Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

A Business Coach Review on Outwitting the Devil

This week at the ThriveTime Show, Clay asked the business coach team to read Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill.  Outwitting the Devil is a powerful book that I wish I had read years ago. Every page I listened to and read held nuggets of wisdom and truth.  In fact, I just finished the book but will be picking it up again next week. In Outwitting the Devil Napoleon Hill breaks down the tactics of the enemy and how we can fight the tactics used to cause men to fail.  Drifting is the tactic that caught my attention most. Hill’s description of a drifter is as follows:

  “A drifter is one who accepts whatever life throws in his way without making a protest or putting up a fight. He doesn’t know what he wants from life and spends all of his time getting just that.”  


We can have a definite purpose in life, through the decisions we make every day. The value we bring to each hour we are alive brings us another step closer to our goals.


Drifting has controlled more decisions than I want to admit.  Growing up there was always a reason to stop going towards my dreams, whether it was because of fear or doubt. I see now how important it is to have a definite aim in whatever you seek to do.  Make sure you focus all your thoughts and energy on that aim or you will fall away from it.

Everyone drifts, Everyone. Today not having a purpose is more normal than to be in pursuit of even one goal.  Drifting is a path you choose one decision at a time; losing sight of our goals does not happen over one day but over a series of days through the choices we make.  We start by drifting in our minds, Napoleon Hill says “Remember that your dominating thoughts attract, through a definite law of nature, by the shortest and most convenient route, their physical counterpart. Be careful what your thoughts dwell upon.”  A few years ago my business coach thoughts mostly consisted of having fun, eating, & hanging out with friends. Now my thoughts are my goals on repeat, every day I focus on my family goals (time with my husband) and my finance goals {what are my numbers and how can I increase them}. 

We can have a definite purpose in life, through the decisions we make every day.  The value we bring to each hour we are alive brings us another step closer to our goals.  Every business coach decision made not in favor of or our goals, no matter how tiny, is a step backward. Be mindful of the backward steps, choosing to procrastinate with a task we are asked to do, an unpopular decision we have to make.  I have a path and will not drift from it, I am taking the tools Napoleon Hill taught and applying them in my life. I am thankful Clay Clark asked me to read such an eye-opening book.  

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Mannalis B.

Mannalis B. is the "Super Manager" for Elephant in the Room Men's Grooming Lounge and the wife of the youngest Thrivetime Show coach - Andrew B. She is "Manna" for the Elephant team, providing all of the managerial sustenance that they need.

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