Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Finding a Mentor is a Must

In all my time working outside of this amazing place I was constantly surrounded by people that did not have the drive to do the right thing or to do what they said they were going to do. Before working at Thrive I thought that everyone told the truth about the hours they worked if they stole something from the store and so forth. However, in hindsight, I have learned, or really have solidified this week, that this is not always the case. There are times when it might be easy to just mail it in, only try a little, or only work hard when your boss is standing over you. However, it is so much more rewarding for me when I work hard and continue to work hard because I said that I would. This week I got a chance to see the people on our business coaching team do what they said, and others just simply say that they would. One of the many tasks of managing people is trying to find out what their true intentions are.


It is so much more rewarding for me when I work hard and continue to work hard because I said that I would.


Since becoming manager of the Search Engine Optimization team I have had the opportunity to see all aspects of human nature. I have seen people that “really wanted to work here,” but when the job shadow came around, when they get a chance to see us during a workday, they are less enthusiastic about the business coaching job. I have seen people who have used copy and paste, even though I explained to them that we don’t do that here. Time and time again there are people that are only going to work hard when the boss or supervisor is looming over them. It’s kinda soul-crushing a little bit if I think about it too much. However, there are good people out there that we are trying to find. People that do what they say, have goals, know they’re why, and are just dedicated people. The ones that make managing people all worthwhile are the ones you can depend on to get the job done right. They stay late and get to work early just so a goal can be met and they are the ones that are winning. The people that are in this world are never going to be upfront and honest with you the first go around, it takes probing questions to really get to the core or root problem. With some people they are easy to read, others take a little pushing to finally get the real reason. 

There is a large variety of people that come and go at Thrive, but the ones that stay are the ones that live up to what they said they were going to do, meet their business coaching deadlines and do whatever it takes to get stuff done. Jonathan Kelly is the president of MYLE, and a huge mentor to me has been the biggest reason why I am able to learn these skills so young in life. There has been a huge shift in my life since I have started to learn and apply these skills that he and Clay have taught me.

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Ben S.

Ben S. is the leader of the Search Engine Domination team for Make Your Life Epic and an overall amazing guy...I mean, just look at that smile and tell me you can't get to the top of Google.

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