Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Success Is Doing the Same Thing over and Over!

Are you looking for the secrets of success? Do you know what it takes for you and your business to be successful? Well if you don’t you’re in luck because we are the business coaches here to tell you! Often times we as business coaches find that our clients get bored after they passed the struggle phase. The struggle phase is the phase where nothing is going right. We are making website edits all the time, you’re barely making any money and you’re trying to figure out whether or not you are still going to be in business next week. You have gone through fifteen team members in six months because you refuse to implement the group interview. You do not know your numbers because you refuse to track anything and maybe are a little scared too. This is the struggle phase. 


Here is the secret: Don’t innovate, Don’t change anything, keep doing EXACTLY what you are already doing.


Once you start implementing more of what your business coaches tell you, you get past the struggle phase. You then get to enjoy the honeymoon phase. You have a stable team of employees, you are following all of the systems that have been put in place. You have your calls recorded, you are tracking all of your numbers and calling your leads. You are happy and you have hit all of your goals! You finally achieved that time and financial freedom that you’ve been looking for. Now, what do you do?

That my friends are where the problems being, this is where owners get bored. This is the phase nobody wants to do anything anymore because they are bored, owners stop showing up to meetings, or they show up and want to change everything because they want to innovate because they are bored, here is the secret: Don’t innovate, Don’t change anything, keep doing EXACTLY what you are already doing. Yes, you read that correctly, keep doing exactly what you are doing. 

This is really the secret to success which is to ensure that you do the same thing over and over. That is the secret to success. You’re going to find that if you are doing the same thing over and over the business coaches’ boss Clay calls that the stupid repetitive tasks you will succeed. And you will continue to be successful. You’re going to find that they are stupid repetitive tasks are going to include things like Google reviews, video reviews, adding content to your website, add tracking and calling your leads. That said that is going to be your formula for success. You’re going to find that if you don’t do these things after have already become successful that that successful begin to lose traction. 


Stupid repetitive tasks equal for the success of your business.

So put that song on repeat and let’s go! 1) Google reviews, 2) Video Reviews, 3) Website content, 4) Track and call your leads! 1) Google reviews, 2) Video Reviews, 3) Website content, 4) Track and call your leads! 1) Google reviews, 2) Video Reviews, 3) Website content, 4) Track and call your leads! You will continue to win!

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Wendy T.

Wendy T. is a former Elephant in the Room manager turned business coach who is as passionate about growing businesses as she is about World of Warcraft.

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