Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Keep It Simple

Let’s take a trip to my College education days. Where I spent hours and hours cramming information for one test only to forget it the next day, going through mountains of busywork that amounted to nothing, and reading thousands of pages of vague information and ideas. A place where Lectures physically pained me and time seemed to come to a stop

College was a time where, yes I learned things, but 99% of the time it was not applicable to anything in real life. Coming to the business coaching program that is Thrive was completely different. Everything I learned was and is an actionable skill, something that I can use immediately. One of my favorite things about working with Clay and Jonathan Kelly is the learning style. They tell you, show you, and then have you show them. No vague ideas are drawn out over months just real-life knowledge in minutes. 


The closer people are to accomplishing their goals the more they just have to do the same simple repeatable tasks. It’s not about how many things you can do, how busy you are, or how many action items you assign. It’s all about just doing the same thing over and over again.


This all came together this week when Clay mentioned it in one of our business coaching meetings that the further and further you get to the top of the mountain ( or better known as success) the path will get more narrow. This means that the closer people are to accomplishing their goals the more they just have to do the same simple repeatable tasks. It’s not about how many things you can do, how busy you are, or how many action items you assign. It’s all about just doing the same thing over and over again. 

What is crazy to me is that it is completely opposite of how the world works. College, for example, the whole thing is about dragging out your education to last years and give you very little applicable knowledge. They disguise this fact by making everything complicated, compensating with a never-ending list of tests, exams, and 2-hour lectures.  As I was thinking about this subject this week I thought about all the times my professors said, “You won’t necessarily use this in the field, but it is important for you to know” and I distinctly remember thinking …then why on earth are we wasting time discussing it? This has never ever been the case at Thrive. Just today Clay taught me a new way to save videos into a workable format. A small skill, but still something that I needed to know and didn’t. It took all of 2 minutes, and then he had me create a useful link in order to make the teaching process easier for others in the future. If that had been college we would have taken a whole week discussing that same process. 

Hearing Clay put all this knowledge into such a simple form helped me gain an easy way to communicate to my business coaching clients that just because their homework list is shrinking, it is definitely not a bad thing. We all just have to unlearn the way we have been taught since birth that more work automatically equals more success which is not true because at the end of the day simplicity scales and the road is narrow at the top of the mountain.

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Amelia S.

Amelia S. is a business coach for the Thrivetime Show coaching team and is married to SEO jedi Ben S. Don't let her smile fool you...she means business when it comes to growing businesses.

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