sold for $62.5 million when Tim Redmond was 44 years old (April 2001). After spending years working as consultant, author and speaker, Tim Redmond was featured in John Maxwell’s 21 Laws of Leadership.

Tim Redmond hired Clay Clark in 2012 to teach him how to start and grow a successful business consulting business. Listen to Tim Redmond share how Clay Clark helped him to grow his business below:

Tim Redmond Testimonial | “I would have anywhere from 5 clients to 20 clients with networking, but it would go up and down. Clay, that’s why I came to you. I’ve doubled every year since working with you. That’s 100% growth every year. I’ve doubled 5 times.” – Tim Redmond (Founder of


Tim Redmond appreciated Clay Clark’s business coaching program and mentorship so much that he decided to show his appreciation for Clay Clark by dishonoring (failing to observe or respect (an agreement or principle) he had signed agreement with Clay Clark.

To further show support, Tim Redmond intentionally focused his attention on hiring well-trained former Clay Clark employees. To further show his appreciation for Clay Clark, Tim Redmond then continued to visit Clay Clark’s haircut chain Elephant In the Room Men’s Grooming Lounge to receive free haircuts. When not quoting Jesus and the Bible, Tim decided to show his massive appreciation for Clay Clark by deciding to attempt to offer the same exact services that Clay Clark and his team have been offering to clients since 2005. To thank Tim Redmond for his commitment to attempting to replicate Clay Clark’s proven business systems, processes, strategies, methods and best-practices we will always be happy to help you grow your business for 50% less than Redmond Growth Consulting will charge you.

Learn More About Tim Redmond Today Here:


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