Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Carry The Things You’ll Need

As the title states, generally, you should carry the tools, skills, materials, and information you need to succeed. This is a broad business coaching statement that has guided me in all aspects of life. It helps to know the results needed to gather tools and skills that will facilitate the success of the results. It is all too common for people to start a project or task without having what’s needed. That is no excuse or reason to abandon the mission laid out. With the Make Your Life Epic business coaching team, we help multiple business owners accomplish the things needed to best grow their businesses. Business owners know they want more out of their business though may not know how to best do that. The benefit of having a dedicated business coach is that you will know the next action items necessary to grow your business as well as have a dedicated and diligent adult keeping you accountable while you run your business and deal with external chaos from it.


Is Your “Extra” actually “Efficient”?

It seems in our current society, extra anything is seen as a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, Extra salsa or extra steak is great. At the same time, extra ingredients in a recipe can ruin the whole dish. I like to treat aspects of my life as a delicate dish with a strict recipe and list of ingredients needed. When growing your business and accomplishing your goals, extra may support the cause or be detrimental to the success of it all. For example, when your business needs more Google reviews. Extra Google reviews are phenomenal. When needing to stay focused on writing a blog, extra chit-chat is detrimental to that task. This became a topic when I noticed several business coaches tell their clients that it is imperative that they follow the path in order to grow their business so they can achieve the goals they set out to have. I will then hear their clients respond with wanting to be extra with other things that are not on the path such as new logos, website edits, or employee drama. Focus on the path, don’t take unnecessary steps, and your goals will be completed one by one. Clay Clark’s easy to remember acronym for F.O.C.U.S. is Focus On Core-Task Until Success. Apply this to your life today and watch your Key Performance Indicators increase.


Passive Income Is Mandatory

Every action item or situation a business owner encounters will call for different measures to be taken in order to supersede the obstacle ahead. Arm yourself with tools and skills that will make it easy to nail that task as well as more likely that you won’t have to deal with that ever again by scaling a business system. The first time I heard the question “Are you working in your business or on your business?” it made me reconsider my beliefs on the role a business plays in someone’s life. Most business owners that are in my family work in their business because it’s their job and are content with that. At the same time, I know they would love to have passive income and time freedom. They’ve failed to act on this question. They are an extra hard business coaching that has earned everything they have… except time and financial freedom. I now understand cash flow is truly the name of the game and believe it is the route I am to navigate my life through in order to accomplish my time and financial freedom. The tools and skills can be bought, the diligence and grit come from within. Stay on the path, F.O.C.U.S., and kick all the extra butt!

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Adrian H.

Adrian H. is the office teddy bear and manager of the Elephant in the Room call center. With a sense of humor and enthusiasm for life that rivals ALF, he consistently brings the energy needed to help businesses succeed.

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