Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

The Best Business Conference On The Planet – Day 1

Day 1 and a Double Dose of Dragon Energy 

The official date today is December 19th. That means it has been 6 full days since the December Thrivetime Business Conference, and I am STILL riding the energy wave that it generated. Now keep in mind, I’ve attended every Thrivetime business conference since December of 2018, but this past one was the best one yet! I get asked often by friends, family, or clients that have not had the chance to attend a business conference just what is so exciting about them. For me that’s a loaded question because I could go on and on about why these business conferences are important to me, so to make better use of your time I’ll stick to the highlights of the December 2019 conference. 

I pulled into the parking lot at 4:45 AM to assist with the final touches for the conference set up. I walked in and was greeted immediately by Jonathan Kelly saying, “Jason start a fire!” Anyone who knows me knows I enjoy starting a good fire, so that was a fantastic way to begin my morning. I started the chimenea out front while my fellow coworkers lit pinion briquettes on the small business conference floor. Just like that, the entire office smelled like a pinion wonderland. We finalized our preparations and Clay called us over to the bar for a pre-conference huddle. There we received our full two-day agendas that outlined every single aspect of the conference. We were given our specific missions, ended the huddle with a massive BOOM, and were then released to start greeting our Thrivers. The team lined up on both sides of the door to create a hype funnel for our guest. I posted up right out front with my snare drum and proceeded to play people in. The awesome Adrian shouted “Welcome to the Thrivetime business conference, YOU are a great American” through a megaphone at all of our guests as they entered. It was all absolutely electrifying. Picture the massive pep rallies from some of your favorite movies. Now imagine all of those rolled into one, pump full of caffeine and B vitamins, and the volume turned up to eleven. That’s the energy that kicked off day one of the conferences! Once everyone was greeted and found their seats it was time for the real fun to begin. 


Who Is Possibly Excited For A Business Conference At 7 AM? 

Another question I get asked frequently is how in the world are we able to begin each of these conferences at 7 AM? Well my friend, were you sleeping during that last paragraph? There’s no secret whatsoever. Clay starts each conference day at 7 AM because there’s a lot of ground to cover so the earlier we begin the better. He also knows that anyone willing to arrive that early is a good fit. After all, only the successful wake up prior to 6 AM and are ready to attack the day. Clay is also intentional about setting the bar for the energy levels. That’s why he has us at the front doors literally slapping entrepreneurs in the face with positive energy from the jump. This conference we were all in for a special treat as Clay and Jon unveiled their newest creation, Dragon Energy! This is their own personal energy supplement that coined the phrase “Guaranteed to taste 100% better than cat urine”. For those of you not familiar with what “dragon energy” is, it is the shared energy and drives that Trump and Kanye have that makes them respect each other so much. So Clay and Jonathan decided to prepackage that energy and provide it to the go-getters out there. At the end of the first session, Clay lined up samples for all of our conference guests to try it for themselves and get crazy energized. It was met with great enthusiasm and you could tell it had set in during the next session as everyone was laser-focused. 


The Importance Of Meeting Successful People

I love coming to the business conferences and inviting my clients to take part as each one is a great opportunity to meet a fellow business owner that is absolutely crushing it. With nearly 300 guests this time around, our building was full of hundreds of success stories, best practices, and business growth strategies. We had current clients celebrating massive growth over last year and also teaching what they learned to up and coming or aspiring business owners sitting just a few feet away from them. It was a blast to see my personal clients getting to revel in their successes and to show others the importance of implementing the systems they’ve learned from Thrive. 


The Devine Matt Kline of Oxi Fresh

We were extremely blessed to be in the presence of the Oxi Fresh brand developing superstar, Mr. Matt Kline this time around. If you are a regular listener to the Thrivetime Show Podcast then you should definitely be familiar with who this remarkable man is and what he does. Matt Kline is not just the brand developer and franchise salesman for Oxi Fresh, but he also owns two locations himself. He provided our attendees with actionable steps towards optimizing their businesses. From the importance of having a centralized call center for booking appointments, to how having more than 40 Google reviews can affect your sales.


So Many Famous Faces

As if having a legend like Kline wasn’t enough, Clay also had an appearance from PR legend Michael Levine. I would love to go into detail about Mr. Levine, but he has his own special section in part two to better breakdown the lessons he provided. We saw an appearance from the inventor of the wicked awesome Grill Blazer Grill Gun, Mr. Bob Healey. Bob and his team set up during lunch and let our guest shoot his flame-spitting pistols. Oh, did I mention Bob blasted the massive F6 ice sculpture down to nothing but a puddle? Needless to say, it was incredible having team Grill Blazer here. We also had an encore appearance from MMA legend Justin Wren! With so many great people it’s hard not to have a good time at these conferences. We finished off day one with an inspiring story about not giving up on your business goals just because things get difficult from the founder of Rustic Cuff, Mrs. Jill Donovan. Every time I attend a conference I always leave having learned something new, or with another example of hard work and dedication to inspire me even further.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Things couldn’t possibly get any more exciting than this, but that was only day 1 homies! Stay tuned for our epic conclusion and all the wonders day 2 had to offer!

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Jason B.

Jason B. is one of the business coaches for the Thrivetime Show. Often confused for a younger Barack Obama, his sheer desire for businesses to succeed cause his clients to say, "Yes we can!"

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