Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Scheduling Your Life or Else!

This week we are starting at the beginning.  My husband and I have achieved one of our big financial goals.  Now that we have hit one of them we have sat down and written out the steps to our next milestone.  If it weren’t for writing out our goals my husband and I wouldn’t have turned our first home into a rental property which led to paying off our car which led to saving up for our first dream home which is leading to purchasing a third rental home which will lead us to the next mark in our journey to time and financial freedom!  Why am I narrating the past year and a half of my life? Because each of the actions my husband and I took would not have been possible without sitting down, writing our goals out, and breaking the goals down into steps. Clay encourages the entire business coach team to write out their F6 goals. Clay talks about and breaks down F6 goals at every conference, he brings up the F6 in team meetings every week. Why does Clay, a business coach, constantly talk about goals, F6 goals specifically?  Because without a specific aim we are just drifting around. Drifting is the opposite of success. Drifting leads to unhappiness and poverty, both of which no one wants but many people don’t know how to get out of. 


If it weren’t for writing out our goals my husband and I wouldn’t have turned our first home into a rental property.


A goal requires action to hit it; without a path, reaching success is impossible. Success is for everyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to achieve their dream. It is common to stop or give up when your goals require you to do things that make you uncomfortable, for example:

  • Waking up prior to 5 am
  • Scheduling out your day
  • Sticking to your to-do list
  • Saying no to anything not on your list


There is not a single person in this world that has achieved success without stepping out of their comfort zone and committing themselves to the diligent pursuit of their goals.  John C. Maxwell said “We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are.Your dreams are waiting outside of your bubble of comfort. It is extremely important to grab a whiteboard and list out your goals TODAY.  

Working for the best business coach program in the world has provided an opportunity to learn and grow six times as much as what I have been able to in the past.  A year and a half at the Thrivetime Show has given me more knowledge and experience than the past seven years of working combined. The personal and financial growth in my life could not have been possible without the coaching provided by Clay Clark and Jonathan Kelly.

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Mannalis B.

Mannalis B. is the "Super Manager" for Elephant in the Room Men's Grooming Lounge and the wife of the youngest Thrivetime Show coach - Andrew B. She is "Manna" for the Elephant team, providing all of the managerial sustenance that they need.

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