Business Coach Diaries

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Books Are Mentors Too

When it comes to business, one thing ALL successful people realize, whether you are an entrepreneur or not, success comes from many things and proper mentorship or business coaching is a huge part of that. Most of us know we need mentors. Many of you may already have incredible mentors in your lives that help hold you accountable to your goal, or at the very least, lead an excellent example with their actions. 

But does mentorship absolutely have to come from someone you know personally?

Does it have to be someone taking time, investing in you, and teaching you the way up the mountain and how they did it? Most of the time this is the case. But what happens when those relationships are limited. After all, there are only so many hours in the day. Great mentors usually mentor more than one person. So how do you keep growing your network, or how do you continue seeking proper business coaching or mentorship if you realize the few mentors you have in your life, are the few in your life because people like that are not a dime a dozen. 

You seek books. This actually just dawned on me during a conversation with one of my mentors and it never occurred to me that books can actually be a mentor to you. This got me thinking and I’ve been thinking about it for weeks ever since the conversation. Let me put it like this. Napoleon Hill is a mentor to me. Me! Me?! Julea` Merriott in Tulsa Oklahoma has been and continues to be mentored by Napoleon Hill. But wait, there’s a problem. He’s dead. How does a dead guy mentor anyone? THROUGH HIS BOOK. 

We all know reading is a huge part of personal development. But if you’re like me, you never considered it mentorship. I think it changes the conversation and the mindset about mentorship when you realize, it doesn’t have to be a daily, weekly, or even any type of scheduled face-to-face interaction. We can get mentorship from books! We can seek mentorship from podcasts. We can seek mentorship from online videos, social media, maybe even TV. 

Here’s the catch though. If you came to the realization that mentorship actually can come from other sources besides the traditional networking method, now you realize the sky’s the limit. BEWARE!. Beware of the Tai Lopezes of the world and the charlatans claiming mentorship with actual horrible ethics. Be careful and continue shielding your mind from the WRONG kind of mentorship. I can tell you personally, Napoleon Hill is never a bad call. Find your actual mentors that you know, have them make a list of five of their favorite books, and all of a sudden, your network of solid mentors just grew 5 times.

Either way, when you realize reading is not a chore, an obligation, or an assignment, it helps to realize that you are actually seeking mentorship and you will grow for it. We encourage you to reach out to us on the podcast by emailing [email protected] and we would be THRILLED to give you a list of top books we recommend. Of course, if you tune into the Thrivetime Show business coaching podcast, you will have one of my personal favorite mentors, Clay Clark, in your ear nine times per week teaching you how to reach your goals in your business. Seek PROPER mentorship from books, audiobooks, podcasts, and more, and see how it transforms your life.

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Julea M.

Julea` M. is part of the Thrivetime Show business coaching team. She's passionate about growing businesses and doubles as the 13-point assessment caller for the Thrivetime Show.

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