Business Coach Diaries

Real stories from real Business Coaches

Uniting Your Team

Form A Team That Communicates

The idea of having a well organized and productive business coaching team in your company should be a reachable goal and not a dream. It is possible to have a team of enthusiastic and intentional employees who implement your business coaching systems and support the culture of the company. The level of support that your team provides ranges from the bare minimum like showing up to work and clocking in, to a maximum level of productivity caused by great energy and communication. The absolute best Special Operation teams in the world call the United States of America, HOME! I’ve asked myself how a fellow neighbor could be a highly-skilled, disciplined, and deadly force against the evilest of the world. I will provide examples of why these spec ops teams are effective and how your business can employ these methods to achieve growth and structure. 

Strategizing With Your Leaders

The importance in a clear and present communication flow in your top leadership is ESSENTIAL! There is no alternative to it. Business owners have to be an influence in the leadership or the team will not know how to follow the path or produce the targeted result. If you’re a business owner and are not the type to be directly involved in strategizing with your leaders you must delegate this responsibility to the strongest and most reliable business coaching employee. Be aware that you are sacrificing knowing the fine details of the mission in order to gain a minimum involvement in operations. This may be detrimental to your strategy. If you are the one being delegated to, lead the team knowing you are accepting the liability of being an operator of a mission you have no ownership in and must have solidified pride in your competency with skills and intelligence. It is a trade-off in the knowledge you currently possess and the wisdom you’ll gain in exchange for being a leader. 

Leading The Charge 

In a breaching team, the frontman leads the stack of operators into position before breaching a room. He has several duties to accomplish the mission as fast and safely for himself and the team. He is there to assess the entry point, gain access into the room, be the first one in and allow the team to fall into a position to clear the room of any threats. I am explaining this situation in order to describe the importance of leading the charge in your team and company. Be the leader to get your team into position whether that means training your service technician to do a job consistently well or promoting a sales associate into a management position knowing they’ll be able to produce results with the team they’ll lead for you as a business owner. As the owner of your company, you are responsible for achieving the goals of the company. Who else cares as much as you do? No One. Separate all emotion from this. It is the best way to know your business systems are functioning correctly and producing a profit. Do not let your team follow improper training or misunderstand the mission. Your company’s presence in the market is developed over several years, though the destruction of that reputation can happen within hours. Keep importance on weekly morning meetings, delegation, and enthusiastic employees!! Kick in the door to success and gain a sight picture of your goals! Fire at Will! 

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Adrian H.

Adrian H. is the office teddy bear and manager of the Elephant in the Room call center. With a sense of humor and enthusiasm for life that rivals ALF, he consistently brings the energy needed to help businesses succeed.

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