Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Growth is Contagious…But So Is Stupid

This week I had the opportunity to be pulled into an episode of the ThriveTime Show with Clay, a business coach in training Adrian, and a guy who was shadowing the office for the afternoon. During this episode, Clay asked Adrian and me some questions about what it was like to work at Thrive as a business coach and then he talked about how much our clients have grown over the past year. Most of our clients have grown at least 40% which is absolutely incredible! Clay asked Adrian why he thought our business coaching clients have grown so much and Adrian said something very profound. He said, “They grow because we grow.”

This is such an excellent point, he was saying that our business coaching clients grew because all of us as a team grow together and individually. Clay brought us back the bible verse, Proverbs 13:20, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”  Breaking this verse down is pretty simple. When you surround yourself with people who succeed you too will succeed. However, hanging around unsuccessful individuals will only bring you down. The biggest point to this verse is that there is no fine print that says except for family, long term employees, or childhood friends because if they are unsuccessful it won’t matter. No matter who it is they will negatively affect your life. At the end of the day it is a black and white choice do you want to be successful or not?


“They grow because we grow.”


As I was reflecting on what Adrian said I was thinking about how I can grow and therefore help my business coach clients grow. I thought of all the life tips Clay and Jonathan Kelly had given me over the past year and was able to assess the areas that needed improvement and implementation. As a business coach, I often wander outside of work how else I can help them reach their goals and I realized the answers are all around me, successful people will influence success around them so as I continue to implement the things that I am learning from Clay and Jonathan and share them with my clients when applicable, I will be able to spread that success.  Just this week Clay gave us several tips on how we could be even better coaches. He said if we haven’t already we should automate our savings, open up a cashback credit card, and listen to podcasts (from successful and not crazy people) on our daily drives. All of these three things will help get you in the mindset of success. I can speak personally to these three steps because I have seen how they have greatly benefited me and my husband’s life and put us on the path towards our goals. 

Here at Thrive, Clay is passionate about making sure that we practice what we preach. If we didn’t there would be cognitive dissonance. We would be attempting to teach something that we didn’t fully live or believe in and once that vibe is there people can sense it and it becomes difficult to gain the trust of business coach clients or to inspire a growth rate of 40%. 

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Amelia S.

Amelia S. is a business coach for the Thrivetime Show coaching team and is married to SEO jedi Ben S. Don't let her smile fool you...she means business when it comes to growing businesses.

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