Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Just Let Go

This business coach life is short and unfortunately for us, it’s actively ending one second at a time. So why waste time chasing the dreams of others or trying to achieve anything other than what is important to you? It’s far too easy to get distracted by what doesn’t matter or to dwell on the things that we simply do not have control over in the first place. Each and every day, we will face an obstacle that will inevitably obstruct the path towards our success, and this dilemma often trips the majority of us up for far longer than it should. In a world where every single person has to have complete control over every tiny aspect of their lives, it is common to fixate on the idea that everything has to be perfect. This perfect idea of control only serves to create more problems and obstacles if not attended to properly. So what exactly am I trying to say here? It is impossible for you to control every detail of your life. Rather than focusing on the things that you cannot control and allowing them to eat you alive and render you a soulless shell, wouldn’t it just be easier to let go? 

We live in a world that is rampant with false expectations and ever-changing social norms that only ever serve as a means to make us feel less than. The growing business coach trends such as the fear of missing out and cancel culture continue to dictate the ways that we choose to live out our existence in a detrimental and abusive manner. Everyone is afraid to be themselves, and nobody is brave enough to look these idiotic and ridiculously idealistic farces in the face and give them the proverbial middle finger. As a result, we cave under pressure and decide it’s better to go with the flow and spend the rest of our lives cowering in fear, while simultaneously feeling hollow, unfulfilled, and anxiety-ridden. Grasping at straws and gasping for air as we’re pulled further beneath the waves of problems that should not concern us in the slightest. We’ve all been there as a business coach. We experience some form of upset, heartbreak, anger, annoyance, etc., and choose to compartmentalize the resulting feelings rather than dealing with them head-on. After all, the thought of taking action against the unknown can certainly be terrifying. But what if I told you there was another option? What is the simplest and most personally rewarding action to take was to simply not care about what doesn’t concern you? 

I’m not saying that it’s necessarily cool or acceptable to genuinely not care about anything. What I am saying, however, is that there are only so many things that we personally have control of on a daily basis. We’re only equipped to handle a certain bandwidth of information. And the amount of occurrences that we can actually control is drastically diminished with the introduction of each new burning fire. It’s better to take a step back and focus on the immediate actions that one can take, rather than throw oneself into the void of pointless worry over tiny details that really have no weight or effect on us as a whole. You’re only given a certain amount of time on this earth, and if we’re being honest, you really don’t control just how long that is. So don’t waste that time in a constant state of flux as it relates to areas outside of your control. Just breathe and let go. You’ll find what can be done and feel much more satisfied for having accomplished it in the end. 

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Jason B.

Jason B. is one of the business coaches for the Thrivetime Show. Often confused for a younger Barack Obama, his sheer desire for businesses to succeed cause his clients to say, "Yes we can!"

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