Business Coach Diaries

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Does Website Content Really Matter?

Does website content really matter? Have you talked to your business coach and they have mentioned content for your website? Have you ever asked yourself what do I put in it and why does it matter? Here you are going to be given the secrets of content for your website to help get you to the top of Google! (In conjunction with many other things!)

Each page of the website that people can actually click on and see needs to contain One Thousand words of ORIGINAL content. That means you can’t copy and paste a manual or features from products you carry on each page, but you actually have to talk about the services you offer, benefits of using you versus the other guys, and anything else really that has to do with your business. Some business coach clients choose to talk about how they do some of the services they offer or how they came up with the business and what need it fills. Each page needs to have the one thousand words and needs to contain your keywords six times. (Example – We at Steve’s Automotive repair are here to serve you like the best auto repair in Tulsa (these would be your keywords).  

After you have written the content that people can see comes the fun part, the stuff they can’t. You can choose to have our dedicated team of professional SEO writers write your content for you, or you can write it yourself. Most of the same rules are going to apply, first, you have to have one thousand words per page and then you have to weave your keywords in. When you have your keywords in you have to make sure they are exact. If you are targeting the keyword phrase (Best Auto Repair Tulsa OK) It is going to have to appear exactly like that, no commas no adding additional words to make it sound better. So your sentence may go like this, If you are looking for the Best Auto Repair Tulsa Ok, look no further than Steve’s Automotive. See how I didn’t add and (in) between Repair & Tulsa, although grammatically it would have been correct?


Each page of the website that people can actually click on and see needs to contain one thousand words of ORIGINAL content.


If you are struggling with what to write about you have lots of options! The important thing is it has to be relevant to your business, you can’t write about what your pastor preached about on Sunday and how it changed your perspective (unless of course, you are a church). If you own an auto repair shop it would be good to write about warning signs that things are wrong with your car or the importance of regular maintenance. Just make sure you are working on those keywords that you are targeting. I know of one business coach client who got a generic book about his type of business then would open it up, and look at the title of the chapter, then write an article about that topic. So there are many things you can do the important thing is to just talk about your business. 

For more information about ways, you can dominate Google and get the most out of your SEO check out the book by Jonathan Kelly & Clay Clark. Search Engine Domination available on Amazon!

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Wendy T.

Wendy T. is a former Elephant in the Room manager turned business coach who is as passionate about growing businesses as she is about World of Warcraft.

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