Business Coaching Diary Posts

  • Who Wants A Worthy Why? class=

    Who Wants A Worthy Why?

    Feeling Stuck? You’re Not Alone Amigo! Have you ever woken up one morning and asked yourself, “What’s the point of doing anything?” If you have I’m here as a business coach to tell you that’s entirely normal and that you are in no way a freak of nature. Everyone is susceptible to going through the daily motions of life on autopilot....[ Read More ]
  • Rush to Revenue class=

    Rush to Revenue

    This week, I worked with one of my business coaching clients and we were reviewing the percentage of growth that he had experienced. This is a client that owns a business up in California and we have been working with him for a few months at this point. When we started working with him, he was at a spot where...[ Read More ]
  • Show What You Know class=

    Show What You Know

    This week during our business coach meeting business coach Clay talked about the importance of taking action. He said that as the business coach it is our job to get the business coaching client moving faster. We need to get into it, meaning the initial path, faster. The initial path contains things like gathering passwords, launching the website, creating ads,...[ Read More ]
  • Let it Flow Through You class=

    Let it Flow Through You

    How to deal with difficult people who are angry, and illogical. With the election going on this business coach week it was all that anyone was talking about, who needs to win this state, who needs to win that state, and what is going to happen if Biden or Trump wins. There is a lot of division going on right...[ Read More ]
  • How You Can Increase Profitability class=

    How You Can Increase Profitability

    Have you ever asked yourself how you can increase profitability and production in one fail business coaching swoop? I have an answer for you. If you are like a lot of my clients then you are not going to like it, but, if you implement this into your business then you will take your business to the next level. Honestly,...[ Read More ]
  • The Psyche Of A Champion | Coaches Diaries | Adrian Hernandez class=

    The Psyche Of A Champion | Coaches Diaries | Adrian Hernandez

    For those of you diligent doers who read these epic business coach diaries from the best business coaches on the planet, you will see a common denominator… a psyche of greatness. I can make the assumption if you are reading this you are looking to increase or develop your ability to be a champion in your chosen field of work...[ Read More ]
  • Enthusiasm class=


    Enthusiasm, according to business coach Clay and my most recent Google Search from Oxford Languages, originates in Latin as “inspired or possessed by a God”. So essentially, enthusiasm means that God is within. Enthusiasm, and the presence or lack thereof can be both personal and business. People think that having enthusiasm simply means being happy. That is not the case....[ Read More ]
  • Are You Willing to Do What It Takes class=

    Are You Willing to Do What It Takes

    Everyone can agree that they want time and financial freedom. The problem is not everyone is willing to make the business coaching, the trade-ups it takes to stay on the path to time and financial freedom. Many people quit when they’ve only just taken one step and some people quit when they’re even halfway there. But the few that go...[ Read More ]
  • Focus On What You Can Control class=

    Focus On What You Can Control

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock your entire business coaching life it is not difficult to see that there is a lot of crazy stuff happening in the world. Not only during the time of COVID and electron fraud. There is always stuff going on around you. A skill that Clay and Jon have helped me develop as a...[ Read More ]
  • Have a Freakin’ Goal! class=

    Have a Freakin’ Goal!

    As a business coaching pro, If I've said it once i’ve said it 100 times… Have a freaking goal! If you don't know what you are working for… then how do you know what you are working for. It is not surprising to me that the majority of people I meet are following a pre-set path that culture has taught...[ Read More ]
  • What Does Your Company Stand For? class=

    What Does Your Company Stand For?

    Establishing core values and sticking to them Oftentimes when working with a business owner we’ll encounter a situation where they feel like either they or their staff are slowly drifting out of alignment. More often than not this cognitive dissonance is brought on by a lack of defined and consistent company core values. After all, it’s easy to focus on...[ Read More ]
  • Stop Being Lazy and Know Your Numbers class=

    Stop Being Lazy and Know Your Numbers

    Yes -- I said it. Stop being lazy. This is one of those, “If I could write a letter to me” type of blogs today. I say this with as much, “I get you. I feel your pain”, but also with as much intensity because I DO get it and I DO see it all of the time. YOU HAVE...[ Read More ]
  • Uniting Your Team class=

    Uniting Your Team

    Form A Team That Communicates The idea of having a well organized and productive business coaching team in your company should be a reachable goal and not a dream. It is possible to have a team of enthusiastic and intentional employees who implement your business coaching systems and support the culture of the company. The level of support that your...[ Read More ]
  • The Proof is in the Results class=

    The Proof is in the Results

    One of the business coaching things that Clay talked about this week is how important role-playing is when training. We have to assume that when we are teaching somebody how to do something, they do not understand what we are saying or the checklist that we’ve created for them. Oftentimes people will start their new job sit down in front...[ Read More ]
  • Being Actively Engaged class=

    Being Actively Engaged

    One of the points from this week at the business coaching HQ was being actively engaged in the work you are doing. From what I have seen from my experience from managing people to simply working as an employee is that those that are actively engaged, and are not simply mailing it in, are the ones that make it. The...[ Read More ]
  • Always More Checklists! class=

    Always More Checklists!

    This week at the business coaching HQ Thrivetime Show I learned more about checklists. Checklists are important and necessary to the successful functioning of any business. The industry of the business does not matter when it comes to checklists.  All businesses have tasks that must be completed in order for the product or service to be sold to product happy...[ Read More ]
  • What Am I Going To Do About It? class=

    What Am I Going To Do About It?

    One of the big things that Thrive has taught me during my business coach and was really set into my mind this week, was that taking action is key. I have talked about how not deciding on what to do is damaging to  your business and taking too long to decide or reach a decision is also bad. Taking action...[ Read More ]
  • Will You Get Better or Not? class=

    Will You Get Better or Not?

    There is no such thing as being stagnant in your own business coaching life. You are always moving in one direction or another. You simply need to decide which direction that will be. This was the topic of discussion during the all-staff meeting this Monday here at the business coach headquarters. Clay talked about how every week we come to...[ Read More ]
  • Just Let Go class=

    Just Let Go

    This business coach life is short and unfortunately for us, it’s actively ending one second at a time. So why waste time chasing the dreams of others or trying to achieve anything other than what is important to you? It’s far too easy to get distracted by what doesn’t matter or to dwell on the things that we simply do...[ Read More ]
  • Your One Thing class=

    Your One Thing

     Today our business coach meeting, Clay talked in great detail and depth about picking your thing and sticking with it until completion. So many times we get on a new thing and then decide that we’re done with that we’re bored with it and move onto the next thing very quickly. We as humans enjoy new things and I think...[ Read More ]
  • Dysfunctional class=


    Have you ever been around a dysfunctional business coach or individual that cannot seem to get it together? Now, to be fair, we all have our own levels of dysfunction, but I am talking more specifically about the type of person that seems to always be in chrysis. Their car is always breaking down or they always have an excuse...[ Read More ]
  • Google Optimization 101 class=

    Google Optimization 101

    This week at the Thrivetime Show business coach program I learned more about Google optimization.  By this, I mean optimizing your Google My Business to rank higher on Google.  If you are not on page one then you will not be getting leads from Google. Most shoppers across the country, ninety-one percent to be exact, according to Forbes, search online...[ Read More ]
  • Do You Know What To Do With Feedback? class=

    Do You Know What To Do With Feedback?

    Another beautiful week has passed in the Make Your Life Epic office of the best business coach team in the World! This is a fact with an average business growth rate of 104% year over year! I reflect on how this is possible for hundreds of clients that have been blessed by the MYLE Business Growth team. I attribute three...[ Read More ]
  • Stick to Your Guns class=

    Stick to Your Guns

    One of the main points from this week at the business coach headquarters was saying no to things that get in way of your goals. The successful in life are the ones that have goals and stick to the plan that they made to reach those goals. You know what you want out of life and setting a goal does...[ Read More ]
  • Don’t Flush Your Potential class=

    Don’t Flush Your Potential

    Potential is defined as having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. When most people visualize potential they see an aspiring athlete that is destined to break records, an up and coming business coach or entrepreneur that has the drive to become a legendary business mogul, or a musical artist that will someday master...[ Read More ]
  • Don’t Lose the Fire class=

    Don’t Lose the Fire

    Whenever you begin something new, a new relationship, a new workout plan, a new business coach, a new job, or any sort of new project it is exciting. You have momentum, a sense of resolve. You spend hours meal prepping, talking on the phone about nothing, or preparing for a meeting. But without an intentional attitude that momentum, that motivation,...[ Read More ]
  • It All Comes Down to Training class=

    It All Comes Down to Training

     This week I was able to work on training employees with many of my business coach clients. It is so very important to develop a great training system for your employees so that way when you bring on new employees, you don’t have to personally retrain everybody everything. When you create a great system for training, it allows you to...[ Read More ]
  • The Main Thing class=

    The Main Thing

    Have you ever known anyone that seems to always be doing something but never actually accomplishes or finishes anything? As a former pastor turned business coach, I would watch this happen in ministry a lot. Pastors and staff members would have a “great idea” about a program or a curriculum or a book or a ministry that could reach or...[ Read More ]
  • Essential Marketing class=

    Essential Marketing

    The Three Legged Marketing Stool Google reviews, search engine optimization, and dream 100 calls are all essential business coach and marketing tools for businesses to grow and thrive. It is important to have three ways, legs, to marketing, this is called the three-legged marketing stool. A three-legged marketing stool enables the business to continue receiving leads in the event that...[ Read More ]


    Something this week has reminded me as a business coach is how important the culture in your company is. The common denominator is the diligence that the employees in the Thrive office display every day. The beginning of the workweek starts off with an all-staff morning meeting that allows everyone to see one another, discuss their weekends, and develop friendships...[ Read More ]


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